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    The isozymes of mammalian thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) contain the penultimate selenocysteineresidue (SeCys) in the redox-active C-terminal tetrapeptide, -Gly-Cys-SeCys-Gly (end). Amutant form of the mammalian enzyme TrxR-X498C in which SeCys is replaced with Cys showsa dramatically decreased catalytic activity, suggesting that SeCys residue plays an integral role inthe catalysis. In contrast, TrxR of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has no selenium in the corresponding C-terminal redox sequence, which instead of SeCys has flanking serine residues in the terminal sequence, -Ser-Cys-Cys-Ser (end). Because the catalytic activity of Dm-TrxR is comparable to that of the mammalian selenoenzyme, we introduced the serine residues at the corresponding positions of the recombinant TrxR-X498C and mimicked the redox center of the fruit fly TrxR. However, the catalysis remained as low as the Cys mutant of the selenoenzyme, suggesting that the additional structural features are still required for the tetrapeptide to function as a redox center. MOPAC calculation suggested that the complete motif might involve the hexapeptide sequence, which includes a proline residue, -Pro-X-Ser-Cys-Cys-Ser (end). The proline-containing motif is conserved among other insect TrxRs such as those of honeybee and fruit fly.ほ乳類チオレドキシン還元酵素はC末端配列-Gly-Cys-SeCys-Gly(end)の後ろから2番目にセレノシステイン(SeCys)残基を持つ.SeCys をシステインに変換すると酵素の活性は大きく低下するので,SeCys 残基が触媒活性に必須であることが分かる.これに対してキイロショウジョウバエのチオレドキシン還元酵素(Dm-TrxR)のC末端配列にはセレンが含まれず,システイン残基の対が2つのセリンに挟まれた配列-Ser-Cys-Cys-Ser (end)を持つ.それでも Dm-TrxR はほ乳類のセレン含有酵素と同程度の触媒能を示す.われわれはヒト肺チオレドキシン還元酵素に Dm-TrxR のC末端テトラペプチド配列を導入してその効果を調べた.しかし,酵素活性はまったく上昇せず,Dm-TrxR のC末端のテトラペプチド配列-Ser-Cys-Cys-Ser だけでは Cys 残基のチオール基を活性化する効果はなかった.そこで,分子軌道計算 MOPAC を用いて酸化還元機能を担うためのC末端配列モチーフを探索した.その結果,テトラペプチドにさらに2つ先のプロリンまでを含めた Pro-X-Ser-Cys-Cys-Ser(end)により初めて酸化還元モチーフとして機能する可能性が示唆された.Pro を含むこの配列モチーフはミツバチや蚊などほかの昆虫の TrxR でも保存されてい

    Identification of Ornithine-lactam Converted from Arginine in Streptomyces incarnatus NRRL8089

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    Sinefungin is a nucleoside antibiotic, in which a molecule of L-ornithine is linked to the 5' end of adenosine through a C-C bond. The antibiotic was isolated from the culture broth of Streptomyces incarnatus. For the purpose of detecting intermediate of sinefungin biosynthesis, resting cell suspensions were incubated with supplemental L-arginine, and L-ornithine. 50mM Arginine was converted to a compound X that has low polarity. 50mM ornithine was not converted and remained in reaction solution. Compound X was purified using HPLC, and analyzed using (1)H-NMR and FAB-MS. These analyses showed that a compound X is "ornithine-lactam" (Mw=114), which has a structure of circularized ornithine. These results indicated that S. incarnatus has an enzyme that converts arginine to ornithine-lactam. Such an enzyme has never been reported, and suggested that it may be relevant to sinefungin biosynthesis.シネフンギンは抗真菌,抗マラリア活性を有する核酸系抗生物質であり,放線菌 S. incarnatus により生合成される.シネフンギンはアデノシンとオルニチンがCンC結合した構造であり,無細胞抽出液での取り込み実験からLンアルギニンと ATP から生合成されると推測される.Lンアルギニン,Lンオルニチンを S. incarnatus の休止菌体反応系への投与を行いシネフンギン中間体の探索を行った.その結果50ヒアルギニンは24時間以内に低極性化合物へと変換された.一方50ヒオルニチンは変換されず反応液中に残存した.HPLC で化合物を精製し,1HンNMR,FABンMS での分析の結果オルニチン環状モノペプチド,「オルニチンラクタム」(分子量114)であることを明らかにした.この結果は S. incarnatus がアルギニンからオルニチンラクタムへの変換酵素を有する事を示唆する.このような酵素の報告例はこれまでになく,ニ次代謝酵素であることが示唆され,シネフンギン生合成との関連性に興味が持たれる


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    Semiempirical molecular orbital calculation (MOPAC) was used to estimate the enthalpy difference (ΔH) between the reduce and oxidized states of the C-terminal rebox center of human thioredoxin reductase. Heat of formation was computed by WinMOPAC 3.5Pro for the model peptides, N-Acetyl-Ser-Ile-Leu-Gly-X1-X2-Gly, whose-X1-X2-sequence was-Cys SeCys-(natural sequence), -SeCys-Cys-(reverse sequence), -Cys-Cys, and-SeCys-SeCys-. Calculation by Hamiltonian AM1 and PM3 agreed that the oxidized state with selenosulfide bonds and a diselenide bond were more favoralbe than their reduced states. Only the peptide that contained-Cys-Cys-sequence was shown to have lower enthalpy when the two Cys were in the reduced form. It has been reported that substitution of SeCys498 to Cys results in the mujtant TrxRs retaining only about 1% of the enzyme activity. The results of computational estimation supported the experimental hypothesis that the inactivation by SeCys498Cys mutation was due to the unfavorable formation of disulfide bond between Cys497-Cys498.ヒトのチオレドキシン還元酵素(TrxR)のカルボキシル末端配列の酸化還元に伴うエンタルピー変化を計算した。半経験的分子軌道計算 WinMOPAC 3.5Pro を用いてモデルペプチド、N-Ac-Ser-Ile-Leu-Gln-Ala-Gly-X1-X2-Gly の生成熱を算出した。X1,X2のアミノ酸配列は-SeCys-Cys、 -Cys-SeCys-、 -SeCys-SeCys-、 -Cys-Cys- のいずれかで、それぞれ酸化状態と還元状態を計算し、そのエンタルピー差を求めた。ハミルトニアン AM1 と PM3は同じ傾向の計算結果を示し、セレノスルフィドまたはジセレニドを形成するペプチドは酸化状態でより安定化するのに対して-Cys-Cys-の配列を持つペプチドは還元型の方が安定的であることを示した。ほ乳類の TrxR の SeCys498 を Cys に置換すると酵素活性が1%程度にまで低下することが報告されている。これは、変異酵素が -Cys497-Cys498- 間で酸化的架橋を形成しにくいからと考察されていたが、今回の分子軌道計算の結果は、この仮説を支持している

    Synthesis and Biochemical Studies of Selenocysteine-Containing Peptides

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    Selenium belongs to the Ⅵb group of the periodic table,and possesses both metallic and nonmetallic characteristics. Physicochemical properties of selenium resemble more or less those of sulfur,and selenium may be indiscriminately incorporated in place of sulfur in cellular constituents and disturb metabolism. Alkali disease and blind stagger disease of livestock are caused by selenium-polluted grass. Carcinogenic effect is also one of the marked biological properties of selenium. In spite of the toxic and carcinogenic effects,selenium is actually an essential trace element for bacteria,fish,and mammals. Life has exploied the high reactivity and unique characteristics of organoselenium compounds,especially in the form of selenoenzymes. Mammalian glutathione peroxidase(EC has selenocysteine residue at the active site, and the enzyme plays a central role in the biological defense system against oxidative challenge by activated oxygens and radicals. The author has studied the low redox potential and high reactivity of selenium-containing compounds, and developed glutathione peroxidase mimics. Glutaselenone, a selenium analog of glutaheione, catalyzes a glutathione peroxidase like reaction in vitro. Studies on the mechanisum of glutaselenone-catalyzed reaction revealed that glutaselenone is converted to a selenosulfide conjugate with glutathione in its catalysis. Thioredoxins contain a conserved sequence,Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys, which is known to form intramolecular disulfide bond with consecutive β-turn conformations. THe peptide is expected to serve as an template for intramolecular selenosulfide bond formation when either the cysteine is replaced by selenocystein. A tetrapeptide,Secys-Gly-Pro-Cys, was synthesized chemically. It showed glutathione peroxidase-like activity three times as high as glutaselenone. The high catalytic activity is ascribed to an intramolecular selenosulfide bond formation in the catalytic reaction.セレンは2-、0、2+、4+、6+と多彩な酸化還元状態をとるという点で金属的な性質を持つ。また有機セレン化合物として求核的・求電子的な反応性に関与できるという点で酸素や硫黄などの典型元素のような振る舞いをする。生命は進化の過程で、セレンのユニークな化学的特性をうまく利用し、グルタチオンペルオキシダーゼなどのセレン酵素を獲得してきたと考えられる。セレン酵素の研究に触発されて、セレン酵素化合物を医薬品として利用する研究が進められており注目を集めている。このような背景のもと、グルタセレノンとテトラペプチドを合成した。とくにテトラペプチドはグルタセレノンの反応機構研究から生まれたペプチドである。今後さらに高い活性を持つ人工酵素がデザインされ、合成されるだろう。その時、鋳型として蛋白質や核酸、オリゴ糖などある特定のコンフォメーションをとる生体物質が利用されると思われる