23 research outputs found

    Michelle Dammon Loyalka, Eating Bitterness: Stories from the Front Lines of China´s Great Urban Migration

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    Taking eight migrants’ stories as examples, the journalist Michelle Dammon Loyalka paints a vivid and detailed picture of everyday life in one of Xi’an’s urban villages (Ganjia Zhai) based on extended interviews she conducted in 2007. At the time of the interviews, the neighbourhood, which hosts an estimated 30,000 migrants, was about to be demolished for urban upgrading as part of Xi’an’s economic development program, which is a focal point in the Chinese government´s policy to further devel..

    Counter-frames against anti-Asian racism during the Corona pandemic in Berlin - coping with exclusion, creating belonging and organising resistance

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    In 2020, anti-Asian racism re-emerged during the coronavirus pandemic in Germany and elsewhere, manifesting in media narratives, and evoking different forms of violence and exclusion, especially in public space. Racialisation as an everyday process creates "counter-frames" by racialised groups. They are constructed in relation to institutionalised interpellation as "the other." Building on Feagin's concept of "white framing" and "counter-framing" and Löw's concept of space, this paper discusses the effects of racialisation, coping and anti-racist resistance strategies as developed by the Asian diaspora. Social change regarding racism will be analysed through Foroutan's concept of "postmigrant society." We based this study on a convenience sample of people with Asian heritage which we conducted in 2020 in Germany. In addition, we included a diary study for which a subset has been sampled. We argue that the pandemic influenced the formation of counter-frames against anti-Asian racism in the specific context of Berlin

    Michelle Dammon Loyalka, Eating Bitterness: Stories from the Front Lines of China's Great Urban Migration

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    À partir des histoires de huit migrants, basées sur des entretiens approfondis effectués en 2007, la journaliste Michelle Dammon Loyalka dresse un portrait vivant et précis de la vie quotidienne dans un des villages urbains (Ganjia Zhai) de la ville de Xi’an. À l’époque où se déroulait son enquête, ce quartier, qui abritait selon les estimations une population de 30 000 migrants, était sur le point d’être démoli dans le cadre d’un plan de rénovation urbaine faisant partie du programme de déve..

    Das Phänomen "Yizu": Migrantische Hochschulabsolvent*innen als Chinas Wendepunktgeneration? Eine ethnografische und wissenssoziologische Fallstudie

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    Beim Phänomen "Yizu" (Ameisenstamm) handelt es sich um Hochschulabsolvent*innen aus ländlichen Regionen Chinas, die sich in den Metropolen des Landes ein Leben aufbauen möchten und dabei auf strukturelle Diskriminierungen diverser Art stoßen. Angesichts der chinesischen Wirtschaftsentwicklung stellt sich die Frage, ob sich für diese Generation Chancenungleichheit aufgrund ländlicher Herkunft politisch noch legitimieren lässt. Anhand von vielfältigen Materialien aus Wissenschaft, Medien und Populärkultur eröffnet Kimiko Suda eine kritische Perspektive auf Migration, soziale Mobilität und Stratifikation, Individualisierungsprozesse und Handlungsspielräume im urbanen Raum Chinas

    Michelle Dammon Loyalka, Eating Bitterness: Stories from the Front Lines of China´s Great Urban Migration

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    Taking eight migrants’ stories as examples, the journalist Michelle Dammon Loyalka paints a vivid and detailed picture of everyday life in one of Xi’an’s urban villages (Ganjia Zhai) based on extended interviews she conducted in 2007. At the time of the interviews, the neighbourhood, which hosts an estimated 30,000 migrants, was about to be demolished for urban upgrading as part of Xi’an’s economic development program, which is a focal point in the Chinese government´s policy to further devel..

    A Model for the 3He(\vec d, p)4He Reaction at Intermediate Energies

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    Polarization correlation coefficients have been measured atRIKEN for the \vec 3He(\vec d,p)4He reaction at intermediate energies. We propose a model for the (\vec d, p) reaction mechanism using the pd elastic scattering amplitude which is rigorously determined by a Faddeev calculation and using modern NN forces. Our theoretical predictions for deuteron polarization observables A_y, A_{yy}, A_{xx} and A_{xz} at E_d=140, 200 and 270 MeV agree qualitatively in shape with the experimental data for the reaction 3He(\vec d,p)4He.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, reference: http://www.phys.ntu.edu.tw/english/fb16/contribution/topic4/Uesaka_Tomohiro1. ps in Contribution for the XVIth IUPAP International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, (Taipei, Taiwan 6-11, March 2000