171 research outputs found


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    Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-α) plays a role in several chronic immune and inflammatory diseases, where inhibition of TNF has led to significant clinical improvement. Actually, this cytokine is involved in bone healing by affecting mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) behaviour in a dose- and time-dependent manner1,2. Indeed, in the early inflammatory phase after fracture, low doses of TNF-α are required to favour MSC migration, survival and differentiation, thus initiating bone repair. At high dose, in the chronic uncontrolled phase of inflammation, the same cytokine has destructive effects on bone and contribute to bone loss1,2. As other soluble factors released in cell microenvironment, the cytokine modulates expression and functioning of different G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and of their regulatory proteins (GPCR regulated kinases, GRKs)3, thus dictating the final biological outcome of these receptor proteins in controlling bone anabolic processes. Herein, we investigated the effects of TNF-α low doses on the expression and functional responsiveness of A2B adenosine receptor (A2B AR), a Gs-coupled puringergic receptor that controls mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) differentiation to osteoblasts4,5. In our hands, TNF-α exerted a pro-differentiating action on MSCs, pushing towards an osteoblast phenotype, and without any effects on cell proliferation. The cytokine increased the A2B AR-mediated pro-osteogenic effects, through the A2B AR desensitization impairment mediated by GRK2 inhibition. These data i) support the anabolic effect of sub-massimal concentration of TNF-α in bone reparative processes and ii) demonstrate that the cytokine regulates GPCR responses by interfering with desensitization machinery and potentiating in turn the anabolic responses evoked by Gs-GPCRs. Overall these results indicated that manipulating MSC local environment by lregulates membrane receptors favouring bone remodelling


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    G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) play a key role in many complex biological processes, including regulation of stem cell pluripotency and differentiation. Signal transduction pathways that are activated during stem cell renewal and differentiation are shared, cross-activated or synergistic with GPCR stimulation [1]. Regulation of GPCR responses involved the activation of desensitization machinery, which started with phosphorylation of agonist-activated receptor by second messenger-dependent and/or GPCR kinases (GRKs)[1]. Besides controlling receptor responsiveness, GRKs can also act as agonist-regulated scaffolds assembling macromolecular signalosomes in the receptor environment, thereby contributing to signal propagation from cytosol to nucleus, and controlling gene transcription machinery [2]. Recent evidence suggests that the desensitization machinery fulfils a vital role in regulating cellular responses to GPCRs, and that changes in expression/functioning of these regulatory proteins may be crucial in the control of cell differentiation program [3]. These data are consistent with the notion that GPCR responsiveness may be differentially regulated during cell differentiation. In our hands, two different cellular models (oligodendrocyte precursor cells, OPCs, and mesenchymal stem cells, MSCs) were used to investigate the role of the GPCR desensitisation machinery in stem cell differentiation. During OPC differentiation, defective control of the membrane receptor GPR17 has been suggested to block cell maturation and impairs remyelination under demyelinating conditions [4]. Here we show, for the first time, a role for Murine double minute 2 (Mdm2), a ligase previously involved in ubiquitination/degradation of p53 protein. In maturing OPCs, the inhibition of Mdm2-p53 interactions increased GRK2 sequestration by Mdm2, leading to impaired GPR17 down-regulation and OPC maturation block. In MSCs, the A2B adenosine receptor (A2BAR) has been recently emerged as the major AR involved in osteoblastogenesis [5]. Proinflammatory cytokines, such as Tumour Necrosis Factor- (TNF-, have been demonstrated to regulate MSC differentiation and bone remodelling. Herein, we show that TNF- diminished GRK2 levels in MSCs, thus blocking A2BAR desensitization. As a result, TNF- enhanced the A2BAR-mediated responses and favoured MSC differentiation to osteoblasts in response to receptor agonists. The findings get new insights for discovering of the signals at the basis of cell differentiation

    New insights into the anticancer activity of carnosol: P53 reactivation in the U87MG human glioblastoma cell line

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is an aggressive brain tumour with high resistance to radio- A nd chemotherapy. As such, increasing attention has focused on developing new therapeutic strategies to improve treatment responses. Recently, attention has been shifted to natural compounds that are able to halt tumour development. Among them, carnosol (CAR), a phenolic diterpene present in rosemary, has become a promising molecule that is able to prevent certain types of solid cancer. However, no data are available on the effects of CAR in GBM. Here, CAR activity decreased the proliferation of different human glioblastoma cell lines, particularly cells that express wild type p53. The p53 pathway is involved in the control of apoptosis and is often impaired in GBM. Notably, CAR, through the dissociation of p53 from its endogenous inhibitor MDM2, was able to increase the intracellular p53 levels in GBM cells. Accordingly, functional reactivation of p53 was demonstrated by the stimulation of p53 target genes' transcription, the induction of apoptosis and cell cycle blockade. Most importantly, CAR produced synergistic effects with temozolomide (TMZ) and reduced the restoration of the tumour cells' proliferation after drug removal. Thus, for the first time, these data highlighted the potential use of the diterpene in the sensitization of GBM cells to chemotherapy through a direct re-activation of p53 pathway. Furthermore, progress has been made in delineating the biochemical mechanisms underlying the pro-apoptotic effects of this molecule

    Carnosol controls the human glioblastoma stemness features through the epithelial-mesenchymal transition modulation and the induction of cancer stem cell apoptosis

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    A high cell proliferation rate, invasiveness and resistance to chemotherapy are the main features of glioblastoma (GBM). GBM aggressiveness has been widely associated both with a minor population of cells presenting stem-like properties (cancer stem-like cells, CSCs) and with the ability of tumor cells to acquire a mesenchymal phenotype (epithelial-mesenchymal transition, EMT). Carnosol (CAR), a natural inhibitor of MDM2/p53 complex, has been attracted attention for its anti-cancer effects on several tumor types, including GBM. Herein, the effects of CAR on U87MG-derived CSC viability and stemness features were evaluated. CAR decreased the rate of CSC formation and promoted the CSC apoptotic cell death through p53 functional reactivation. Moreover, CAR was able to control the TNF-α/TGF-β-induced EMT, counteracting the effects of the cytokine on EMT master regulator genes (Slug, Snail, Twist and ZEB1) and modulating the activation of miR-200c, a key player in the EMT process. Finally, CAR was able to increase the temozolomide (TMZ) anti-proliferative effects. These findings demonstrate that CAR affected the different intracellular mechanism of the complex machinery that regulates GBM stemness. For the first time, the diterpene was highlighted as a promising lead for the development of agents able to decrease the stemness features, thus controlling GBM aggressiveness

    The ubiquitin ligase Mdm2 controls oligodendrocyte maturation by intertwining mTOR with G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 in the regulation of GPR17 receptor desensitization

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    During oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPC) differentiation, defective control of the membrane receptor GPR17 has been suggested to block cell maturation and impair remyelination under demyelinating conditions. After the immature oligodendrocyte stage, to enable cells to complete maturation, GPR17 is physiologically down-regulated via phosphorylation/desensitization by G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs); conversely, GRKs are regulated by the "mammalian target of rapamycin" mTOR. However, how GRKs and mTOR are connected to each other in modulating GPR17 function and oligodendrogenesis has remained elusive. Here we show, for the first time, a role for Murine double minute 2 (Mdm2), a ligase previously involved in ubiquitination/degradation of the onco-suppressor p53 protein. In maturing OPCs, both rapamycin and Nutlin-3, a small molecule inhibitor of Mdm2-p53 interactions, increased GRK2 sequestration by Mdm2, leading to impaired GPR17 down-regulation and OPC maturation block. Thus, Mdm2 intertwines mTOR with GRK2 in regulating GPR17 and oligodendrogenesis and represents a novel actor in myelination

    Lactate dehydrogenase-A inhibition induces human glioblastoma multiforme stem cell differentiation and death

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    Therapies that target the signal transduction and metabolic pathways of cancer stem cells (CSCs) are innovative strategies to effectively reduce the recurrence and significantly improve the outcome of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). CSCs exhibit an increased rate of glycolysis, thus rendering them intrinsically more sensitive to prospective therapeutic strategies based on the inhibition of the glycolytic pathway. The enzyme lactate dehydrogenase-A (LDH-A), which catalyses the interconversion of pyruvate and lactate, is up-regulated in human cancers, including GBM. Although several papers have explored the benefits of targeting cancer metabolism in GBM, the effects of direct LDH-A inhibition in glial tumours have not yet been investigated, particularly in the stem cell subpopulation. Here, two representative LDH-A inhibitors (NHI-1 and NHI-2) were studied in GBM-derived CSCs and compared to differentiated tumour cells. LDH-A inhibition was particularly effective in CSCs isolated from different GBM cell lines, where the two compounds blocked CSC formation and elicited long-lasting effects by triggering both apoptosis and cellular differentiation. These data demonstrate that GBM, particularly the stem cell subpopulation, is sensitive to glycolytic inhibition and shed light on the therapeutic potential of LDH-A inhibitors in this tumour type

    Regulation of Erythropoietin Receptor Activity in Endothelial Cells by Different Erythropoietin (EPO) Derivatives: An in Vitro Study.

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    In endothelial cells, erythropoietin receptors (EPORs) mediate the protective, proliferative and angiogenic effects of EPO and its analogues, which act as EPOR agonists. Because hormonal receptors undergo functional changes upon chronic exposure to agonists and because erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) are used for the long-term treatment of anemia, it is critical to determine the mechanism by which EPOR responsiveness is regulated at the vascular level after prolonged exposure to ESAs. Here, we investigated EPOR desensitization/resensitization in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) upon exposure to three ESAs with different pharmacokinetic profiles, epoetin alpha (EPOα), darbepoetin alpha (DarbEPO) and continuous EPOR activator (CERA). These agonists all induced activation of the transcription factor STAT-5, which is a component of the intracellular pathway associated with EPORs. STAT-5 activation occurred with either monophasic or biphasic kinetics for EPOα/DarbEPO and CERA, respectively. ESAs, likely through activation of the STAT-5 pathway, induced endothelial cell proliferation and stimulated angiogenesis in vitro, demonstrating a functional role for epoetins on endothelial cells. All epoetins induced EPOR desensitization with more rapid kinetics for CERA compared to EPOα and DarbEPO. However, the recovery of receptor responsiveness was strictly dependent on the type of epoetin, the agonist concentration and the time of exposure to the agonist. EPOR resensitization occurred with more rapid kinetics after exposure to low epoetin concentrations for a short period of desensitization. When the highest concentration of agonists was tested, the recovery of receptor responsiveness was more rapid with CERA compared to EPOα and was completely absent with DarbEPO. Our results demonstrate that these three ESAs regulate EPOR resensitization by very different mechanisms and that both the type of molecule and the length of EPOR stimulation are factors that are critical for the control of EPOR functioning in endothelial cells. The differences observed in receptor resensitization after stimulation with the structurally different ESAs are most likely due different control mechanisms of receptor turnover at the intracellular level

    The mesenchymal stem cell differentiation to osteoblasts is potentiate by the allosteric modulation of A2B adenosine receptors.

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    The A2B adenosine receptor (A2BAR) has been recently emerged as the major adenosine receptor involved in the mesenchymal stem cell differentiation to osteoblast and bone formation, highlighting this receptor as a new target in bone diseases. In the present study, we characterized a new 3-keto-indole-derivative (KI-7) as the first positive allosteric modulator (PAM) of the human A2B AR in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), and we investigated the potential activity of this compound as osteogenic agent. KI-7 was able to increase the effects of A2B AR of both endogenous and orthosteric agonists on the expression of osteogenic markers and on osteoblast mineralization. In the early phase of differentiation program, KI-7 significantly potentiated physiological and A2B agonist-mediated down-regulation of IL-6 release. Conversely, during the late stage of differentiation, when most of the cells have an osteoblast phenotype, KI-7 caused a sustained raise in IL-6 levels and an improvement in osteoblast viability. These data suggest that positive allosteric modulation of A2B AR not only favors MSC commitment to osteoblasts, but also ensures a greater survival of mature osteoblasts. Our study paves the way for a therapeutic use of selective positive allosteric modulators of A2B AR in the control of osteoblast differentiation, bone formation and fracture repair

    Synthesis, chemical characterization, and biological evaluation of a novel auranofin derivative as an anticancer agent

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    A novel gold(I) complex inspired by the known medicinal inorganic compounds auranofin and thimerosal, namely ethylthiosalicylate(triethylphosphine)gold(I) (AFETT hereafter), was synthesized and characterised and its structure was resolved through X-ray diffraction. The solution behavior of AFETT and its interactions with two biologically relevant proteins (i.e. human serum albumin and haemoglobin) and with a synthetic dodecapeptide reproducing the C-terminal portion of thioredoxin reductase were comparatively analyzed through 31P NMR and ESI-MS. Remarkable binding properties toward these biomolecules were disclosed. Moreover, the cytotoxic effects produced by AFETT on two ovarian cancer cell lines (A2780 and A2780 R) and one colorectal cancer cell line (HCT116) were analyzed and found to be strong and nearly superimposable to those of auranofin. Interestingly, for both compounds, the ability to induce downregulation of vimentin expression in A2780 R cells was evidenced. Despite its close similarity to auranofin, AFETT is reported to exhibit some peculiar and distinctive features such as a lower lipophilicity, an increased water solubility and a faster reactivity towards the selected target biomolecules. These differences might confer to AFETT significant pharmaceutical and therapeutic advantages over auranofin itself

    Allosterism vs. Orthosterism: Recent Findings and Future Perspectives on A2B AR Physio-Pathological Implications

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    The development of GPCR (G-coupled protein receptor) allosteric modulators has attracted increasing interest in the last decades. The use of allosteric modulators in therapy offers several advantages with respect to orthosteric ones, as they can fine-tune the tissue responses to the endogenous agonist. Since the discovery of the first A1 adenosine receptor (AR) allosteric modulator in 1990, several efforts have been made to develop more potent molecules as well as allosteric modulators for all adenosine receptor subtypes. There are four subtypes of AR: A1, A2A, A2B, and A3. Positive allosteric modulators of the A1 AR have been proposed for the cure of pain. A3 positive allosteric modulators are thought to be beneficial during inflammatory processes. More recently, A2A and A2B AR allosteric modulators have also been disclosed. The A2B AR displays the lowest affinity for its endogenous ligand adenosine and is mainly activated as a consequence of tissue damage. The A2B AR activation has been found to play a crucial role in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in the protection of the heart from ischemic injury, and in the process of bone formation. In this context, allosteric modulators of the A2B AR may represent pharmacological tools useful to develop new therapeutic agents. Herein, we provide an up-to-date highlight of the recent findings and future perspectives in the field of orthosteric and allosteric A2B AR ligands. Furthermore, we compare the use of orthosteric ligands with positive and negative allosteric modulators for the management of different pathological conditions