178 research outputs found

    A preliminary study on cranio-facial characteristics associated with minor neurological dysfunctions (Mnds) in children with autism spectrum disorders (asd)

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    Background. Craniofacial anomalies and minor neurological dysfunction (MNDs) have been identified, in literature, as risk factors for neurodevelopmental disorders. They represent physical indicators of embryonic development suggesting a possible contributory role of complications during early, even pre-conceptional, phases of ontogeny in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Limited research has been conducted about the co-occurrence of the two biomarkers in children with ASD. This study investigates the associative patterns of cranio-facial anomalies and MNDs in ASD children, and whether these neurodevelopmental markers correlate with intensity of ASD symptoms and overall functioning. Methods. Caucasian children with ASD (n = 33) were examined. Measures were based on five anthropometric cranio-facial indexes and a standardized and detailed neurological examination according to Touwen. Relationships between anthropometric z-scores, MNDs and participant characteristics (i.e., age, cognitive abilities, severity of autistic symptoms measured using the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) checklist) were assessed. Results. With respect to specific MNDs, significant positive correlations were found between Cephalic Index and Sensory deficits (p-value < 0.001), which did not correlate with CARS score. Importantly, CARS score was positively linked with Intercanthal Index (p-value < 0.001), and negatively associated with posture and muscle tone (p-value = 0.027) and Facial Index (p-value = 0.004). Conclusion. Our data show a link between a specific facial phenotype and anomalies in motor responses, suggesting early brain dysmaturation involving subcortical structures in cerebro-craniofacial development of autistic children. This research supports the concept of a “social brain functional morphology” in autism spectrum disorders

    Behavioural disorders in children and adolescents: A conceptual review about the therapeutic alliance with family and school

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    Aim: In disruptive behavioral disorders, given the wide range of symptomatic manifestations and the complexity of the sociofamiliar contexts in which they develop, it is now proven that more visible and more stable results can be achieved over time through multimodal and multidimensional interventions. These are accomplished through the integration of psychotherapeutic interventions for the child and parents, counseling interventions for all the various practitioners who come into contact with the child in school, sports, and social settings, through the possibility of organizing multiple settings in patient can be followed by several health professionals such as child and adolescent neuropsychiatrist, neuropsychomotricist, occupation therapist, psychologist

    Review about comorbidities of behavioural disorders in children and adolescents: The focus on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    Disruptive behavior disorders (DBD) present high comorbidity rate mainly for opposite-defiant disorders that are frequent among children, adolescents and adults affected by with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), probably as result of common temperamental risk factors such as attention, distraction, impulsivity. ADHD tend to manifest in about 50% of individuals diagnosed as disruptive behavioral disorders

    The behavioral parenting interventions (BPT) for support and mandatory integrative therapy for children and adolescents affected by disruptive behavioural disorders: A brief review

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    The behavioral parenting interventions (BPT), commonly abbreviated as parent training, is a program conducted by an expert with the specific purpose of improving or modifying parental practices in order to promote the child's well-being, increasing parenting skills in the daily management of the child, problem solving and reducing the level of parenting and family stress. BPT presents many positive effects on children or adolescents affected by neurodevelopmental disorder such as ADHD, autism and cognitive dysfunction but BPT appears to improve also other proximal outcomes such as parenting competence and parenting stress

    Serum Levels of Soluble IL-2R, CD4 and CD8 in Chronic Active HCV Positive Hepatitis

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    The aim of the present study was to compare serum levels of soluble forms of interleukin-2 receptor, CD4 and CD8, released by lymphocytes during activation ofthe immune system, in patients with histologically verified chronic active hepatitis associated to hepatitis C virus infection, with those in healthy subjects. Significantly higher levels of soluble IL-2R and soluble CD8 were found in patients with chronic active hepatitis compared with controls. In contrast no difference was found for soluble CD4 values in the two groups. No correlations were found for both sIL-2R and sCD8 and these two molecules with other parameters of liver function. These results indicate that in these patients there is a general activation of the immune system, but the lack of correlation with parameters of liver function strengthens the suggestion that this activation does not play a role in the pathogenesis of chronic type C hepatitis

    EMotional Intelligence And Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome In Children: Preliminary Case-Control Study

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    Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) affects up to 4% of pediatric population, with many co-morbidities in the medium-long term. Functional alterations in prefrontal cortex (PFC) may explain why OSAS impacts aspects such as: executive functions, memory, motor control, attention, visual-spatial skills, learning and mood regulation. Emotional intelligence (EI) is a complex neuropsychological function that could be impaired in many clinical conditions. Aim of the study is to evaluate the difference in emotional intelligence skills among children with OSAS and healthy subjects Materials and methods: 29 children (16 males) mean age 9.5 \ub1 1.54 years, affected by OSAS were compared with 60 typical developing children similar for gender (p = 0,871), age (p = 0,934) and socio-economic status (p = 0.714). Bar-On emotional quotient inventory, youth version (EQ-i: YV) was used in order to assess the Emotional Quotient. Results: Apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) results to be 8.76 \ub13.45 with medium desaturation index (ODI) amounting to 2:52 \ub1 21.5, average saturation 92.7\ub14.8 %, average desaturation 4.9 %. OSAS children have significant differences in Interpersonal scales (84.95 \ub1 07.03 vs. 99.61 \ub1 8.96; p <0.001), Adaptability (7:36 \ub1 79.61 vs. 101.32 \ub1 9.4; p <0.001), Stress Management (72.48 \ub1 8.14 vs. 98.44 \ub1 5.19, p <0.001), QE Total (81.28 \ub1 11.03 vs. 102.14 \ub1 9.62; p <0.001). Pearson correlation analysis shows an inverse relationship between QE total and ODI (p <0.01). Conclusion: Our findings tend to highlight the role of intermittent hypoxia in OSAS effects genesis, involving also aspects different from physical impairments

    Anxiety levels in mothers of children affected by x-fragile syndrome

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    Introduction: Anxiety is the psychological process by which the individual reacts to dangerous external stimuli, triggering responses (mediated by norepinephrine, GABA and serotonin) involving physiological reactions and cognitive strategies. Anxiety can be differentiated in state anxiety and trait anxiety. Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is a disorder most commonly caused by a triplet repeat expansion of > 200 cytosine-guanine-guanine (CGG) repeats in the 50 untranslated region of the Fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene. Aim of the present study is investigating the state or trait anxiety in a sample of mothers of children affected by X-fragile. Materials and methods: 84 mothers (mean age 48.36 \ub1 7.11) of children affected by FXS were recruited and compared with mother of 171 typical developing children (mean age 46.18 \ub1 9.53). The Scale State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults (STAI) was used in order to assess the anxiety levels. Results: All mothers of children affected by FXS showed high score of anxiety levels at the STAI evaluation (Table 1), with no differences were found between mothers of males and females children affected. Conclusions: Mothers of children with FXS appear to be in a state of anxiety effects and suddenly even higher than those found later in mothers of children with other chronic diseases

    Paternal shift-working and sleep disorders in children affected by primary nocturnal enuresis

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    Objectives: Primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis (PMNE) is a common problem in childhood and studies about the sleep habits of affected children are not conclusive. Work-family conflict (WFC) results from the incompatibility between family demands and business/workplace needs. WFC can impact parental quality with many consequences on children health. Aim of study is assessing the prevalence of sleep disturbances in enuretic children, sons of work-shifters. Materials and methods: 80 children (67 males) aged 5-13 years (mean 10,43; SD \ub1 1,99), were consecutively referred for PMNE. Sleep habits were investigated with Sleep Disturbances Scale for Children (SDSC) and the results were compared with a control group of 255 (190 males) typical developing children (TDC) sons of no shift-workers, matched for age (mean 10.57 SD \ub1 1,89; p = 0.569) and sex distribution (Chi-square= 2.416; p = 0.120). Results: To evaluate statically differences among mean values of two samples, the Chi-square test was performed. Logistic regression was assessed to verify the role of paternal shift-working as risk factor for sleep disorders. p=0.05. All sleep disturbances categories were more prevalent in PMNE children sons of shift-workers than control group (Chi-square= 43.926; p<0.001); particularly 82.5% of PMNE vs. 11.76% of TDC show pathological scores for SBD category (Chi-square = 145.592; p<0.001; OR = 35,35; IC95% = 17.71-70.57); 61.25% vs 9.41% for SWTD (Chi-square = 93; p < 0.001; OR = 15.213; IC95% = 8.21-28.15); 57.5% vs 9.41% for DA (Chi-square = 82.31; p < 0.001; OR = 13.02; IC95% = 7.06-23.98); 37.5% vs 6.67% for DIMS (Chi-square = 45.476; p < 0.001; OR = 8,4; IC95% = 4.3-16.39); 26.25% vs 5.88% for SHY (Chi-square = 24.257; p < 0.001; OR = 5.69; IC95% = 2,76-11,71) and 25%c vs 5.49% for DOES (Chi-square = 23.323; p < 0.001; OR = 5,73; IC95% = 2,73-12,01). Conclusions: Our findings suggest that paternal shif-working plus PMNE children may be a relevant factor affecting sleep quality in affected children
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