119 research outputs found

    Satellite Geomagnetism

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    Observations of Earth's magnetic field from space began more than 50 years ago. A continuous monitoring of the field using low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, however, started only in 1999, and three satellites have taken high-precision measurements of the geomagnetic field during the past decade. The unprecedented time-space coverage of their data opened revolutionary new possibilities for monitoring, understanding, and exploring Earth's magnetic field. In the near future, the three-satellite constellation Swarm will ensure continuity of such measurement and provide enhanced possibilities to improve our ability to characterize and understand the many sources that contribute to Earth's magnetic field. In this review, we summarize investigations of Earth's interior and environment that have been possible through the analysis of high-precision magnetic field observations taken by LEO satellites. </jats:p

    Wirkungen und Effekte des Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI Home Care 2.0) in der ambulanten Pflege in Deutschland

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    Background: Quality deficits in long term care services have been frequently addressed and cause costs as a result of inadequate care giving. Instruments that can grant a steady increase in care quality will be required, especially considering the current demographic aging. International studies are showing that the implementation of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) can increase care quality. Objective: The aim of this thesis is to describe the method how RAI can act as an effective quality improvement instrument, to show the effects of the implementation on home care services in Germany, and to point out circumstances that might hinder a successful execution of RAI. Methods: The effectiveness of RAI and the impact of RAI on the documentation of the care process, the care recipients condition, the job situation of caregivers, as well as on the situation of applying care services are illustrated alongside system theoretical considerations. The results of a randomized controlled trial study (RCT) financed by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) constitute the data basis. This data are collectet by interviews in 69 care services (36 treatment groups, 33 control groups) with 484 clients (268 from treatment groups versus 216 from control groups) and nearly 500 caregivers surveyed over a 12 month period. Additionally, further quantitative and qualitative data was collected. Results: RAI does, in part, lead to positive effects on central elements of the care process. However, RAI controlled documentation does not provide evidence for improvements in optimizing the care process. Therefore, no significant changes in health care services could be measured. Also, there was no measurable impact of RAI on the condition of care recipients, the workload of caregivers, or the situation of home care services. Various implementation barriers were detected on the care services and caregivers, so that the extent to which RAI was applied by home care services varied. A subgroup analysis implies an intensive application of RAI can have positive effects on the condition of care recipients and the caregivers job satisfaction. Conclusion: The implementation of RAI in German home care services though accompanied by certain problems proved to be successful in the optimization of care processes. In order to benefit from the implementation of RAI, a careful and methodical project management are of the essence. Otherwise, RAI might even have a negative impact on both persons in need of care and caregivers

    Comparison of electron density profiles in the ionosphere from ionospheric assimilations of GPS, CHAMP profiling and ionosondes over Europe

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    GPS integrated Total Electron Content measurements received at the ground or in space are used for tomographic reconstruction of the ionospheric electron density distribution. The IRI/GCPM model is used as initialisation of the tomographic MART algorithm. During the procedure GPS TEC data are iteratively assimilated to the model. To test the potential of the reconstruction, electron density profiles from IRI/GCPM and the assimilation are compared with ionosonde measurements and CHAMP radio occultation profiles for dates during the HIRAC campaign in April 2001. All profiling methods show electron density values of similar magnitude. It is shown that including TEC GPS data corrects the model towards the ionosonde measurements.Integrale Messungen der Elektronendichte aus GPS-Boden- sowie Radio-Okkultations-Messungen bilden die Datenbasis der hier vorgestellten 3-dimensionalen Tomographie der ionosphärischen Elektronendichteverteilung. Zur Initialisierung des verwendeten iterativen MART Algorithmus wird das IRI/GCPM Modell verwendet, wobei das Modell während der Iteration sukzessiv an die Messdaten angepasst wird. Um das Potential des Verfahrens abzuschätzen, werden Elektronendichteprofile des IRI/GCPM Modells und der Rekonstruktion mit Ionosondenmessungen und CHAMP Okkultationsprofilen verglichen. Dafür wurden Messungen während der HIRAC Kampagne im April 2001 genutzt. Alle hier gezeigten Profilableitungen geben Elektronendichtewerte der selben Größe wieder. Eine Annäherung des IRI/GCPM Modells an die Messwerte der Ionosonde durch die Assimilation der TEC GPS Daten wird gezeigt

    Monitoring of a polar plasma convection event with GPS

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    When L-band radio waves of space based systems such as Global Positioning System (GPS) travel trough the ionosphere and plasmasphere their ray paths are perturbed due to the free electrons. Since the last decade these integrated measurements are used to map the ionosphere for navigational and scientific investigations. In November 2001 a polar plasma convection like ionospheric event has been recognised in vertical TEC maps produced with GPS data. This event on the one hand is shortly compared with the behaviour of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) to which it may be related according to former publications. On the other hand the 3-dimensional tomography applying also GPS data is tested on its capability to reconstruct this ionospheric event in the European sector. The different mappings of the two monitoring methods are compared.Wenn L-Band-Radiowellen raumgestützter Navigationssysteme wie das Global Positioning System (GPS) die Ionosphäre oder Plasmasphäre durchlaufen, werden Ihre Strahlwege durch die freien Elektronen verändert. Seit dem letzten Jahrzehnt verwendet man diese integrierten Messungen, um die Ionosphäre im Interesse der Navigation und der Wissenschaft abzubilden. Am Beispiel eines Ereignisses vom November 2001 wurde eine polare Plasmakonvektion in der Ionosphäre durch vertikale TEC –Karten (Total Electron Content), die ebenfalls mit Hilfe von GPS Daten erstellt werden, abgebildet. Einerseits wurde das Ereignis der Plasmakonvektion mit dem Verhalten des Interplanetaren Magnetischen Feldes (IMF) kurz verglichen und auf ihren Zusammenhang hin untersucht. Auf der anderen Seite wurde anhand dieses Ereignisses die Methode einer über den europäischen Raum aufgespannten auf GPS–Daten basierenden 3-dimensionale Tomographie auf ihre Reproduzierbarkeit hin geprüft. Die zwei verschiedenen Methoden des Ionosphärenmonitorings werden verglichen
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