943 research outputs found

    The Impact of Birth Order on a Child’s Educational Experience/Meeting the Social-Emotional Needs of Students Through Implementation of Responsive Classroom Frame-working

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    The Impact of Birth Order on a Child’s Educational Experience/Meeting the Social-Emotional Needs of Students Through Implementation of Responsive Classroom Frame-workin

    Excited state properties of modified pigment of bacterial photosynthesis

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    From chlorophyll a towards bacteriochlorophyll a: Excited-state processes of modified pigments

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    By means of fluorescence spectroscopy and nonlinear absorption experiments, excited-state processes of the modified pigments [3-acetyl]-chlorophyll a, [31-OH]-bacteriochlorophyll a and [3-vinyl]-bacteriochlorophyll a were investigated and compared with those of chlorophyll a and bacteriochlorophyll a

    EEOC v. Joe Holtz Ford, Inc.

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    27 W 2.1 µm OPCPA system for coherent soft X-ray generation operating at 10 kHz

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    © 2020 Optical Society of America. Users may use, reuse, and build upon the article, or use the article for text or data mining, so long as such uses are for non-commercial purposes and appropriate attribution is maintained. All other rights are reserved.We developed a high power optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) system at 2.1 µm harnessing a 500 W Yb:YAG thin disk laser as the only pump and signal generation source. The OPCPA system operates at 10 kHz with a single pulse energy of up to 2.7 mJ and pulse duration of 30 fs. The maximum average output power of 27 W sets a new record for an OPCPA system in the 2 µm wavelength region. The soft X-ray continuum generated through high harmonic generation with this driver laser can extend to around 0.55 keV, thus covering the entire water window (284 eV - 543 eV). With a repetition rate still enabling pump-probe experiments on solid samples, the system can be used for many applications.EC/H2020/654148/EU/The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures/LASERLAB-EUROP

    Pigment–protein architecture in the light-harvesting antenna complexes of purple bacteria: does the crystal structure reflect the native pigment–protein arrangement?

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    AbstractStructural analysis of crystallized peripheral (LH2) and core antenna complexes (LH1) of purple bacteria has revealed circular aggregates of high rotational symmetry (C8, C9 and C16, respectively). Quantum-chemical calculations indicate that in particular the waterwheel-like arrangements of pigments should show characteristic structure-sensitive spectroscopic behavior in the near infrared absorption region. Laser-spectroscopic data obtained with non-crystallized, isolated LH2 of Rhodospirillum molischianum are in line with a highly symmetric (C8) circular aggregate, but deviations have been found for LH2 of Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Rhodopseudomonas acidophila. For both the latter, C-shaped incomplete circular aggregates (as seen only recently in electron micrographs of crystallized LH1–reaction center complexes) may be a suitable preliminary model

    Geospatial Determinants of Increased Screening Mammography in U.S. Black Women

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    Black women have the highest mortality rate due to breast cancer compared to any other racial/ethnic group in the U.S. and are more likely to be diagnosed with late-stage breast cancer compared to White women. Though the causes of these disparities are multifactorial, early detection by mammography, in combination with improved treatment, is related to improved breast cancer survival outcomes. Recently, the rate of Black women reporting having had a screening mammogram in the last two years has increased, and by some accounts surpassed, that of White women. This dissertation assesses this change in mammography among Black women in order to help inform future policies impacting preventive health care, which can lead to early diagnoses, and thus improvements in women’s health and reductions in the economic impact of treatment costs. The objective of the study was to identify factors, including geographic place and space, associated with the spatial variation of the increased screening mammography observed for Black women in the U.S. from 2008 to 2012. The central hypothesis was that the spatial distribution of the change in screening utilization is not random, and that the geospatial pattern of change is associated with changes in access to health care when controlling for education, income, demographic factors, and the larger ecological sociodemographic context. The central hypothesis was tested by pursuing the following aims: 1) Assess whether the geographic pattern of change from 2008-2012 of screening mammography among Black women in the U.S. is spatially clustered; and 2) Identify individual- and ecological-level factors associated with the geographic pattern of change from 2008-2012 of screening mammography among Black women in the U.S. Statistical software was used for assessing aspatial data, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) was used for descriptive mapping and implementing spatial statistical analyses. Results indicate that changes in screening are not consistent across the U.S., Black and White women have increased and decreased screening in different regions, and the impact of variables associated with screening varies by location
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