42 research outputs found

    Деякі організаційні, тактичні та технічні особливості діяльності кінологічних підрозділів Національної поліції

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    Таранов, В. Л. Деякі організаційні, тактичні та технічні особливості діяльності кінологічних підрозділів Національної поліції / Віктор Леонідович Таранов // Шляхи покращення професійного рівня працівників кінологічних служб : тези доп. Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 14 груд. 2018 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків, 2018. – С. 63-65.Практичний досвід повсякденної діяльності кінологічних підрозділів останнім часом привертає увагу на такі важливі моменти, як: 1. Необхідність додаткової тактичної підготовки кінологів, які працюють у взаємодії з підрозділами національної поліції, які виконують спеціальні функції (КОРД, ТОР, ВТС тощо), до необхідного мінімального рівня за напрямком діяльності; 2. Необхідність розробки та виробництва «тривожного» комплекту кінолога, включаючи засоби індивідуального захисту службового собаки; 3. Необхідність забезпечення кінологів спеціальними самозаряджаючими кобурами для табельної вогнепальної зброї;The practical experience of the daily activities of canine divisions has recently attracted attention to such important points as: 1. The need for additional tactical training of cynologists working in conjunction with national police units performing special functions (KORD, TOR, PTS, etc.) to the required minimum level of activity; 2. The necessity of development and production of an "alarming" set of cynologists, including means of personal protection of an official dog; 3. There is a need to provide cinologists with a special self-charging holster for firearms.Практический опыт повседневной деятельности кинологических подразделений в последнее время привлекает внимание на такие важные моменты, как: 1. Необходимость дополнительной тактической подготовки кинологов, работающих во взаимодействии с подразделениями национальной полиции, выполняющих специальные функции (КОРД, ТОР, ВТС и т.д.), до необходимого минимального уровня по направлению деятельности; 2. Необходимость разработки и производства «тревожного» комплекта кинолога, включая средства индивидуальной защиты служебной собаки; 3. Необходимость обеспечения кинологов специальными самозаряджаючимы кобурами для табельного огнестрельного оружия

    Structure and Phase Composition of V-Al-N-C Master Alloy

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    The article presents the results of studying the phase composition and microstructure of the V-Al-N-C alloy, intended mainly for doping titanium alloys, but also of interest to manufacturers of structural steels. The V-Al-N-C alloy was obtained by the method of out-of-furnace aluminothermic smelting of a mixture containing vanadium pentoxide, aluminum powder, nitrided by the SHS method powdered V-Al-(17-20)N (wt.%) alloy and graphite in copper uncooled molds. The phase composition was determined by X-ray phase analysis (diffractometer - DRON-2.0, radiation - Cu-Kα, monochromator - graphite). The microstructure and composition of the phases were investigated by X-ray microanalysis using a JSM-59000LV scanning electron microscope ( Japan) and an Oxford INCA Energy 200 energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (United Kingdom). It is revealed that the matrix of the V-Al-N-C alloy, containing (wt. %): 73.9 V; 23.7 Al, 1.2 N, 0.69 C, and 0.08 O2, are represented by the solid solution of aluminum in vanadium. The main nitrogen-containing phase is aluminum nitride AlN of a cubic structure. The carbide phase can be identified as V2Al0.9C1.1. Nitride and carbide phases are distributed quite uniformly in the alloy matrix. The carbide phase in the structure of the V-Al-N-C alloy is predominantly in the form of threadlike crystals up to 100 μm in length. The nitride phase is represented by small (up to 10 μm) and large (30 ÷ 10

    Compliance with hygienic requirements to the terms of learning in the school of Yekaterinburg

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    The article discusses the requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions. A study was conducted in a secondary school in Yekaterinburg for compliance. Analyzed the results of the study, suggested assumptions about the possible consequences for students.В статье рассмотрены нормы СанПин Проведено исследование в средней общеобразовательной школе Екатеринбурга на предмет их соблюдения. Проанализированы результаты исследования, высказаны предположения о возможных последствиях для школьников. Информация представлена в виде таблиц, графиков. Проведен социологический опрос учащихся

    Lie group analysis for multi-scale plasma dynamics

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    An application of approximate transformation groups to study dynamics of a system with distinct time scales is discussed. The utilization of the Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolsky method of averaging to find solutions of the Lie equations is considered. Physical illustrations from the plasma kinetic theory demonstrate the potentialities of the suggested approach. Several examples of invariant solutions for the system of the Vlasov-Maxwell equations for the two-component (electron-ion) plasma are presented.Comment: Latex, 15 pages, 7 figure. This is an enlarged contribution to Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics v.18, Suppl. 1 (2011) p.163-175 with modest stylistic corrections introduced mainly in the third Sectio

    Dependent coordinates in path integral measure factorization

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    The transformation of the path integral measure under the reduction procedure in the dynamical systems with a symmetry is considered. The investigation is carried out in the case of the Wiener--type path integrals that are used for description of the diffusion on a smooth compact Riemannian manifold with the given free isometric action of the compact semisimple unimodular Lie group. The transformation of the path integral, which factorizes the path integral measure, is based on the application of the optimal nonlinear filtering equation from the stochastic theory. The integral relation between the kernels of the original and reduced semigroup are obtained.Comment: LaTeX2e, 28 page

    Mice as Animal Model for Evaluation of Therapeutic Efficacy of Preparations against Monkeypox

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    of MPV after 7 days postinfection, applying peroral administration once within 24 hours (24 hours before infection and 7 days after infection of mouse with 60 µg/g of a preparation). Displayed is the feasibility of using 8–15-days-old ICR mice (body weight 9–11 g) as an animal model for evaluation of therapeutic efficacy of the preparations under development against Monkeypox and smallpox

    Possibility of using a mouse SCID as a model animal to variola virus for evaluating anti-smallpox drug efficacy

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    At present, there is no animal model for smallpox that reflects the weakened immune system in people and can therefore help assess the prophylactic (highly preventive) efficiency of antiviral drugs. To fill in the gap, we have explored the possibility of using outbred immunodeficient SCID mice as a model animal for smallpox with the aid of virolo­gical, histological and electron microscopic and sta­tistical methods. There was no clinical evidence of disease by intranasal infection of mice at a dose of 5.2 log10 PFU (plaque forming units). At the same time, the 50 % infective dose (ID50) of VARV estimated for animals by registering the presence of the virus in their lungs after 4 days post i.n. infection was 3.5 log10 PFU and was relatively similar to that in humans, theoretically determined by identification of the clinical picture of the disease. Virus replication was detected only in the respiratory organs of mice challenged i.n. with VARV at a dose of 5.2 log10 PFU (50 ID50). The values for its concentrations in the lungs and nose resembled those for affected people and well-known animal models (Macaca cynomolgus and ICR mice), respiratorily infected with VARV at similar doses. The existing model animals were not significantly different from SCID mice in the duration of viral presence in the lungs. Moreover, in SCID mice, as in humans and other animal models, similar pathomor- phological changes of inflammatory necrotic nature in the respiratory organs have been reported. Using SCID mice in assessing the prophylactic efficacy of the antiviral drugs NIOCH-14 and ST-246 demonstrated the adequacy of the results obtained to those described in the literature. This opens up the prospect of using SCID mice as an animal model for smallpox to develop antiviral drugs intended for people with severe immuno­suppressive states

    Immunogenic and Protective Features of the Recombinant Vaccinia Virus Strain Expressing Cassette of Genes of Marburg Virus Structural Proteins

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    The aim of the study was to create a highly immunogenic vaccine construct based on a recombinant variant of a replication-defective MVA strain of vaccinia virus, expressing virus-like particles that mimic natural infection with Marburg virus. Materials and methods. The recombinant virus was obtained through recombination between homologous viral DNA sequences and the insertion plasmid pDel2-GP-VP-Pat which carries transgenes of the structural proteins GP and VP40 of Marburg virus, flanked by fragments of MVA strain genome. Structure of the recombinant virus was confirmed in PCR and using sequencing, transgenes expression was analyzed by Western blotting, viruslike particles formation was recorded using electron microscopy. Evaluation of immunogenicity and protectivity was carried out using a guinea pig model. The antibody titer was determined in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. To assess T-cell response, the intracellular staining of cytokines was used, followed by analysis of samples on a flow cytometer. Results and discussion. On the basis of highly attenuated MVA strain of vaccinia virus a recombinant variant MVA-GP-VP40-MARV has been constructed, carrying a cassette of transgenes, GP and VP40, of Marburg virus in the region of deletion II of the genome. The expression of transgenes in MVA-permissive CER cells infected with recombinant MVA-GP-VP40-MARV strain and secretion of GP and VP40 proteins into culture medium have been demonstrated. Electron microscopy analysis has revealed the presence of Marburg virus-like particles in the culture medium of cells 12 hours after infection. Double vaccination of guinea pigs with MVA-GP-VP40-MARV strain at a dose of 108 PFU/animal induced the formation of antibodies to Marburg and vaccinia viruses, as well as 100 % protection against lethal Marburg virus infection (50 LD50). Using original TEpredict software, the structure of T-helper epitopes of GP protein has been predicted. Using the ICS method, the biological activity of these epitopes has been experimentally confirmed and it was shown that they provide the induction of a T-cell immune response as part of the MVA-GP-VP40-MARV vaccine construct

    Understanding complex dynamics of behavioral, neurochemical and transcriptomic changes induced by prolonged chronic unpredictable stress in zebrafish

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    Stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders are widespread, debilitating and often treatment-resistant illnesses that represent an urgent unmet biomedical problem. Animal models of these disorders are widely used to study stress pathogenesis. A more recent and historically less utilized model organism, the zebrafish (Danio rerio), is a valuable tool in stress neuroscience research. Utilizing the 5-week chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) model, here we examined brain transcriptomic profiles and complex dynamic behavioral stress responses, as well as neurochemical alterations in adult zebrafish and their correction by chronic antidepressant, fluoxetine, treatment. Overall, CUS induced complex neurochemical and behavioral alterations in zebrafish, including stable anxiety-like behaviors and serotonin metabolism deficits. Chronic fluoxetine (0.1 mg/L for 11 days) rescued most of the observed behavioral and neurochemical responses. Finally, whole-genome brain transcriptomic analyses revealed altered expression of various CNS genes (partially rescued by chronic fluoxetine), including inflammation-, ubiquitin- and arrestin-related genes. Collectively, this supports zebrafish as a valuable translational tool to study stress-related pathogenesis, whose anxiety and serotonergic deficits parallel rodent and clinical studies, and genomic analyses implicate neuroinflammation, structural neuronal remodeling and arrestin/ubiquitin pathways in both stress pathogenesis and its potential therapy. © 2020, The Author(s).The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) Grant 19‐15‐00053. KAD is supported by the President of Russia Graduate Fellowship, the Special Rector’s Productivity Fellowship for SPSU PhD Students, and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) grant 18‐34‐00996. ADP was supported by St. Petersburg University (project ID 51555422). The research team was supported by St. Petersburg State University state budgetary funds (project ID 51130521). AVK is the Chair of the International Zebrafish Neuroscience Research Consortium (ZNRC) and President of the International Stress and Behavior Society (ISBS, www.stress-and-behavior.com) that coordinated this collaborative multi-laboratory project. The consortium provided a collaborative idea exchange platform for this study. It is not considered as an affiliation, and did not fund the study. AVK is supported by the Southwest University Zebrafish Platform Construction Fund. TGA’s research is supported by the budgetary funding for basic research from the Scientific Research Institute of Physiology and Basic Medicine (AAAA-A16-116021010228-0, Novosibirsk, Russia). This study utilized equipment of the Core Facilities Centre “Centre for Molecular and Cell Technologies” of St. Petersburg State University. The funders had no role in the design, analyses, and interpretation of the submitted study, or decision to publish

    Клинико-эпидемиологические особенности течения новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 у детей в периоды подъема заболеваемости в городе Москве в 2020—2021 гг.

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    Purpose: to identify the features of COVID-19 infection in children at different periods of the epidemiological rise in the incidence in the city of Moscow.Results. The article presents the observation of 1561 children hospitalized in the State Medical Institution «Children's City Clinical Hospital named after Z. A. Bash-lyaeva DZM» with a diagnosis of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 during the periods of epidemiological rises in morbidity («2nd and 3rd waves of COVID-19»). An increase in the number of hospitalized children during the «3rd wave of COVID-19», early admission dates from the onset of the disease, due to the lack of treatment effect in outpatient settings, the predominance of school-age children and adolescents, the predominant course of infection with the development of viral pneumonia CT2-3, less often CT3-4, a 10-fold reduction in the number of children with MIS-syndrome, an elongation of the period of viral release in patients.Цель: выявить особенности течения инфекции COVID-19 у детей в разные периоды эпидемиологического подъема заболеваемости в городе Москве в 2020—2021 гг.Результаты: В статье представлено наблюдение за 1561 ребенком, госпитализированным в ГБУЗ «Детская городская клиническая больница имени З.А. Башляевой ДЗМ» с диагнозом новая коронавирусная инфекция COVID-19 в периоды эпидемиологического подъема заболеваемости («2-й и 3-й волн COVID-19»). Показано увеличение числа госпитализированных детей во время «3-й волны COVID-19», ранние сроки поступления от начала заболевания, в связи с отсутствием эффекта лечения в амбулаторных условиях, преобладание детей школьного возраста и подростков, преимущественное течение инфекции с развитием вирусной пневмонии КТ2-3, реже КТ3-4, сокращение числа детей с MIS-синдром в 10 раз, удлинение периода вирусовыделения у пациентов