45 research outputs found

    Stream Water Temperature Studies at Forested Watersheds : a Review

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    Temperatur air sungai yang berpengaruh terhadap proses biologi, kimia, dan fisika yang terjadi di dalam ekosistem sungai telah menjadi perhatian utama dari sejumlah kegiatan para peneliti. Dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan root mean square (Rms), harmonik metode (A: Amplitude, Ļ†: waktu tunda) dan perubahan dari spesifik debit (Ī”Qs), temperatur udara (Ī”Ta) dan temperatur air (Ī”Tw) selama periode hujan telah dilakukan dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan nilai-nilai fluktuasi, kita bisa mengklasifikasikan daerah aliran sungai menjadi tiga kelompok luasan DAS: kecil, menengah, dan besar. Di daerah aliran sungai besar, nilai fluktuasi Tw dijelaskan sebagai pengaruh radiasi matahari dan proses perpindahan panas, sedangkan daerah aliran sungai kecil, menunjukkan waktu yang lebih pendek bagi pola aliran yang mempengaruhi Tw. Selanjutnya, hasil analisis menunjukkan pola aliran yang berbeda, digambarkan oleh karakteristik loop histeresis antara Qs dan Tw di DAS menengah selama periode hujan. Perbedaan-perbedaan dalam loop histeresis dapat dijelaskan sebagai perbedaan Tw dan kecepatan respons terhadap curah hujan antara aliran permukaan/aliran bawah permukaan dan aliran air tanah

    Implementasi Assessment Of, For, dan As Learning dalam Pembelajaran Daring PAI di SMPN 8 Purwokerto

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa implementasiĀ  assessment of learning, assessment for learning dan assessment as learning dalam pembelajaran daring pendidikan agama Islam di SMP Negeri 8 Purwokerto.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa yang berjumlah 439 dan 3 guru PAI di SMP Negeri 8 Purwokerto. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa angket tertutup, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan, teknik analisis data berupa pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data.Proses analisis data dilaksanakan melalui analisis kriteria persentase hasil jawaban responden terhadap penerapan assessment of learning, assessment for learning dan assessment as learning dalam pembelajaran daring pendidikan agama Islam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasiĀ  assessment of learning, assessment for learning dan assessment as learning dalam pembelajaranĀ  daring Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dapat dilaksankaan dengan rincian sebagai berikut: 1) kegiatan assessment of learning dilakukan dengan persentase 100%,Ā  2) kegiatan assessment for learning dilakukan dengan persentase 59,6%, 3) kegiatan assessment as learning dilakukan dengan persentase 94,8%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi assessment dilakukan dengan baik di SMP N 8 Purwokerto


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    ABSTRAK Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan formula standar dari hidangan pallumara yang berasal dari Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan triangulasi resep dari beberapa referensi dan dipilih satu resep yang menggunakan bahan cukup lengkap. Kemudian dilakukan ujicoba sebanyak tiga kali dengan melibatkan dosen pembimbing dan panelis ahli sebagai penilai dari tes organoleptik dengan aspek kualitas yang meliputi: aspek rasa, aspek warna, aspek aroma, dan aspek konsistensi. Berdasarkan hasil uji validasi yang didapatkan dari hidanganPallumara adalah : pada aspek rasa asin dua panelis ahli menyatakan cukup asin, pada aspek rasa asam dua panelis ahli menyatakan asam dan cukup asam, pada aspek rasa pedas dua panelis ahli menyatakan cukup pedas, pada aspek warna dua panelis ahli menyatakan oranye kekuningan dan oranye kemerahan, pada aspek aroma dua panelisahli menyatakan tidak amis dan agak amis, pada aspek konsistensi dua panelis ahlimenyatakan cair dan sangat cair. Hasil rata-rata rekapitulasi nilai keseluruhan aspek validasi pada hidangan pallumara yang telah distandarisasi ini adalah 4,5. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan analisis biaya menggunakan metode konvensional dengan kenaikan sebesar 75% diperoleh harga jual Rp74.000,00/porsi pallumara, dengan berat bahan utama 800 gr. Kata kunci: Pallumara, Standardisasi, Sulawesi Selatan, Tes Organoleptik ABSTRACT This final project aims to obtain a standard formula for the pallumara dish originating from South Sulawesi Province. The method used is to triangulate recipes from several references and choose one recipe that uses fairly complete ingredients. Then, three trials were carried out involving supervisors and expert panelists as assessors of the organoleptic test with quality aspects including: taste aspects, color aspects, aroma aspects, and consistency aspects. Based on the validation test results obtained from the Pallumara dish, the two expert panelists stated that it was quite salty in the aspect of salty taste, on the sour taste aspect, two expert panelists stated that it was sour and quite sour, on the spicy taste aspect, two expert panelists stated that it was quite spicy, on the color aspect, two expert panelists stated that it was quite spicy. expert panelists stated that itwas yellowish orange and reddish orange, on the aspect of aroma two expert panelists stated that it was not fishy and slightly fishy, on the aspect of consistency the two expert panelists stated that it was liquid and very liquid. The average result of the recapitulation of the overall value of the validation aspect on this standardized pallumara dish is 4.5. Based on the results of the calculation of the cost analysis using the conventional method with an increase of 75%, the selling price is Rp. 74,000.00/portion of pallumara, with a weight of 800 gr. Keywords: Pallumara, Standardization, South Sulawesi, Organoleptic Tes

    Characteristics of Rainfall-Discharge and Water Quality at Limboto Lake, Gorontalo, Indonesia

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    Problems of high turbidity, sedimentation, water pollution and siltation occur at Limboto Lake, Gorontalo, Indonesia. The objective of this study was to analyze the rainfall-discharge relationship and its implications for water quality conditions. Secchi disk (water transparency), chlorophyll-a (chl-a), and total organic matter (TOM) were measured in May 2012, September 2012 and March 2013 at three sites of the lake (L-1, L-2 and L-3) to observe the impacts on the surrounding catchment. Based on representative stations for rainfall data from 2004 to 2013, monthly averages of rainfall in March-May (166.7 mm) and September (76.4 mm) were used to represent the wet and dry period, respectively. Moreover, sediment traps at these three sites were installed in September 2012. Based on the analysis it is suggested that rainfall magnitude and land use change at the Alopohu River catchment influenced the amount of materials flowing into the lake, degrading the water quality. Specifically, the higher average rainfall in May (184.5 mm) gave a higher average total sediment load (4.41 g/L/day). In addition, water transparency decreased with increasing chl-a. This indicates that the concentrations of sediment and nutrients, reflected by the high amount of chl-a, influenced the water quality conditions

    Spatial Distribution Analysis of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) using PlanetScope Data in Menjer Lake, Wonosobo Regency

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    TSS (Total Suspended Solid) is one of the optical parameters that can be used for turbidity key indicator to assess water quality. The rapid development of remote sensing technology in the field of mapping has resulted in various methods for estimating TSS concentrations. The spatial, spectral, and temporal characteristics of PlanetScope data have the potential to estimate TSS concentrations. This study aims to determine the best method for estimating TSS concentrations and mapping the spatial distribution of TSS at a depth of 0 ā€“ 0.2 m using PlanetScope data. There are 4 single bands, 12 band ratio combinations, and 4 PC-bands in TSS mapping. Single bands, band ratio combinations, and PC-band which able to pass the significance limit of r value on the number of samples (n) are used in empirical modeling of PlanetScope data with field data using regression tests. The results show that: 1) 4 band ratio combinations (B1/B4, B2/B4, B3/B4, B4/B3) and one PC-band (PC-2) significantly correlated with TSS (mg/l), 2) PC-2 is the best spectral transformation in estimating TSS concentrations in Menjer Lake, indicated by the SE value of 3.47 mg/l with maximum accuracy produced at 78.62%, 3) all models that significantly correlated are over-estimated, indicated by the variations in model plots are below the 1:1 plot line, 4) high TSS concentrations are in the north, west, and south around the edge of the lake because of the inlets and the floating net cages, while the low concentration is in the middle of the lake


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    ABSTRACT We studied the changes in stream water temperature (Tw) and water quality (Wq) during rainfall events in forested watersheds. The parameters ofWq (88, DOC, N03--N, DTN, Na+, 8i and r) were observedinfour regionsof Japan from June 2004 to December 2005. The R values between Tw and those Wq parameters and between specific discharge (Qs) and Wq were positive, exceptfor the negativeones (Na+ and Si). Similarto the relationbetweenQs vs. Tw, hysteretic loops in the relations between Qs vs. those Wqparameters were clockwise, exceptfor Na+ and Si as counter-clockwiseloops. This indicatesthat the\u27surface and subsurface flows contain higher concentrations of SS, DOC, IC, N03--N and DTN. To the contrary,the deeperpathwayscontainhigherconcentrationsof Na+ and Si. These results suggest that the changes in Tw and Wq could be used to interpret theflow paths. KeyWords: stream water temperature, water quality, rainfall event,hysteretic loop


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    Penggunaan alat tangkap ramah lingkungan yang sesuai dengan Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries mutlak dilakukan. Hal ini dikarenakan dampak dari penggunaan alat tangkap tidak ramah lingkungan berupa kerusakan lingkungan serta overfishing. Di TPI Kedung Malang, alat tangkap yang digunakan antara lain: gill net, dogol, arad dan rawai. Menurut Permen KP No.71 tahun 2016, gill net dan rawai termasuk alat tangkap yang diperbolehkan dioperasikan, sedangkan arad dan dogol termasuk kategori alat tangkap yang dilarang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan teknologi penangkapan ramah lingkungan serta strategi perbaikan perikanan tangkap ramah lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif yaitu dengan wawancara kepada nelayan dan observasi langsung di lapangan. Hasil yang dipereroleh dari penelitian ini yaitu alat tangkap yang masuk kategori ramah lingkungan di TPI Kedung Malang adalah rawai, gill net dan dogol, sedangkan alat tangkap yang tidak ramah lingkungan adalah arad bahkan cindering merusak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa rawai, gill net dan dogol termasuk alat tangkap ramah lingkungan, sedangkan arad termasuk alat tangkap yang merusak. Modifikasi alat tangkap dogol dan arad perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan selektivitas penangkapanny

    Will hypolimnetic waters become anoxic in all deep tropical lakes?

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    To elucidate trends of hypolimnetic oxygen concentrations, vertical distributions of dissolved oxygen were measured in eight deep tropical bodies of water (one natural lake with two basins, five natural lakes, and one reservoir) in Indonesia. A comparison of those concentrations with previously reported data revealed that shoaling of hypolimnetic oxygen-deficient (around a few decimeters to a few meter per year) water had occurred in all of the lakes. Calculated areal hypolimnetic oxygen depletion rates were 0.046ā€“5.9ā€‰gā€‰māˆ’2 yāˆ’1. The oligomictic or meromictic characteristics of the bodies of water suppressed circulation and mixing in the hypolimnions and thus resulted in continuous shoaling of the uppermost oxygen-deficient layers. In some lakes, millions of fish sometimes died suddenly, probably owing to upward movement of oxygen-deficient water to near the surface during periods of strong winds. In the future, the rate of shoaling will be accelerated by human impacts in the basins and by climate warming, the influence of which has already been manifested by rising water temperatures in these lakes. Appropriate monitoring and discussions of future restoration challenges are urgently needed to prevent the hypolimnions of the lakes from becoming completely anoxic

    Comprehensive integration system of saltwater environment on Rote Island using a multidisciplinary approach

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    Rote Island is one of the islands in southern of Indonesia. This region experiences very high geological and geodynamic processes. This is evidenced by the abundance of seabed rising, and there is a dead sea lake area that has a higher salinity than the sea. Biodiversity on Rote Island has endemic and unique flora and fauna. This study aims to create an integrated system of inland waters resources on Rote Island with a multidisciplinary approach. Inland water resources on Rote Island number more than 80 lakes and ponds. An inland water resource on Rote Island is a saltwater environment. The extraction of geobiophysical information on inland water resources is needed by studying various aspects of multidisciplinary. The aspects studied are limnology, water quality, conservation of forest resources, geology, geodynamics, water resources, geodesy and geomatics engineering. All geobiophysical information needs to be integrated into an integration system. This is useful for efficiency and effectiveness in the utilization of data and information. This integration system (geovisualization) is in the form of WebGIS and storytelling maps. This integration system is dynamic so it can update its latest spatial information. This integration system can be used to promote Rote island tourism. This integration system can be accessed via the website geopark4rote.com. This integration system can be applied in other regions so reached one map policy and a system for inland water resources will be realized in Indonesia