15 research outputs found

    Functional Exploitation of Carob, Oat Flour, and Whey Permeate as Substrates for a Novel Kefir-Like Fermented Beverage: An Optimized Formulation

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    This study investigated the fortification of a carob-based kefir-like beverage (KLB) with whey permeate (WP) and oat flour (OF). The response surface method was used to show the effect of WP and OF concentrations on lactic acid bacteria and yeast cell densities, pH, total titratable acidity (TTA), total phenolics content (TCP), DPPH radical scavenging activity, and overall acceptability (OA) in KLB. The statistical design provided thirteen formulations where OF concentration varied from 3% to 5% and WP from 10% to 15%. The enrichment of carob pods decoction with WP and OF had a positive effect on biomass production. Overall fermentation was shown to increase TPC of KLB. Furthermore, OF supplementation led to the higher levels of TPC and antiradical activity. WP negatively affected OA at linear and quadratic levels, whereas no effect of OF was observed at the linear level. The optimum point was found by using WP at 11.51% and OF at 4.77%. Optimized KLB resulted in an enrichment of bioavailable phenolics derivatives and highly digestible proteins

    Volatilome and Bioaccessible Phenolics Profiles in Lab-Scale Fermented Bee Pollen

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    Bee-collected pollen (BCP) is currently receiving increasing attention as a dietary supplement for humans. In order to increase the accessibility of nutrients for intestinal absorption, several biotechnological solutions have been proposed for BCP processing, with fermentation as one of the most attractive. The present study used an integrated metabolomic approach to investigate how the use of starter cultures may affect the volatilome and the profile of bioaccessible phenolics of fermented BCP. BCP fermented with selected microbial starters (Started-BCP) was compared to spontaneously fermented BCP (Unstarted-BCP) and to unprocessed raw BCP (Raw-BCP). Fermentation significantly increased the amount of volatile compounds (VOC) in both Unstarted- and Started-BCP, as well as modifying the relative proportions among the chemical groups. Volatile free fatty acids were the predominant VOC in Unstarted-BCP. Started-BCP was differentiated by the highest levels of esters and alcohols, although volatile free fatty acids were always prevailing. The profile of the VOC was dependent on the type of fermentation, which was attributable to the selected Apilactobacillus kunkeei and Hanseniaspora uvarum strains used as starters, or to the variety of yeasts and bacteria naturally associated to the BCP. Started-BCP and, to a lesser extent, Unstarted-BCP resulted in increased bioaccessible phenolics, which included microbial derivatives of phenolic acids metabolism

    Sustainable and Health-Protecting Food Ingredients from Bioprocessed Food by-Products and Wastes

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    Dietary inadequacy and nutrition-related non-communicable diseases (N-NCDs) represent two main issues for the whole society, urgently requesting solutions from researchers, policy-makers, and other stakeholders involved in the health and food system. Food by-products and wastes (FBPW) represent a global problem of increasing severity, widely recognized as an important unsustainability hotspot, with high socio-economic and environmental costs. Yet, recycling and up-cycling of FBPW to produce functional foods could represent a solution to dietary inadequacy and risk of N-NCDs onset. Bioprocessing of FBPW with selected microorganisms appears to be a relatively cheap strategy to yield molecules (or rather molecules mixtures) that may be used to fortify/enrich food, as well as to formulate dietary supplements. This review, conjugating human health and sustainability in relation to food, describes the state-of-the-art of the use of yeasts, molds, and lactic acid bacteria for producing value-added compounds from FBPW. Challenges related to FBPW bioprocessing prior to their use in food regard will be also discussed: (i) loss of product functionality upon scale-up of recovery process; (ii) finding logistic solutions to the intrinsic perishability of the majority of FBPW; (iii) inserting up-cycling of FBPW in an appropriate legislative framework; (iv) increasing consumer acceptability of food and dietary supplements derived from FBPWThis research was funded by the project SYSTEMIC “an integrated approach to the challenge of sustainable food systems: adaptive and mitigatory strategies to address climate change and malnutrition”, Knowledge hub on Nutrition and Food Security, that has received funding from national research funding parties in Belgium (FWO), France (INRA), Germany (BLE), Italy (MIPAAF), Latvia (IZM), Norway (RCN), Portugal (FCT), and Spain (AEI) in a joint action of JPI HDHL, JPI-OCEANS and FACCE-JPI launched in 2019 under the ERA-NET ERAHDHL (n° 696295). Francisca Rodrigues (CEECIND/01886/2020) is thankful for her contract financed by FCT/MCTES—CEEC Individual 2020 Program Contractinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Associating compositional, nutritional and techno-functional characteristics of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) protein isolates and their production side-streams with potential food applications

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    Faba beans (Vicia faba L.) show exciting prospects as a sustainable source of protein and fibre, with the potential to transition to a more sustainable food production. This study reveals the compositional, nutritional and techno-functional characteristics of two protein isolates from faba beans (Vicia faba L.), a high-starch fraction and a high-fibre side-stream. During the analysis of those four ingredients, particular attention was paid to the isolates’ protein profile and the side-streams’ carbohydrate composition. The isoelectric precipitated protein isolate 1 showed a protein content of 72.64 ± 0.31% DM. It exhibited low solubility but superior digestibility and high foam stability. High foaming capacity and low protein digestibility were observed for protein isolate 2, with a protein content of 71.37 ± 0.93% DM. This fraction was highly soluble and consisted primarily of low molecular weight proteins. The high-starch fraction contained 83.87 ± 3.07% DM starch, of which about 66% was resistant starch. Over 65% of the high-fibre fraction was insoluble dietary fibre. The findings of this study provide a detailed understanding of different production fractions of faba beans, which is of great value for future product development

    High-Value Compounds in Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Byproducts: An Overview of Potential Sustainable Reuse and Exploitation

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    Food waste (FW) represents a global and ever-growing issue that is attracting more attention due to its environmental, ethical, social and economic implications. Although a valuable quantity of bioactive components is still present in the residuals, nowadays most FW is destined for animal feeding, landfill disposal, composting and incineration. Aiming to valorize and recycle food byproducts, the development of novel and sustainable strategies to reduce the annual food loss appears an urgent need. In particular, plant byproducts are a plentiful source of high-value compounds that may be exploited as natural antioxidants, preservatives and supplements in the food industry, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. In this review, a comprehensive overview of the main bioactive compounds in fruit, vegetable and cereal byproducts is provided. Additionally, the natural and suitable application of tailored enzymatic treatments and fermentation to recover high-value compounds from plant byproducts is discussed. Based on these promising strategies, a future expansion of green biotechnologies to revalorize the high quantity of byproducts is highly encouraging to reduce the food waste/losses and promote benefits on human health

    Fermented Whey Ewe’s Milk-Based Fruit Smoothies: Bio-Recycling and Enrichment of Phenolic Compounds and Improvement of Protein Digestibility and Antioxidant Activity

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    This study aimed to recycle whey milk by-products (protein source) in fruit smoothies (phenolic compounds source) through started-assisted fermentation and delivering sustainable and healthy food formulations capable of providing nutrients that are unavailable due to an unbalanced diet or incorrect eating habits. Five lactic acid bacteria strains were selected as best starters for smoothie production based on the complementarity of pro-technological (kinetics of growth and acidification) traits, exopolysaccharides and phenolics release, and antioxidant activity enhancement. Compared to raw whey milk-based fruit smoothies (Raw_WFS), fermentation led to distinct profiles of sugars (glucose, fructose, mannitol, and sucrose), organic acids (lactic acid and acetic acid), ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds (gallic acid, 3-hydroxybenzoic acid, chlorogenic acid, hydrocaffeic acid, quercetin, epicatechin, procyanidin B2, and ellagic acid) and especially anthocyanins (cyanidin, delphinidin, malvidin, peonidin, petunidin 3-glucoside). Protein and phenolics interaction enhanced the release of anthocyanins, notably under the action of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum. The same bacterial strains outperformed other species in terms of protein digestibility and quality. With variations among starters culture, bio-converted metabolites were most likely responsible for the increase antioxidant scavenging capacity (DPPH, ABTS, and lipid peroxidation) and the modifications in organoleptic properties (aroma and flavor)

    Biofilm formation as an extra gear for Apilactobacillus kunkeei to counter the threat of agrochemicals in honeybee crop

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    Summary The alteration of a eubiosis status in honeybees’ gut microbiota is directly linked to the occurrence of diseases, and likely to the honeybees decline. Since fructophilic lactobacilli were suggested as symbionts for honeybees, we mechanistically investigated their behaviour under the exposure to agrochemicals (Roundup, Mediator and Reldan containing glyphosate, imidacloprid and chlorpyrifos‐methyl as active ingredients respectively) and plant secondary metabolites (nicotine and p‐coumaric acid) ingested by honeybees as part of their diet. The effects of exposure to agrochemicals and plant secondary metabolites were assessed both on planktonic cells and sessile communities of three biofilm‐forming strains of Apilactobacillus kunkeei. We identified the high sensitivity of A. kunkeei planktonic cells to Roundup and Reldan, while cells embedded in mature biofilms had increased resistance to the same agrochemicals. However, agrochemicals still exerted a substantial inhibitory/control effect if the exposure was during the preliminary steps of biofilm formation. The level of susceptibility resulted to be strain‐specific. Exopolysaccharides resulted in the main component of extracellular polymeric matrix (ECM) in biofilm, but the exposure to Roundup caused a change in ECM production and composition. Nicotine and p‐coumaric acid had a growth‐promoting effect in sessile communities, although no effect was found on planktonic growth

    Triacylglycerols hydrolysis and hydroxy- and epoxy-fatty acids release during lactic fermentation of plant matrices: An extensive study showing inter- and intra-species capabilities of lactic acid bacteria

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    This study aims to show that lactic fermentation by selected starters can enrich plant matrices with hydroxy- and oxo-fatty acids. The behavior of 31 lactic acid bacteria strains was investigated during the fermentation of Persian walnut, which was selected as a model growth substrate due to its inherent lipids content. The content of the following free fatty acids increased in the majority of the fermented walnut samples: linoleic, α-linolenic, palmitic, and oleic acids. The increase of diacylglycerols and, especially, monoacylglycerols levels in fermented walnuts confirmed that strain-specific bacterial lipolytic activities hydrolyzed triacylglycerols during walnut fermentation. Twelve hydroxylated or epoxidized derivatives arising from oleic, linoleic, and linolenic fatty acids, in five groups of isomeric compounds, were also identified. In addition to the better-known lactobacilli, certain strains of Weissella cibaria, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, and Enterococcus faecalis emerged for their lipolytic activities and ability to release hydroxy- and epoxy-fatty acids during walnut fermentation

    Ecological linkages between biotechnologically relevant autochthonous microorganisms and phenolic compounds in sugar apple fruit (Annona squamosa L.)

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    Our study investigated the potential of Annona squamosa (L.) fruit as a reservoir of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria having biotechnological implications, and phenolics capable of modifying the ecology of microbial consortia. Only a single species of lactic acid bacteria (Enterococcus faecalis) was identified, while Annona fruit seemed to be a preferred niche for yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Hanseniaspora uvarum), which were differentially distributed in the fruit. In order to identify ecological implications for inherent phenolics, the antimicrobial potential of water-and methanol/water-soluble extracts from peel and pulp was studied. Pulp extracts did not show any antimicrobial activity against the microbial indicators, while some Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylo-coccus aureus, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus megaterium) were susceptible to peel extracts. Among lactic acid bacteria used as indicators, only Lactococcus lactis and Weissella cibaria were inhibited. The chemical profiling of methanol/water-soluble phenolics from Annona peel reported a full panel of 41 phenolics, mainly procyanidins and catechin derivatives. The antimicrobial activity was associated to specific compounds (procyanidin dimer type B [isomer 1], rutin [isomer 2], catechin diglucopyranoside), in addition to unidentified catechin derivatives. E. faecalis, which was detected in the epiphytic microbiota, was well adapted to the phenolics from the peel. Peel phenolics had a growth-promoting effect toward the autochthonous yeasts S. cerevisiae and H. uvarum

    How Microbiome Composition Correlates with Biochemical Changes during Sauerkraut Fermentation: a Focus on Neglected Bacterial Players and Functionalities

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    This study provided a new perspective on the bacterial community succession during sauerkraut fermentation, and on resulting metabolic functions. While culture-dependent methods confirmed the key role of the well-known core microbiome species, metagenomic approach (shotgun) revealed Secundilactobacillus malefermentans as a species of the core microbiome, especially during the last weeks of fermentation. Although the potentiality of S. malefermentans has not yet fully explored, it held core functional genes usually attributed to others lactic acid bacteria driving sauerkraut fermentation. Based on our results it is arguable that S. malefermentans might have a key a role during sauerkraut fermentation carried out at low temperature. Under our experimental conditions, the profile of phenolic compounds changed throughout sauerkraut fermentation. The amount of free phenolics, including free phenolic acids, increased at the beginning of the fermentation, whereas the conversion of phenolic acids into microbial derivatives was consistent during the last part of the sauerkraut fermentation. We pioneered correlating changes in the phenolics profile to changes in the microbiome, although the framework presented is still fragmentary. Annotated genes linked to the phenolic compounds metabolism (VprA and padA) were found in many core species during the whole process. A high metabolic potential for phenolics bioconversion emerged for lactobacilli and Pediococcus spp. through correlation analysis between microbiome composition and phenolics profile. IMPORTANCE Our study was not limited to describe the succession pattern of the microbial community during sauerkraut fermentation, but also revealed how some neglected bacterial players belong to the core species during sauerkrauts processing, especially at low temperature. Such species might have a role as potential starters to optimize the fermentation processes and to obtain sauerkrauts with improved and standardized nutritional and sensory features. Furthermore, our correlations between microbiome composition and phenolics profile might also represent new references for sauerkraut biotechnology, aiming to identify new metabolic drivers of potential sauerkraut functionalities. Finally, sauerkraut ecosystem is a tractable model, although with high level of complexity, and resultant ecological information might be extended to other plant ecosystems