746 research outputs found

    La opinión de los usuarios como oportunidad de mejora en atención primaria

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    ObjetivosDeterminar los aspectos del centro de atención primaria (CAP) que desagradan más a los clientes/usuarios, investigar sus determinantes y aplicar la intervención o intervenciones correspondientes.DiseñoEvaluación orientada hacia los resultados. Detección de los motivos de insatisfacción a través de un estudio observacional transversal a partir de una encuesta autocumplimentada en 200 individuos seleccionados mediante muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados. Constitución de un grupo de mejora continua para investigar los factores determinantes de los problemas detectados y sus posibles soluciones.EmplazamientoCAP Rambla, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, del Instituto Catalán de la Salud.Participantes y contextoUsuarios/clientes de la sala de espera del CAP. Grupo de mejora: profesionales del Equipo de Atención Primaria Sant Feliu y del Servicio de Atención Primaria Baix Llobregat Nord.IntervencionesReorganización de las agendas de los médicos de cabecera y disminución de las tareas burocráticas en las consultas.Mediciones principalesVariables sociodemográficas de los encuestados y motivos de insatisfacción de éstos. Se procedió a analizar los determinantes del problema. La variable principal fue la demora de la cita previa.ResultadosEntre los motivos de insatisfacción expresados por los usuarios, el más frecuente fue el tiempo de demora, con un 16% (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%, 10,9-21,1). Esta queja se refería tanto a la espera para obtener un visita como al tiempo en la sala de espera. Como determinantes de la demora se identificaron el número elevado de pacientes, la duplicación de visitas, las visitas burocráticas, el número elevado de visitas urgentes y la cita previa insuficiente.ConclusionesLa opinión de los usuarios nos ayuda a conocer en qué medida los servicios públicos de salud están cumpliendo sus expectativas. La mejora de los procesos es un paso fundamental para la mejora continua, pero debe ir acompañada de recursos adecuados a las necesidades de la población.ObjectivesTo determine those aspects of Primary Care Center (PCC) that displeases more the clients/users, to investigate its determinants, and to apply the intervention or corresponding interventions.DesignResults evaluation oriented. Detection of dissatisfaction reasons through cross observational study from survey self-fulfilled on 200 individuals selected through random cluster sampling. A continuous improvement group was implemented in order to the factors causing detected problems and their possible solutions were analyzed.LocationRambla PCC, Sant Feliu de Llobregat. Catalonian Health Institute.Participants and contextUsers/clients of the PCC who were in the waiting room. Improvement Group: Professionals of Sant Feliu Primary Care Team and Baix Llobregat Nord Primary Care Service.InterventionsReorganization of the family doctors’ agendas and reduction of bureaucratic tasks in the physicians’ offices.Principal measurementsRespondents sociodemographic data, and reasons for their dissatisfaction. Determinants of the problem were analyzed. The principal cause of discomfort was the delay of previous appointment.ResultsAmong reasons for discomfort expressed by the users, the most frequent was lag time with 16% (95% CI, 10.9-21.1). This complaint referred both to wait for obtaining visit and to be in the waiting room before being visited. As determinants of delay there were identified a high number of patients, visits duplicity, bureaucratic visits, high number of urgent visits and an insufficient previous appointment visits.ConclusionsPatient's opinions help us to know how public health services are accomplishing their expectations. Process improvement is indispensable in order to provide a quality product, but it must be endowed with resources adequacy to population needs

    Lifshitz transition and van Hove singularity in a Topological Dirac Semimetal

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    A topological Dirac semimetal is a novel state of quantum matter which has recently attracted much attention as an apparent 3D version of graphene. In this paper, we report critically important results on the electronic structure of the 3D Dirac semimetal Na3Bi at a surface that reveals its nontrivial groundstate. Our studies, for the first time, reveal that the two 3D Dirac cones go through a topological change in the constant energy contour as a function of the binding energy, featuring a Lifshitz point, which is missing in a strict 3D analog of graphene (in other words Na3Bi is not a true 3D analog of graphene). Our results identify the first example of a band saddle point singularity in 3D Dirac materials. This is in contrast to its 2D analogs such as graphene and the helical Dirac surface states of a topological insulator. The observation of multiple Dirac nodes in Na3Bi connecting via a Lifshitz point along its crystalline rotational axis away from the Kramers point serves as a decisive signature for the symmetry-protected nature of the Dirac semimetal's topological groundstate.Comment: 5 pages, 4 Figures, Related papers on topological Fermi arcs and Weyl Semimetals (WSMs) are at http://physics.princeton.edu/zahidhasangroup/index.htm

    MnAs dots grown on GaN(0001)-(1x1) surface

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    MnAs has been grown by means of MBE on the GaN(0001)-(1x1) surface. Two options of initiating the crystal growth were applied: (a) a regular MBE procedure (manganese and arsenic were delivered simultaneously) and (b) subsequent deposition of manganese and arsenic layers. It was shown that spontaneous formation of MnAs dots with the surface density of 11011\cdot 10^{11} cm2^{-2} and 2.510112.5\cdot 10^{11} cm2^{-2}, respectively (as observed by AFM), occurred for the layer thickness higher than 5 ML. Electronic structure of the MnAs/GaN systems was studied by resonant photoemission spectroscopy. That led to determination of the Mn 3d - related contribution to the total density of states (DOS) distribution of MnAs. It has been proven that the electronic structures of the MnAs dots grown by the two procedures differ markedly. One corresponds to metallic, ferromagnetic NiAs-type MnAs, the other is similar to that reported for half-metallic zinc-blende MnAs. Both system behave superparamagnetically (as revealed by magnetization measurements), but with both the blocking temperatures and the intra-dot Curie temperatures substantially different. The intra-dot Curie temperature is about 260 K for the former system while markedly higher than room temperature for the latter one. Relations between growth process, electronic structure and other properties of the studied systems are discussed. Possible mechanisms of half-metallic MnAs formation on GaN are considered.Comment: 20+ pages, 8 figure

    Nuclear expression of lysyl oxidase enzyme is an independent prognostic factor in rectal cancer patients

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    Emerging evidence has implicated a pivotal role for lysyl oxidase (LOX) in cancer progression and metastasis. Whilst the majority of work has focused on the extracellular matrix cross-linking role of LOX, the exact function of intracellular LOX localisation remains unclear. In this study, we analysed the LOX expression patterns in the nuclei of rectal cancer patient samples and determined the clinical significance of this expression. Nuclear LOX expression was significantly increased in patient lymph node metastases compared to their primary tumours. High nuclear LOX expression in tumours was correlated with a high rate of distant metastasis and increased recurrence. Multivariable analysis showed that high nuclear LOX expression was also correlated with poor overall survival and disease free survival. Furthermore, we are the first to identify LOX enzyme isoforms (50 kDa and 32 kDa) within the nucleus of colon cancer cell lines by confocal microscopy and Western blot. Our results show a powerful link between nuclear LOX expression in tumours and patient survival, and offer a promising prognostic biomarker for rectal cancer patients.Funding agencies: Swedish Cancer Foundation; Research Council of South East Sweden; Liu Cancer</p

    Molecular impact of launch related dynamic vibrations and static hypergravity in planarians

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    Although many examples of simulated and real microgravity demonstrating their profound effect on biological systems are described in literature, few reports deal with hypergravity and vibration effects, the levels of which are severely increased during the launch preceding the desired microgravity period. Here, we used planarians, flatworms that can regenerate any body part in a few days. Planarians are an ideal model to study the impact of launch-related hypergravity and vibration during a regenerative process in a “whole animal” context. Therefore, planarians were subjected to 8.5 minutes of 4 g hypergravity (i.e. a human-rated launch level) in the Large Diameter Centrifuge (LDC) and/or to vibrations (20–2000 Hz, 11.3 Grms) simulating the conditions of a standard rocket launch. The transcriptional levels of genes (erg-1, runt-1, fos, jnk, and yki) related with the early stress response were quantified through qPCR. The results show that early response genes are severely deregulated after static and dynamic loads but more so after a combined exposure of dynamic (vibration) and static (hypergravity) loads, more closely simulating real launch exposure profiles. Importantly, at least four days after the exposure, the transcriptional levels of those genes are still deregulated. Our results highlight the deep impact that short exposures to hypergravity and vibration have in organisms, and thus the implications that space flight launch could have. These phenomena should be taken into account when planning for well-controlled microgravity studies

    Clinical management and microscopic characterisation of fatique-induced failure of a dental implant. Case report

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    BACKGROUND: Osseointegrated endosseous implants are widely used for the rehabilitation of completely and partially edentulous patients, being the final prosthodontic treatment more predictable and the failures extremely infrequent. A case of fracture of an endosseous dental implant, replacing the maxillary first molar, occurring in a middle-age woman, 5 years after placement is reported. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The difficult management of this rare complication of implant dentistry together with the following rehabilitation is described. Additionally, the authors performed an accurate analysis of the removed fractured implant both by the stereomicroscope and by the confocal laser scanning microscope. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The fractured impant showed the typical signs of a fatigue-induced fracture in the coronal portion of the implant together with numerous micro-fractures in the apical one. Three dimensional imaging performed by confocal laser scanning microscope led easily to a diagnosis of "fatigue fracture" of the implant. The biomechanical mechanism of implant fractures when overstress of the implant components due to bending overload is discussed. CONCLUSION: When a fatigue-induced fracture of an dental implant occurs in presence of bending overload, the whole implant suffers a deformation that is confirmed by the alterations (micro-fractures) of the implant observable also in the osseointegrated portion that is easily appraisable by the use of stereomicroscope and confocal laser scanning microscope without preparation of the sample