183 research outputs found

    Critical reflection and dialogical learning design: moving MOOCs beyond unidirectional transmission of content

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    Distance education and e-learning has been around for some time now. The ubiquitous development of the internet (Sharples, 2007) has however made way for the emergence of new educational formats such as the much talked-about Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Within MOOCs users have access to educational literature and tasks at all times, which allow users to fit the course into their own pace, place and Personal Learning Environment (Attwell 2007).Today MOOCs has spread across the globe, and in Denmark we now see institutions such as Aarhus University developing a new course with roots in the MOOC format, however without the ‘Massive’ part (Aarhus University, 2016).Over a 5 week period we conducted a netnographic (Kozinet, 2015) mixed methods research of the MOOC Blended Learning Essentials (https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/blended-learning-gettingstarted/2). Contrary to the acclaimed potentials of MOOCs, our research showed a pronounced lack of dialogue and a high degree of what Freire (1996) calls “the banking concept of education,” entailing a high amount of one-way knowledge transmission (Hoem, 2006). To circumvent these tendencies, the paper presents a case analysis and design framework for moving MOOCs beyond “the banking concept of education” and towards dialogue in ways that support critical thinking; a high-level cognitive skill essential to higher education (Laurillard, 2012).

    Social isolation and all-cause mortality: a population-based cohort study in Denmark.

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    Social isolation is associated with increased mortality. Meta-analytic results, however, indicate heterogeneity in effect sizes. We aimed to provide new evidence to the association between social isolation and mortality by conducting a population-based cohort study. We reconstructed the Berkman and Syme's social network index (SNI), which combines four components of social networks (partnership, interaction with family/friends, religious activities, and membership in organizations/clubs) into an index, ranging from 0/1 (most socially isolated) to 4 (least socially isolated). We estimated cumulative mortality and adjusted mortality rate ratios (MRR) associated with SNI. We adjusted for potential important confounders, including psychiatric and somatic status, lifestyle, and socioeconomic status. Cumulative 7-year mortality in men was 11% for SNI 0/1 and 5.4% for SNI 4 and in women 9.6% for SNI 0/1 and 3.9% for SNI 4. Adjusted MRRs comparing SNI 0/1 with SNI 4 were 1.7 (95% CI: 1.1-2.6) among men and 1.6 (95% CI: 0.83-2.9) among women. Having no partner was associated with an adjusted MRR of 1.5 (95% CI: 1.2-2.1) for men and 1.7 (95% CI: 1.2-2.4) for women. In conclusion, social isolation was associated with 60-70% increased mortality. Having no partner was associated with highest MRR

    Hydronium-dominated ion transport in carbon-dioxide-saturated electrolytes at low salt concentrations in nanochannels

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    Nanochannel ion transport is known to be governed by surface charge at low ionic concentrations. In this paper, we show that this surface charge is typically dominated by hydronium ions arising from dissolution of ambient atmospheric carbon dioxide. Taking the hydronium ions into account, we model the nanochannel conductance at low salt concentrations and identify a conductance minimum before saturation at a value independent of salt concentration in the dilute limit. Via the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, our model self-consistently couples chemical-equilibrium dissociation models of the silica wall and of the electrolyte bulk, parametrized by the dissociation reaction constants. Experimental data with aqueous KCl solutions in 165-nm-high silica nanochannels are described well by our model, both with and without extra hydronium from added HCl

    Evidence for More than One Parkinson's Disease-Associated Variant within the HLA Region

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) was recently found to be associated with HLA in a genome-wide association study (GWAS). Follow-up GWAS's replicated the PD-HLA association but their top hits differ. Do the different hits tag the same locus or is there more than one PD-associated variant within HLA? We show that the top GWAS hits are not correlated with each other (0.00≤r2≤0.15). Using our GWAS (2000 cases, 1986 controls) we conducted step-wise conditional analysis on 107 SNPs with P<10−3 for PD-association; 103 dropped-out, four remained significant. Each SNP, when conditioned on the other three, yielded PSNP1 = 5×10−4, PSNP2 = 5×10−4, PSNP3 = 4×10−3 and PSNP4 = 0.025. The four SNPs were not correlated (0.01≤r2≤0.20). Haplotype analysis (excluding rare SNP2) revealed increasing PD risk with increasing risk alleles from OR = 1.27, P = 5×10−3 for one risk allele to OR = 1.65, P = 4×10−8 for three. Using additional 843 cases and 856 controls we replicated the independent effects of SNP1 (Pconditioned-on-SNP4 = 0.04) and SNP4 (Pconditioned-on-SNP1 = 0.04); SNP2 and SNP3 could not be replicated. In pooled GWAS and replication, SNP1 had ORconditioned-on-SNP4 = 1.23, Pconditioned-on-SNP4 = 6×10−7; SNP4 had ORconditioned-on-SNP1 = 1.18, Pconditioned-on-SNP1 = 3×10−3; and the haplotype with both risk alleles had OR = 1.48, P = 2×10−12. Genotypic OR increased with the number of risk alleles an individual possessed up to OR = 1.94, P = 2×10−11 for individuals who were homozygous for the risk allele at both SNP1 and SNP4. SNP1 is a variant in HLA-DRA and is associated with HLA-DRA, DRB5 and DQA2 gene expression. SNP4 is correlated (r2 = 0.95) with variants that are associated with HLA-DQA2 expression, and with the top HLA SNP from the IPDGC GWAS (r2 = 0.60). Our findings suggest more than one PD-HLA association; either different alleles of the same gene, or separate loci

    Epigenome-wide association study of peripheral immune cell populations in Parkinson’s disease

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    Understanding the contribution of immune mechanisms to Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis is an important challenge, potentially of major therapeutic implications. To further elucidate the involvement of peripheral immune cells, we studied epigenome-wide DNA methylation in isolated populations of CD14+ monocytes, CD19+ B cells, CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells from Parkinson’s disease patients and healthy control participants. We included 25 patients with a maximum five years of disease duration and 25 controls, and isolated four immune cell populations from each fresh blood sample. Epigenome-wide DNA methylation profiles were generated from 186 samples using the Illumina MethylationEpic array and association with disease status was tested using linear regression models. We identified six differentially methylated CpGs in CD14+ monocytes and one in CD8 + T cells. Four differentially methylated regions were identified in monocytes, including a region upstream of RAB32, a gene that has been linked to LRRK2. Methylation upstream of RAB32 correlated negatively with mRNA expression, and RAB32 expression was upregulated in Parkinson’s disease both in our samples and in summary statistics from a previous study. Our epigenome-wide association study of early Parkinson’s disease provides evidence for methylation changes across different peripheral immune cell types, highlighting monocytes and the RAB32 locus. The findings were predominantly cell-type-specific, demonstrating the value of isolating purified cell populations for genomic studies

    Breeding unicorns:Developing trustworthy and scalable randomness beacons

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    Randomness beacons are services that periodically emit a random number, allowing users to base decisions on the same random value without trusting anyone: ideally, the randomness beacon does not only produce unpredictable values, but is also of low computational complexity for the users, bias-resistant and publicly verifiable. Such randomness beacons can serve as an important primitive for smart contracts in a variety of contexts. This paper first presents a structured security analysis, based on which we then design, implement, and evaluate a trustworthy and efficient randomness beacon. Our approach does not require users to register or run any computationally intensive operations. We then compare different implementation and deployment options on distributed ledgers, and report on an Ethereum smart contract-based lottery using our beacon

    The GBA variant E326K is associated with Parkinson's disease and explains a genome-wide association signal

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    Objective Coding variants in the GBA gene have been identified as the numerically most important genetic risk factors for Parkinson's disease (PD). In addition, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified associations with PD in the SYT11-GBA region on chromosome 1q22, but the relationship to GBA coding variants have remained unclear. The aim of this study was to sequence the complete GBA gene in a clinical cohort and to investigate whether coding variants within the GBA gene may be driving reported association signals. Methods We analyzed high-throughput sequencing data of all coding exons of GBA in 366 patients with PD. The identified low-frequency coding variants were genotyped in three Scandinavian case-controls series (786 patients and 713 controls). Previously reported risk variants from two independent association signals within the SYT11-GBA locus on chromosome 1 were also genotyped in the same samples. We performed association analyses and evaluated linkage disequilibrium (LD) between the variants. Results We identified six rare mutations (1.6%) and two low-frequency coding variants in GBA. E326K (rs2230288) was significantly more frequent in PD patients compared to controls (OR 1.65, p = 0.03). There was no clear association of T369M (rs75548401) with disease (OR 1.43, p = 0.24). Genotyping the two GWAS hits rs35749011 and rs114138760 in the same sample set, we replicated the association between rs35749011 and disease status (OR 1.67, p = 0.03), while rs114138760 was found to have similar allele frequencies in patients and controls. Analyses revealed that E326K and rs35749011 are in very high LD (r2 0.95). Conclusions Our results confirm that the GBA variant E326K is a susceptibility allele for PD. The results suggest that E326K may fully account for the primary association signal observed at chromosome 1q22 in previous GWAS of PD.acceptedVersio

    Dopamine agonist serum concentrations and impulse control disorders in Parkinson's disease

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    Background and purpose: Impulse control disorders (ICDs) are common among Parkinson's disease patients using dopamine agonists. We wanted to determine whether ICD patients have higher dopamine agonist serum concentrations than those without any sign of ICD. Methods: Patients who used either pramipexole or ropinirole depot once daily were screened for ICDs using the validated Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease–Rating Scale. Those who scored above the cut-off for one or more of the four defined ICDs (gambling, compulsive sexual behavior, compulsive shopping, and binge-eating) were compared in a case–control study to patients who scored zero points (no evidence of ICD) on the same items. They were examined clinically and evaluated using relevant scales. Three blood samples were taken on the same day: before daily dose, and then 6 and 12 h later. Results: Forty-six patients were included: 19 ICD-positive and 27 controls. Ropinirole serum concentrations 6 h after daily intake (Cmax) were higher in the case group compared to the control group, as was the daily ropinirole dosage. No differences were observed in serum concentrations, dosage or total drug exposure for pramipexole. Disease duration and length of dopamine agonist treatment was significantly longer among ICD patients for ropinirole, but not for pramipexole. Conclusions: The use of pramipexole may in itself confer high ICD risk, whereas ICDs among ropinirole users depend more on serum concentration and drug exposure. The pharmacokinetic properties of ropinirole make it challenging to predict its effects on patients, which supports the need for therapeutic drug monitoring to reduce risk of ICD
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