528 research outputs found

    Customer Participation in Digital Transformation, Value Co-Creation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study in China Information Communication & Technology Industry

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    The role of customer participation is an important area in service marketing research. Increasingly more enterprises encourage customers to participate in the service production and delivery processes, stimulate customers to share innovative ideas, and promote a greater role for customers through participation. Although some research has acknowledged the importance of customer participation in creating knowledge and value for enterprises, it has ignored the uncertainty and the complexity that customer participation may bring. Most scholars study customer participation only in a broad sense without examining how to effectively manage customer participation. To address this existing research deficiency, this study uses service-oriented logic, digital transformation theory, value co-creation theory, and corporate performance theory to examine how enterprises can promote customer participation in the process of digital transformation, co-create corporate value with customers, improve and influence the company's digital transformation maturity, and thus promote the company's performance growth (including environmental, economic, and relationship performance). Specifically, this study makes the following major contributions: 1. Based on the behaviour of customers participating in digital transformation, customer participation is divided into four dimensions (information and knowledge exchange, business collaboration, co-leading, and cost-effectiveness) to understand the process of value co-creation, and to some extent, resolve the inconsistent views of customer participation in existing research. Most extant studies explore customer participation as a whole; such integrated research results in the loss of customer participation’s rich connotation and leads to differing opinions about the impact of customer participation. 2. Based on the theory of digital transformation and the theory of digital maturity model, this study primarily examines how to effectively guide and manage customers from the perspective of an operational management model and strategy. The existing research on value co-creation largely focuses on how external environmental factors influence value co-creation among enterprises. These factors are difficult for enterprises to control and control. 3. This study focuses on the co-creation results of traditional enterprise customers and Internet enterprise customers in the process of digital transformation, analyses and compares the different concerns of traditional enterprise customers and Internet enterprise customers on the value co-creation process, and provides effective and positive aid for future strategic planning regarding these two types of customers. The information communication technology industry in China is taken as this study’s research object; five representative enterprises are selected. First, 10 traditional enterprise customers, Internet enterprise customers, and industry experts are interviewed in-depth, and the questionnaire is collected. Second, 506 matching questionnaires for traditional enterprise customers and Internet enterprise customers were collected. Using structural equation modelling, this study examines the relationship between digital transformation and corporate value co-creation, as well as the intermediate role of digital maturity on digital transformation and corporate value co-creation. The empirical results support most of the assumptions, as follows: 1. Customer participation in digital transformation has a significantly positive impact on value co-creation (economic, innovation, and relationship value). 2. Value co-creation (economic, innovation, and relationship value) has a significantly positive impact on firm performance. 3. Digital transformation maturity has a significant moderating effect on the influence of value co-creation on firm performance. 4. Value co-creation has a mediating effect on the relationship between customer participation in digital transformation and firm performance

    Topological exact flat bands in two dimensional materials under periodic strain

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    We study flat bands and their topology in 2D materials with quadratic band crossing points (QBCPs) under periodic strain. In contrast to Dirac points in graphene, where strain acts as a vector potential, strain for QBCPs serves as a director potential with angular momentum ℓ=2\ell=2. We prove that when the strengths of the strain fields hit certain ``magic" values, exact flat bands with C=±1C=\pm 1 emerge at charge neutrality point in the chiral limit, in strong analogy to magic angle twisted bilayer graphene. These flat bands have ideal quantum geometry for the realization of fractional Chern insulators, and they are always fragile topological. The number of flat bands can be doubled for certain point group, and the interacting Hamiltonian is exactly solvable at integer fillings. We further demonstrate the stability of these flat bands against deviations from the chiral limit, and discuss possible realization in 2D materials

    Nearly flat Chern band in periodically strained monolayer and bilayer graphene

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    The flat band is a key ingredient for the realization of interesting quantum states for novel functionalities. In this work, we investigate the conditions for the flat band in both monolayer and bilayer graphene under periodic strain. We find topological nearly flat bands with homogeneous distribution of Berry curvature in both systems. The quantum metric of the nearly flat band closely resembles that for Landau levels. For monolayer graphene, the strain field can be regarded as an effective gauge field, while for Bernal-stacked (AB-stacked) bilayer graphene, its role is beyond the description of gauge field. We also provide an understanding of the origin of the nearly flat band in monolayer graphene in terms of the Jackiw-Rebbi model for Dirac fermions with sign-changing mass. Our work suggests strained graphene as a promising platform for strongly correlated quantum states

    The American Experience with Employee Noncompete Clauses: Constraints on Employees Flourish and Do Real Damage in the Land of Economic Liberty

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    Agreements not to compete are generally an anathema to free market advocates. Independent profit maximization is one of the fundamental assumptions of the neoclassical economic model and necessary to its conclusion that markets yield results that are Paraeto efficient. Consistent with this theory, and practical experience, agreements among competitors, or potential competitors, to divide a market, or fix price or quantity are per se violations under our antitrust laws.Despite this fact, even some ardent free market advocates have argued on behalf of the enforcement of covenants not to compete in the employment relationship. The traditional economic argument in favor of enforcing non-competes assumes that labor markets are competitive and workers freely enter into such agreements in return for higher wages associated with work in research on behalf of the employer and/or access to employer developed trade secrets and customer contacts. This arrangement is desirable to the employer because it helps protect his or her investment in research, trade secrets, and customer contacts, against appropriation if the employee were to leave to work for a competitor. It is argued that society also benefits from such arrangements because the increase to production from the employer’s investment in research and customer contacts would more than make up for societal losses due to the constraints on the employee’s labor mobility.However, economic theory also embraces a more sinister view of such agreements. Given their constraints on labor mobility, there is a natural concern that employers might use non-competes to limit labor market competition and perhaps product market competition. Recent discussions of labor market monopsony power have cited the potential role of non-competes in extending employer power by creating “market friction” that prevents employees from selling their labor to the highest valued use. Under this view, the covenant not only allows the employer to pay the employee less than a competitive wage, but also raises the recruiting costs of the employer’s competitors, allowing the employer to charge higher prices. Concern about covenants not to compete is particularly acute when they are imposed on employees after acceptance of an offer of employment, clearly challenging the assumption that they are freely accepted in return for higher wages. In such cases a covenant not to compete can serve as an intertemporal conduit of monopsony power, translating the employee’s short-term disadvantage in the lack of an alternative offer into long-term employer monopsony power. Viewed in this light, a covenant not to compete is a socially costly restraint on the employee’s freedom to apply his or her labor to the highest valued use and receive a competitive wage.Which of these two economic views of employee covenants not to compete is true, and under what circumstances, is an empirical question. The answer to this question can be very useful in helping us determine whether such agreements should be enforceable, and, if so, under what circumstances. This is a question of growing importance as the use of covenants not to compete has grown in our economy. Once largely confined to the instances incident to the sale of a business or involving highly compensated managers, professionals or research staff, the use of covenants not to compete has spread across the American economy until by the most recent count they cover 20% of American employees including many low-skill positions without access to sensitive information such as a hair stylist, yoga instructor, lawn sprayer, temporary warehouseman, sandwich-maker, dog-walker and even volunteer camp counselor and unpaid intern. Moreover, it seems that few of these covenants not to compete are the result of bargained for exchange and many are imposed by the employer after the job has been accepted and without additional compensation. The sheer number of these agreements and the potentially deleterious impact they might have on peoples’ careers, our labor market and our economy have brought this question to a head and provided impetus for possible remedial legislation at both the state and federal levels. Fortunately, there are a number of very good empirical studies that examine the number and circumstance of such agreements and the impact of these agreements on the workers, firms and our economy.In this article, we examine the American experience with employee covenants not to compete. We discuss first their treatment under the common law and statutes codifying the common law. Next, we review the recent empirical literature and discuss its findings with respect to the current state of the phenomenon of covenants not to compete in the American workforce and their impact on the affected workers, firms and the economy as a whole. Based on this empirical work we conclude that covenants not to compete are over-used in the American economy having a deleterious effect on employee wages and mobility and the vibrancy of our economy, with no comparable increase in employer investment in research or training. Thus, we find that, for the vast majority of employees, the negative economic view of covenants not to compete is more accurate and such agreements are used to extend employer control over the employees and in some cases extend employer monopsony power. Employers also lose out due to covenants not to compete because they have become an obstacle to hiring qualified staff. Finally, we discuss efforts at the state and federal level to regulate the use of non-competes to ameliorate the abuse and problems of these restrictions. We examine these legislative efforts and evaluate them in light of the recent empirical work on the problems caused by non-competes
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