173 research outputs found

    Effect of Duroc genes proportion on growth performance and on carcass and meat quality characteristics in heavy pigs

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    By means of the application of covariance models, the linear effects of the proportion of Duroc genes were evaluated with respect to growth (from 6 to 170 kg live weight) and feed/gain ratios, as well as carcass (lean cuts, adipose cuts, linear measures, backfat thickness, loin area and lean percentage) and meat quality (L* a* b* colour, reflectance, electrical conductivity, pH) in 167 heavy pigs (87 castrated males, 80 females) from different crosses of Duroc (D), Large White (LW) and Landrace (L) breeds, from 25 to approximately 300 d of age. The pigs were weighed at 25, 105, 170, 235 d and at the end of the trial (298 ± 6 d of age), and were raised under the same conditions. The proportion of Duroc genes was 0% (LWxL; no. 33), 25% [(LWx(DxL); n. 31 and Lx(DxLW); n. 35)] and 50% [Dx(LWx(LWxL)); n. 68]. The increase in the proportion of Duroc genes negatively affected the live weight at the different ages (P0.10). In fact, during the final phase (from 120 to 170 kg l.w.) the effect of the Duroc breed on daily gain became positive (P=0.08), and the feed/gain ratios were significantly lower (P=0.02). The carcass composition was not significantly influenced by the increase in the proportion of Duroc genes, with the exception of a rise in the weight of neck (P<0.01) and flare fat (P=0.02) and a reduction of ham (P=0.09). Carcass length resulted lower as the proportion of Duroc genes increased (P<0.01); at 24 h from slaughtering, meat colour showed lower values for lightness (P=0.08), redness (P=0.02) and yellowness (P=0.03)

    Reproductive parameters of "Nero di Parma" sows reared outdoor and indoor

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    AbstractThe swine genetic type "Nero di Parma" has been obtained after a preservation programme of a local breed suitable for outdoor rearing systems in Parma province. Actually, 480 females and 35 males are registered by Italian Swine Breeders Association and are reared in 28 herds of Parma province. The study involved the analysis of the reproductive performance of 120 sows from 19 boars, born between 1999 and 2005, during 211 parities from 2002 to 2006. For each parity, the boar, the age of the sow, the length of the farrowing interval, and the litter size (number of born alive, stillborn and weaned piglets) were recorded. Two rearing systems of the farrowing sows (from the final phase of gestation to the end of lactation) were considered: indoor (sows closed off in individual stalls or farrowing cages) and outdoor (sows in individual huts inside the paddocks, with straw bedding); dry sows in both systems had access on pasture with forage and concentrate integration. Data concerning sows performance we..

    Monobenzylether of (R,R)-1,2-Diphenylethane-1,2-diol as Chiral Auxiliary in the Diastereoselective Reduction of a-Ketoesters

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    The α-ketoester 4a, prepared in 3 steps from (R,R)-1,2-diphenylethane- 1,2-diol can be reduced with several agents providing the corresponding α- hydroxyester 5 with diastereoselectivities up to 56%. This selectivity has been interpreted as due to carbonyl face-shielding by the stacked OCH2Ph moiety of 4a
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