18,128 research outputs found

    Improved Estimates for the Parameters of the Heavy Quark Expansion

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    We give improved estimates for the non-perturbative parameters appearing in the heavy quark expansion for inclusive decays. While the parameters appearing in low orders of this expansion can be extracted from data, the number of parameters in higher orders proliferates strongly, making a determination of these parameters from data impossible. Thus, one has to rely on theoretical estimates which may be obtained from an insertion of intermediate states. In this paper we refine this method and attempt to estimate the uncertainties of this approach.Comment: 18 pages (v2: Fixed sign error in section 3. conclusions unchanged

    Simplification of the Spectral Analysis of the Volume Operator in Loop Quantum Gravity

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    The Volume Operator plays a crucial role in the definition of the quantum dynamics of Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). Efficient calculations for dynamical problems of LQG can therefore be performed only if one has sufficient control over the volume spectrum. While closed formulas for the matrix elements are currently available in the literature, these are complicated polynomials in 6j symbols which in turn are given in terms of Racah's formula which is too complicated in order to perform even numerical calculations for the semiclassically important regime of large spins. Hence, so far not even numerically the spectrum could be accessed. In this article we demonstrate that by means of the Elliot -- Biedenharn identity one can get rid of all the 6j symbols for any valence of the gauge invariant vertex, thus immensely reducing the computational effort. We use the resulting compact formula to study numerically the spectrum of the gauge invariant 4 -- vertex. The techniques derived in this paper could be of use also for the analysis of spin -- spin interaction Hamiltonians of many -- particle problems in atomic and nuclear physics.Comment: 56 pages, Latex2e, 15 picture

    The Decay of Unstable Noncommutative Solitons

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    We study the classical decay of unstable scalar solitons in noncommutative field theory in 2+1 dimensions. This can, but does not have to, be viewed as a toy model for the decay of D-branes in string theory. In the limit that the noncommutativity parameter \theta is infinite, the gradient term is absent, there are no propagating modes and the soliton does not decay at all. If \theta is large, but finite, the rotationally symmetric decay channel can be described as a highly excited nonlinear oscillator weakly coupled to a continuum of linear modes. This system is closely akin to those studied in the context of discrete breathers. We here diagonalize the linear problem and compute the decay rate to first order using a version of Fermi's Golden Rule, leaving a more rigorous treatment for future work.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figures, dedicated to Rudolf Haag. v2: uniform estimate for Weyl criterion provided, refs adde

    Estimating the privacy of quantum-random numbers

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    We analyze the information an attacker can obtain on the numbers generated by a user by measurements on a subsystem of a system consisting of two entangled two-level systems. The attacker and the user make measurements on their respective subsystems, only. Already the knowledge of the density matrix of the subsystem of the user completely determines the upper bound on the information accessible to the attacker. We compare and contrast this information to the appropriate bounds provided by quantum state discrimination.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Support Sets in Exponential Families and Oriented Matroid Theory

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    The closure of a discrete exponential family is described by a finite set of equations corresponding to the circuits of an underlying oriented matroid. These equations are similar to the equations used in algebraic statistics, although they need not be polynomial in the general case. This description allows for a combinatorial study of the possible support sets in the closure of an exponential family. If two exponential families induce the same oriented matroid, then their closures have the same support sets. Furthermore, the positive cocircuits give a parameterization of the closure of the exponential family.Comment: 27 pages, extended version published in IJA