4,678 research outputs found

    Influence of stretching on warm up in jump and speed

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    El objetivo del estudio es determinar si la realización de estiramientos pasivos, incluidos como parte del calentamiento, influyen en el rendimiento de la fuerza explosiva, en este caso en varios tests de salto vertical: Squat Jump (SJ), Countermouvement Jump (CMJ) y Reactive Jump (RJ); y también en un test de velocidad de 30 metros (mts.) con salida lanzada de 5 mts. Para ello, 9 jugadores del Málaga Club de Fútbol de categoría juvenil (18,22 ± 0,441 años) realizaron 2 protocolos de calentamiento en dos semanas consecutivas en su día de recuperación. Los jugadores de fútbol utilizan los estiramientos pasivos en su calentamiento y el tipo de esfuerzo al que se someten durante su actividad tiene un alto componente de fuerza explosiva de tipo balístico, movimientos que se ejecutan con gran intensidad y corta duración, tales como golpear el balón, sprints, cambios de dirección, saltos, etc. Se han encontrado disminuciones en el rendimiento de los test de SJ y RJ, así como también en el test de velocidad, obteniéndose valores significativos (p<0,05) tanto para la potencia y el tiempo de vuelo del test RJ, como también para el test de velocidad. En cuanto al test CMJ, se han obtenido beneficios aunque las diferencias no han sido significativas. Por tanto, la realización de estiramientos pasivos influye de forma negativa en el rendimiento de la fuerza explosiva y la velocidad en una muestra de futbolistas entrenados

    Influencia del estiramiento en el calentamiento para el salto y la velocidad

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the influence of passive stretchings included as part of warm up in explosive strength performance, in this case in several vertical jump tests: Squat Jump (SJ), Countermouvement Jump (CMJ) and Reactive Jump (RJ); and also in a 30 meters speed test with 5 meters start flying.Sample was composed by 9 male Málaga Football Club soccerplayers (18.22 ± 0.44 years) performed 2 warm up protocols in they free day in two consecutive weeks. The soccer players use the passive stretching in warm up and the kind of effort during the activity has a high component of explosive ballistic strength, movements executed by great intensity and short duration, for example shoot the ball, sprints, way changes, jumps, etc.Were observed decreases in SJ, RJ and speed tests performance, with statistic significant differences (p&lt;0.05) in power and flight time of RJ test, also in speed test. As for the CMJ test, benefits have been obtained though the differences have not been significant. Therefore, passive stretching included in warm up had a negative influence in explosive strength and speed in trained soccer players group.El objetivo del estudio es determinar si la realización de estiramientos pasivos, incluidos como parte del calentamiento, influyen en el rendimiento de la fuerza explosiva, en este caso en varios tests de salto vertical: Squat Jump (SJ), Countermouvement Jump (CMJ) y Reactive Jump (RJ); y también en un test de velocidad de 30 metros (mts.) con salida lanzada de 5 mts.            Para ello, 9 jugadores del Málaga Club de Fútbol de categoría juvenil (18,22 ± 0,441 años) realizaron 2 protocolos de calentamiento en dos semanas consecutivas en su día de recuperación. Los jugadores de fútbol utilizan los estiramientos pasivos en su calentamiento y el tipo de esfuerzo al que se someten durante su actividad tiene un alto componente de fuerza explosiva de tipo balístico, movimientos que se ejecutan con gran intensidad y corta duración, tales como golpear el balón, sprints, cambios de dirección, saltos, etc.             Se han encontrado disminuciones en el rendimiento de los test de SJ y RJ, así como también en el test de velocidad, obteniéndose valores significativos (p&lt;0,05) tanto para la potencia y el tiempo de vuelo del test RJ, como también para el test de velocidad. En cuanto al test CMJ, se han obtenido beneficios aunque las diferencias no han sido significativas. Por tanto, la realización de estiramientos pasivos influye de forma negativa en el rendimiento de la fuerza explosiva y la velocidad en una muestra de futbolistas entrenados

    Estudio preliminar comparativo entre los acondicionadores de suelos convencionales y las escorias del proceso Conox para uso agrícola

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    International audience(Cass. crim. 27 mai 2004, Bull. crim. n° 140 ; D. 2004, IR p. 1933

    Neonatal spontaneous biliary perforation: Case report

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    AbstractObjectiveSpontaneous biliary perforation in neonates is rare. The etiology of this pathology is idiopathic and various management strategies ranging from non-operative treatment to complex operations, such as biliary-enteric reconstruction, are performed, with few reported outcomes.Case reportA 3-week-old female, born at term, presented fever, abdominal distension, and acholic stool. An ultrasound was performed, which revealed generalized ascites and a poorly-defined collection. An emergency laparotomy confirmed perforation in the distal common bile duct and a biliary-enteric-anastomosis was performed.DiscussionWide drainage has been reported as the best initial management strategy for spontaneous biliary perforation, although it depends on the patient's clinical status and intraoperative findings.ConclusionsSpontaneous infantile biliary perforation is rare. Main management is wide drainage with, most perforations being resolved in 2 weeks

    Susceptibilidad de Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) colectada en Primula obconica Hance Y Convolvulus arvensis L. a acaricidas

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    The use of acaricides of high toxicity in the production and handling of ornamental plants should bea matter of consumer concern. The susceptibility of two populations of Tetranychus urticae was assessed: one collected from Primula obconica Hance and the other from Convolvulus arvenis L. as susceptible reference strain to the acaricides dicofol, abamectin alone and mixed with the surfactant phosphatidylcholine, azadirachtin, sulfur, pyridaben and fenazaquin. The evaluated parameters were mortality, lethal concentration 50% (LC50) and 90% (LC90), lethal time 50% (LT50) and 90% (LT90), effectiveness and index of resistance (IR). The experimental design was completely at random. Each treatment had \ubc, \ubd, 1, 2 and 4X of the doses indicated by the manufacturer, five replicates and were sprayed with a Potter spray tower. The results showed that the LC50 for azadirachtin and sulfur was significantly high. Regarding the population from P. obconica, abamectin alone and in mixture with phosphatidylcholine and fenazaquin showed the highest efficiency. Azadirachtin and sulfur were the acaricides showing the slowest activity and the resistance index indicated that the population collected in P. obconica should be considered susceptible to all the evaluated acaricides.El uso de acaricidas de alta toxicidad en la producci\uf3n y manejo de plantas ornamentales es un tema que deber\ueda preocupar a los consumidores. Se evalu\uf3 la susceptibilidad en laboratorio de dos poblaciones de Tetranychus urticae colectadas una en Primula obconica Hance y la otra en Convolvulus arvenis L, que se us\uf3 como raza sensible de referencia, a dicofol, abamectina, sola y en mezcla con el surfactante fosfatidilcolina, azadirachtina, azufre, pyridaben y fenazaquin. Las variables evaluadas fueron mortalidad, concentraci\uf3n letal 50% (CL50) y 90% (CL90), tiempo letal 50% (TL50) y 90% (TL90), eficacia e \uedndice de resistencia (IR). El dise\ue3o experimental fue completamente al azar. Cada acaricida se evalu\uf3 en \ubc, \ubd, 1, 2 y 4 veces la dosis recomendada seg\ufan el fabricante, y cada tratamiento tuvo cinco repeticiones y se aplicaron con una torre de Potter. Los resultados muestran que para azadirachtina y azufre la CL50 fue mayor. En la poblaci\uf3n proveniente de P. obconica, abamectina sola y en mezcla con fosfatidilcolina y fenazaquin propiciaron la mayor eficiencia. Azadirachtina y azufre demostraron ser los acaricidas de m\ue1s lenta acci\uf3n y el \uedndice de resistencia indica que la poblaci\uf3n colectada en P. obconica debe ser considerada como sensible a todos los acaricidas evaluados

    Treatment of olive oil mill wastewater by single electrocoagulationwith different electrodes and sequentialelectrocoagulation/electrochemical Fenton-based processes

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    The treatment of olive oil mill wastewater (OOMW) by novel sequential processes involving electrocoagulation (EC) followed by electro-Fenton (EF) or photoelectro-Fenton (PEF) under UVA irradiation has been studied using a boron-doped diamond anode and an air-diffusion cathode for H2O2 electrogeneration. Their performance was monitored from the removal of total organic carbon (TOC), chemical oxygen demand, turbidity, total solids and total nitrogen, as well as from the energy consumption. Preliminary EC assays were performed with one pair of electrodes made of Al, Fe, AISI 304 or AISI 316L. The Fe/Fe cell showed the best performance, yielding 40% TOC decay in 20 min. Subsequent EF or PEF at natural pH 7.2 performed similarly, whereas PEF became superior at pH 3.0 due to the action of UVA photons. Comparison between EC/PEF and single EF or PEF at pH 3.0 and 25 mA cm-2 with 0.50 mM Fe2+ revealed the positive outcome of the sequential process, attaining 97.1% TOC abatement after 600 min. GC-MS analysis of the raw wastewater allowed identifying 18 cyclic and 27 aliphatic compounds, most of which could not be removed by EC. The final solutions in EC/EF and EC/PEF contained a large plethora of persistent long-chain aliphatic acids and alkanes

    Removal of 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid from aqueous medium by electrochemical oxidation with a BDD anode: mineralization, kinetics and oxidation products

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    The degradation of 100 mL of solutions containing 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid in 0.050 M Na2SO4 at pH 3.0 has been performed by anodic oxidation with electrogenerated H2O2 (AO-H2O2) using a stirred tank reactor equipped with a boron-doped diamond (BDD) anode and an air-diffusion cathode. An almost total mineralization with 95.5% total organic carbon (TOC) removal was achieved for a 1.03 mM substrate solution at 100 mA cm-2. The effect of current density between 16.7 and 100 mA cm-2 and 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid content between 0.21 and 2.06 mM was examined. Greater current efficiency with lower specific energy consumption and smaller mineralization was found at low current density and high substrate concentration. The TOC abatement as well as the 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid concentration decay obeyed a pseudo-first-order kinetics. The oxidation role of hydroxyl radical formed from water discharge at the BDD anode is explained on the basis of its electrogeneration rate and competitive wasting reactions. 4-Hydroxybenzenemethanol and its derivative 4-hydroxybenzenealdehyde were identified as primary aromatic by-products by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Ion-exclusion HPLC allowed the detection of low amounts of the persistent oxalic acid during the AO-H2O2 process. The remaining TOC in final electrolyzed solutions is related to the presence of a large proportion of unidentified by-products that are even more recalcitrant than common short-linear aliphatic carboxylic acids

    4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid oxidation in sulfate and real olive oil mill wastewater by electrochemical advanced processes with a boron-doped diamond anode

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    The degradation of 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, a ubiquitous component of olive oil mill wastewater (OOMW), has been studied by anodic oxidation with electrogenerated H2O2 (AO-H2O2), electro-Fenton (EF) and photoelectro-Fenton (PEF). Experiments were performed in either a 0.050 M Na2SO4 solution or in real OOMW at pH 3.0, using a cell with a boron-doped diamond (BDD) anode and an air-diffusion cathode for H2O2 generation. Hydroxyl radicals formed at the BDD surface from water oxidation in all processes and/or in the bulk from Fenton's reaction between added Fe2+ and generated H2O2 in EF and PEF were the main oxidants. In both matrices, the oxidation ability of the processes increased in the order AO-H2O2 < EF < PEF. The superiority of PEF was due to the photolytic action of UVA radiation on photosensitive by-products, as deduced from the quick removal of Fe(III)-oxalate complexes. The effect of current density and organic content on the performance of all treatments was examined. 4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid decay obeyed a pseudo-first-order kinetics. The PEF treatment of 1.03 mM 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid in 0.050 M Na2SO4 allowed 98% mineralization at 360 min even at low current density, whereas 80% mineralization and a significant enhancement of biodegradability were achieved with the real OOMW

    Degradation of trans-ferulic acid in acidic aqueous medium by anodic oxidation, electro-Fenton and photoelectro-Fenton

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    Solutions of pH 3.0 containing trans-ferulic acid, a phenolic compound in olive oil mill wastewater, have been comparatively degraded by anodic oxidation with electrogenerated H2O2 (AO-H2O2), electro-Fenton (EF) and photoelectro-Fenton (PEF). Trials were performed with a BDD/air-diffusion cell, where oxidizing ¿OH was produced from water discharge at the BDD anode and/or in the solution bulk from Fenton's reaction between cathodically generated H2O2 and added catalytic Fe2+. The substrate was very slowly removed by AO-H2O2, whereas it was very rapidly abated by EF and PEF, at similar rate in both cases, due to its fast reaction with ¿OH in the bulk. The AO-H2O2 process yielded a slightly lower mineralization than EF, which promoted the accumulation of barely oxidizable products like Fe(III) complexes. In contrast, the fast photolysis of these latter species under irradiation with UVA light in PEF led to an almost total mineralization with 98% total organic carbon decay. The effect of current density and substrate concentration on the performance of all treatments was examined. Several solar PEF (SPEF) trials showed its viability for the treatment of wastewater containing trans-ferulic acid at larger scale. Four primary aromatic products were identified by GC-MS analysis of electrolyzed solutions, and final carboxylic acids like fumaric, acetic and oxalic were detected by ion-exclusion HPLC. A reaction sequence for trans-ferulic acid mineralization involving all the detected products is finally proposed