642 research outputs found

    Development of a two-zone model for the heating and evaporation of a droplet

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    Assessment of heating and evaporation modelling based on single suspended water droplet experiments

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    The work described in this paper is undertaken with the purpose of providing a detailed assessment of the current modelling capabilities of the effects of fire suppression systems (e.g., sprinklers) in fire-driven flows. Such assessment will allow identifying key modelling issues and, ultimately, improving the reliability of the numerical tools in fire safety design studies. More specifically, we studied herein the heating and evaporation of a single water droplet. This rather 'simple' configuration represents the first step in a tedious and rigorous verification and validation process, as advocated in the MaCFP (Measurement and Computation of Fire Phenomena) working group (see https://iafss.org/macfp/). Such a process starts ideally with single-physics 'unit tests' and then more elaborate benchmark cases and sub-systems, before addressing 'real-life' application tests. In this paper, we are considering the recently published comprehensive and well-documented experimental data of Volkov and Strizhak (Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017) where a single suspended water droplet of initial diameter between 2.6 and 3.4 mm is heated up by a convective hot air flow with a velocity between 3 and 4.5 m/s and a temperature between 100 and 800 degrees C. In the present numerical study, 36 experimental tests have been simulated with the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS 6.7.0) as well as with an in-house code. The results show that the droplet lifetime is overpredicted with an overall deviation between 26 and 31%. The deviation in the range 300-800 degrees C is even better, i.e., 5-8%, whilst the cases of 200 and, more so 100 degrees C, showed much stronger deviations. The measured droplet saturation temperatures did not exceed 70 degrees C, even for high air temperatures of around 800 degrees C, whereas the predicted values approached 100 degrees C. A detailed analysis shows that the standard Ranz & Marshall modelling of the non-dimensional Nusselt and Sherwood numbers may not be appropriate in order to obtain a simultaneous good agreement for both the droplet lifetime and temperature. More specifically, the heat-mass transfer analogy (i.e., Nu = Sh) appears to be not always valid

    Assessment of personal exposure to radio frequency radiation in realistic environments

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    Enhanced indoor location tracking through body shadowing compensation

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    This paper presents a radio frequency (RF)-based location tracking system that improves its performance by eliminating the shadowing caused by the human body of the user being tracked. The presence of such a user will influence the RF signal paths between a body-worn node and the receiving nodes. This influence will vary with the user's location and orientation and, as a result, will deteriorate the performance regarding location tracking. By using multiple mobile nodes, placed on different parts of a human body, we exploit the fact that the combination of multiple measured signal strengths will show less variation caused by the user's body. Another method is to compensate explicitly for the influence of the body by using the user's orientation toward the fixed infrastructure nodes. Both approaches can be independently combined and reduce the influence caused by body shadowing, hereby improving the tracking accuracy. The overall system performance is extensively verified on a building-wide testbed for sensor experiments. The results show a significant improvement in tracking accuracy. The total improvement in mean accuracy is 38.1% when using three mobile nodes instead of one and simultaneously compensating for the user's orientation

    Statistical approach for human electromagnetic exposure assessment in future wireless ATTO-cell networks

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    In this article, we study human electromagnetic exposure to the radiation of an ultra dense network of nodes integrated in a floor denoted as ATTO-cell floor, or ATTO-floor. ATTO-cells are a prospective 5 G wireless networking technology, in which humans are exposed by several interfering sources. To numerically estimate this exposure we propose a statistical approach based on a set of finite difference time domain simulations. It accounts for variations of antenna phases and makes use of a large number of exposure evaluations, based on a relatively low number of required simulations. The exposure was expressed in peak-spatial 10-g SAR average (psSAR(10g)). The results show an average exposure level of similar to 4.9 mW/kg and reaching 7.6 mW/kg in 5% of cases. The maximum psSAR(10g) value found in the studied numerical setup equals around 21.2 mW/kg. Influence of the simulated ATTO-floor size on the resulting exposure was examined. All obtained exposure levels are far below 4 W/kg ICNIRP basic restriction for general public in limbs (and 20 W/kg basic restriction for occupational exposure), which makes ATTO-floor a potential low-exposure 5 G candidate