568 research outputs found

    Type Inference for Guarded Recursive Data Types

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    We consider type inference for guarded recursive data types (GRDTs) -- a recent generalization of algebraic data types. We reduce type inference for GRDTs to unification under a mixed prefix. Thus, we obtain efficient type inference. Inference is incomplete because the set of type constraints allowed to appear in the type system is only a subset of those type constraints generated by type inference. Hence, inference only succeeds if the program is sufficiently type annotated. We present refined procedures to infer types incrementally and to assist the user in identifying which pieces of type information are missing. Additionally, we introduce procedures to test if a type is not principal and to find a principal type if one exists

    Incremental Satisfiability and Implication for UTVPI Constraints

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    Unit two-variable-per-inequality (UTVPI) constraints form one of the largest class of integer constraints which are polynomial time solvable (unless P=NP). There is considerable interest in their use for constraint solving, abstract interpretation, spatial databases, and theorem proving. In this paper we develop a new incremental algorithm for UTVPI constraint satisfaction and implication checking that requires O(m + n log n + p) time and O(n+m+p) space to incrementally check satisfiability of m UTVPI constraints on n variables and check implication of p UTVPI constraints.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    The Chameleon Type Debugger (Tool Demonstration)

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    In this tool demonstration, we give an overview of the Chameleon type debugger. The type debugger's primary use is to identify locations within a source program which are involved in a type error. By further examining these (potentially) problematic program locations, users gain a better understanding of their program and are able to work towards the actual mistake which was the cause of the type error. The debugger is interactive, allowing the user to provide additional information to narrow down the search space. One of the novel aspects of the debugger is the ability to explain erroneous-looking types. In the event that an unexpected type is inferred, the debugger can highlight program locations which contributed to that result. Furthermore, due to the flexible constraint-based foundation that the debugger is built upon, it can naturally handle advanced type system features such as Haskell's type classes and functional dependencies.Comment: In M. Ronsse, K. De Bosschere (eds), proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Automated Debugging (AADEBUG 2003), September 2003, Ghent. cs.SE/030902

    Unsatisfiable Cores and Lower Bounding for Constraint Programming

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    Constraint Programming (CP) solvers typically tackle optimization problems by repeatedly finding solutions to a problem while placing tighter and tighter bounds on the solution cost. This approach is somewhat naive, especially for soft-constraint optimization problems in which the soft constraints are mostly satisfied. Unsatisfiable-core approaches to solving soft constraint problems in SAT (e.g. MAXSAT) force all soft constraints to be hard initially. When solving fails they return an unsatisfiable core, as a set of soft constraints that cannot hold simultaneously. These are reverted to soft and solving continues. Since lazy clause generation solvers can also return unsatisfiable cores we can adapt this approach to constraint programming. We adapt the original MAXSAT unsatisfiable core solving approach to be usable for constraint programming and define a number of extensions. Experimental results show that our methods are beneficial on a broad class of CP-optimization benchmarks involving soft constraints, cardinality or preferences

    RAIRE: Risk-Limiting Audits for IRV Elections

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    Risk-limiting post election audits guarantee a high probability of correcting incorrect election results, independent of why the result was incorrect. Ballot-polling audits select ballots at random and interpret those ballots as evidence for and against the reported result, continuing this process until either they support the recorded result, or they fall back to a full manual recount. For elections with digitised scanning and counting of ballots, a comparison audit compares randomly selected digital ballots with their paper versions. Discrepancies are referred to as errors, and are used to build evidence against or in support of the recorded result. Risk-limiting audits for first-past-the-post elections are well understood, and used in some US elections. We define a number of approaches to ballot-polling and comparison risk-limiting audits for Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) elections. We show that for almost all real elections we found, we can perform a risk-limiting audit by looking at only a small fraction of the total ballots (assuming no errors were made in the tallying and distribution of votes)

    Type Classes and Constraint Handling Rules

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    Type classes are an elegant extension to traditional, Hindley-Milner based typing systems. They are used in modern, typed languages such as Haskell to support controlled overloading of symbols. Haskell 98 supports only single-parameter and constructor type classes. Other extensions such as multi-parameter type classes are highly desired but are still not officially supported by Haskell. Subtle issues arise with extensions, which may lead to a loss of feasible type inference or ambiguous programs. A proper logical basis for type class systems seems to be missing. Such a basis would allow extensions to be characterised and studied rigorously. We propose to employ Constraint Handling Rules as a tool to study and develop type class systems in a uniform way.Comment: 14 pages, Workshop on Rule-Based Constraint Reasoning and Programming (http://www.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/~fruehwir/cl2000r.html

    Towards Computing Victory Margins in STV Elections

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    The Single Transferable Vote (STV) is a system of preferential voting employed in multi-seat elections. Each vote cast by a voter is a (potentially partial) ranking over a set of candidates. No techniques currently exist for computing the margin of victory (MOV) in STV elections. The MOV is the smallest number of vote manipulations (changes, additions, and deletions) required to bring about a change in the set of elected candidates. Knowledge of the MOV of an election gives greater insight into both how much time and money should be spent on the auditing of the election, and whether uncovered mistakes (such as ballot box losses) throw the election result into doubt---requiring a costly repeat election---or can be safely ignored. In this paper, we present algorithms for computing lower and upper bounds on the MOV in STV elections. In small instances, these algorithms are able to compute exact margins.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, 9 table

    Unsatisfiable Cores for Constraint Programming

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    Constraint Programming (CP) solvers typically tackle optimization problems by repeatedly finding solutions to a problem while placing tighter and tighter bounds on the solution cost. This approach is somewhat naive, especially for soft-constraint optimization problems in which the soft constraints are mostly satisfied. Unsatisfiable-core approaches to solving soft constraint problems in Boolean Satisfiability (e.g. MAXSAT) force all soft constraints to hold initially. When solving fails they return an unsatisfiable core, as a set of soft constraints that cannot hold simultaneously. Using this information the problem is relaxed to allow certain soft constraint(s) to be violated and solving continues. Since Lazy Clause Generation (LCG) solvers can also return unsatisfiable cores we can adapt the MAXSAT unsatisfiable core approach to CP. We implement the original MAXSAT unsatisfiable core solving algorithms WPM1, MSU3 in a state-of-the-art LCG solver and show that there exist problems which benefit from this hybrid approach.Comment: Submitted to CP201

    Logic Programming with Satisfiability

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    This paper presents a Prolog interface to the MiniSat satisfiability solver. Logic program- ming with satisfiability combines the strengths of the two paradigms: logic programming for encoding search problems into satisfiability on the one hand and efficient SAT solving on the other. This synergy between these two exposes a programming paradigm which we propose here as a logic programming pearl. To illustrate logic programming with SAT solving we give an example Prolog program which solves instances of Partial MAXSAT.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    A Complete Refinement Procedure for Regular Separability of Context-Free Languages

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    Often, when analyzing the behaviour of systems modelled as context-free languages, we wish to know if two languages overlap. To this end, we present an effective semi-decision procedure for regular separability of context-free languages, based on counter-example guided abstraction refinement. We propose two refinement methods, one inexpensive but incomplete, and the other complete but more expensive. We provide an experimental evaluation of this procedure, and demonstrate its practicality on a range of verification and language-theoretic instances
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