1,148 research outputs found

    An analysis of the AAḃ asymmetric encryption scheme on embedded devices for IoT environment / Syed Farid Syed Adnan

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    Lightweight cryptography offers energy-efficient cryptographic capabilities on low powered devices such as those commonly found in the Internet of Things (IoT). One such lightweight scheme is the AA-Beta (AAḃ) asymmetric cryptographic scheme whose algorithm consists of only basic arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction for both the encryption and decryption processes. These features resulted in faster runtime compared to the more established RS A asymmetric encryption scheme, making AAp a potential alternative for IoT security. At the time of writing this thesis, AAḃ algorithm still exists as a mathematical concept and proven in a mathematical based software. To date, this research found no known practical implementation of the AAḃ algorithm to prove or to validate its efficiency on a real-world computing platform. There has been no analysis of the AAḃ performance on any resource-constrained platform although previous mathematical simulations showed that it would perform well in resource-constrained platforms. It is also not known how the algorithm would perform against the widely used RSA on resource-constrained platforms. This thesis seeks to study the AAḃ design philosophy and the specifications of the AAḃ asymmetric encryption scheme, develop the AAḃ encryption scheme and evaluate the computational speed, power consumption and feasibility of AAḃ encryption scheme on an embedded system in the practical domain. The results from the study are being compared to the mathematical simulation, and experimentally, to the RSA. This investigation takes the form of an IoT environment, beginning with an in-depth examination of the AAḃ encryption scheme design, and continuing into the development and real-world application of AAḃ from its mathematical origin. The experimental analysis focused on the AAḃ algorithm's performance on embedded platforms, namely, the Raspberry Pi microcomputer and microcontroller (ARM Cortex-M7) platforms. A feasibility assessment for an AAḃ cryptosystem for sensor nodes including a client to server testbed with wireless communications was carried out in the final stage. In this research work, the performance analysis of the AAḃ scheme produced remarkable timing improvements for the encryption and decryption of messages when compared to previous trials on a numeric computing environment. The research goes on to compare the energy consumptions for encryption and decryption using the AAḃ AAp scheme with similar processes using the Textbook RSA scheme on the aforesaid embedded platforms. The AAḃ encryption process demonstrates a significantly lower energy consumption compared to RSA, where as much as three times less energy was used by AAḃ when encrypting messages while considerable energy savings were also seen during AAḃ message decryption on the Raspberry Pi 2 and ARM Cortex-M7 device. A conclusion can thus be made that the AAḃ encryption scheme is a cryptographic scheme with a great potential for deployment on low-powered devices especially at the encryption side, offering fast and energy-efficient asymmetric cryptographic capabilities to all devices

    Development of ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete.

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    The usage of ultra-high strength concrete with high compressive and flexural strength has been significantly increasing in modern day construction. The use of locally available materials for producing Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) can significantly reduce the cost gap that is one of the main obstacles to the production of such concrete. This research study aims at the development of UHPFRC using locally available materials in Finland, characterized by high compressive and flexural strength properties. The study is focused on producing both white and grey UHPFRC. The research includes the use of locally manufactured cement, quartz and limestone fillers, silica fume and superplasticizers. Water demand tests by Puntke method were carried out to optimize the filler content and type. A large series of preliminary tests were carried out to evaluate the effect of different mixture proportions and material contents on the flow and compression properties of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC). The fresh and hardened properties of the UHPC and UHPFRC were studied such as flowability of the mix, compression and flexure strength. Compressive strength of 148 MPa with grey UHPFRC and 155.5 MPa with white UHPFRC were achieved using standard curing conditions. Significantly high flexural strength value of 29 MPa was achieved with grey UHPFRC. It was observed that the addition of fibers have a significant effect on the compression strength of white UHPFRC and flexure properties of grey and white UHPFRC. The flowability of the mixture was slightly reduced by the addition of fibers but was still capable of producing self-compacting UHPFRC. The specimens were cured under standard conditions. The optimum dosage of silica fume was found out to be 20 % by cement weight. Pika cement was found out to be the best cement for production of grey UHPFRC. Results obtained shows that it is possible to produce both white and grey UHPFRC under standard curing conditions by carefully selecting the local materials available and proportioning them in the right amount

    Effect of Thermal Treatment on Composition of Malaysian Biomass

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    This paper describes the effect of torrefaction on the basic characteristics of agricultural biomass waste in Malaysia, such as oil palm trunk as a potential source of solid fuel. Torrefaction is a mild pyrolysis process (usually up to 300 oC) that changes the chemical and physical properties of biomass. This process is a possible pre-treatment prior to further processes (transport, grinding, combustion, gasification, etc) to generate energy or biofuels. In this study two different sample size of Oil palm trunk (OPT) were subjected to different torrefaction temperatures at constant retention time to determine the alterations in their compositions for comparison. The overall mass loss is proposed as a relevant parameter to synthesize the effect of torrefaction conditions (temperature and duration). Accordingly, all results are presented by analytical expressions able to predict the energy properties as a function of the overall mass loss. These expressions are intended to be used in any optimization procedure, from production in the field to the final use in the future

    An Analytical Study of the Economic Condition of Jews in Fatimid Egypt

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    This study examines the economic conditions of Jews in Fatimid Egypt from the 10th to 12th centuries CE. Through an analysis of primary sources, the study provides a nuanced understanding of the economic and social factors that affected the Jewish community during this period. The study argues that while Jews in Fatimid Egypt enjoyed certain economic privileges such as their involvement in international trade networks and their exemption from some taxes, they also faced some social and political restrictions, including forced conversion and discriminatory laws in the era of some Fatimid rulers. Despite these challenges, the Jewish community in Fatimid Egypt demonstrated resilience and adaptability, developing a range of economic strategies to maintain their livelihoods and build social networks. These strategies included investment in trade and finance, engagement with the wider Muslim society, and the development of communal institutions. The study highlights the complexity of Jewish economic life in medieval Egypt, challenging simplistic assumptions about the economic conditions of minority groups in pre-modern societies

    A Study of Student’s Motivation and its Relationship with their Academic Performance

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    This study widens the knowledge and try to find out the impact of students’ motivation on their academic performance. The data was collected from 120 students. From the three different departments (DMS, CS and Pharmacy) of The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Questionnaire was divided into three parts. In the first part we asked the students about their personal information, in second part there were 30 items to measure student’s intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and third part comprises of questions about academic performance. This study reveals that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation had a positive impact on students’ academic performance and our overall model is significant (p<0.05). If on individual basis we equate the variables it is concluded that the student whom espouse variable like altruism, Self-Exploration, Social pressure, career and qualification, social enjoyment are supposed to perform better and these variable had a positive impact on students’ academic performance and those students who espouse rejection of alternative options variable are supposed to perform less and this variables had a negative impact on students’ academic performance. This study reveals that motivation is very important part of students study life and paly a very important role in students success Keywords: Students motivation, Academic performance, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic Motivation

    Biodegradation of fluorinated environmental pollutants under aerobic conditions

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    Contamination of air, water and soil by a large-scale synthesis of xenobiotic compounds poses harmful effects on different biota, and disruption of biogeochemical cycling. Biological pollution control methods have been gaining importance for the removal of toxic compounds from the environment and waste stream. Fundamental to these biotreatment processes are the biochemical activities of microorganisms upon which the degradation of organic pollutants depends. Microorganisms are able to decompose a wide range of organic substances, both compounds of natural and chemicals of anthropogenic origin. Due to their unique properties, fluoroorganics are of key importance for synthesis of bioactive pharmaceutical and agrochemical compounds and for electronic applications. The introduction of fluorinated agents in the environment due to human activity poses a challenge to microbial strains for the mineralization of these compounds. To study the degradation pathway of fluorinated compounds 4-fluorocinnamic acid, 4-fluorophenol, 2-fluorophenol and trifluoroacetophenone were selected as model compounds. Arthrobacter sp G1 and Ralstonia sp. H1 completely mineralize 4-fluorocinnamic acid and release fluoride. A monooxygenase and flavin-reductase of Arthrobacter sp. IF1 together catalyze NADH-dependent hydroxylation and dehalogenation of para-substituted phenols. A Rhodococcus sp. FP1 degrades 2-fluorophenol by hydroxylation of the aromatic ring to form 3-fluorocatechol. For the degradation of trifluoroacetophenone a Gordonia sp. strain SH2 was isolated from the soil contaminated with pesticide, herbicides and other toxic compounds. Strain SH2 catalyzes a range of cyclic and aromatic ketones by NADPH-dependent Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase (BVMO). The induced BVMO is also capable of sulfur oxidations and exhibits a good enantioselectivity (ee ≥ 97%) with selected aromatic sulfides.

    Exploratory study into awareness of heart disease and health care seeking behavior among Emirati women (UAE) - Cross sectional descriptive study

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Background: Cardiovascular disease was the leading cause of death among women in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2010. Heart attacks usually happen in older women thus symptoms of heart disease may be masked by symptoms of chronic diseases, which could explain the delay in seeking health care and higher mortality following an ischaemic episode among women. This study seeks to a) highlight the awareness of heart diseases among Emirati women and b) to understand Emirati women\u27s health care seeking behaviour in UAE. Method: A cross sectional, descriptive study was conducted using a survey instrument adapted from the American Heart Association National survey. A convenience sample of 676 Emirati women between the ages of 18-55 years completed the questionnaire. Results: The study showed low levels of awareness of heart disease and associated risk factors in Emirati women; only 19.4% participants were found to be aware of heart diseases. Awareness levels were highest in Dubai (OR 2.18, p \u3c 0.05) among all the other emirates and in the 18-45 years age group (OR 2.74, p \u3c 0.05). Despite low awareness levels, women paradoxically perceived themselves to be self-efficacious in seeking health care. Interestingly, just 49.1% Emirati women believed that good quality and affordable health care was available in the UAE. Only 28.8% of the participants believed there were sufficient female doctors to respond to health needs of women in UAE. Furthermore, only 36.7% Emirati women chose to be treated in the UAE over treatment in other countries. Conclusion: Emirati women clearly lack the knowledge on severity and vulnerability to heart disease in the region that is essential to improve cardiovascular related health outcomes. This study has identified the need for wider outreach that focuses on gender and age specific awareness on heart disease risks and symptoms. The study has also highlighted potential modifiable barriers in seeking health care that should be overcome to reduce morbidity and mortality due to heart disease among national women of UAE

    Exploring Software Development Change Analysis with an Emphasis on Requirements

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    Most software requirements are not definitive of the development process. Rapid changes in user expectations, market conditions, and company practises all need regular updates to software. Requirement change management is a crucial and difficult component of every software development project. Project failure or cancellation often occurs because of requirements changes. Requirements Change refers to requirements that are added, removed, or amended during the system development life cycle. Requirements Change requires additional work in the design phase, which boosts the cost of developing the system, lengthens the time required, and reduces system quality. The paper investigates research efforts in the topic of requirement change and helps in determining the study's purpose. Various Requirement Change Management concepts and approaches are provided, and numerous activities are conducted to mitigate the effects of requirement changes. The study emphasizes on causes, attributes, prioritization of changed requirement, framework for RCM and Change Impact Analysis. This study briefly describes all the possible fact and figure about requirement change.  The study includes various phases of requirement change management such as Requirement Elicitation, Requirement Change Identification in Requirement Document using Two Phase Requirement Document Comparison Algorithm, Prioritization of Changed Requirement using Fuzzy approach, Interdependency analysis and change impact analysis on various software project parameters such as time, cost and human resources
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