180 research outputs found

    Penn Place transit plan: Connecting & engaging the EMU-Ypsilanti community

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    The overall mission and vision for the Peninsular Place Neighborhood Study area is to increase collaboration amongst stakeholders, residents, businesses, and the EMU community to increase walkability, enhance pedestrian safety (in and around the park), deter criminal activity, repair broken and outdated infrastructure including sidewalks and antiquated lighting. Furthermore, the Peninsular Place Neighborhood Plan from a transportation perspective will focus on creating nodes of interest, developing key gateway entry points, connecting users to the AATA route, and establishing connectivity between Eastern Michigan University, Peninsular Place Park, Frog Island Park, and Depot Town. Additionally, the transportation plan will provide a robust vision plan for future growth

    Experimental Testing and Modelling of Variable Capacity Air-to-Air Heat Pumps

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    La consommation énergétique des bâtiments représente une fraction importante de notre consommation énergétique globale et de nos émissions de gaz à effet de serre ; il devient donc essentiel d’améliorer leur efficacité. Les pompes à chaleur contribuent grandement à cet effort d’efficacité en diminuant significativement la consommation d’énergie de chauffage. Les pompes à chaleur de type air-air (qui utilisent l’air ambiant comme source de chaleur)sont assez populaires parce qu’elles ont un coût d’investissement sensiblement plus bas que les pompes à chaleur géothermiques. Elles sont cependant pénalisées par une efficacité et une capacité plus faibles lorsque la température ambiante est très basse, ce qui est particulièrement critique dans les climats froids. De plus, les pompes à chaleur à capacité fixe subissent une baisse d’efficacité provoquée par une opération intermittente. Un type plus récent de pompe à chaleur équipée d’un compresseur à vitesse variable ne rencontre pas ces problèmes, mais leur coût d’investissement est toutefois plus élevé. La capacité variable introduit un niveau de complexité supplémentaire dans le design de systèmes de chauffage, ventilation et conditionnement d’air (CVCA), et il y a un manque de modèles dynamiques comparé à ce qui existe pour des capacités fixes. De plus, les données de performance fournies par les manufacturiers sont généralement incomplètes, ce qui rend encore plus difficile l’estimation des performances. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de développer un modèle permettant d’intégrer ce type de machine dans des simulations d’installations CVCA. Ce modèle, développé dans le logiciel TRNSYS, se base sur des cartes de performance. Dans le but d’en établir une qui soit complète et précise, des tests expérimentaux ont été effectués au laboratoire de CanmetÉNERGIE à Varennes. Ces tests permettent aussi d’analyser et de modéliser les stratégies de contrôle de la machine. Les tests montrent que la capacité en chauffage indiquée dans les données du manufacturier est un petit peu surestimée à basse température, mais elle correspond assez bien aux mesures au-delà de −10 °C. Les valeurs de capacité en climatisation semblent avoir une corrélation moindre avec la température extérieure, mais des tendances similaires sont néanmoins observées. Le coefficient de performance semble quant à lui correspondre assez bien aux mesures, ce qui permet d’utiliser avec confiance ces données dans le modèle. Des régressions sont déduites des résultats expérimentaux afin de pouvoir extrapoler la carte de performance aux conditions qui ne sont pas couvertes. Elles permettront aux utilisateurs du modèle d’établir une carte de performance complète, même sans effectuer de tests.----------abstract Since decarbonizing the electricity grid and reducing society’s energy consumption is becoming paramount, it is essential to improve the energy efficiency of the building sector, which accounts for an important part of the global energy consumption. Air-to-air heat pumps (which exchange energy between indoor and ambient air) allow to heat or cool a space with greater efficiency than traditional heating systems, which makes them a key component in improving energy efficiency. They are often preferred to ground source systems because of their lower investment cost; however, they have limitations. Their operating temperature range is limited and their capacity and efficiency decrease at low ambient temperatures, which can be a problem in cold climates. Moreover, most existing heat pumps operate by alternating between on and off modes (i.e. they cycle), which has the side effect of lowering their performance. Variable capacity heat pumps tackle these problems by using variable speed compressors to adjust their capacity as needed, thereby removing the need for cycling. Thus, they can reach higher energy efficiencies, but also have higher investment costs. Variable capacity air-to-air heat pumps (VCAAHPs) are gaining in popularity, especially in cold climates where they can sustain wider temperature ranges. As opposed to fixed capacity heat pumps, VCAAHPs lack simulation models, making it difficult to integrate them into simulations of HVAC systems. Manufacturers provide performance data, but they are severely incomplete, and not always accurate. Therefore, there is a clear need for a VCAAHP model and a more complete performance map. The main goal of the thesis is therefore to develop a VCAAHPs model to use in simulations of HVAC systems. Developed as a component for the TRNSYS software, the model uses the “black box” approach and relies on performance maps. To build a complete performance map that could actually be used by the model, experimental tests were conducted at the CanmetENERGY laboratory in Varennes, Québec. Apart from the performance data, these tests are also useful in establishing the control strategies of the heat pump, which play an important role in the model as well. Test results show that heating capacity stated by manufacturer is slightly overestimated at low temperatures, but it matches well the measurements above −10 °C. Capacity and outdoor temperature values appear to be less correlated in cooling mode, yet similar trends are still observed. The coefficient of performance (COP) values given by the manufacturer seem to match the measurements quite well, which gives confidence to the data used in the model

    Reflux Revisited: Advancing the Role of Pepsin

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    Gastroesophageal reflux disease is mediated principally by acid. Today, we recognise reflux reaches beyond the esophagus, where pepsin, not acid, causes damage. Extraesophageal reflux occurs both as liquid and probably aerosol, the latter with a further reach. Pepsin is stable up to pH 7 and regains activity after reacidification. The enzyme adheres to laryngeal cells, depletes its defences, and causes further damage internally after its endocytosis. Extraesophageal reflux can today be detected by recognising pharyngeal acidification using a miniaturised pH probe and by the identification of pepsin in saliva and in exhaled breath condensate by a rapid, sensitive, and specific immunoassay. Proton pump inhibitors do not help the majority with extraesophageal reflux but specifically formulated alginates, which sieve pepsin, give benefit. These new insights may lead to the development of novel drugs that dramatically reduce pepsinogen secretion, block the effects of adherent pepsin, and give corresponding clinical benefit

    Pedir, agradecer, divulgar : uma etnografia do Santuário Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro em Curitiba

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    Orientadora: Profª. Drª. Sandra Jacqueline StollCoorientador: Prof. Dr. João RickliDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia. Defesa : Curitiba, 17/12/2019Inclui referênciasResumo: Este estudo versa sobre o santuário de Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro em Curitiba; tradicionalmente famoso pela novena de quarta-feira, evento no qual milhares de pessoas comparecem ao local, configurando-o como um espaço de grande peregrinação religiosa na cidade. Este estudo se baseou em pesquisa etnográfica desenvolvida durante um período de dezessete meses, o qual divido em duas etapas, a primeira entre maio de 2018 a janeiro de 2019, período em que também exerci trabalho voluntário em uma das pastorais do santuário, e a segunda entre fevereiro de 2019 a setembro de 2019. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as características dessa devoção, tendo como ponto central de observação as relações entre hierarquia e devotos na produção da devoção a Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro. O contexto ritual, em especial as Cartas de Agradecimento, constituem o foco principal da análise, por demonstrarem os aspectos relativos a esse universo social, a essa experiência religiosa (trajetória, testemunho, reciprocidade, padronização)Abstract: This study deals with the shrine of Nossa senhora do Perpétuo Socorro in Curitiba; traditionally famous for Wednesday's novena, an event in which thousands of people attend the place, setting it up as a place of great religious pilgrimage in the city. This study was based on ethnographic research developed over a period of seventeen months, which is divided into two stages, the first between May 2018 and January 2019, during which time I also volunteered in one of the sanctuary pastorals, and the second from February 2019 to September 2019. This paper aims to analyze the characteristics of this devotion, having as its central point of observation the relations between hierarchy and devotees in the production of devotion to Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro. The ritual context, especially the Cartas de Agradecimento, is the main focus of the analysis, as they demonstrate the aspects related to this social universe, to this religious experience (trajectory, testimony, reciprocity, standardization

    Legitimidade e legalidade das atuações das Agências de Inteligência da Polícia Militar do Estado do Paraná – uma questão constitucional: Legitimity and legality of the performances of the Intelligence Agencies of the Military Police of the State of Paraná – a constitutional issue

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    A inteligência é uma atividade que vem se desenvolvendo desde os primórdios da humanidade, passando por vários nomes ou serviços que a esteriotiparam (espionagem, sabotagem, guerra fria), tratando-se de atividade complexa e fundamental para um desempenho profícuo e eficaz das organizações a que servem. Trazendo em âmbito mais próximo, temos a Inteligência Policial Militar, utilizada nas Polícias Militares do Brasil para assessorar (fazer cumprir) na missão constitucional dessas organizações, isso é, a preservação da ordem pública. No decorrer do trabalho será apresentada a definição do aludido preceito constitucional, sua conceituação teórica e seus componentes, indicando quando ocorre, efetivamente, a quebra de tal instituto. Em seguida, será narrado sobre a tipificação na legislação moderna acerca do crime organizado, bem como a sua origem e principais modalidades - no mundo e no Brasil -. Por fim, apresentar-se-á evidências robustas acerca da legitimidade e legalidade (com amparo constitucional, inclusive) do serviço de inteligência da Polícia Militar ao enfrentamento dessas organizações criminosas, com o escopo único de restabelecer a Ordem Pública

    Alginate reduces the increased uptake of cholesterol and glucose in overweight male subjects: a pilot study

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    Dietary fibers are of particular interest in the prevention and management of obesity and consequent pathologies. Among the proposed mechanisms of action of fiber is the modulation of nutrient uptake from the small intestine. We have used a crossover study design in human subjects to monitor the uptake of glucose, cholesterol, and triacylglycerols in human subjects with normal and high body mass index. Our data demonstrate that uptakes of glucose, triacylglycerols, and cholesterol are all increased with increasing body fat. We demonstrate that treatment with a 1.5-g dose of a strong-gelling alginate may restore uptake of cholesterol and glucose to the levels of healthy subjects. These data indicate a potential therapeutic application of gelling fibers. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc

    Evidence for Allele-Specific Levels of Enhanced Susceptibility of Wheat mlo Mutants to the Hemibiotrophic Fungal Pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae pv. Triticum

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    Barley mlo mutants are well known for their profound resistance against powdery mildew disease. Recently, mlo mutant plants were generated in hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) with the help of transgenic (transcription-activator-like nuclease, TALEN) and non-transgenic (targeted induced local lesions in genomes, TILLING) biotechnological approaches. While full-gene knockouts in the three wheat Mlo (TaMlo) homoeologs, created via TALEN, confer full resistance to the wheat powdery mildew pathogen (Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici), the currently available TILLING-derived Tamlo missense mutants provide only partial protection against powdery mildew attack. Here, we studied the infection phenotypes of TALEN- and TILLING-derived Tamlo plants to the two hemibiotrophic pathogens Zymoseptoria tritici, causing Septoria leaf blotch in wheat, and Magnaporthe oryzae pv. Triticum (MoT), the causal agent of wheat blast disease. While Tamlo plants showed unaltered outcomes upon challenge with Z. tritici, we found evidence for allele-specific levels of enhanced susceptibility to MoT, with stronger powdery mildew resistance correlated with more invasive growth by the blast pathogen. Surprisingly, unlike barley mlo mutants, young wheat mlo mutant plants do not show undesired pleiotropic phenotypes such as spontaneous callose deposits in leaf mesophyll cells or signs of early leaf senescence. In conclusion, our study provides evidence for allele-specific levels of enhanced susceptibility of Tamlo plants to the hemibiotrophic wheat pathogen MoT

    Denudation and geomorphic change in the Anthropocene; a global overview

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    The effects of human activity on geomorphic processes, particularly those related to denudation/sedimentation, are investigated by reviewing case studies and global assessments covering the past few centuries. Evidence we have assembled from different parts of the world, as well as from the literature, show that certain geomorphic processes are experiencing an acceleration, especially since the mid-twentieth century. This suggests that a global geomorphic change is taking place, largely caused by anthropogenic landscape changes

    A lineage-specific Exo70 is required for receptor kinase–mediated immunity in barley

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    In the evolution of land plants, the plant immune system has experienced expansion in immune receptor and signaling pathways. Lineage-specific expansions have been observed in diverse gene families that are potentially involved in immunity but lack causal association. Here, we show that Rps8-mediated resistance in barley to the pathogen Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (wheat stripe rust) is conferred by a genetic module: Pur1 and Exo70FX12, which are together necessary and sufficient. Pur1 encodes a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase and is the ortholog of rice Xa21, and Exo70FX12 belongs to the Poales-specific Exo70FX clade. The Exo70FX clade emerged after the divergence of the Bromeliaceae and Poaceae and comprises from 2 to 75 members in sequenced grasses. These results demonstrate the requirement of a lineage-specific Exo70FX12 in Pur1-mediated immunity and suggest that the Exo70FX clade may have evolved a specialized role in receptor kinase signaling

    A lineage-specific Exo70 is required for receptor kinase-mediated immunity in barley

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    In the evolution of land plants, the plant immune system has experienced expansion in immune receptor and signaling pathways. Lineage-specific expansions have been observed in diverse gene families that are potentially involved in immunity but lack causal association. Here, we show that Rps8-mediated resistance in barley to the pathogen Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (wheat stripe rust) is conferred by a genetic module: Pur1 and Exo70FX12, which are together necessary and sufficient. Pur1 encodes a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase and is the ortho-log of rice Xa21, and Exo70FX12 belongs to the Poales-specific Exo70FX clade. The Exo70FX clade emerged after the divergence of the Bromeliaceae and Poaceae and comprises from 2 to 75 members in sequenced grasses. These results demonstrate the requirement of a lineage-specific Exo70FX12 in Pur1-mediated immunity and sug-gest that the Exo70FX clade may have evolved a specialized role in receptor kinase signalin