39 research outputs found

    Sidonius a középkor és a reneszánsz magyar irodalmában

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    Sidonius Apollinaris vers- és levélgyűjteményét már a középkori Európában műfaji mintaként és stilisztikai példatárként használták. A cikk magyarországi megjelenését követi nyomon az európai műfaji áttételektől műveinek valós, citátumokban is megjelenő ismertségéig. The collection of poems and letters from Sidonius had already been used as a genre pattern and a stylistic example in Medieval Europe. The article follows the publication of Sidonius from genre referrals to the real fame of his works appearing in quotations as well

    Maiorianus császár bukása

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    Labdázó püspökök az ókor alkonyán

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    A császárforumok bikaölő Victoriáinak ikonográfiai háttere

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    The study examines taurochtony frieses of imperial forums and analyzes the meaning of the bull symbol, presents the sacred manifestations of tauromachia and tauroctonia. It is accompanied by how the astral, fertility and royal symbol became one of the elements of Augustan ideology, how the taurobolium became an official signal of power during Trajan and Hadrian, and under Antonius Pius a symbol of apotheosis in the emperor’s cult.A tanulmány a római császárforumok bikaölő frízeit vizsgálja. Elemzi a bikaszimbólum jelentéstartalmait, bemutatja a tauromachia és tauroktonia szakrális megnyilvánulásait. Végigkíséri, hogyan válik az asztrális, termékenységi, királyi szimbólum az augustusi ideológia egyik elemévé, miként lesz a taurobolium Traianus és Hadrianus idején hivatalos hatalomjelzővé és Antoninus Pius alatt a császárkultuszba történt beemelésével az apotheosis egyik szimbólumává

    Augustus Foruma Rómában

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    Püspökportrék Sidonius Apollinaris leveleiben

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    A Graecostasis és Graecostadium topográfiai kérdéséhez

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    The study treats one of the topographical problems of the Roman city history; the question of the identification of Graecostasis and Graecostadium and their location in the Forum and their function. The author maintains that these two ideas do not denote the same structure and can be separated from each other both functionally and in place and in time. The author examines the lists of Regionaries and by putting them in a new perspective she states that the Graecostadium can be placed at the unexplored area behind the Forum. She revaluates the connection between the FUR 18e fragment and the Graecostadium and in her opinion based on the fragment the Graecostadium can be located at the south-western end of basilica Iulia. The study analizes the relationship of Graecostadium with Templum divi Augusti, its functioning as a slave-market, its connection with Eastern religions and the genius venalicii. Considering all these problems the FUR 18e fragment and the location of Graecostadium cannot be satisfactorily connected and identified

    A Graecostasis és Graecostadium topográfiai kérdéséhez

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    The study treats one of the topographical problems of the Roman city history; the question of the identification of Graecostasis and Graecostadium and their location in the Forum and their function. The author maintains that these two ideas do not denote the same structure and can be separated from each other both functionally and in place and in time. The author examines the lists of Regionaries and by putting them in a new perspective she states that the Graecostadium can be placed at the unexplored area behind the Forum. She revaluates the connection between the FUR 18e fragment and the Graecostadium and in her opinion based on the fragment the Graecostadium can be located at the south-western end of basilica Iulia. The study analizes the relationship of Graecostadium with Templum divi Augusti, its functioning as a slave-market, its connection with Eastern religions and the genius venalicii. Considering all these problems the FUR 18e fragment and the location of Graecostadium cannot be satisfactorily connected and identified

    Augustus foruma Rómában

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