1,214 research outputs found

    XPS and AFM study of interaction of organosilane and sizing with e-glass fibre surface

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    Organosilanes are often used in commercial sizings for glass fibres to provide wettability with the resin and promote strong interfacial adhesion to the matrix in a fibre reinforced polymer composite. The silane treatment is introduced as part of a complex deposition from an aqueous emulsion immediately at the spinaret and determines the optimum properties of the cured composite. To understand the interaction of organosilanes contained in sizings for glass surfaces, XPS was used to investigate the adsorption of γ-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APS) from a simple sizing system containing a polyurethane (PU) film former. It has been found that both APS and the sizing (containing APS and PU) deposits on E-glass fibre surfaces contained components of differing hydrolytic stability. The differences observed in the AFM images of APS coated E-glass fibres before and after water extraction also confirmed that the APS deposit contained components with different water solubility

    On the Concept of a Notational Variant

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    In the study of modal and nonclassical logics, translations have frequently been employed as a way of measuring the inferential capabilities of a logic. It is sometimes claimed that two logics are “notational variants” if they are translationally equivalent. However, we will show that this cannot be quite right, since first-order logic and propositional logic are translationally equivalent. Others have claimed that for two logics to be notational variants, they must at least be compositionally intertranslatable. The definition of compositionality these accounts use, however, is too strong, as the standard translation from modal logic to first-order logic is not compositional in this sense. In light of this, we will explore a weaker version of this notion that we will call schematicity and show that there is no schematic translation either from first-order logic to propositional logic or from intuitionistic logic to classical logic

    Phenotypic plasticity and population differentiation in response to salinity in the invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora

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    Salinity and tidal inundation induce physiological stress in vascular plant species and influence their distribution and productivity in estuarine wetlands. Climate change-induced sea level rise may magnify these abiotic stressors and the physiological stresses they can cause. Understanding the potential of invasive plants to respond to predicted salinity increases will elucidate their potential niche breadth. To examine potential phenotypic plasticity and functional trait responses to salinity stress in the invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora, we collected rhizomes from four invasive populations occurring from California to Vancouver Island, British Columbia on the Pacific Coast of North America. In a glasshouse common garden experiment, we measured plant traits associated with growth and allocation, photosynthesis, leaf pigments, and leaf chemistry and calculated plasticity indices across imposed salinity treatments. Fifteen of 21 leaf chemistry, pigment, morphological and physiological traits expressed plastic responses to salinity. When averaged across all measured traits, degree of plasticity did not vary among sampled populations. However, differences in plasticity among populations in response to salinity were observed for 9 of 21 measured plant traits. Leaf chemistry and adaxial leaf rolling trait responses demonstrated the highest degree of plasticity, while growth and allocation measures were less plastic. Phenotypic plasticity of leaf functional traits to salinity indicates the potential of S. densiflora to maintain invasive growth in response to rising estuarine salinity with climate change

    The Research Unit VolImpact: Revisiting the volcanic impact on atmosphere and climate – preparations for the next big volcanic eruption

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    This paper provides an overview of the scientific background and the research objectives of the Research Unit “VolImpact” (Revisiting the volcanic impact on atmosphere and climate – preparations for the next big volcanic eruption, FOR 2820). VolImpact was recently funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and started in spring 2019. The main goal of the research unit is to improve our understanding of how the climate system responds to volcanic eruptions. Such an ambitious program is well beyond the capabilities of a single research group, as it requires expertise from complementary disciplines including aerosol microphysical modelling, cloud physics, climate modelling, global observations of trace gas species, clouds and stratospheric aerosols. The research goals will be achieved by building on important recent advances in modelling and measurement capabilities. Examples of the advances in the observations include the now daily near-global observations of multi-spectral aerosol extinction from the limb-scatter instruments OSIRIS, SCIAMACHY and OMPS-LP. In addition, the recently launched SAGE III/ISS and upcoming satellite missions EarthCARE and ALTIUS will provide high resolution observations of aerosols and clouds. Recent improvements in modeling capabilities within the framework of the ICON model family now enable simulations at spatial resolutions fine enough to investigate details of the evolution and dynamics of the volcanic eruptive plume using the large-eddy resolving version, up to volcanic impacts on larger-scale circulation systems in the general circulation model version. When combined with state-of-the-art aerosol and cloud microphysical models, these approaches offer the opportunity to link eruptions directly to their climate forcing. These advances will be exploited in VolImpact to study the effects of volcanic eruptions consistently over the full range of spatial and temporal scales involved, addressing the initial development of explosive eruption plumes (project VolPlume), the variation of stratospheric aerosol particle size and radiative forcing caused by volcanic eruptions (VolARC), the response of clouds (VolCloud), the effects of volcanic eruptions on atmospheric dynamics (VolDyn), as well as their climate impact (VolClim)

    Trait responses of invasive aquatic macrophyte congeners: colonizing diploid outperforms polyploid

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    Understanding traits underlying colonization and niche breadth of invasive plants is key to developing sustainable management solutions to curtail invasions at the establishment phase, when efforts are often most effective. The aim of this study was to evaluate how two invasive congeners differing in ploidy respond to high and low resource availability following establishment from asexual fragments. Because polyploids are expected to have wider niche breadths than diploid ancestors, we predicted that a decaploid species would have superior ability to maximize resource uptake and use, and outperform a diploid congener when colonizing environments with contrasting light and nutrient availability. A mesocosm experiment was designed to test the main and interactive effects of ploidy (diploid and decaploid) and soil nutrient availability (low and high) nested within light environments (shade and sun) of two invasive aquatic plant congeners. Counter to our predictions, the diploid congener outperformed the decaploid in the early stage of growth. Although growth was similar and low in the cytotypes at low nutrient availability, the diploid species had much higher growth rate and biomass accumulation than the polyploid with nutrient enrichment, irrespective of light environment. Our results also revealed extreme differences in time to anthesis between the cytotypes. The rapid growth and earlier flowering of the diploid congener relative to the decaploid congener represent alternate strategies for establishment and success

    An impairment in sniffing contributes to the olfactory impairment in Parkinson's disease

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    Although the presence of an olfactory impairment in Parkinson's disease (PD) has been recognized for 25 years, its cause remains unclear. Here we suggest a contributing factor to this impairment, namely, that PD impairs active sniffing of odorants. We tested 10 men and 10 women with clinically typical PD, and 20 age- and gender-matched healthy controls, in four olfactory tasks: (i) the University of Pennsylvania smell identification test; (ii and iii) detection threshold tests for the odorants vanillin and propionic acid; and (iv) a two-alternative forced-choice detection paradigm during which sniff parameters (airflow peak rate, mean rate, volume, and duration) were recorded with a pneomatotachograph-coupled spirometer. An additional experiment tested the effect of intentionally increasing sniff vigor on olfactory performance in 20 additional patients. PD patients were significantly impaired in olfactory identification (P < 0.0001) and detection (P < 0.007). As predicted, PD patients were also significantly impaired at sniffing, demonstrating significantly reduced sniff airflow rate (P < 0.01) and volume (P < 0.002). Furthermore, a patient's ability to sniff predicted his or her performance on olfactory tasks, i.e., the more poorly patients sniffed, the worse their performance on olfaction tests (P < 0.009). Finally, increasing sniff vigor improved olfactory performance in those patients whose baseline performance had been poorest (P < 0.05). These findings implicate a sniffing impairment as a component of the olfactory impairment in PD and further depict sniffing as an important component of human olfaction

    Microvillar and ciliary defects in zebrafish lacking an actin-binding bioactive peptide amidating enzyme

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Scientific Reports 8 (2018): 4547, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-22732-9.The assembly of membranous extensions such as microvilli and cilia in polarized cells is a tightly regulated, yet poorly understood, process. Peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase (PAM), a membrane enzyme essential for the synthesis of amidated bioactive peptides, was recently identified in motile and non-motile (primary) cilia and has an essential role in ciliogenesis in Chlamydomonas, Schmidtea and mouse. In mammalian cells, changes in PAM levels alter secretion and organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Here we show that lack of Pam in zebrafish recapitulates the lethal edematous phenotype observed in Pam−/− mice and reveals additional defects. The pam−/− zebrafish embryos display an initial striking loss of microvilli and subsequently impaired ciliogenesis in the pronephros. In multiciliated mouse tracheal epithelial cells, vesicular PAM staining colocalizes with apical actin, below the microvilli. In PAM-deficient Chlamydomonas, the actin cytoskeleton is dramatically reorganized, and expression of an actin paralogue is upregulated. Biochemical assays reveal that the cytosolic PAM C-terminal domain interacts directly with filamentous actin but does not alter the rate of actin polymerization or disassembly. Our results point to a critical role for PAM in organizing the actin cytoskeleton during development, which could in turn impact both microvillus formation and ciliogenesis.This study was supported by grants DK032949 (to BAE and REM), DK044464 (to JDG) and GM051293 (to SMK) from the National Institutes of Health

    Illegal Killing of Nongame Wildlife and Recreational Shooting in Conservation Areas

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    Illegal killing of nongame wildlife is a global yet poorly documented problem. The prevalence and ecological consequences of illegal killing are often underestimated or completely unknown. We review the practice of legal recreational shooting and present data gathered from telemetry, surveys, and observations on its association with illegal killing of wildlife (birds and snakes) within conservation areas in Idaho, USA. In total, 33% of telemetered long‐billed curlews (Numenius americanus) and 59% of other bird carcasses found with known cause of death (or 32% of total) were illegally shot. Analysis of spatial distributions of illegal and legal shooting is consistent with birds being shot illegally in the course of otherwise legal recreational shooting, but snakes being intentionally sought out and targeted elsewhere, in locations where they congregate. Preliminary public surveys indicate that most recreational shooters find abhorrent the practice of illegal killing of wildlife. Viewed through this lens, our data may imply only a small fraction of recreational shooters is responsible for this activity. This study highlights a poorly known conservation problem that could have broad implications for some species and populations of wildlife

    Evaluational adjectives

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    This paper demarcates a theoretically interesting class of "evaluational adjectives." This class includes predicates expressing various kinds of normative and epistemic evaluation, such as predicates of personal taste, aesthetic adjectives, moral adjectives, and epistemic adjectives, among others. Evaluational adjectives are distinguished, empirically, in exhibiting phenomena such as discourse-oriented use, felicitous embedding under the attitude verb `find', and sorites-susceptibility in the comparative form. A unified degree-based semantics is developed: What distinguishes evaluational adjectives, semantically, is that they denote context-dependent measure functions ("evaluational perspectives")—context-dependent mappings to degrees of taste, beauty, probability, etc., depending on the adjective. This perspective-sensitivity characterizing the class of evaluational adjectives cannot be assimilated to vagueness, sensitivity to an experiencer argument, or multidimensionality; and it cannot be demarcated in terms of pretheoretic notions of subjectivity, common in the literature. I propose that certain diagnostics for "subjective" expressions be analyzed instead in terms of a precisely specified kind of discourse-oriented use of context-sensitive language. I close by applying the account to `find x PRED' ascriptions