167 research outputs found

    Shaping the cellular landscape with Set2/SETD2 methylation

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    Chromatin structure is a major barrier to gene transcription that must be disrupted and re-set during each round of transcription. Central to this process is the Set2/SETD2 methyltransferase that mediates co-transcriptional methylation to histone H3 at lysine 36 (H3K36me). Studies reveal that H3K36me not only prevents inappropriate transcriptional initiation from arising within gene bodies, but that it has other conserved functions that include the repair of damaged DNA and regulation of pre-mRNA splicing. Consistent with the importance of Set2/SETD2 in chromatin biology, mutations of SETD2, or mutations at or near H3K36 in H3.3, have recently been found to underlie cancer development. This review will summarize the latest insights into the functions of Set2/SETD2 in genome regulation and cancer development

    Insights into newly discovered marks and readers of epigenetic information

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    The field of chromatin biology has been advancing at an accelerated pace. Recent discoveries of previously uncharacterized sites and types of post-translational modifications (PTMs) and the identification of new sets of proteins responsible for the deposition, removal, and reading of these marks continue raising the complexity of an already exceedingly complicated biological phenomenon. In this Perspective article we examine the biological importance of new types and sites of histone PTMs and summarize the molecular mechanisms of chromatin engagement by newly discovered epigenetic readers. We also highlight the imperative role of structural insights in understanding PTM–reader interactions and discuss future directions to enhance the knowledge of PTM readout

    A feed forward circuit comprising Spt6, Ctk1 and PAF regulates Pol II CTD phosphorylation and transcription elongation

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    The C-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II is sequentially modified for recruitment of numerous accessory factors during transcription. One such factor is Spt6, which couples transcription elongation with histone chaperone activity and the regulation of H3 lysine 36 methylation. Here, we show that CTD association of Spt6 is required for Ser2 CTD phosphorylation and for the protein stability of Ctk1 (the major Ser2 CTD kinase). We also find that Spt6 associates with Ctk1, and, unexpectedly, Ctk1 and Ser2 CTD phosphorylation are required for the stability of Spt6—thus revealing a Spt6–Ctk1 feed-forward loop that robustly maintains Ser2 phosphorylation during transcription. In addition, we find that the BUR kinase and the polymerase associated factor transcription complex function upstream of the Spt6–Ctk1 loop, most likely by recruiting Spt6 to the CTD at the onset of transcription. Consistent with requirement of Spt6 in histone gene expression and nucleosome deposition, mutation or deletion of members of the Spt6–Ctk1 loop leads to global loss of histone H3 and sensitivity to hydroxyurea. In sum, these results elucidate a new control mechanism for the regulation of RNAPII CTD phosphorylation during transcription elongation that is likely to be highly conserved

    An RNA polymerase II-coupled function for histone H3K36 methylation in checkpoint activation and DSB repair

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    Histone modifications are major determinants of DNA double-strand break (DSB) response and repair. Here we elucidate a DSB repair function for transcription-coupled Set2 methylation at H3 lysine 36 (H3K36me). Cells devoid of Set2/H3K36me are hypersensitive to DNA-damaging agents and site-specific DSBs, fail to properly activate the DNA-damage checkpoint, and show genetic interactions with DSB-sensing and repair machinery. Set2/H3K36me3 is enriched at DSBs, and loss of Set2 results in altered chromatin architecture and inappropriate resection during G1 near break sites. Surprisingly, Set2 and RNA polymerase II are programmed for destruction after DSBs in a temporal manner – resulting in H3K36me3 to H3K36me2 transition that may be linked to DSB repair. Finally, we show a requirement of Set2 in DSB repair in transcription units – thus underscoring the importance of transcription-dependent H3K36me in DSB repair

    Interpreting the language of histone and DNA modifications

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    A major mechanism regulating the accessibility and function of eukaryotic genomes are the covalent modifications to DNA and histone proteins that dependably package our genetic information inside the nucleus of every cell. Formally postulated over a decade ago, it is becoming increasingly clear that post-translational modifications (PTMs) on histones act singly and in combination to form a language or ‘code’ that is read by specialized proteins to facilitate downstream functions in chromatin. Underappreciated at the time was the level of complexity harbored both within histone PTMs and their combinations, as well as within the proteins that read and interpret the language. In addition to histone PTMs, newly-identified DNA modifications that can recruit specific effector proteins has raised further awareness that histone PTMs operate within a broader language of epigenetic modifications to orchestrate the dynamic functions associated with chromatin. Here, we highlight key recent advances in our understanding of the epigenetic language encompassing histone and DNA modifications and foreshadow challenges that lie ahead as we continue our quest to decipher the fundamental mechanisms of chromatin regulation

    Catalysis-dependent stabilization of Bre1 fine-tunes histone H2B ubiquitylation to regulate gene transcription

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    Monoubiquitylation of histone H2B on Lys123 (H2BK123ub1) plays a multifaceted role in diverse DNA-templated processes, yet the mechanistic details by which this modification is regulated are not fully elucidated. Here we show in yeast that H2BK123ub1 is regulated in part through the protein stability of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Bre1. We found that Bre1 stability is controlled by the Rtf1 subunit of the polymerase-associated factor (PAF) complex and through the ability of Bre1 to catalyze H2BK123ub1. Using a domain in Rtf1 that stabilizes Bre1, we show that inappropriate Bre1 levels lead to defects in gene regulation. Collectively, these data uncover a novel quality control mechanism used by the cell to maintain proper Bre1 and H2BK123ub1 levels, thereby ensuring proper control of gene expression

    Light-induced nuclear export reveals rapid dynamics of epigenetic modifications

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    We engineered a photoactivatable system for rapidly and reversibly exporting proteins from the nucleus by embedding a nuclear export signal in the LOV2 domain from phototropin 1. Fusing the chromatin modifier Bre1 to the photoswitch, we achieved light-dependent control of histone H2B monoubiquitylation in yeast, revealing fast turnover of the ubiquitin mark. Moreover, this inducible system allowed us to dynamically monitor the status of epigenetic modifications dependent on H2B ubiquitylation

    Influence of Combinatorial Histone Modifications on Antibody and Effector Protein Recognition

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    SummaryIncreasing evidence suggests that histone posttranslational modifications (PTMs) function in a combinatorial fashion to regulate the diverse activities associated with chromatin. Yet how these patterns of histone PTMs influence the adapter proteins known to bind them is poorly understood. In addition, how histone-specific antibodies are influenced by these same patterns of PTMs is largely unknown. Here we examine the binding properties of histone-specific antibodies and histone-interacting proteins using peptide arrays containing a library of combinatorially modified histone peptides. We find that modification-specific antibodies are more promiscuous in their PTM recognition than expected and are highly influenced by neighboring PTMs. Furthermore, we find that the binding of histone-interaction domains from BPTF, CHD1, and RAG2 to H3 lysine 4 trimethylation is also influenced by combinatorial PTMs. These results provide further support for the histone code hypothesis and raise specific concerns with the quality of the currently available modification-specific histone antibodies

    Protein modifications in transcription elongation

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    Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of proteins play essential roles in regulating signaling, protein-protein modifications and subcellular localization. In this review, we focus on posttranslational modification of histones and RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) and their roles in gene transcription. A survey of the basic features of PTMs is provided followed by a more detailed account of how PTMs on histones and RNAPII regulate transcription in the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We emphasize the interconnections between histone and RNAPII PTMs and speculate upon the larger role PTMs have in regulating protein function in the cell
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