42 research outputs found

    E-learning as a university challenge of the 21st century

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    The article is one of several articles summarizing research carried out with a group of foreign students who come to Poland to participate in the Erasmus+ program. Method and research group: Research has been taking place since 2016 and is conducted using an interactive Google survey. The study group consists of 128 people aged 18 to 25 years. The respondents chose Poland, specifically the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, in order to complete a semester or an academic year. This article will also present structured interviews that were conducted with foreign students. Aim of the study: To learn about the attitude of foreign students towards modern teaching methods (e-learning). An additional goal was to verify the knowledge regarding this method of education and to compare Poland with the respondents’ home countries. Results: The respondents come from European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Germany, France, as well as, Braziland India. Most of them appreciate the possibilities of e-learning (87%). Over half of the respondents (62%) say that in Poland distance learning was rather not implemented until 2020. What changed this situation was the coronavirus outbreak. In social sciences, they also appreciate the possibility of classes in the traditional form due to the possibility of participating in workshops and specialist training, or giving presentations.The article is one of several articles summarizing research carried out with a group of foreign students who come to Poland to participate in the Erasmus+ program. Method and research group: Research has been taking place since 2016 and is conducted using an interactive Google survey. The study group consists of 128 people aged 18 to 25 years. The respondents chose Poland, specifically the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, in order to complete a semester or an academic year. This article will also present structured interviews that were conducted with foreign students. Aim of the study: To learn about the attitude of foreign students towards modern teaching methods (e-learning). An additional goal was to verify the knowledge regarding this method of education and to compare Poland with the respondents’ home countries. Results: The respondents come from European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Germany, France, as well as, Braziland India. Most of them appreciate the possibilities of e-learning (87%). Over half of the respondents (62%) say that in Poland distance learning was rather not implemented until 2020. What changed this situation was the coronavirus outbreak. In social sciences, they also appreciate the possibility of classes in the traditional form due to the possibility of participating in workshops and specialist training, or giving presentations

    Promotion of men’s mental health

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    Introduction: Despite the fact that the knowledge of health differences between males and females is more and more available, it does not always translate into the differentiation of health programmes. Undoubtedly, there is a need for innovative programmes promoting the mental health of men and accounting for male standards. Material and methods: Review of scientific literature concerning mental health promotion, with special regard to recommendation to create programmes of promotion of men’s mental health searched in Pubmed, Scopus and Google Scholar. Results: Health promotion is a process enabling people to increase their control over health and to improve it. Mental health promotion is a rarely discussed branch of health promotion, and its characteristics differ from physical health promotion. Currently, no organised activities are conducted in Poland aiming at the promotion of men’s mental health. Looking at suicide statistics, according to which men take their lives seven times more often than women, it seems essential to design comprehensive activities targeting this specific group. Male-specific determinants of mental health should constitute a reference point for health promoters in the process of designing programmes of mental health promotion. Conclusions: It seems necessary to consider gender factor while designing activities related to mental health promotion. The activities directed to men should be planned according to specific principles. Their implementation may have a positive effect on male participation and involvement in the suggested programme of mental health promotion, and in turn on its efficacy.Introduction: Despite the fact that the knowledge of health differences between males and females is more and more available, it does not always translate into the differentiation of health programmes. Undoubtedly, there is a need for innovative programmes promoting the mental health of men and accounting for male standards. Material and methods: Review of scientific literature concerning mental health promotion, with special regard to recommendation to create programmes of promotion of men’s mental health searched in Pubmed, Scopus and Google Scholar. Results: Health promotion is a process enabling people to increase their control over health and to improve it. Mental health promotion is a rarely discussed branch of health promotion, and its characteristics differ from physical health promotion. Currently, no organised activities are conducted in Poland aiming at the promotion of men’s mental health. Looking at suicide statistics, according to which men take their lives seven times more often than women, it seems essential to design comprehensive activities targeting this specific group. Male-specific determinants of mental health should constitute a reference point for health promoters in the process of designing programmes of mental health promotion. Conclusions: It seems necessary to consider gender factor while designing activities related to mental health promotion. The activities directed to men should be planned according to specific principles. Their implementation may have a positive effect on male participation and involvement in the suggested programme of mental health promotion, and in turn on its efficacy

    Suicide and Internet addiction - psychological perspective

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    The subject matter of the paper lies on the borderline of two important social problems i.e. Internet addiction and suicide. The problem of suicide is still treated as a social taboo in contemporary world. Those who have attempted to kill themselves as well as their families are discriminated and ill-treated by their immediate environment and driven into inferiority complex. Every so often the only option left to such people is the Internet that offers an attentive ear and consolation because the access to professional help in the real world may be limited in a given place and in a given moment. On the Internet one may talk and exchange information on any topic at any time of night and day. The Internet is a cheap and widely available platform offering websites, chat rooms, forums and support groups for people experiencing the same problems. It should be emphasized however, that there are dark corners on the Internet which should not be visited by wide audiences. Some online contents are just not well-adjusted to the development age of young Internet users. This paper is a discussion of a metaphoric and literal aspect of suicide on the Internet and a call for more scientific research, educational campaigns and psychoprophylaxis related to the subject matter of suicide and self-destruction. The author emphasizes the necessity to raise awareness to the issue of suicide which is still a social taboo and subject to social myths. Although many specialist facilities, associations and institutions are already involved in addressing the problem, the number of suicide attempts has not been reduced mainly because the activities undertaken are scattered and badly coordinated. The effects of these efforts are not satisfactory neither for theoreticians nor for practitioners

    Risk of suicide and access to lethal substances - suicidological analysis

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    This article is an attempt to summarize research on suicide risks in the context of access to lethal substances. The issues are worth analyzing, because of the tragic consequences of self-destructive acts. The considerations refer to the most important research concepts. Reference was made to the paradigms and approaches used in this article. Additionally, it was emphasized that suicidology belongs to the category of interdisciplinary sciences, as it combines such fields as: psychology, pedagogy, medicine, law, internal security and others. The author pointed to the complicated causes of suicide attempts and possible countermeasures. Various means, tools and substances have been distinguished which determine some of the suicide attempts that are fatal. What is more, it turns out that suicides can often be prevented, especially if is used appropriate prophylaxis. The analyzes of the article present data from the literature on the subject. The results of own research were confronted with information on suicides in an interdisciplinary perspective.Niniejszy artykuł stanowi próbę podsumowania badań na temat zagrożeń samobójczych w kontekście dostępu do środków letalnych. Przyjęto, że kwestie te należą do tematów, które warto analizować, m.in. ze względu na tragiczne w skutkach znaczenie aktów autodestrukcyjnych. W zaprezentowanych rozważaniach odwołano się do najważniejszych pojęć badawczych, nawiązano do stosowanych paradygmatów oraz ujęć w obecnych w literaturze przedmiotu. Podkreślono, że suicydologia należy do kategorii nauk interdyscyplinarnych, gdyż łączy takie dziedziny jak: psychologia, pedagogika, medycyna, prawo, bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne i inne. Wskazano na skomplikowane przyczyny prób samobójczych oraz możliwości przeciwdziałania kryzysom. Wyróżniono różne środki, narzędzia, substancje, które determinują to, że niektóre próby samobójcze są zakończone zgonem. Podkreślono, że niejednokrotnie samobójstwom można zapobiec, szczególnie wtedy, jeśli korzysta się z odpowiedniej profilaktyki. W zaprezentowanych analizach skorzystano z ustaleń obecnych w literaturze przedmiotu, które skonfrontowano z wynikami badań własnych

    Suicyde and Internet addiction - psychological perspective

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    The subject matter of the paper lies on the borderline of two important social problems i.e. Internet addiction and suicide. The problem of suicide is still treated as a social taboo in contemporary world. Those who have attempted to kill themselves as well as their families are discriminated and ill-treated by their immediate environment and driven into inferiority complex. Every so often the only option left to such people is the Internet that offers an attentive ear and consolation because the access to professional help in the real world may be limited in a given place and in a given moment. On the Internet one may talk and exchange information on any topic at any time of night and day. The Internet is a cheap and widely available platform offering websites, chat rooms, forums and support groups for people experiencing the same problems. It should be emphasized however, that there are dark corners on the Internet which should not be visited by wide audiences. Some online contents are just not well-adjusted to the development age of young Internet users. This paper is a discussion of a metaphoric and literal aspect of suicide on the Internet and a call for more scientific research, educational campaigns and psychoprophylaxis related to the subject matter of suicide and self-destruction. The author emphasizes the necessity to raise awareness to the issue of suicide which is still a social taboo and subject to social myths. Although many specialist facilities, associations and institutions are already involved in addressing the problem, the number of suicide attempts has not been reduced mainly because the activities undertaken are scattered and badly coordinated. The effects of these efforts are not satisfactory neither for theoreticians nor for practitioners

    Normatywność emocji w sytuacji suicydalnej u dzieci i młodzieży w wieku 12-19 lat

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    This article will refers to the normative nature of emotions in the suicidal situation of children and adolescents aged 12-19. Suicides are a huge problem for the 21st century civilization. Many countries have negative birth rates (The World Factbook –Poland: -0,11, 2014), suicide continues to be committed by very young people. The normality of emotion in suicide attempt is worth exploring subject. Suicidal thoughts, attempts or suicide are stigmatized in society - these actions are a departure from accepted principles or norms. Emotions, especially the negative ones, are an inseparable part of the suicide process. Due to the dangers that occur in the present day, it is worth paying attention to preventive and preventive measures directed mainly to the youngest representatives of society

    The problem of aging of societies and initiatives associating people in late adulthood - suicidological approach

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    This article is a summary of considerations related to the subject of presuicidal prevention conducted in age groups in late adulthood. Since 2016, the project "Good Life of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University" in Lublin has been implemented to increase awareness of acts of self-destruction in 21st century civilization. There are many institutions that deal with the fate of the elderly, one of the initiatives is the Association of “malibraciaUbogich”. It was noted that in late adulthood problems regarding social, mental, adaptive and other difficulties are significant. Many older people came to psychological consultations and for help, considering that they did not have support among their relatives. This is the main reason why seniors collaborate with various organizations as beneficiaries or volunteers. Structured interviews (n = 91) show that many of them feel lonely and unnecessary. On the other hand, activities in organizations of the elderly help them to feel valuable and their activity has a large impact on the local environment. The work is therefore theoretical and practical. The article will add one of the case studies that was conducted with a 60+ woman living in a large city after a suicide attempt.Praca stanowi podsumowanie rozważań związanych z tematem profilaktyki presuicydalnej prowadzonej w grupach wiekowych w okresie późnej dorosłości. Od roku 2016 realizowany jest projekt „Dobre  Życie UMCS” w Lublinie mający na celu zwiększenie świadomości odnośnie aktów autodestrukcji w cywilizacji XXI wieku. Istnieje wiele instytucji, które zajmują się losem osób starszych, jedną z inicjatyw jest działalność Stowarzyszania „mali bracia Ubogich”. Zauważono, że w okresie późnej dorosłości problemy dotyczące trudności społecznych, psychicznych, adaptacyjnych i innych są znaczące. Wiele osób starszych zgłaszało się na konsultacje psychologiczne i po pomoc, uznając, że nie mają wsparcia wśród najbliższych. To główny powód, dlaczego seniorzy podejmują współpracę z różnymi organizacjami jako beneficjenci lub wolontariusze. Z wywiadów ustrukturyzowanych (n=91) wynika, że wielu z nich czuje, że są samotni i niepotrzebni. Natomiast działalność w organizacjach zrzeszających osoby starsze pomagają im w tym, aby czuły sięwartościowe, a ich aktywność ma duży wpływ na środowisko lokalne. Praca ma zatem charakter teoretyczno-praktyczny. W artykule zostanie dodany jeden ze studium przypadku, który przeprowadzony był z kobietą 60+, mieszkającą w dużej miejscowości, po próbie samobójczej

    Suicide and Internet addiction – psychological perspective

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    The subject matter of the paper lies on the borderline of two important social problems i.e. Internet addiction and suicide. The problem of suicide is still treated as a social taboo in contemporary world. Those who have attempted to kill themselves as well as their families are discriminated and ill-treated by their immediate environment and driven into inferiority complex. Every so often the only option left to such people is the Internet that offers an attentive ear and consolation because the access to professional help in the real world may be limited in a given place and in a given moment. On the Internet one may talk and exchange information on any topic at any time of night and day. The Internet is a cheap and widely available platform offering websites, chat rooms, forums and support groups for people experiencing the same problems. It should be emphasized however, that there are dark corners on the Internet which should not be visited by wide audiences. Some online contents are just not well-adjusted to the development age of young Internet users. This paper is a discussion of a metaphoric and literal aspect of suicide on the Internet and a call for more scientific research, educational campaigns and psychoprophylaxis related to the subject matter of suicide and self-destruction. The author emphasizes the necessity to raise awareness to the issue of suicide which is still a social taboo and subject to social myths. Although many specialist facilities, associations and institutions are already involved in addressing the problem, the number of suicide attempts has not been reduced mainly because the activities undertaken are scattered and badly coordinated. The effects of these efforts are not satisfactory neither for theoreticians nor for practitioners

    Emotional control and burnout in sportsmen on the example of football players

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    Objectives This research paper is the conclusion of the considerations that have emerged as a result of research conducted since 2018. The relationships related to the control of emotions and professional burnout in athletes were investigated on the example of footballers. The study involved men in the age of emerging adulthood (19-30 years old), most of them come from the areas of eastern Poland. Ultimately, the responses of 420 men were taken into account. This work is both theoretical and practical, due to the practical implications added to the article. The research results may contribute to the discussion on the definition and functioning of people professionally involved in sport. Material and methods In order to obtain data on the planned research, an author’s questionnaire, Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), CECS Emotional Control Questionnaire by M. Watson and S. Greer, scale adapted by Z. Juszczyński was used. Additionally, the second part of the study was conducted in the form of structured interviews in order to obtain more detailed information. Results The most important relationships identified on the basis of this study: the higher the level of subjectively perceivedemotionalcontrol in athletes on the example of footballers, the greater the sense of professional achievement and the lower the sense of emotionalexhaustion and depersonalization. Conclusions Important issues for the respondents, which results from structured interviews, are biological regeneration, contact with a trainer, a group of colleagues, a psychologist or pay ingattention to coping with stress, experiencing failure sorinjuries. Also importantis the possibility of career advancement, raise the prestige of their work and appreciation

    Suicidal policy in the state - selected aspects of citizen security

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    The article is an analysis of the deliberations on legal and psychological issues. The thesis will include the most important theses on factors protecting against the act of suicide in relation to social life. In the 21st century, the problem of self-destruction is extremely significant, because every year many citizens in each country take their lives. An important aspect is that an individual feeling safe in the family, the local environment, society and the state has a better chance of maintaining mental well-being. The issue of citizenship lies on the border between administrative law and international law. Each state imposes many duties on its citizens, grants them rights as well as takes responsibility for them and protects them against foreign states. The starting point for existing legal regulations concerning the institution of Polish and international citizenship should be the definition of the concept and its practical consequences. This knowledge will determine further considerations regarding the treatment of a citizen as responsible for his fate of an individual who has certain characteristics, obligations, as well as rights and opportunities. In the present sense, citizenship is considered a legal state of submission on the legal status of a natural person. About civic education in the broader aspect should take care of the smallest social group which is the family. The task of this social unit is first and foremost a civic education of the individual, it also depends on implanting the citizen with respect and love for the homeland and shaping the national idea. In this case, the work will refer to suicide policy issues and protective factors that may weigh and determine the aspect related to the citizen's mental life.Artykuł stanowi analizę rozważań na temat kwestii prawniczo-psychologicznych. W pracy zostaną zawarte najważniejsze tezy dotyczące czynników chroniących przed aktem samobójstwa w odniesieniu do życia społecznego. W XXI wieku problematyka związana z autodestrukcją jest nad wyraz znacząca, gdyż każdego roku wielu obywateli w każdym państwie odbiera sobie życie. Ważnym aspektem jest to, że jednostka czująca się bezpiecznie w rodzinie, środowisku lokalnym, społeczeństwie i państwie – ma większe szanse na utrzymanie dobrostanu psychicznego. Problematyka obywatelstwa leży na pograniczu prawa administracyjnego i prawa międzynarodowego. Każde państwo nakłada na swoich obywateli wiele obowiązków, przyznaje im również uprawnienia i jednocześnie bierze za nich odpowiedzialność, a także chroni przed państwami obcymi. Punktem wyjścia obowiązujących regulacji prawnych dotyczących instytucji obywatelstwa polskiego i międzynarodowego powinno być zdefiniowanie pojęcia i jego praktycznych następstw. Wiedza ta, zdeterminuje dalsze rozważania na temat traktowania obywatela jako odpowiedzialnej za swój los jednostki, która posiada określone cechy, zobowiązania, a także prawa i możliwości. W obecnym już znaczeniu obywatelstwo uznawane jest za stan prawny składający się na status prawny osoby fizycznej. O wychowaniu obywatelskim w szeroko rozumianym aspekcie powinna zadbać najmniejsza grupa społeczna jaką jest rodzina. Zadanie tej komórki społecznej to przede wszystkim wychowanie obywatelskie jednostki, polega również na wszczepieniu obywatelowi szacunku i miłości do Ojczyzny oraz kształtowaniu idei narodowej. W tym przypadku praca będzie odnosiła się do kwestii polityki suicydanej oraz czynników ochronnych, które mogą ważyć i determinować aspekt związany z życiem psychicznym obywatela