616 research outputs found

    A reiterative method for calculating the early bactericidal activity of antituberculosis drugs.

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    Studies of early bactericidal activity (EBA) are important in the rapid evaluation of new antituberculosis drugs. Historically, these have concentrated on the log fall in the viable count in sputum during the first 48 hours of therapy. In this paper, we provide a mathematical model that suggests that the viable count in sputum follows an exponential decay curve with the equation V = S + Me(-kt) (where V is the viable count, M the population of bacteria susceptible to the test drug, S the population susceptible only to sterilizing agents, t the day of sputum collection as related to start of therapy, k the rate constant for the bacteria killed each day, and e the Napierian constant). We demonstrate that data from clinical trials fits the exponential decay model. We propose that future EBA studies should be performed by measuring daily quantitative counts for at least 5 days. We also propose that the comparison of the early bactericidal activity of antituberculosis drugs should be evaluated using the time taken to reduce the viable count by 50% (vt(50)). A further reiterative refinement following a rule set based on statistically the best fit to the exponential decay model is described that will allow investigators to identify anomalous results and thus enhance the accuracy in measuring early bactericidal activity

    Project sanitarium:playing tuberculosis to its end game

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    Interdisciplinary and collaborative projects between industry and academia provide exceptional opportunities for learning. Project Sanitarium is a serious game for Windows PC and Tablet which aims to embed learning about tuberculosis (TB) through the player taking on the role of a doctor and solving cases across the globe. The project developed as a collaboration between staff and undergraduate students at the School of Arts, Media and Computer Games at Abertay University working with academics and researchers from the Infection Group at the University of St Andrews. The project also engaged industry partners Microsoft and DeltaDNA. The project aimed to educate students through a workplace simulation pedagogical model, encourage public engagement at events and through news coverage and lastly to prototype whether games could be used to simulate a virtual clinical trial. The project was embedded in the Abertay undergraduate programme where students are presented with real world problems to solve through design and technology. The result was a serious game prototype that utilized game design techniques and technology to demystify and educate players about the diagnosis and treatment of one of the world’s oldest and deadliest diseases, TB. Project Sanitarium aims to not only educate the player, but allows the player to become a part of a simulated drug trial that could potentially help create new treatments in the fight against TB. The game incorporates a mathematical model that is based on data from real-world drug trials. The interdisciplinary pedagogical model provides undergraduates with workplace simulation, wider industry collaboration and access to academic expertise to solve challenging and complex problems

    Mycobacterial load assay

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    Tuberculosis is a difficult disease to treat, a process made more harder as tools to monitor treatment response only provide a result long after the patient has provided a sample. The mycobacterial load assay (MBLA) provides a simple molecular test to quantify and determine the viability of M. tuberculosis in human or other samples.Postprin

    Improving the recovery and detection of bloodstream pathogens from blood culture

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    The research presented was supported and funded by the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK.Introduction. Bloodstream infections (BSI) are growing in incidence and present a serious health threat. Most patients wait up to 48 h before microbiological cultures can confirm a diagnosis. Low numbers of circulating bacteria in patients with BSI mean we need to develop new methods and optimize current methods to facilitate efficient recovery of bacteria from the bloodstream. This will allow detection of positive blood cultures in a more clinically useful timeframe. Many bacterial blood recovery methods are available and usually include a combination of techniques such as centrifugation, filtration, serum separation or lysis treatment. Here, we evaluate nine different bacteria recovery methods performed directly from blood culture. Aim. We sought to identify a bacterial recovery method that would allow for a cost-effective and efficient recovery of common BSI pathogens directly from blood culture. Methods. Simulated E. coli ATCC 25922 blood culture was used as a model system to evaluate nine different bacteria recovery methods. Each method was assessed on recovery yield, cost, hands-on time, risk of contamination and ease of use. The highest scoring recovery method was further evaluated using simulated blood cultures spiked with seven of the most frequently occurring bloodstream pathogens. The recovery yield was calculated based on c.f.u. count before and after each recovery method. Independent t-tests were performed to determine if the recovery methods evaluated were significantly different based on c.f.u. ml−1 log recovery. Results. All nine methods evaluated successfully recovered E. coli ATCC 25922 from simulated blood cultures although the bacterial yield differed significantly. The MALDI-TOF intact cell method offered the poorest recovery with a mean loss of 2.94±0.37 log c.f.u. ml−1. In contrast, a method developed by Bio-Rad achieved the greatest bacterial yield with a mean bacteria loss of 0.27±0.013 log c.f.u. ml−1. Overall, a low-speed serum-separation method was demonstrated to be the most efficient method in terms of time, cost and recovery efficiency and successfully recovered seven of the most frequent BSI pathogens with a mean bacteria loss of 0.717±0.18 log c.f.u. ml−1. Conclusion. The efficiency of bacterial recovery can vary significantly between different methods and thereby can have a critical impact on downstream analysis. The low-speed serum-separation method offered a simple and effective means of recovering common BSI pathogens from blood culture and will be further investigated for use in the rapid detection of bacteraemia and susceptibility testing in clinical practice.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A multicentre comparison of a novel surrogate marker for determining the specific potency of anti-tuberculosis drugs.

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    A model for evaluating the potency of a new anti-tuberculosis drug or a drug combination, based on a decline in the number of viable tubercle bacilli in patient's sputum during 5 days mono-therapy has been reported. One popular measure is based on the analysis of the decline in bacterial counts during the first 48 h of therapy and has been called early bactericidal activity (EBA). Such analyses could detect EBA for only a few drugs and were subject to variations in results obtained in different sites. To address these problems we applied a reiterative exponential decay model to evaluate the data on bacterial counts during 5 days of mono-therapy. The validity of this approach was tested using data from three previously published studies. For patients treated with isoniazid 300 mg daily, the values for the time taken to reduce the viable count by 50% (vt50) measured in days were, from a Kenyan study 0.58 days S.E.M. 0.18, from a Tanzanian study 0.41 days S.E.M. 0.04, and from a United States study 0.55 days s.e.m. 0.12. These differences were not statistically significant (P = 0.77 Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric ANOVA). Mean values of vt50 for all of the major anti-tuberculosis agents showed that there was an overlapping spectrum of activity from isoniazid 300 mg (vt50 0.58 days) to para-amino-salicylic acid (vt50 2.9 days) The variation between column means was greater than could be expected by chance (P = 0.0002 Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric ANOVA). From this, we conclude that the reiterative exponential decay model permits comparison between the data obtained in different centres and would allow the activity of a new drug to be compared with that of the currently available agents

    Improved power for TB phase IIa trials using a model-based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic approach compared with commonly used analysis methods

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    The research leading to these results has received funding from the Swedish Research Council (grant number 521-2011-3442) in addition to the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (www.imi.europe.eu) under grant agreement no. 115337, resources of which are composed of financial contribution from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) and European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) companies’ in kind contribution.Background : The demand for new anti-TB drugs is high, but development programmes are long and costly. Consequently there is a need for new strategies capable of accelerating this process. Objectives : To explore the power to find statistically significant drug effects using a model-based pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic approach in comparison with the methods commonly used for analysing TB Phase IIa trials. Methods : Phase IIa studies of four hypothetical anti-TB drugs (labelled A, B, C and D), each with a different mechanism of action, were simulated using the multistate TB pharmacometric (MTP) model. cfu data were simulated over 14 days for patients taking once-daily monotherapy at four different doses per drug and a reference (10 mg/kg rifampicin). The simulated data were analysed using t-test, ANOVA, mono- and bi-exponential models and a pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic model approach (MTP model) to establish their respective power to find a drug effect at the 5% significance level. Results : For the pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic model approach, t-test, ANOVA, mono-exponential model and bi-exponential model, the sample sizes needed to achieve 90% power were: 10, 30, 75, 20 and 30 (drug A); 30, 75, 245, 75 and 105 (drug B); 70, >1250, 315, >1250 and >1250 (drug C); and 30, 110, 710, 170 and 185 (drug D), respectively. Conclusions : A model-based design and analysis using a pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic approach can reduce the number of patients required to determine a drug effect at least 2-fold compared with current methodologies. This could significantly accelerate early-phase TB drug development.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Rapid determination of antimicrobial susceptibility of Gram-negative bacteria from clinical blood cultures using a scattered light-integrated collection device

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    Background. A bloodstream infection (BSI) presents a complex and serious health problem, a problem that is being exacerbated by increasing antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Gap Statement. The current turnaround times (TATs) for most antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) methods offer results retrospective of treatment decisions, and this limits the impact AST can have on antibiotic prescribing and patient care. Progress must be made towards rapid BSI diagnosis and AST to improve antimicrobial stewardship and reduce preventable deaths from BSIs. To support the successful implementation of rapid AST (rAST) in hospital settings, a rAST method that is affordable, is sustainable and offers comprehensive AMR detection is needed. Aim. To evaluate a scattered light-integrated collection (SLIC) device against standard of care (SOC) to determine whether SLIC could accelerate the current TATs with actionable, accurate rAST results for Gram-negative BSIs. Methods. Positive blood cultures from a tertiary referral hospital were studied prospectively. Flagged positive Gram-negative blood cultures were confirmed by Gram staining and analysed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Vitek 2, disc diffusion (ceftriaxone susceptibility only) and an SLIC device. Susceptibility to a panel of five antibiotics, as defined by European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing breakpoints, was examined using SLIC. Results. A total of 505 bacterial-antimicrobial combinations were analysed. A categorical agreement of 95.5% (482/505) was achieved between SLIC and SOC. The 23 discrepancies that occurred were further investigated by the broth microdilution method, with 10 AST results in agreement with SLIC and 13 in agreement with SOC. The mean time for AST was 10.53±0.46 h and 1.94±0.02 h for Vitek 2 and SLIC, respectively. SLIC saved 23.96±1.47 h from positive blood culture to AST result. Conclusion. SLIC has the capacity to provide accurate AST 1 day earlier from flagged positive blood cultures than SOC. This significant time saving could accelerate time to optimal antimicrobial therapy, improving antimicrobial stewardship and management of BSIs.</p

    OMNIgene.SPUTUM suppresses contaminants whilst maintaining Mycobacterium tuberculosis viability and obviates cold-chain transport

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    The study was funded by DNA Genotek Inc. Canada, the manufacturer of OMNIgene.SPUTUM (grant number SMD0-Z0B014).Tuberculosis (TB) diagnostics are centralised, requiring long-distance transportation of specimens in most resource-limited settings. We evaluated the ability of OMNIgene.SPUTUM (OM-S) to obviate cold-chain transport of TB specimens. A two-arm (same-day and after 5 days sample processing) study was conducted to assess contamination rates and Mycobacterium tuberculosis viability in OM-S-treated samples against the standard decontamination procedure (SDP) in Mozambique, using Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) and mycobacterial growth indicator tube (MGIT) culture and molecular bacterial load assay. 270 specimens were processed using OM-S and SDP in same-day and 5-day arms. Contamination was lower in OM-S-treated than SDP-treated cultures: 12% versus 15% and 2% versus 27% in the same-day and 5-day arms, respectively. M. tuberculosis recovery in OM-S-treated LJ cultures was 10% and 56% higher in the same-day and 5-day arms, respectively, than SDP-treated cultures, but lower in MGIT (52% and 28% lower in the same-day and 5-day arms, respectively). M. tuberculosis viable count was 1log estimated CFU·mL−1 lower in 5-day OM-S-treated sputa. OM-S was more effective at liquefying sputum with a shorter sample processing time: 22 min for culture. OM-S is simple to use and has demonstrated a high potency to suppress contaminants, maintenance of viability at ambient temperatures and higher M. tuberculosis recovery, particularly in the solid LJ cultures. Optimisation of OM-S to achieve higher MGIT culture positivity and shorter time to result will increase its application and utility in the clinical management of TB.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Enhanced heterogeneity of rpoB in Mycobacterium tuberculosis found at low pH.

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to gain an insight into the molecular mechanisms of the evolution of rifampicin resistance in response to controlled changes in the environment. METHODS: We determined the proportion of rpoB mutants in the chemostat culture and characterized the sequence of mutations found in the rifampicin resistance-determining region of rpoB in a steady-state chemostat at pH 7.0 and 6.2. RESULTS: The overall proportion of rpoB mutants of strain H37Rv remained constant for 37 days at pH 7.0, ranging between 3.6 x 10(-8) and 8.9 x 10(-8); however, the spectrum of mutations varied. The most commonly detected mutation, serine to leucine mutation at codon 531 (S531L), increased from 40% to 89%, while other mutations (S531W, H526Y, H526D, H526R, S522L and D516V) decreased over the 37 day sampling period. Changing the pH from 7.0 to 6.2 did not significantly alter the overall proportion of mutants, but resulted in a decrease in the percentage of strains harbouring S531L (from 89% to 50%) accompanied by an increase in the range of different mutations from 4 to 12. CONCLUSIONS: The data confirm that the fitness of strains with the S531L mutation is greater than that of strains containing other mutations. We also conclude that at low pH the environment is permissive for a wider spectrum of mutations, which may provide opportunities for a successful mutant to survive
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