238 research outputs found

    On the assimilation of ice velocity and concentration data into large-scale sea ice models

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    Data assimilation into sea ice models designed for climate studies has started about 15 years ago. In most of the studies conducted so far, it is assumed that the improvement brought by the assimilation is straightforward. However, some studies suggest this might not be true. In order to elucidate this question and to find an appropriate way to further assimilate sea ice concentration and velocity observations into a global sea ice-ocean model, we analyze here results from a number of twin experiments (i.e. experiments in which the assimilated data are model outputs) carried out with a simplified model of the Arctic sea ice pack. Our objective is to determine to what degree the assimilation of ice velocity and/or concentration data improves the global performance of the model and, more specifically, reduces the error in the computed ice thickness. A simple optimal interpolation scheme is used, and outputs from a control run and from perturbed experiments without and with data assimilation are thoroughly compared. Our results indicate that, under certain conditions depending on the assimilation weights and the type of model error, the assimilation of ice velocity data enhances the model performance. The assimilation of ice concentration data can also help in improving the model behavior, but it has to be handled with care because of the strong connection between ice concentration and ice thickness. This study is first step towards real data assimilation into NEMO-LIM, a global sea ice-ocean model

    On the importance of initial conditions for simulations of the Mid-Holocene climate.

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    Three simulations of the Mid-Holocene (6 ka) climate were performed with the ECBilt-CLIO-VECODE coupled atmosphere-ocean-vegetation model to study the impact of initial conditions. These experiments were forced with identical 6 ka forcings (orbital parameters and atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations) and differed only in initial conditions. Two simulations were designed as equilibrium experiments, with one being initialized with preindustrial conditions as required by the protocol of the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP), while in a second experiment early Holocene (9 ka) initial conditions were used. These equilibrium simulations were run for 2100 years with 6 ka forcings. The third experiment was set up as a transient simulation, also starting from early Holocene conditions, but forced with annually changing orbital parameters and greenhouse gas levels. The results of the last 100 years are compared and reveal no statistically significant differences, showing that in this model the initial conditions have no discernible impact on the 6 ka climate. This suggests that the PMIP set-up for 6 ka simulations is valid, with the condition that spin-up phase should be long enough (at least 550 years) to allow the deep ocean to adjust to the change in forcings

    Impact of sea-ice formation on the properties of Antarctic bottom water

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    It is generally accepted that fresh-water fluxes due to ice accretion or melting profoundly influence the formation of Antarctic bottom water (AABW). This is investigated by means of a global, three-dimensional ice-ocean model. Two model runs were conducted. At the high southern latitudes, the control experiment exhibits positive (i.e. towards the ocean) fresh-water fluxes over the deep ocean, and large negative fluxes over the Antarctic continental shelf, because of the intense ice-production taking place in this region. The salinity of shelf water can increase in such a way that deep-water formation is facilitated. The simulated net fresh-water flux over the shelf has an annual mean value of -1 m a-1. This flux induces a transport of salt to bottom waters, which corresponds to an increase of their salinity estimated to be around 0.05 psu. In the second model run, the fresh-water fluxes due to ice melting or freezing are neglected, leading to a rearrangement of the water masses. In particular, the AABW-formation rate decreases, which allows the influence of North Atlantic deep water (NADW) to increase. As NADW is warmer and saltier than AABW, the bottom-water salinity and temperature become higher

    Holocene climate instability during the termination of the African Humid Period.

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    [1] The termination of the Holocene African Humid Period (similar to9 to similar to6 kyr BP) is simulated with a three-dimensional global coupled climate model that resolves synoptic variability associated with weather patterns. In the simulation, the potential for "green'' and "desert'' Sahara states becomes equal between 7.5 and 5.5 thousand years ago, causing the climate system to fluctuate between these states at decadal-to-centennial time-scales. This model result is supported by paleoevidence from the Western Sahara region, showing similar paleohydrological fluctuations around that time. For the present-day, only the desert Sahara state is stable in the model

    Holocene climate instability during the termination of the African Humid Period

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    The termination of the Holocene African Humid Period (similar to9 to similar to6 kyr BP) is simulated with a three-dimensional global coupled climate model that resolves synoptic variability associated with weather patterns. In the simulation, the potential for "green'' and "desert'' Sahara states becomes equal between 7.5 and 5.5 thousand years ago, causing the climate system to fluctuate between these states at decadal-to-centennial time-scales. This model result is supported by paleoevidence from the Western Sahara region, showing similar paleohydrological fluctuations around that time. For the present-day, only the desert Sahara state is stable in the model

    On the influence of model physics on simulations of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice

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    Two hindcast (1983–2007) simulations are performed with the global, ocean-sea ice models NEMO-LIM2 and NEMO-LIM3 driven by atmospheric reanalyses and climatologies. The two simulations differ only in their sea ice component, while all other elements of experimental design (resolution, initial conditions, atmospheric forcing) are kept identical. The main differences in the sea ice models lie in the formulation of the subgrid-scale ice thickness distribution, of the thermodynamic processes, of the sea ice salinity and of the sea ice rheology. To assess the differences in model skill over the period of investigation, we develop a set of metrics for both hemispheres, comparing the main sea ice variables (concentration, thickness and drift) to available observations and focusing on both mean state and seasonal to interannual variability. Based upon these metrics, we discuss the physical processes potentially responsible for the differences in model skill. In particular, we suggest that (i) a detailed representation of the ice thickness distribution increases the seasonal to interannual variability of ice extent, with spectacular improvement for the simulation of the recent observed summer Arctic sea ice retreats, (ii) the elastic-viscous-plastic rheology enhances the response of ice to wind stress, compared to the classical viscous-plastic approach, (iii) the grid formulation and the air-sea ice drag coefficient affect the simulated ice export through Fram Strait and the ice accumulation along the Canadian Archipelago, and (iv) both models show less skill in the Southern Ocean, probably due to the low quality of the reanalyses in this region and to the absence of important small-scale oceanic processes at the models' resolution (~1°)

    Factors controlling the last interglacial climate as simulated by LOVECLIM1.3

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    The last interglacial (LIG), also identified to the Eemian in Europe, began at approximately 130 kyr BP and ended at about 115 kyr BP (before present). More and more proxy-based reconstructions of the LIG climate are becoming more available even though they remain sparse. The major climate forcings during the LIG are rather well known and therefore models can be tested against paleoclimatic data sets and then used to better understand the climate of the LIG. However, models are displaying a large range of responses, being sometimes contradictory between them or with the reconstructed data. Here we would like to investigate causes of these differences. We focus on a single climate model, LOVECLIM, and we perform transient simulations over the LIG, starting at 135 kyr BP and run until 115 kyr BP. With these simulations, we test the role of the surface boundary conditions (the time-evolution of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) ice sheets) on the simulated LIG climate and the importance of the parameter sets (internal to the model, such as the albedos of the ocean and sea ice), which affect the sensitivity of the model. The magnitude of the simulated climate variations through the LIG remains too low compared to reconstructions for climate variables such as surface air temperature. Moreover, in the North Atlantic, the large increase in summer sea surface temperature towards the peak of the interglacial occurs too early (at ∼128 kyr BP) compared to the reconstructions. This feature as well as the climate simulated during the optimum of the LIG, between 131 and 121 kyr BP, does not depend on changes in surface boundary conditions and parameter sets. The additional freshwater flux (FWF) from the melting NH ice sheets is responsible for a temporary abrupt weakening of the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, which causes a strong global cooling in annual mean. However, the changes in the configuration (extent and albedo) of the NH ice sheets during the LIG only slightly impact the simulated climate. Together, configuration of and FWF from the NH ice sheets greatly increase the magnitude of the temperature variations over continents as well as over the ocean at the beginning of the simulation and reduce the difference between the simulated climate and the reconstructions. Lastly, we show that the contribution from the parameter sets to the climate response is actually very modest

    A late medieval warm period in the Southern Ocean as a delayed response to external forcing?

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    International audienceOn the basis of long simulations performed with a three‐dimensional climate model, we propose an interhemispheric climate lag mechanism, involving the long‐term memory of deepwater masses. Warm anomalies, formed in the North Atlantic when warm conditions prevail at surface, are transported by the deep ocean circulation towards the Southern Ocean. There, the heat is released because of large scale upwelling, maintaining warm conditions and inducing a lagged response of about 150 years compared to the Northern Hemisphere. Model results and observations covering the first half of the second millenium suggest a delay between the temperature evolution in the Northern Hemisphere and in the Southern Ocean. The mechanism described here provides a reasonable hypothesis to explain such an interhemipsheric lag