1,317 research outputs found

    Population Census, 1985

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    The 1985 Population Census was enumerated on a de facto basis, that is, according to the place where persons were located during the census. All persons who were present on Republic of South African territory during census night were enumerated and included in the data. Visitors from abroad who were present in the RSA on holiday or business on the night of the census, as well as foreigners (and their families) who were studying or economically active, were enumerated but not included in the figures. Likewise, members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps of foreign countries were not included. However, the South African personnel linked to the foreign missions including domestic workers were enumerated. Crews and passengers of ships were also not enumerated, unless they were normally resident in the Republic of South Africa. Residents of the RSA who were absent from the night were as far as possible enumerated on their return and included in the region where they normally resided. Personnel of the South African Government stationed abroad and their families were, however enuermated. Such persons were included in the Transvaal (Pretoria)

    Census 1996, 10% Sample

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    Every person present in South Africa on Census night, 9-10 October 1996, should have been enumerated in Census ’96. The enumeration generally took place over the period of 10 October to 30 October although, in some situations, it was necessary to continue enumeration through to December to ensure that as many people possible were included. In most cases, respondents were given the choice of being interviewed or of completing the questionnaire themselves

    Population Census 1970

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    The 1970 South African Population Census was enumerated on a de facto basis, that is, according to the place where persons were located during the census. All persons who were present on Republic of South African territory during census night were enumerated and included in the data. Visitors from abroad who were present in the RSA on holiday or business on the night of the census, as well as foreigners (and their families) who were studying or economically active, were not enumerated and included in the figures. Likewise, members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps of foreign countries were not included. However, the South African personnel linked to the foreign missions including domestic workers were enumerated. Crews and passengers of ships were also not enumerated, unless they were normally resident in the Republic of South Africa. Residents of the RSA who were absent from the night were as far as possible enumerated on their return and included in the region where they normally resided. Personnel of the South African Government stationed abroad and their families were, however enumerated. Such persons were included in the Transvaal (Pretoria)

    Domestic Tourism Survey (DTS), 2009

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    The DTS is aimed at addressing this need to collect more detailed information on domestic tourism in order to better understand and measure the contribution of the tourism industry towards the national economy. This will be done by collecting accurate statistics on the travel behaviour and expenditure of South African residents travelling within and outside the borders of South Africa. Such information is crucial in determining the contribution of tourism to the South African economy as well as helping with planning, marketing, policy formulation and regulation of tourism-related activities. In addition to the basic demographic information collected in the majority of household surveys conducted by Stats SA, the DTS covers seven areas specifically related to travel and expenditure patterns, namely: overview of trips taken by the household, domestic day trips by the respondent and/or other household members, domestic day trips by other household members only (without the respondent), domestic overnight trips by the respondent and/or other household members, domestic overnight trips by other household members only (without the respondent), foreign overnight trips by the respondent and/or other household members, and foreign overnight trips by other household members only (without the respondent)

    Quarterly Labour Force Survey, 1st Quarter 2009

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    The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household-based sample survey conducted by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). It collects data on the labour market activities of individuals aged 15 years or older who live in South Africa. Starting in 2005, Stats SA undertook a major revision of the Labour Force Survey (LFS) which was conducted twice per year since 2000. This revision resulted in changes to the survey methodology, the survey questionnaire, the frequency of data collection and data releases, and the survey data capture and processing systems. The redesigned labour market survey is the QLFS which is now the principal vehicle for disseminating labour market information on a quarterly basis

    Quarterly Labour Force Survey, 4th Quarter, 2015

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    The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household-based sample survey conducted by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). It collects data on the labour market activities of individuals aged 15 years or older who live in South Africa. Starting in 2005, Stats SA undertook a major revision of the Labour Force Survey (LFS) which was conducted twice per year since 2000. This revision resulted in changes to the survey methodology, the survey questionnaire, the frequency of data collection and data releases, and the survey data capture and processing systems. The redesigned labour market survey is the QLFS which is now the principal vehicle for disseminating labour market information on a quarterly basis

    Quarterly Labour Force Survey, 4th Quarter 2010

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    The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household-based sample survey conducted by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). It collects data on the labour market activities of individuals aged 15 years or older who live in South Africa. Starting in 2005, Stats SA undertook a major revision of the Labour Force Survey (LFS) which was conducted twice per year since 2000. This revision resulted in changes to the survey methodology, the survey questionnaire, the frequency of data collection and data releases, and the survey data capture and processing systems. The redesigned labour market survey is the QLFS which is now the principal vehicle for disseminating labour market information on a quarterly basis

    Quarterly Labour Force Survey, 2nd Quarter 2008

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    The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household-based sample survey conducted by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). It collects data on the labour market activities of individuals aged 15 years or older who live in South Africa. Starting in 2005, Stats SA undertook a major revision of the Labour Force Survey (LFS) which was conducted twice per year since 2000. This revision resulted in changes to the survey methodology, the survey questionnaire, the frequency of data collection and data releases, and the survey data capture and processing systems. The redesigned labour market survey is the QLFS which is now the principal vehicle for disseminating labour market information on a quarterly basis

    Labour Force Survey (LFS 3), February 2001

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    The Labour Force Survey is a twice -yearly rotating panel household survey, specifically designed to measure the dynamics of employment and unemployment in the country. It plans to measure a variety of issues related to the labour market, including unemployment rates (official and expanded), according to standard definitions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO

    General Household Survey, 2003

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    The GHS is an annual household survey, specifically designed to measure various aspects of the living circumstances of South African households
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