2,177 research outputs found

    Economic exclusion and poverty in Asia: The example of castes in India

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    Poverty reduction, Hunger, Poverty, Inclusive policies, Economic exclusion, Market access, Castes, Social and economic conditions, Women and children,

    The nature of the animacy organization in human ventral temporal cortex

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    The principles underlying the animacy organization of the ventral temporal cortex (VTC) remain hotly debated, with recent evidence pointing to an animacy continuum rather than a dichotomy. What drives this continuum? According to the visual categorization hypothesis, the continuum reflects the degree to which animals contain animal-diagnostic features. By contrast, the agency hypothesis posits that the continuum reflects the degree to which animals are perceived as (social) agents. Here, we tested both hypotheses with a stimulus set in which visual categorizability and agency were dissociated based on representations in convolutional neural networks and behavioral experiments. Using fMRI, we found that visual categorizability and agency explained independent components of the animacy continuum in VTC. Modeled together, they fully explained the animacy continuum. Finally, clusters explained by visual categorizability were localized posterior to clusters explained by agency. These results show that multiple organizing principles, including agency, underlie the animacy continuum in VTC.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, code+data at - https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/VXWG9 Update - added supplementary results and edited abstrac

    Investment, subsidies, and pro-poor growth in rural India:

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    "This paper reviews the trends in government subsidies and investments in and for Indian agriculture; develops a conceptual framework and model to assess the impact of various subsidies and investments on agricultural growth and poverty reduction; and, presents several reform options with regard to re-prioritizing government spending and improving institutions and governance. There are three major findings. First, initial subsidies in credit, fertilizer, and irrigation have been crucial for small farmers to adopt new technologies. Small farms are often losers in the initial adoption stage of a new technology since prices of the agricultural products are typically being pushed down by greater supply of products from large farms, which adopted the new technology. But as more and more farmers have adopted HYV, continued subsidies have led to inefficiency of the overall economy. Second, agricultural research, education, and rural roads are the three most effective public spending items in promoting agricultural growth and poverty reduction during all periods. Finally, the trade-off between agricultural growth and poverty reduction is generally small among different types of investments. As for agricultural research, education, and infrastructure development, they have large growth impact and a large poverty reduction impact. Several policy lessons can be drawn. Agricultural input and output subsidies have proved to be unproductive, financially unsustainable, environmentally unfriendly in recent years, and contributed to increased inequality among rural Indian states. To sustain long-term growth in agricultural production, and therefore provide a long-term solution to poverty reduction, the government should cut subsidies of fertilizer, irrigation, power, and credit and increase investments in agricultural research and development, rural infrastructure, and education. Promoting nonfarm opportunities is also important. However, simply reallocating public resources is not the full solution. Reforming institutions can have an equal, if not larger, impact on future agricultural and rural growth and rural poverty reduction." from Authors' AbstractRural poverty, Agricultural growth, Public investments, subsidies, Pro-poor growth,

    A Review on Krimiroga with special reference to Udara Krimi

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    Krimiroga is one of the most common disease. Krimi word has wide meaning. All the organism which are dependent for food and shelter upon the human body can come under the title of Krimi. Our Acharyas described different classification of Krimi. This classification concludes all the micro organism, bacteria, virus, protozoa and helminths, which totally depend upon human body. Acharya Charaka has described three folded treatment of Krimiroga viz. Apakarshana, Prakritivighata and Nidanparivarjana. Apakarshana means to scratch the Dosha, Mala and Krimi Sanghata forcefully. It contains most vigorous Shamshodhan viz. Virechana, Vamana, Shirovirechana and Asthapana. Prakriti Vighata means destruction of susceptible environment of Krimi. Nidan Parivarjana means to avoid the causative factor. Shamshodhan is considered as a basic treatment of Krimiroga while Prakriti Vignata and Nidan Parivarjana eradicate Krimiroga from the base. After Samsodhan if any ova and cyst remain in Kostha than this Prakriti Vighata and Nidana Parivarjana suppress the growth of Krimi and prevent recurrence of Krimiroga. Hence this present article reviews about Krimiroga with special reference to Udara Krimi


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    Garbhini paricharya is advised for preventing harm to mother and fetus, to attain full fetal maturity and for normal uneventful labour. By keeping this goal in mind the Upakrama of Niruha basti and Anuvasana basti was selected. 100 patients were selected for this study and divided into two groups. In Control Group, there are 50 patients with Standard management (iron+ calcium) with routine diet during pregnancy. In Trial Group, there are 50 patients with Standard management (iron+ calcium) along with Garbhini paricharya. The clinical study was done for evaluation of efficacy of antenatal management in Ayurveda during 8th & 9th month of pregnancy. Bala taila is highly effective to bring about spontaneous labour onset at optimal time. Duration of labour was reduced by Bala siddha taila basti due to its regulation of Prasuti Marut. Maternal and foetal complications during ante natal and post natal period are reduced due to Bala siddha taila Anuvasan basti, Niruha basti and due to high quality nutritive supplementation (Mudga & Masha Yavagu). Maternal as well as fetal weight gain was good due to high quality nutritive supplementation as described in Ayurvedic texts, and it provides optimal nutrition of mother and fetus. The Ayurvedic regimen has promise of providing the optimal and balanced nutrition by using quality ingredients

    Review on the disease Shayyamutra in Ayurveda parlance

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    Shayyamutra (Primary Nocturnal Enuresis) is a common problem for small age groups and also of older age group too. When young children are in trouble it become a nuisance for them as well as parents. Moreover, it hampers the emotional and social growth of the child. In the management of conditions like enuresis the other system of medicines have their own limitations. Though claims for cure rate are very great by contemporary science but associated hazards also have been noticed. Hazards due to drugs compel the medical fraternity to search a cure that would be better and convenient for enuretic child in all aspects. Ayurveda is the only medical system in the world that clearly emphasizes the treatment of ailments and further maintenance of health by reversing the pathology. Thus, this problem was selected for the present review study. A genuine effort will be made to understand the psychological state of the patients and guide them appropriately

    Review on Raktapradara (menorrhagia) and its management

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    Menorrhagia is cyclical bleeding at normal intervals which is excessive in amount or duration, Menorrhagia is generally caused by conditions affecting the uterus and its vascular apparatus, rather than by any ovarian disturbance. It occurs if the bleeding surface (that is the area of the endometrium) is increased. According to Ayurveda it can be correlated with Rakta Pradara. Rakta Pradara is one among the Rakta Pradoshaja Vikara and characterized by Artava Ati Pravrutti, Deerga Kala Pravrutti, Anruta Kala Pravrutti, Daha in Adho Vankshana Pradesha, Sroni, Prushta and Kukshi, Shoola in Garbhashaya Angamardha etc. Since Raktapradara is mainly due to Vata Pitta Dosha; Kashaya Rasa and Pittashamaka Chikitsa may be adopted. Ayurvedic formulations help in breaking down the pathogeneses of Raktapradara and its recurrence
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