20 research outputs found


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    The rapid development of tourism in Indonesia, particularly in Bali, is serious challenges in controlling and utilizing spaces. The establishment of local protected areas (sacred areas, borders, green open spaces), as part of protected areas through the Regional Regulation of Bali Province Number 16 of 2009, which was amended by the Regulation of Bali Province Number 3 of 2020 concerning the Bali Provincial Spatial Plan, is considered unfair by a group people because it delimits the utilization of property rights to land in the area. As a result, numerous violations occur in spatial regulations in tourism areas, especially in the areas designated as protected areas. This study aims to find, discover and formulate a model for controlling the spatial utilization in tourism area that is oriented towards justice and welfare of the community. The research method used in this study is normative legal research method supported with statute approach and conceptual approach. The research materials used included primary legal materials and secondary legal material collected through note-taking technique.  And than the analysis of the legal materials was carried out qualitatively assisted with reasoning and legal argumentation techniques and the results are then presented descriptively. Based on the presentation of the results of the research and the discussion, it can be concluded that the ideal model of the spatial utilization and control comprises the model that is based on the concept of bioregionalism, that is to say, the concept of developing and fulfilling the living needs through adjusting the ecosystem of local communities by preserving and fostering the ecosystem to support the life of the economy. This model is a combined concept in controlling the use of space, namely by not destroying the environment and its ecosystem and on the other hand, the community is not economically disadvantaged in meeting their needs in order to achieve prosperity.  This model is also in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 letter h of Law Number 32 of 2009, which stipulates that the environmental protection and management is carried out based on the principle of ecoregion, in that, the environmental protection and management shall consider the characteristics of the natural resources, ecosystems, geographical conditions, the culture of the local community, and the local wisdom.   &nbsp


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    Pemilu merupakan sebuah sarana bagi rakyat untuk berpartisipasi dalam menentukan arah penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. Salah satu kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi adalah memutus perselisihan tentang hasil pemilu. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kepustakaan. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Salah satu perwujudan pelaksanaan demokrasi adalah adanya pemilukada (Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah). Ketentuan Pasal 24 C ayat (1) UUD 1945 memberikan kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi untuk memutus perselisihan hasil pemilu. Tata cara pelaksanaan penyelesaian perselisihan perolehan hasil suara dalam pemilukada telah diatur dalam Peraturan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 15 Tahun 2008 tentang Pedoman Beracara dalam perselisihan Pemilukad

    The Control of Spatial Utilization in the Tourism Areas Oriented to Public Welfare and Justice

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    The rapid development of tourism in Indonesia, particularly in Bali, is a challenge in controlling and utilizing spaces. The establishment of local protected areas (sacred areas, borders, green open spaces), as part of protected areas through the Regional Regulation of Bali Province Number 16 of 2009, is considered unfair by a group people because it delimits the utilization of property rights to land in the area. As a result, numerous violations occur in spatial regulations in tourism areas, especially in the areas designated as protected areas. This study aims to find, discover and formulate a model for controlling the spatial utilization in tourism area that is oriented towards justice and welfare of the community. The research method used in this study is normative legal research method supported with statute approach and conceptual approach. The research materials used included primary legal materials and secondary legal material collected through note-taking technique. The analysis of the legal materials was carried out qualitatively assisted with reasoning and legal argumentation techniques. The results are then presented descriptively.Based on the presentation of the results of the research and the discussion, it can be concluded that the ideal model of the spatial utilization and control comprises the model that is based on the concept of bioregionalism, that is to say, the concept of developing and fulfilling the living needs through adjusting the ecosystem of local communities by preserving and fostering the ecosystem to support the life of the economy. The model encompasses the concept of fusion within the control of the spatial utilization by not damaging the existing ecosystem environment, and on the other hand, economically the community is not harmed in meeting their needs and welfare. The model is also in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 letter h of Law Number 32 of 2009, which stipulates that the environmental protection and management is carried out based on the principle of ecoregion, in that, the environmental protection and management shall consider the characteristics of the natural resources, ecosystems, geographical conditions, the culture of the local community, and the local wisdom. Keywords: Control of Spatial Utilization; Sustainable Development, Public Justice and Welfare DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/87-05 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Dispute Settlement in Complete Matic System Land Registration

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    This article analyzes Legal Protection for Complete Systematic Land Registration (Pendaftaran Tanah Secara Sistematis Lengkap) or PTSL and Dispute Resolution in PTSL.This research is an empirical legal research with statutory approach, case approach, concept approach, and legal sociology approach. The results of this study indicate that legal protection for certificate holders in the PTSL Program is not absolute and only strong because the land registration system in Indonesia adheres to a negative publication system. Dispute settlement in the PTSL Program is resolved through the Non-Litigation and Litigation channels. Based on research at the Gianyar Regency Badan Pertanahan Nasional Office (BPN) or National Land Agency Office and the Tabanan Regency BPN Office, disputes over Overlapping Certificates and Inheritance Disputes dispute settlement through Non-Litigation Methods are carried out by means of Mediation accompanied by a Mediator, which Overlapping Disputes Pays little attention to the elements of Theory Legal Justice because there is no settlement procedure, whereas inheritance disputes have fulfilled the elements of the Theory of Justice where there is a fair procedure in the stages of settlement. Based on the results of research at the Tabanan Regency BPN Office and Karangasem Regency BPN There is a Customary Land Claim Dispute which was resolved through the Litigation Line at the District Court was decided based on considerations of coherence between Physical Data and Juridical Data in the issuance of Certificates of Land Rights which are in accordance with the Theory of the Legal System reflects the Substance The law has clear rules in the judge's considerations, the legal structure has law enforcement officers formed from the legal system, in this case the Adjudication Committee and Judges at the District Court, the Community's Legal Culture towards the PTSL Program reflects that there is still bad faith from the community in submitting its registration

    PCS-7 Lead Detection in Blood and Liver of Cattle sold in the Traditional Market of Denpasar City

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    Lead contamination in many foods is reported to endanger consumers' health. Beef as one of the food of animal origin can be contaminated by lead mainly due to the maintenance of cattle in contaminated areas. Balinese cattle that are kept in urban landfills are reported to be contaminated with high levels of lead in the blood and in other tissues with lower levels [4]. The threat of human health from eating foods that contain leads can cause anemia because leads can substitute iron in hemoglobin [2]. Lead poisoning can also cause malfunction of various organs such as liver, kidney [1], lungs, spleen [7] and brain [9] in the form of cognitive impairment [5]. The high threat due to contamination of leads to health, then the meat health check should also be made on the presence of leads. One of the inspection efforts on the presence of lead contamination in beef, then the place of sale in the traditional market is a good location for sampling examination


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    Redistribusi tanah lahan pertanian atau tanah sawah yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah adalah bagian dari program landreform yang dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat petani. Redistribusi bertujuan agar petani yang tidak memiliki tanah maupun petani yang memiliki sedikit tanah dapat sejahtera dengan mendapatkan redistribusi tanah dari pemerintah. Segala Tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk tujuan kesejahteraan masyarakat menggunakan tataran norma teratas dalam pembentukan sebuah kebijakan yaitu filsafat. Tataran filsafat bersumber dari aliran-aliran filsafat hukum oleh para filsuf. Pemikiran tersebutlah yang menjadi fokus penelitian dalam penelitian ini, dimana dengan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, peneliti mencoba mengkaji tentang redistribusi tanah pertanian dalam tataran filsafat hukum. Sehingga penelitian ini diberi judul “ Redistribusi Tanah Lahan Sawah Dalam Perspektif Filsafat Hukum “. Peneliti berharap mendapatkan jawaban bagaiman filsafat mempengaruhi kebijakan redistribusi terhadap tanah sawah. Serta, dari hasil penelitian kebijakan redistribusi tanah sawah menggunakan kajian filsafat dari aliran hukum alam sebagai batu pijakan pembuatan kebijakan. Karena dalam aliran hukum alam memandang hukum Tuhan adalah tataran hukum tertinggi, sehingga rasio manusia akan mengedepankan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan tanah adalah ciptaan tuhan untuk itu penguasaanya harus berdasarkan keadilan. &nbsp


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    Ashitaba plant (Angelica keiskei) is native to Japan that has been developed in Indonesia, has many benefits,as a vegetable and as imonomudulator.This study aims to determine the ethanol extract effect of Ashitaba leaves (Angelica keiskei) to increase immune response IL-2, Balb/C mice were vaccinated with rabies vaccine. Treatment consisted of six points are without Ashitaba (control), giving a dose of 100 Ashitaba; 200; 300; 400, and 500 mg / kg orally for 21 days. Each treatment was repeated four times, so there are 24 units for researching. On the 28th day, do the vaccination with rabies vaccine to all groups of mice. On 49thday, the spleen was taken for viewing cultured lymphocytes producing cells. Variables observed are the levels of IL-2 levels of the lymphocyte.The results showed that the extract of Ashitaba can increase levels of IL-2 were significantly (P <0.05). Respectively, the average levels of interleukin-2 after treatment Ashitaba extract dose 0; 100; 200; 300; 400, and 500 mg/kg are 1,700; 3.919; 5.218; 8.875; 15.563. The conclusion,Ashitaba ethanol extract can improve the immune response of IL-2 and IFN-γ mice vaccinated with rabies vaccine


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    This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of multiple strains probiotics to determine the morphology small intestine (duodenum, jejunum,ileum). This study carried out for 60 days using cross Yorkshire Landrace pig starter phase and a completely randomized design with 4 treatments amounted 24 pigs. P 0 feed without treatment, P 1 feed with 0.1%/kg multiple strains probiotics, P 2 feed with 0.2%/kg multiple strains probiotics, P 3 feed with 0.3%/kg multiple strains probiotics. Variables measured were villous height, and crypt depth. This study has shown the addition of 0.2% multiple strains probiotic significantly (P < 0.05) improvement improvement villous height, and crypth depth of intestine. Of the result of this study can be concluded that the treatment of multiple strains probiotics effective improvement cross Yorkshire Landrace growth performance

    Studi Patologi Kejadian Cysticercosis pada Tikus Putih

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    Rats are commonly used as animal model in pathological and reproduction research, butunfortunately they are often infected with cysticercosis. The objective of this research was to determinethe pathological changes the of the rats (Rattus novergicus) tissues affected with cysticercus. Thisresearch using 24 of female rats. They were adapted to a new environment for a week and the feeding andwater were provided ad libitum. At the end of adaptation period rats were necropsied and the visceralorgans were examined for pathological changes especially the present of cysticercosis. The liver and kidneyof each rat were soaked in 10% phosphate buffered formalin. Following dehydration process, tissue wereembedded in paraplast, cut at 5 micron and stained with Harris hematoxylin eosin (HE). The resultshowed that 8 of 24 rats were affected by cysticercosis on the liver. The histopathological changes werenecrotic lesions and eosinophylic cells infiltration around the cysticercosis lesion. The results showed that8 of 23 rats were affected by cysticercosis. The presence of necrosis and cells inflammation could interferethe results of the study when such a rats are used. It is therefore necessary to screen rats for cysticercosis