998 research outputs found

    Derechos iniciales de propiedad y eficiencia: un problema para el análisis económico del derecho normativo

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    Within the scope of the Economical Analysis of Law, it has been expounded that efficiency constitutes or rather, could plausibly constitute the basis of the legal system and institutions. This article examines the problems that face the most frequent normative criteria of Normative Economics in general, and the Economical Analysis of Law in particular, in order to found property tights at initial conditions: rights that all in all, have not yet been an object to transactionsEn el ámbito del Análisis económico del Derecho se ha planteado que la eficiencia constituye bien podría plausiblemente construir el fundamento del sistema legal y las instiltuciones. Este artículo examina los problemas que enfrentan los criterios normativos mas frecuentes de la Economía Normativa en general y el Análisis Económico del Derecho en particular, para fundar derechos de propiedad en condiciones iniciales, derechos, en suma, que no han sido todavía objeto de transacciones

    Nómadas y sedentarios en el desierto de Siria durante el VIº milenio A. C.

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    Comment on "Scalings for radiation from plasma bubbles" [Phys. Plasmas 17, 056708 (2010)]

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    Thomas has recently derived scaling laws for X-ray radiation from electrons accelerated in plasma bubbles, as well as a threshold for the self-injection of background electrons into the bubble [A. G. R. Thomas, Phys. Plasmas 17, 056708 (2010)]. To obtain this threshold, the equations of motion for a test electron are studied within the frame of the bubble model, where the bubble is described by prescribed electromagnetic fields and has a perfectly spherical shape. The author affirms that any elliptical trajectory of the form x'^2/{\gamma}_p^2 + y'^2 = R^2 is solution of the equations of motion (in the bubble frame), within the approximation p'_y^2/p'_x^2 \ll 1. In addition, he highlights that his result is different from the work of Kostyukov et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 175003 (2009)], and explains the error committed by Kostyukov-Nerush-Pukhov-Seredov (KNPS). In this comment, we show that numerically integrated trajectories, based on the same equations than the analytical work of Thomas, lead to a completely different result for the self-injection threshold, the result published by KNPS [Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 175003 (2009)]. We explain why the analytical analysis of Thomas fails and we provide a discussion based on numerical simulations which show exactly where the difference arises. We also show that the arguments of Thomas concerning the error of KNPS do not hold, and that their analysis is mathematically correct. Finally, we emphasize that if the KNPS threshold is found not to be verified in PIC (Particle In Cell) simulations or experiments, it is due to a deficiency of the model itself, and not to an error in the mathematical derivation.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Large Pore Ion and Metabolite-Permeable Channel Regulation of Postnatal Ventricular Zone Neural Stem and Progenitor Cells: Interplay between Aquaporins, Connexins, and Pannexins?

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    The birth of new neurons from unspecialized neural stem and progenitor cells surrounding the lateral ventricles occurs throughout postnatal life. This process, termed neurogenesis, is complex and multistepped, encompassing several types of cellular behaviours, such as proliferation, differentiation, and migration. These behaviours are influenced by numerous factors present in the unique, permissive microenvironment. A major cellular mechanism for sensing the plethora of environmental cues directing this process is the presence of different channel forming proteins spanning the plasma membrane. So-called large pore membrane channels, which are selective for the passage of specific types of small molecules and ions, are emerging as an important subgroup of channel proteins. Here, we focus on the roles of three such large pore channels, aquaporin 4, connexin 43, and pannexin 1. We highlight both their independent functions as well as the accumulating evidence for crosstalk between them

    Les crânes surmodelés de Tell Aswad (PPNB, Syrie). Premier regard sur l’ensemble, premières réflexions

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    Le site de Tell Aswad (35 km à l’est de Damas, Syrie) a livré de très nombreux restes funéraires. Deux aires funéraires successives ont notamment été mises au jour, datant de la fin du PPNB moyen ou du début du PPNB récent et situées à la marge de la zone construite. Chacune de ces aires a été fondée par un dépôt de crânes surmodelés, enfoui dans une fosse. Le contexte de ces dépôts est donc dissimulé et collectif. Après une description des crânes surmodelés, il sera tenté ici de comparer leur contexte avec celui des autres attestations connues pour la même époque.The site of Tell Aswad (35 km east of Damascus, Syria) unveiled numerous funerary remains. A new light was shed on two consecutive funeral areas, dating from the end of the Middle PPNB or the beginning of the Late PPNB and situated on the periphery of the constructed zone. Each area was founded by a deposit of over-modeled skulls, buried in a hole in the ground. The context of those deposits is therefore concealed and collective. After a brief description of the over-modeled skulls, we will attempt in the following paper to compare this given context to that of the other known-to-date discoveries evidenced for the same period.خلاصة – كشف موقع تل أسود الذي يبعد 35 كلم إلى الشرق عن دمشق عن الكثير جداً من البقايا الجنائزية. وقد تم الكشف بشكل خاص عن مساحتين جنائزيتين متتابعتين ترجعان إلى نهاية العصر النيوليتي ما قبل الفخار ب PPNB الأوسط أو إلى بداية العصر النيوليتي ما قبل الفخار ب الحديث، وهما تقعان على طرف المنطقة المبنية. وكانت كل من هاتين المساحتين قد أنشأ من خلال تراكم للجماجم المقولبة المطمورة في حفرة. وبالتالي كان الإطار الذي وجد فيه هذان المستودعان مخفياً وجماعياً. ونحاول هنا بعد تقديم وص