1,107 research outputs found

    Spatial Behaviour and the Socio-Spatial Recognition

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    The paper explores the relation between the real and the mental space of the inhabitants. The understanding of the interaction between the inhabitants and their houses relies upon the direct observation of the practices of the users and the interpretation of their spatial behaviours shown by the routes they choose in everyday activities. The results show that this study requires the understanding of the relationships between the spatial behaviour of inhabitants and their socio-physical recognition. We were also able to highlight the strategies and the forms of adaptation raised during the fulfilment of the action plans of the inhabitant.Peer Reviewe

    Spatial behaviour and the socio-spatial recognition

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    Ponencia presentada a Session 8: Dimensiones psicosociales de la arquitectura y el urbanismo / Psycological dimensions of architecture and planningThe paper explores the relation between the real and the mental space of the inhabitants. The understanding of the interaction between the inhabitants and their houses relies upon the direct observation of the practices of the users and the interpretation of their spatial behaviours shown by the routes they choose in everyday activities. The results show that this study requires the understanding of the relationships between the spatial behaviour of inhabitants and their socio-physical recognition. We were also able to highlight the strategies and the forms of adaptation raised during the fulfilment of the action plans of the inhabitant


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    En este volumen 30 de la revista Arquitectonics hay una serie de artículos relacionados con el análisis de los lugares y espacios públicos de diferentes países, un tema de investigación muy importante en los últimos años, tal vez relacionado con la fuerte crisis financiera en todo el mundo vinculada a la vivienda.There is a set of articles related to the analysis of architectural and urban places from different countries, a very important research subject in the last years, perhaps related to the strong financial crisis around the world linked to housing.Peer Reviewe

    Unique and interactive effects of moral emotions and moral disengagement on bullying and defending among school children

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    The first aim of the present study was to examine in a single model how moral disengagement and moral emotions were related to bullying and defending behavior among schoolchildren. The second aim was to test whether the two moral dimensions interacted with each other to explain behavior in bullying situations. Data were collected from 561 Swedish students. Moral disengagement was positively associated with bullying and negatively associated with defending, whereas moral emotions score was negatively associated with bullying and positively associated with defending. Moreover, students who scored high in moral emotions did not tend to bully other students, irrespective of their levels of moral disengagement, whereas when the moral emotions score was low bullying behavior increased with increasing levels of moral disengagement. In contrast, moral disengagement was negatively related to defending behavior at low levels of moral emotions, but not when moral emotions were high

    Participation in dance, rhythm and music activities : experiences of healthy elderly and persons with stroke

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    Participation in meaningful creative activities such as dance and rhythm/music has been found beneficial for older adults and for persons with stroke, as it might increase awareness, improve emotional and physical status, and thus be salutogenic. The aim of this study was to explore and understand participation in dance, rhythm and music activities for healthy elderly persons and for persons who have had a stroke. The specific aim of Study 1 was to develop knowledge of elderly persons’ experiences of participating in an improvisational dance workshop. Data was collected by interviewing 13 persons. To capture participants’ experiences, open-ended questions were used to make it possible for participants to bring up issues of relevance for themselves. A narrative method was used to analyze data. Findings show that participation led to “a surprising awareness about the connection between body and mind” and that “participation led to personal growth”. Further results showed how participation in a physical activity such as creative improvisational dance opened possibilities to interpret the lives the informants had lived, which in turn made it possible for them to come to terms with the past, leading to increased perceived quality of life. The aim of Study 2 was to investigate how stroke patients understand participation in Ronnie Gardiner Rhythm and Music (RGRM) therapy. Data was collected by interviewing 18 persons with stroke. The analytic procedure was carried out with a phenomenographic approach. Results showed that body awareness was experienced as increased due the training. Furthermore a feeling of change in competence occurred when participants were able to carry out tasks simultaneously, which had previously not been possible for them to do. The findings of this paper suggest that participation in an activity that is challenging and demanding was valued. Findings suggest that participation in movement activities such as improvisational dance and rhythm/music therapy seems to have promoted health in the group of healthy elderly and facilitated a return to a meaningful life in the group of persons with stroke. Offering participation in dance, rhythm and music can add to the tools used by physiotherapists

    High Heeled Bootleggers: The Role of Crawford and Cherokee County Women during Prohibition Kansas

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    Kansas has a long history in fighting for what they want. In the 1850s, prohibition became the topic of concern. Although the federal prohibition mandate in the United States did not begin until 1919 when the 18th amendment was ratified in Congress and signed off by President Harry S. Truman, it began in Kansas in 1880. The count was narrow, but Kansas was passed as a dry state. Because it was not a federal law, people habitually broke it or found ways around it. Up until the prohibition laws was federally passed, saloons filled the towns, especially in Crawford and Cherokee County. Not everyone felt as though this law was needed and felt it was unnecessary. Some of those people were the immigrant coal miners that came to that area

    Risk analysis of Geomagnetically Induced Current (GIC) in Power Systems

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    Solar storms are a phenomenon that has a wide array of adverse consequences on technological systems, power systems in particular. During severe solar storms a geomagnetically induced current (GIC) starts to flow through long conducting structures, such as power lines and pipelines. The probability of solar storms has a roughly linear relation with the sunspot activity level which varies in 11 years cycles and at the moment of writing this thesis we are approaching the maxima of solar cycle 24. This thesis is a risk analysis of GIC in power systems and describes the causes and sources of GIC, the consequences, both on component level and on system level, and the likelihood of occurrence. When GIC flows through a transformer it causes the core to saturate, which leads to (a) increased reactive power consumption, (b) high levels of harmonics in the power system and (c) localized heating of the transformer. Point a and b are confirmed through simulations. High harmonics levels can cause protective relays to sense false fault conditions and trip. On a system level this can lead to (a) loss of production (b) local blackouts or (c) widespread blackouts. Localized heating of transformers can lead to permanent damage and spare parts and replacement units are associated with having long lead times. Communication and control systems are also subject to GIC and other solar storm related interferences. The thesis also contains a discussion about GIC risk associated to gas pipelines. The likelihood of solar storms is discussed and a method for determining the exceedance probability of extreme values for solar storms such as a 100-year storm is presented. The exceedance probability of a 100- year storm during 2012-2014 is estimated to 4.7%. Possible risk treatment strategies and forecasting capabilities are also briefly discussed, in order to briefly illustrate possible risk management schemes. This report should facilitate risk evaluation and provide the information needed to calculate quantitative risk values with respect to solar storms and power systems. In order to fully understand the extent of the consequences of a 100-year storm further studies are needed in order to take the complexities of covariance and the interconnectedness of different components and systems into account

    Introducción al texto de la entrevista a Bajtín pocos años antes de su muerte, por Víctor Duvákin

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    Este texto es parte de una de las apasionantes sesiones de diálogo que el profesor Víctor Duvákin sostuvo con Mijaíl Bajtín poco antes de su muerte.Peer Reviewe
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