17 research outputs found

    Hubungan sosial dan politik Johor-Riau dengan Kalimantan Barat: perspektif historiografi tradisional Melayu

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    Hubungan Johor-Riau dengan negeri-negeri Melayu di Kalimantan Barat/Borneo dipengaruhi oleh dua penguasa Nusantara, iaitu Bugis dari timur dan penguasa dari barat, iaitu Minangkabau. Hubungan tersebut didedahkan dalam Historiografi Melayu Tradisional. Kajian ini menggunakan teori sosiologi sastera dengan teknik analisis kandungan (content analysis). Kajian ini berdasarkan teks-teks Historiografi Melayu yang terpilih iaitu Hikayat Siak, Tuhfat al-Nafis, Silsilah Raja Sambas dan Salasilah Melayu dan Bugis. Teks-teks tersebut mewakili dua orang penaung yang hebat: Hikayat Siak ditulis oleh Tengku Said, cucu Raja Kecil dari Siak yang dipengaruhi oleh kekuatan Minangkabau. Tuhfat al-Nafis, dan Salasilah Melayu dan Bugis yang dikarang oleh Raja Ahmad dan Raja Ali Haji, mewakili kepentingan Bugis. Hubungan Johor-Riau dengan negeri-negeri Melayu di Kalimantan Barat dipengaruhi oleh tokoh Raja Kecil dan Tengku Akil dari sisi Minangkabau, manakala pihak Bugis diwakili tokoh sejarah Daeng Parani, Daeng Menambun, Daeng Marewah, Daeng Cellak, Daeng Kemasi dan keturunannya. Mereka adalah tokoh sejarah di negeri ini yang mempengaruhi kerajaan-kerajaan Melayu, terutama pada abad ke-18 dan ke-19. Penglibatan tokoh-tokoh Melayu seperti Sultan Sulaiman Badrul Alam dan saudara perempuannya Tengku Tengah dari Johor Riau, berkaitan dengan rasa malu dan kepentingan sosial-politik orang Melayu. Begitu juga di Matan, persaingan antara Sultan Muhammad Zainuddin dan Putera Agung melibatkan kekuatan Bugis dan Melayu. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa terdapat beberapa hubungan, terutama hubungan sosial berkaitan dengan perkahwinan dan hubungan kekeluargaan, dan hubungan politik dalam bentuk konflik dan perang

    Pelatihan Membaca Syair Siswa Kelas XII SMA Negeri 2 Dumai

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    Reading poetry is one of the teaching of literature in the High School Curriculum. As a form of literary work, poetry has many benefits for children's development, namely for High School students. For High School students, reading poetry is sometimes a scary thing or a scourge for them, even though they enjoy learning to read poetry. Most students still think learning to read poetry is a difficult and scary lesson. Every time there is a poetry reading competition, the teacher finds it difficult to find students who are willing and brave in reading poetry. This is because students are not used to reading poetry in front of people. The problem of students in reading Malay poetry is the lack of students' understanding both theoretically and practically in mastering dynamic stress; (b) tone pressure (intonation); (c) tempo pressure. The solution is to conduct poetry reading training for students of SMA Negeri 2 Dumai, Dumai City. The method of community service uses a descriptive method, meaning it is descriptive to describe what it is. This service is in the nature of collecting, managing, and analyzing the data presented as it is in accordance with the problems in the field. The descriptive method was used because the author wanted to accurately assess the ability of the students of SMA Negeri 2 Dumai, Dumai City, in reading poetry. Based on the implementation of "Poetry Reading Training for Students of SMA Negeri 2 Dumai, Dumai City" it can be concluded that the activity went smoothly and successfully. Participants have been able to theoretically understand Malay poetry and have good reading skills. This training was conducted in an effort to improve students' competence in reading Malay poetry. Furthermore, from filling out the partner satisfaction questionnaire, it can be concluded that the average participant is satisfied with the activities carried out.Reading poetry is one of the teaching of literature in the High School Curriculum. As a form of literary work, poetry has many benefits for children's development, namely for High School students. For High School students, reading poetry is sometimes a scary thing or a scourge for them, even though they enjoy learning to read poetry. Most students still think learning to read poetry is a difficult and scary lesson. Every time there is a poetry reading competition, the teacher finds it difficult to find students who are willing and brave in reading poetry. This is because students are not used to reading poetry in front of people. The problem of students in reading Malay poetry is the lack of students' understanding both theoretically and practically in mastering dynamic stress; (b) tone pressure (intonation); (c) tempo pressure. The solution is to conduct poetry reading training for students of SMA Negeri 2 Dumai, Dumai City. The method of community service uses a descriptive method, meaning it is descriptive to describe what it is. This service is in the nature of collecting, managing, and analyzing the data presented as it is in accordance with the problems in the field. The descriptive method was used because the author wanted to accurately assess the ability of the students of SMA Negeri 2 Dumai, Dumai City, in reading poetry. Based on the implementation of "Poetry Reading Training for Students of SMA Negeri 2 Dumai, Dumai City" it can be concluded that the activity went smoothly and successfully. Participants have been able to theoretically understand Malay poetry and have good reading skills. This training was conducted in an effort to improve students' competence in reading Malay poetry. Furthermore, from filling out the partner satisfaction questionnaire, it can be concluded that the average participant is satisfied with the activities carried out

    Nilai Sosial dan Budaya dalam Novel Guru Aini Karya Andrea Hirata

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    Sociology of literature is a research that examines the relationship of literary works with humans in society and their social processes. The novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata contains many elements of sociology of literature, especially social and cultural values. The problems in this study are (1) what are the social values ​​contained in the novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata?, (2) what are the cultural values ​​in the novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata?. The purpose of this study is to describe, analyze, and conclude the social and cultural values ​​contained in the novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata. The theory used in this study is the theory of Sikana (1986), Zubaedi (2009), Koentjaraningrat (2009) and other theories that support this research. The data source is the entire contents of the novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with the type of library research. The method used is descriptive method. The data collection technique used is hermeneutic technique. The results of the research on social and cultural values ​​in the novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata contained 22 data, consisting of social values, namely (1) loves (affection) there were 9 data such as help, dedication, kinship, loyalty, and caring, (2 ) responsibility (responsibility) there is 1 data such as a sense of empathy, (3) life harmony (harmony of life) there are 2 data such as cooperation and discipline. Cultural values ​​contained in the novel Guru Aini by Andrea Hirata, namely language there are 2 data such as expressions and greeting words, living equipment systems and technology there are 2 data such as means of transportation, livelihood systems there are 4 data such as traders, drivers and fishermen, religious systems There are 2 data such as praying and belief

    Analisis Nilai Sosial dalam Novel Setelah Dia Pergi Karya Dedy Chandra

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    This research is entitled "Analysis of Social Values ​​in Novels After He Left by Dedy Chandra. This research is based on the social values ​​that exist in the novel After He left by Dedy Chandra. Research problems (1) What is the social value of social interaction contained in the novel after he left by Dedy Chandra? (2) What is the social value of social conflict contained in Dedy Chandra's Novel After He left? (3) What is the social value of social institutions contained in the novel after he left by Dedy Chandra? (4) What is the social value of social change contained in the Novel After He left by Dedy Chandra? This study aims to describe the social value of social interaction. Social conflicts, social institutions and social change obtained from the novel After Dia Goes by Dedy Chandra. This study uses the theory of UU Hamidy (1993), Zubaedi (2005), Haris Priyatna (2013), Sutarjo Adisusilo (2013), Soerjono Soekanto (2005), K. Bertens (2004), Burhanudin Salam (2002). The results of this study found that the number of social aspects found were 31 data of social interaction, 9 data of social conflict, 5 data of social institutions, and 4 social changes. , and kinship as much as 3 data, while social conflict consists of 2 data of care, 6 data of love and affection, and 3 data of kinship, then 4 data of social institutions, of concern, and 1 data of help, and social change namely 2 data of care, 1 data of love and affection, and 1 data of help. So, it can be concluded that the social and social values ​​that occur are efforts to care, help, kinship, and love


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    Many literary works have benefits for human life, because literature is born of human life that contains the values that can be used by the man himself as a rule in life. Those values are one of which is a moral value. The problem in this study can be formulated as follows: (1) What is the moral value associated with the responsibilities of the novel IBUKU PEREMPUAN BERWAJAH SURGA”by Novanka Raja ?, (2) How is the value associated with the moral conscience of the novel IBUKU PEREMPUAN BERWAJAH SURGA”by Novanka Raja ? (3) What is the moral values relating to liability in the novel IBUKU PEREMPUAN BERWAJAH SURGA”by Novanka Raja ?. The study aims to describe, analyze and interpret the moral values contained in the novel IBUKU PEREMPUAN BERWAJAH SURGA”by Novanka Raja. The theory is used to analyze the problem of this research is the theory put forward by Burhanuddin Salam (2000). The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach, the author presents the data by considering the aspects of quality and quality were studied. The data collection technique was performed using the technique hermeneutic, record and summarize. The method used was descriptive, namely in the form of data description and analysis. This type of research is the research library (library research). Results of research conducted showed that the novel IBUKU PEREMPUAN BERWAJAH SURGA”by Novanka Raja there is the moral value associated with (1) The responsibility can be seen through a character named Risma against himself, and his daughters, Rima, which is based on the awareness, love or joy , and courage. (2) Conscience seen Risma darisikap reflected in accepting the situation with a sincere heart. (3) The obligation can be seen through yourself, man to God, from parents to children and children to parents

    Verba Transitif Bahasa Banjar Hulu Subdialek Barabai di Desa Sungai Beringin Kecamatan Tembilahan Hilir Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    Language is a means of communication between people in community groups as well as a means of communication between nations without language other people cannot communicate. This is in accordance with the opinion of Kridalaksana (2009: 24) "Language is a system of sound symbols used by members of a society to work together, interact, and identify themselves". The problems in this research are (1) how is the behavior syntax of transitive verbs in Banjar Hulu Language, Barabai Subdialek in Sungai Beringin Village, Tembilahan District, Indragiri Hilir Regency? (2) How semantic transitive verb behavior in Banjar Hulu Subdialek Barabai in Sungai Beringin Village, Tembilahan District, Indragiri Hilir Regency? The theory used in this study is the theory of Hasan Alwi, et al (2003) and several other supporting theories. The method used is descriptive method. The data collection technique in this research used techniques (1) observation, (2) proficient, (3) recording, and (4) taking notes. The results of this study concluded that (1) the syntactic behavior of transitive verbs contained in the Banjar Hulu language, Barabai sub-dialect in Sungai Beringin Village, Tembilahan District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, there are three: (a) transitive verbs consisting of: 17 data, (b) dwitransitive verbs which consists of: 16 data, (c) semitransitive verbs consisting of: 5 data. (2) there are four semantic transitive verb behavior in the Banjar Hulu language, Barabai sub-dialect in Sungai Beringin Village, Tembilahan District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, there are four: (a) verbs containing the meaning of action consist of: 7 data, (b) verbs containing process meanings consisting of: 3 data, (c) the verb contains the meaning of the command consisting of: 1 data, (d) the verb contains the meaning of the state which consists of: 4 data

    Analisis Konflik Tokoh dalam Novel Pak Guru Karya Awang Surya

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    Literary work as an imaginary, fiction that offers a variety of human and human problems, life and life. One form of literary work is novel. In Awang Surya's novel Pak Guru, there are various kinds of conflicts. Research problems: (1) How is the conflict between the characters in the novel Pak Guru by Awang Surya? (2) How do the authors present the character conflicts in the novel Pak Guru by Awang Surya? This study uses a qualitative approach with the type of library research and uses descriptive methods. The data source used is the novel Pak Guru by Awang Surya consisting of 48 chapters and 328 pages. Data collection techniques through hermenuetic techniques, namely read, note and summarize. In analyzing the data, it refers to various relevant theories, namely using the theory of Nurgiyantoro (2009 and 2013) about character conflict and using the theory of Sukada (1993) about how the author expresses character conflict. The results of the study concluded that the conflicts contained in the novel Pak Guru by Awang Surya were (1) internal conflict and external conflict. The internal conflicts experienced by the figures of Musa and Nasimah, the external conflicts occurred with the figures of Musa and SDN teachers, Musa and Pak Sarkowi, Musa with Alfan, Musa with Bu Eni, Musa with Nasimah. (2) The author's way of expressing character conflict in an analytical and dramatic manner.   Keywords: Literature, Conflict, Internal, External, Analytical, Dramati

    Tunjuk Ajar Melayu dalam Nyanyi Panjang Balam Ponganjuw Susunan Herman Maskar

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    In Pelalawan Regency, Riau, there are various types of oral literature, including Nyanyi Panjang, which contains Malay teaching instructions. The reason for this research is to obtain the Malay teaching instructions contained in the Nyanyi Panjang Balam Ponganjuw composition by Herman Maskar and to add insight into oral literature in the Malay area. The problem is how to teach Malay in the long song Balam Ponganjuw composed of Herman Maskar?. The type of research used is library research or library research. The source of the data used is the book Nyanyi Panjang Balam Ponganjuw composed of Herman Maskar. Data were analyzed by the descriptive analysis method. The theory used is Tennas Effendy (2004). Based on the data analysis, it was concluded that there were 27 Malay teaching data in the Nyanyi Panjang Balam Ponganjuw composition of Herman Maskar, namely: devotion to God Almighty as much as 4 data, Obedience to Mother and Father as much as 3 data, Obedience to the Leader as much as 2 data, Justice and Truth as much as 2 data, Trust as much as 3 data, Courage as much as 3 data, Humble nature as much as 3 data, Compassion as much as 3 data, Rights and Possessions as much as 2 data, and Thinking well of others as much as 2 data. One of the most dominant examples of Malay teaching is the aspect of piety to God Almighty because piety to God Almighty is the core of aqidah which is related to asking by praying and putting your trust in Him.Oral literature is a literary work in the form of a speech delivered directly. In Pelalawan Regency, Riau, there are various types of oral literature, including Nyanyi Panjang, which contains Malay teaching instructions. The reason for this research is to obtain the Malay teaching instructions contained in the Nyanyi Panjang Balam Ponganjuw composition by Herman Maskar and to add insight into oral literature in the Malay area. The problem is how to teach Malay in the long song Balam Ponganjuw composed of Herman Maskar?. The type of research used is library research or library research. The source of the data used is the book Nyanyi Panjang Balam Ponganjuw composed of Herman Maskar. Data were analyzed by the descriptive analysis method. The theory used is Tennas Effendy (2004). Based on the data analysis, it was concluded that there were 27 Malay teaching data in the Nyanyi Panjang Balam Ponganjuw composition of Herman Maskar, namely: devotion to God Almighty as much as 4 data, Obedience to Mother and Father as much as 3 data, Obedience to the Leader as much as 2 data, Justice and Truth as much as 2 data, Trust as much as 3 data, Courage as much as 3 data, Humble nature as much as 3 data, Compassion as much as 3 data, Rights and Possessions as much as 2 data, and Thinking well of others as much as 2 data. One of the most dominant examples of Malay teaching is the aspect of piety to God Almighty because piety to God Almighty is the core of aqidah which is related to asking by praying and putting your trust in Him

    Membaca Nilai Sufistik dalam Kumpulan Puisi Mencari Sebuah Masjid Editor Husnu Abadi dan Nopri Ahadi

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    The anthology of poetry Looking for a Mosque, editors Husnu Abadi and Nopri Ahadi contains 24 titles of poems by well-known Indonesian authors. This work was published as material for a poetry reading competition in commemoration of Islamic Holidays. That is why this anthology of poetry contains many religious themes and Sufistic values. The problem studied is how are the Sufistic values ​​contained in the anthology of the poem Looking for a Mosque? This study uses descriptive analysis and content analysis methods. The results of the study found Sufistic values ​​related to the rituals or worship of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, mosques, and the Hajj. Poems about Ramadan worship were embroidered by poets in the poem Malam Qadar by Idrus Tintin, Night of a Thousand Months by Husnu Abadi. Furthermore, Sutardji Calzoum Bachri's Eid-ul-Fitr poem clearly explains about the worship of Ramadan and its night worship and almsgiving can lead one to become His pious servant. The Sufistic value of worship is to draw the servant closer to God, namely Allah SWT (hal taqarrub ilallah). In addition, there are also mystical values ​​related to repenting to God and the low position of servants in front of God Almighty. This anthology of poetry contains maqam wara and maqam zuhud which means the servant's closeness to His Creator because of his special worship and his simple and sincere way of life

    Analysis of Symbols and Meanings of the Anthology of Autumn Tears of Poetry by Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar

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    Words in poetry usually contain symbols and figurative meanings. Given the importance of symbols and figurative meanings in understanding the message in poetry, the authors are interested in conducting a research entitled "Analysis of symbols and figurative meanings of the Anthology of Autumn Tears by Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar". The problem studied in this problem is how are the symbols contained in the Anthology of Autumn Tears by Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar? What is the figurative meaning contained in the Anthology of Autumn Tears by Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar? The purpose of this study is to describe, analyze, and conclude the problems that have been described in the formulation of the problem, namely: the symbols contained in the Anthology of Autumn Tears of Poetry by Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar, the figurative meanings contained in the Anthology of Autumn Tears of Poetry by Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar. The theory used to examine or analyze this research is the theory of Sobur (2009) about symbols and Pradopo (2012) about figurative meanings, as well as other supporting theories. The data of this study were taken from the collection of poems, Tears of Autumn by Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar. The method used is descriptive method. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach. This type of research is library research. Data collection techniques using hermeneutic techniques. The results of this study are that there are 17 data symbols in the Anthology of Autumn Tears Poetry by Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar. Meanwhile, in the figurative meaning, the writer finds 33 data. The figurative meaning consists of the figurative meaning of comparison (simile) as much as 5 data, the figurative meaning of metaphor 3 data, the figurative meaning of epic 3 data, the figurative meaning of allegory 2 data, the figurative meaning of personification 20 data, as well as the figurative meaning of metonymy and synecdoc cannot be found in this study. . So the figurative meaning that is more dominant in this study is the figurative meaning of personification as much as 20 data, this is because this figurative meaning can give a shadow or wish to become a real picture. By using this figurative meaning, the author is easier to imagine in his work. Meanwhile, the least found aspect is the figurative meaning of metonymy and synecdoche because these figurative meanings are rarely used in a poem.Kata-kata dalam puisi biasanya mengandung simbol dan makna kiasan. Mengingat pentingnya simbol dan makna kiasan dalam memahami pesan dalam puisi, maka penulis tertarik melakukan penelitian dengan judul” Analisis simbol dan Makna Kiasan Antologi Puisi Air Mata Musim Gugur Karya Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar”. Masalah yang diteliti dalam masalah ini adalah bagaimanakah simbol yang terdapat dalam Antologi Puisi Air Mata Musim Gugur Karya Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar? bagaimanakah makna kiasan yang terdapat dalam Antologi Puisi Air Mata Musim Gugur Karya Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar? Tujuan dalam penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan, menganalisis, dan menyimpulkan terhadap permasalahan yang telah diuraikan pada perumusan masalah, yakni: Simbol yang terdapat dalam Antologi Puisi Air Mata Musim Gugur Karya Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar, makna kiasan yang terdapat dalam Antologi Puisi Air Mata Musim Gugur Karya Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar. Teori yang  digunakan untuk menelaah atau menganalis penelitian ini adalah teori Sobur (2009)  tentang simbol dan Pradopo (2012) tentang makna kiasan, serta teori-teori pendukung lainnya. Data penelitian ini diambil dari kumpulan puisi Air Mata Musim Gugur Karya Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendektan kualitatif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik hermeneutik. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terdapat simbol dalam Antologi Puisi Air Mata Musim Gugur Karya Fakhrunnas Ma Jabbar sebanyak 17 data Sedangkan pada makna kiasan penulis menemukan sebanyak 33 data. Makna kiasan terdiri dari makna kiasan  perbandingan (simile) sebanyak 5 data, makna kiasan metafora 3 data, makna kiasan epos 3 data, makna kiasan alegori 2 data, makna kiasan personifikasi 20 data, serta makna kiasan metonomia dan sinekdok tidak dapat ditemukan dalam penelitian ini. Jadi makna kiasan  yang lebih dominan dalam penelitian ini adalah makna kiasan personifikasi sebanyak 20 data, hal ini disebabkan makna kiasan ini dapat memberikan bayangan atau angan menjadi gambaran yang nyata. Dengan menggunakan makna kiasan ini, pengarang lebih mudah berimajinasi dalam karyanya. Sedangkan aspek yang paling sedikit ditemukan adalah makna kiasan metonimia dan sinekdoki karena makna kiasan ini lebih jarang dijumpai pemakaiannya dalam sebuah puisi