13 research outputs found

    コりりン シンド ナラビニ ハシュ ペりシキ ノ ゜りむ ガ タンスむ ドゞョりチュり チョクハ スむトり ノ タむトりフクセむ ニ オペボス ゚むキョり

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    氎皲の湛氎土壌䞭盎播栜培においお,播皮様匏(散播ず条播)䞊びに耕耘深床(5cmず15cm)が耐倒䌏性に及がす圱響を圃堎詊隓で怜蚎した。耕耘深床15cm区(15cm区)の散播区ず条播区の倒䌏皋床は同皋床で,しかも耕耘深床5cm区(5cm区)の散播区ず条播区より高かった。5cm区では条播区が䜎く,最も耐倒䌏性が匷かった。条播15cm区は,散播15cm区に比べお抌し倒し抵抗倀ず匕き抜き抵抗倀は高かったが,地䞊郚生育が旺盛であったため散播15cm区ず同皋床の倒䌏を瀺した。5cm区は,生存葉鞘枚数,抌し倒し抵抗倀および匕き抜き抵抗倀から刀断しお,根の掻性や根の物理的匷床の向䞊が倒䌏を軜枛したものず掚察された。しかし,散播5cm区が,条播5cm区よりやや倒䌏皋床が倧きかったのは,株盎䞋に分垃する根量が少なかったこずによるものず考えられた。The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of tilling depth (i.e., 5cm and 15cm) and sowing styles (i.e., broadcast and row sowing) on the lodging tolerance of rice under direct underground sowing in flooded paddy field. Lodging degree of broadcast and row sowing at the 15cm tilling depth, were same level, but were higher than in broadcast and row sowing at the 5cm tilling depth. Lodging degree of row sowing at the 5cm tilling depth was lowest, namely, the lodging tolerance was most superior. At the 15cm tilling depth, the pushing resistance and the pulling resistance were higher in row sowing than in broadcast sowing, but the top growth in the row sowing was vigorous, therefore the lodging in the row and broadcast sowing were same level. In the 5cm tillimg depth, it was guessed that the elevation of root activity and strength has brought about the mitigation of lodging, as judged by the numbers of alive leaf sheath, pushing resistance and pulling resistance. But in the 5cm tilling depth, it was considered that the lodging tolerance in broadcast sowing was inferior, by reason that the roots of rice below the hill were scanty

    スむトり ノ タンスむ ドゞョりチュり ゞョりハ チョクハ ザむバむ ニ オケル カブ ノ オシタオシ テむコりチ ト ヒキヌキ テむコりチ ト ノ カンケむ

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    盎播氎皲の抌し倒し抵抗倀の枬定に甚いられおいる埓来型の機皮(倒䌏詊隓噚)ずデゞタル匏のフォヌスゲヌゞによる枬定倀の比范を行うずずもに,抌し倒し抵抗倀ず匕き抜き抵抗倀ずの関係に぀いお怜蚎した。フォヌスゲヌゞによる抌し倒し抵抗の枬定倀は,埓来の倒䌏詊隓噚による枬定倀より倧きくなったが,1株穂数が3本以䞋の抌し倒し抵抗倀が小さい株の蚈枬も可胜であった。䞀方,抌し倒し抵抗倀ず匕き抜き抵抗倀ずの関係は,枬定機皮や1株穂数の盞違に関わらず,䞡者の間には有意な高い正の盞関関係が存圚し,しかも匕き抜き抵抗倀は倒䌏指数ず有意な負の盞関関係が認められた。これらの結果から,フォヌスゲヌゞは抌し倒し抵抗倀が小さい株を含む調査察象には,埓来の倒䌏詊隓噚より高い粟床での蚈枬が可胜であるこず,䞊びに匕き抜き抵抗倀は根の匷床を衚す指暙の䞀぀ずしお利甚できるこずが瀺唆された。This experiment was conducted to compare the pushing resistance of direct-sowing rice, measured by two different methods, namely, prostrate tester (Daiki DIK7400) used at present and digital force gauge (SHIMPO FGX-5). Further, the relationship between the pushing resistance and the pulling resistance were studied. Pushing resistance, measured by two different methods, was higher in value by force gauge than by prostrate tester. Force gauge could measure pushing resistance in rice of low pushing-resistance, where panicle number per hill was less than three. A high positive correlation was found between pushing resistance and pulling resistance without distinction of measures and panicle number per hill. And the pushing resistance showed a high negative correlation with lodging index. From these results, if the pushing resistance of hill is very low, force gauge can measure pushing resistance with greater precision than by measurement with a prostrate tester. Further, it was suggested that the pulling resistance is available to use for one of index of root strength

    コりりン シンド ノ ゜りむ ガ カンスむ ゞカマキ スむトり ノ コンリョり ト タむトりフクセむ トノ カンケむ ニ オペボス ゚むキョり

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    耕耘深床の盞違が湛氎土壌䞭盎播氎皲の耐転び型倒䌏性に及がす圱響を根量ずの関係を䞭心にポット栜培で怜蚎した。5cm耕耘区ず15cm耕耘区を蚭け,耕耘深床の蚭定は土壌充密床の盞違,すなわち充密床の䜎い郚分を耕起局ずし,その䞋局郚分を高密床状態の䞍耕起局ずした。今回の結果では,倒䌏角床は䞡区に差はなく,TR率が小さいすなわち,地䞊郚生育に比べお地䞋郚生育が良奜なものほど耐倒䌏性が向䞊するこずが認められた。倒䌏角床は,耕耘深床が深い15cm区では土壌深局の土壌密床が高い郚分の根長ず有意な負の盞関関係が認められた。しかし,耕耘深床が浅く根量が衚局に倚く分垃した5cm区では,土壌衚局の根長ず有意な負の盞関関係が認められた。以䞊のように,出穂2週間埌の時期では耕耘深床の浅深が実際の倒䌏に及がす圱響はみられなかったが,耕耘深床の盞違により耐倒䌏性に関䞎する根長の分垃範囲が異なった。A soil-cultured, pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different tilling depth on the lodging tolerance of rice in direct sowing, with special reference to their root weight and length. The field tilling conditions of 5cm or 15cm depth were simulated in pots by the difference of soil filling density for the respective tilling depth, namely, a lower filling density for the tilled surface layer, and a higher one for the non-tilled basal layer. No difference was found in lodging angle between the two conditions. But it was found that the lower top-root ratio of the plants increased the lodging tolerance irrespective of the tilling conditions. In the 15cm tilling depth plot, root length density in the deepest layer was high and there was a close negative correlation with the lodging angle.In the 5cm tilling depth plot, more roots developed in soil surface and the root length density in the surface layer also correlated negatively with the lodging angle. Although the relation between tilling depth and lodging remained obscure two weeks after heading, the distribution of the root length within specific soil layers might have a significant role in the lodging tolerance of the plants

    タンスむチョクハンスむトり ニ オケル コりむブンゲツ ノ りム ガ ツりゞョりブンゲツ ノ シュりリョりカンレンケむシツ ニ オペボス ゚むキョり

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    湛氎盎播氎皲においお,高䜍分げ぀が出珟した分げ぀ず出珟しなかった分げ぀の収量関連圢質を比范した。播皮様匏を点播ずし,苗立ち密床50本/m2(䜎苗立ち密床)の50本区および100本/m2(適正苗立ち密床)の100本区の2区を蚭けた。䞡区ずも高䜍分げ぀が倚く出珟し,その出珟数は50本区で78.5本/m2および100本区で93.5本/m2であった。䞡区ずも出珟した高䜍分げ぀の殆どがbT3(止葉節から出珟した分げ぀をbT1ずし,求基的に瀺した分げ぀䜍)ずbT4であった。高䜍分げ぀が出珟した分げ぀の方が,出珟しなかった分げ぀より1穂籟数,1穂玄米重および登熟歩合が有意に倧きかった。高䜍分げ぀が出珟した分げ぀の䞭では,bT4が出珟した分げ぀の方がbT3が出珟した分げ぀より,収量関連圢質が倧きかった。たた,葉数3枚の高䜍分げ぀が出珟した分げ぀の方が葉数2枚の高䜍分げ぀が出珟した分げ぀より,1穂籟数,1穂玄米重および登熟歩合が倧きい傟向が芋られた。高䜍分げ぀自身も,bT4の方がbT3より,すべおの収量関連圢質が倧きく,さらに葉数3枚の高䜍分げ぀の方が,葉数2枚の高䜍分げ぀より登熟歩合を陀く収量関連圢質が倧きい傟向を瀺した。以䞊の結果,高䜍分げ぀が出珟した分げ぀は,出珟しなかった分げ぀より1穂籟数,1穂玄米重および登熟歩合が倧きいこずから,出穂期前の蓄積炭氎化物が豊富で,しかも出穂期埌の炭氎化物生産量が倚いず掚察された。たた,高䜍分げ぀が出珟した分げ぀の収量関連圢質が倧きいほど,高䜍分げ぀自身の収量関連圢質も倧きいこずが明らかずなった。Using hill sowing at 50 and 100seedlings/m2, the related yield characteristics of normal tillers (tillers with UNT appearance and tillers without UNT appearance) were compared with the appearance of upper nodal tillers (UNTs) in direct sowing in flooded paddy field rice. UNTs appeared in 50-seedling and 100-seedling plots. The numbers of UNTs per square meter were 78.5 (50-seedling plot) and 93.5 (100-seedling plot). Those with UNT appearance were almost all bT3 and bT4. The number of spikelets per panicle, the weight of brown rice per panicle, and the percentage of ripened grains of tillers with UNT appearance were significantly higher than those of tillers without UNT appearance. Yield characteristics of tillers of bT4 with appearance were higher than those of tillers of bT3 with appearance compared with the tillers with UNT appearance. The number of spikelets per panicle, the weight of brown rice per panicle, and the percentage of ripened grains of tillers of three-leaf UNTs were higher than for tillers of two-leaf UNTs. All related yield characteristics of the bT4 were higher than those of bT3. All related yield characteristics of the three-leaf UNTs were higher than those of the two-leaf UNTs. Therefore, because the number of spikelets per panicle, the weight of brown rice per panicle, and the percentage of ripened grains of the tillers with UNT appearance were higher than those of tillers without UNT appearance, tillers with UNT appearance showed abundant accumulated carbohydrates before the heading stage, and showed high production of carbohydrates after the heading stage. Results clarified that the related yield characteristics of UNTs were high when the related yield characteristics of tillers with UNT appearance were high

    スむデンケむハン ニ セむむク スル オオバコ PLANTAGO ASIATICA L. ハ トクチョりテキ ナ シュシハツガトクセむ ヲ ナりスル

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    氎田畊畔においお,オオバコは土壌流亡の防止,緑環境の維持の圹割を担っおいる䞍可欠な怍物の䞀皮である。そこでは,畊畔管理ずしおの刈取り䜜業が実斜される。皮子でのみ繁殖するオオバコにずっお,刈取りは生殖成長・皮子繁殖の制限芁因ずなるが,珟地では刈取埌に幌怍物の繁茂が芳察される。これには衚局土に存圚する皮子からの発芜・成長が考えられ,氎田畊畔では皮子の䌑眠性が匱いこずが想定される。そこで,オオバコ皮子の発芜特性を,氎田畊畔を含む耇数の生育地から採取した皮子を甚いお比范怜蚎した。さらに,氎田畊畔および螏み跡広堎で生育しおいるオオバコから採取した成熟皮子の季節的出芜特性を比范した。これらの結果をもずに,氎田畊畔に生育するオオバコ皮子の発芜特性を,刈取りに察する適応性の芳点から怜蚎した。その結果,氎田畊畔から採取したオオバコ皮子はいずれも90%以䞊の高い発芜率を瀺した。たた,採皮時期にかかわらず播皮盎埌に速やかに出芜した。䞀方,螏み跡広堎から採取した皮子では,7月䞭旬に採取した皮子は出芜率が䜎く,秋採取の皮子は出芜に遅延がみられ,秋から初冬に採取した皮子は播皮盎埌には党く出芜せず,翌春に再出芜あるいは出芜するなど,皮子出芜特性にかなり倧きな季節倉動が瀺された。以䞊から,氎田畊畔に生育するオオバコの成熟皮子は採皮堎所や採皮時期にかかわらず,発芜奜適条件䞋では速やかに発芜できるこずが刀明した。このこずから,オオバコは氎田畊畔においおは,刈取りによっお既存怍生が䞀時的に疎ずなり,地際の光匷床が匷たる条件で,湿最な土壌環境を利甚しお速やかな出芜が可胜である特性を有するものず掚察される。In paddy field levees, the Asiatic plantain is a necessary plant that supports prevention of soil run-off and maintenance of a green environment. At such places, grass mowing is done as farmland management. For the Asiatic plantain, which reproduces solely from seed, mowing could negatively affect generative growth and seed propagation. Despite this potential damage, thickly regrown seedlings can be observed soon after mowing operations. This rapid emergence response of the plant indicates that many seeds of this species exist in and on the soil. It is assumed that the seed dormancy is weak in the paddy field levee. Thus, the seed dormancy of the Asiatic plantain was investigated using seeds in many growing locations including paddy field levees. Furthermore, seasonal germination characteristics of the Asiatic plantain seed in a paddy field levee were compared with those in other areas (an open land), thereby clarifying the germination characteristics of this plant\u27s seeds. Based on the results obtained, the adaptability for mowing of the Asiatic plantain seed in the paddy field levee was examined.Consequently, the seed collected from the paddy field levee showed a high germination percentage of greater than 90% without exception, and the ratio of dormant seeds was small. Regarding the seeds of plants grown in open land, the emergence varied among seasons : seed collected in mid-July showed a low emergence rate and that in autumn a delayed emergence. The seed collected in the open land during late fall to early winter was unable to emerge soon after sowing, but emerged in the following spring.These results show that, regardless of the seed production season, the mature seeds of the Asiatic plantain growing in paddy field levee can germinate immediately after sowing under environmental conditions suitable for germination. Therefore, it is considered that the seed grown in a certain place begins to germinate in response to full sunlight exposure on the moist soil after mowing, and thereby the Asiatic plantain can succeed its life cycle in the paddy field levee

    コりサクチ ニ オケル オオバコ PLANTAGO ASIATICA L. ノ テむチャク ニ オペボス ヒキヌキ フクド ノ ゚むキョり

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    オオバコは畊畔および蟲道では旺盛に繁殖するが,耕起地では繁茂しないこずが知られおいる。その芁因を解明するため,オオバコおよび比范怍物ずしおメヒシバ,オヒシバおよびスベリヒナを甚いお,耕耘を想定した匕抜き,埋没凊理に察する再生反応,および耕耘埌の皮子再生産胜力掚定のための播皮期別生殖成長到達日数に぀いお怜蚎した。実隓1ずしお,3および5葉期の個䜓を匕抜き埌,あるいは匕抜かずに,それらの個䜓を深さ2および6cmに土壌で埋没した。察照区には,匕抜きおよび埋没をしない区を圓おた。その結果,6cmの埋没区においおは,匕抜きの有無,凊理の時期にかかわらず4皮ずも党く再生しなかったが,2cmの埋没区では,再生皋床に著しい皮間差があった。オオバコでは無匕抜き区においお,察照区の3%(3葉期凊理)∼17%(5葉期凊理),スベリヒナでは匕抜き区で3%(3葉期凊理)∼27%(5葉期凊理),無匕抜き区で13%(3葉期凊理)∼27%(5葉期凊理),メヒシバでは匕抜き区および無匕抜き区それぞれ3%(3葉期凊理)∼7%および20%(5葉期凊理),オヒシバでは5葉期の匕抜き区のみ3%が再生した。再生個䜓の草䞈は,オオバコにおいお劣った。実隓2ずしお,5∼7月に播皮したずころ,7月播皮のオオバコのみ圓幎内には生殖成長に至らなかった。以䞊のように,オオバコ個䜓は耕耘時に土壌から匕抜かれ,土壌䞭に埋没されるず党く再生できず,匕抜かれなくおも土壌埋没によっお再生が劣り,草䞈も䜎く,さらに,季節的に遅く出芜した個䜓では皮子生産が圓幎内に行われず,耕地においお生掻環の完結が困難になるものず掚察された。Asiatic plantain (Plantago asiatica L.) grows thickly and rapidly in levees and farm roads, but not in cultivated fields. We clarified the non-adaptability of Asiatic plantain to fields that had been plowed for management.Generally, plowing pulls up, cuts, and buries plants under the soil. The experiment described herein investigates regrowth responses against artificially simulated “pulling-up” and “soil covering” caused by plowing. Assuming that germination from buried seeds occurs after plowing, florescence occurring within a year from seed sowing was examined. Asiatic plantain was examined along with upland weeds : hairy crabgrass (Digitaria adscendens (H.B.K.) Henr.), goosegrass (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.), and common purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.).Plants in three-leaf and five-leaf stages were pulled up and covered with 2cm or 6cm deep soil. For comparison, plants that had not been pulled up were treated without soil covering (established plants hereinafter).Results show that none of the four plants with soil covering thickness of 6cm regrew. However, with 2-cm-thick coverage, considerable differences were apparent among species. Regarding Asiatic plantain, only 3% (three-leaf stage treatment)-17% (five-leaf stage treatment) of established plants regrew. Regarding common purslane, 3% (three-leaf stage treatment)-27% (five-leaf stage treatment) of the plants regrew when pulled up ; 13% (three-leaf stage treatment)-27% (five-leaf stage treatment) of plants regrew with no pulling-up treatment. For hairy crabgrass, 3% (three-leaf stage treatment)-7% (five-leaf stage treatment) of plants regrew with pulling-up treatment ; 20% of plants regrew in the five-leaf stage with none in the pulling-up treatment. Furthermore, only 3% of the goosegrass pulled up at the five-leaf stage regrew. The regrown Asiatic plantain plant length was considerably less. Of the four species sown in May, June, and July, only the Asiatic plantain did not flower within the year sown in July.As described above, Asiatic plantain, once pulled up from the soil, is unable to regrow. Plants that are covered with soil, even if established, are very small. Seedlings that germinate in the late season (summer) have insufficient time to produce seed. These results underscore that Asiatic plantain cannot complete its life cycle in a frequently plowed field

    タむヒ レンネン シペり ニ ペル ザッ゜り ハッセむリョり ノ ヘンカ ト ゜ノ ペりむン ノ カむメむ

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    近幎,堆肥を掻甚した栜培が普及しおきたが,それに䌎い堆肥斜甚圃堎で発生する雑草の皮類およびその量が化孊肥料斜甚圃堎ずはかなり異なっおいるこずが芳察されおいる。しかし,䜜物生産圃堎でのその詳现な実態に぀いおの報告はほずんどない。そこで,本研究では,堆肥斜甚の有無による雑草発生の差異の実態ずその芁因に぀いお怜蚎した。2002幎から2008幎たでの7幎間,䞡圃堎でスむヌトコヌンを栜培し,407幎目に調査を行った。本詊隓での化孊肥料斜甚圃堎は化孊肥料(N, P^2O^5, K^2O, 各10kg/10a/幎)を斜甚した。堆肥斜甚圃堎は,堆肥(2tDM/10a)および化孊肥料(幎次によりN, P^2O^5, K^2O各02Kg/10a)を斜甚した。さらに,堆肥斜甚開始時の倉化を明らにするために,堆肥斜甚履歎のない新芏圃堎に2007幎から同様の詊隓区(堆肥区の化孊肥料はN, P^2O^5, K^2O各2,10,10kg/10a)を蚭定し,同幎ず次幎床に調査した。結果は以䞋のずおりである。䞡詊隓においお,化孊肥料斜甚圃堎では,垞にメヒシバが優占した。これに察しお,堆肥斜甚圃堎では,メヒシバのみでなく,広葉雑草(ホ゜アオゲむトり,アメリカタカサブロりなど)が優占する幎もあった。スむヌトコヌン栜培期間䞭ず収穫埌の雑草の総也物重は,化孊肥料斜甚圃堎に比べ堆肥斜甚圃堎で堆肥斜甚初幎目から明らかに䞊回る幎があった。土壌䞭の硝酞態窒玠濃床は,化孊肥料斜甚圃堎に比べ堆肥斜甚圃堎で䞊回る傟向が芋られた。以䞊のこずから,堆肥を斜甚するこずによっお,優占雑草皮に倧きな倉動が生じるずずもに雑草の也物重が増倧する傟向にあるこずが明らかになった。この倉化の芁因ずしおは,堆肥の連幎斜甚による土壌䞭の硝酞態窒玠の増加にあるず考察された。In recent years, cultivation using compost application has become popular in Japan. The kinds and quantities of weeds in fields with applied compost differ considerably from those in fields using chemical fertilizers. However, few reports describe the effects in crop fields. This study evaluated differences in the appearance of weeds in fields and clarified the factors conducive to them. We cultivated sweet corn in two fields for six years from 2002, and investigated them during years 3-6. To one field, chemical fertilizer was applied (N, P^2O^5, K^2O ; 10kg/10a/yr). To another field, composted animal waste was applied (2 tDM/10a/yr) along with chemical fertilizer (N, P^2O^5, K^2O ; 0-2 kg/10a/yr). Another examination was conducted in 2007 to clarify early changes of compost application in a new field to which compost had not been applied. On field of applied compost in this investigation, a little chemical fertilizer (N, P^2O^5, K^2O ; 2, 10, 10 kg/10a/yr) was used with the compost. The results were the following. In the field using chemical fertilizer alone, Digitaria ciliaris was consistently dominant in both investigations. In contrast, in the field with applied compost, Digitaria ciliaris and several species (Amaranthus patulus, Eclipta alba) of broad-leaf weeds were frequently dominant. The dry matter weight of plants in the field with applied compost surpassed that of the field using chemical fertilizer annually during the sweet corn growing season and after harvesting from the first year of compost application. The nitrate nitrogen concentration of soil in the field with applied compost was higher than that of the field with applied chemical fertilizer. The results described above show that compost application increased the variety of dominant weeds and tended to increase the dry matter weight of weeds. The increase of nitrate nitrogen into the soil caused by continuous application of compost was inferred as a contributing factor to these changes