562 research outputs found

    Splitting of the Zero-Energy Landau Level and Universal Dissipative Conductivity at Critical Points in Disordered Graphene

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    We report on robust features of the longitudinal conductivity (σxx\sigma_{xx}) of the graphene zero-energy Landau level in presence of disorder and varying magnetic fields. By mixing an Anderson disorder potential with a low density of sublattice impurities, the transition from metallic to insulating states is theoretically explored as a function of Landau-level splitting, using highly efficient real-space methods to compute the Kubo conductivities (both σxx\sigma_{xx} and Hall σxy\sigma_{xy}). As long as valley-degeneracy is maintained, the obtained critical conductivity σxx≃1.4e2/h\sigma_{xx}\simeq 1.4 e^{2}/h is robust upon disorder increase (by almost one order of magnitude) and magnetic fields ranging from about 2 to 200 Tesla. When the sublattice symmetry is broken, σxx\sigma_{xx} eventually vanishes at the Dirac point owing to localization effects, whereas the critical conductivities of pseudospin-split states (dictating the width of a σxy=0\sigma_{xy}=0 plateau) change to σxx≃e2/h\sigma_{xx}\simeq e^{2}/h, regardless of the splitting strength, superimposed disorder, or magnetic strength. These findings point towards the non dissipative nature of the quantum Hall effect in disordered graphene in presence of Landau level splitting

    Efficient Linear Scaling Approach for Computing the Kubo Hall Conductivity

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    We report an order-N approach to compute the Kubo Hall conductivity for disorderd two-dimensional systems reaching tens of millions of orbitals, and realistic values of the applied external magnetic fields (as low as a few Tesla). A time-evolution scheme is employed to evaluate the Hall conductivity σxy\sigma_{xy} using a wavepacket propagation method and a continued fraction expansion for the computation of diagonal and off-diagonal matrix elements of the Green functions. The validity of the method is demonstrated by comparison of results with brute-force diagonalization of the Kubo formula, using (disordered) graphene as system of study. This approach to mesoscopic system sizes is opening an unprecedented perspective for so-called reverse engineering in which the available experimental transport data are used to get a deeper understanding of the microscopic structure of the samples. Besides, this will not only allow addressing subtle issues in terms of resistance standardization of large scale materials (such as wafer scale polycrystalline graphene), but will also enable the discovery of new quantum transport phenomena in complex two-dimensional materials, out of reach with classical methods.Comment: submitted PRB pape

    Spin Valve Effect in ZigZag Graphene Nanoribbons by Defect Engineering

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    We report on the possibility for a spin valve effect driven by edge defect engineering of zigzag graphene nanoribbons. Based on a mean-field spin unrestricted Hubbard model, electronic band structures and conductance profiles are derived, using a self-consistent scheme to include gate-induced charge density. The use of an external gate is found to trigger a semiconductor-metal transition in clean zigzag graphene nanoribbons, whereas it yields a closure of the spin-split bandgap in the presence of Klein edge defects. These features could be exploited to make novel charge and spin based switches and field effect devices.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Backscattering in carbon nanotubes : role of quantum interference effects

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    For similar disorder, the backscattering contribution to the conductivity, irrelevant for metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes, is proved to become more significant for doped semiconducting systems, as found in experiments. In the case of multi-walled nanotubes, the intershell coupling is further shown to enhance the contribution of backscattering for "metallic" double-walled, whereas it remains insignificant for "metallic/semiconducting" double-walled systems. This supports that MWNTs are long ballistic conductors close to the charge neutrality point.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Valley-Polarized Quantum Transport Generated by Gauge Fields in Graphene

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    We report on the possibility to simultaneously generate in graphene a {\it bulk valley-polarized dissipative transport} and a {\it quantum valley Hall effect} by combining strain-induced gauge fields and real magnetic fields. Such unique phenomenon results from a resonance/anti-resonance effect driven by the superposition/cancellation of superimposed gauge fields which differently affect time reversal symmetry. The onset of a valley-polarized Hall current concomitant to a dissipative valley-polarized current flow in the opposite valley is revealed by a e2/he^2/h Hall conductivity plateau. We employ efficient linear scaling Kubo transport methods combined with a valley projection scheme to access valley-dependent conductivities and show that the results are robust against disorder.Comment: 2D Materials (accepted for publication
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