347 research outputs found

    CultureLabs: Cultural heritage and digital technology at the service of social innovation

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    Studies and practice in the cultural field have long acknowledged the importance of participatory approaches for engaging visitors of cultural institutions, however, it is only recently that we are talking about steps to connecting institutional heritage with civic initiatives that can aid social cohesion and community empowerment. In dialogue with ongoing practices in this context, CultureLabs aims to develop novel methodologies and digital tools that can facilitate the organisation and wider deployment of participatory projects around cultural her - itage, focusing on the social inclusion of disadvantaged groups, and particularly of migrant communities. As a first step in this process, the CultureLabs team has conducted a series of interviews and surveys with the aim to identify and analyse the organisational needs and lessons learnt by different actors from the cultural, social, educational and public administration fields as well as the needs and viewpoints of different migrant communities. These needs have guided the design of an innovative online platform which seeks to offer a number of services for supporting more efficient and participatory governance of cultural heritage on one hand and for enabling inclusive and creative interactions with digital cultural heritage on the other. The CultureLabs platform will allow multiple and diverse stakeholders to discover and combine differ - ent resources and elements of best practices, the "ingredients", in order to form new "recipes" for social innovation according to their own needs and objectives

    Multimodal Speaker Diarization Utilizing Face Clustering Information

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    Effects of gender and ethnicity on outcomes after aortic valve replacement

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    ObjectiveTo evaluate the clinical outcomes after aortic valve replacement or aortic valve replacement and coronary artery bypass grafting in a large contemporary population, and to determine if outcomes are associated with patient ethnicity and gender status.MethodsUsing the Massachusetts Cardiac Surgery Database, we identified 6809 adults aged 18 years or older who had undergone isolated aortic valve replacement or aortic valve replacement and coronary artery bypass grafting in all non-federal acute-care Massachusetts hospitals from 2002 to 2008. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to identify differences in patient characteristics, major morbidity, and 30-day and 1-year mortality between men (n = 4043) and women (n = 2766) and between whites (n = 6481) and nonwhites (n = 328).ResultsThe unadjusted 30-day mortality rate was 2.6% for the men and 3.1% for the women (P = .296) and 2.8% for whites and 3.7% for nonwhites (P = .342). In adjusted logistic regression models, the 30-day mortality was not different between the female and male patients (odds ratio, 0.88; 95% confidence interval, 0.26–3.02, P = .84) nor between the nonwhites and whites (odds ratio, 1.57; 95% confidence interval, 0.45–5.44; P = .48). The incidence of postoperative stroke was greater in women (3.0% women and 2.2% men, P = .031), and the incidence of postoperative myocardial infarction (10.9% women and 13.6% men; P = .001) and septicemia (1.2% women and 2.0% men; P = .009) was greater in men.ConclusionsEthnicity and gender were not associated with greater 30-day and 1-year mortality after aortic valve replacement or aortic valve replacement and coronary artery bypass grafting. Differences in postoperative outcomes were not observed between ethnic groups

    Reverse taxonomy applied to the Brachionus calyciflorus cryptic species complex: Morphometric analysis confirms species delimitations revealed by molecular phylogenetic analysis and allows the (re) description of four species

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    The discovery and exploration of cryptic species have been profoundly expedited thanks to developments in molecular biology and phylogenetics. In this study, we apply a reverse taxonomy approach to the Brachionus calyciflorus species complex, a commonly studied freshwater monogonont rotifer. By combining phylogenetic, morphometric and morphological analyses, we confirm the existence of four cryptic species that have been recently suggested by a molecular study. Based on these results and according to an exhaustive review of the taxonomic literature, we name each of these four species and provide their taxonomic description alongside a diagnostic key

    CALM regulates clathrin-coated vesicle size and maturation by directly sensing and driving membrane curvature.

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    The size of endocytic clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) is remarkably uniform, suggesting that it is optimized to achieve the appropriate levels of cargo and lipid internalization. The three most abundant proteins in mammalian endocytic CCVs are clathrin and the two cargo-selecting, clathrin adaptors, CALM and AP2. Here we demonstrate that depletion of CALM causes a substantial increase in the ratio of "open" clathrin-coated pits (CCPs) to "necked"/"closed" CCVs and a doubling of CCP/CCV diameter, whereas AP2 depletion has opposite effects. Depletion of either adaptor, however, significantly inhibits endocytosis of transferrin and epidermal growth factor. The phenotypic effects of CALM depletion can be rescued by re-expression of wild-type CALM, but not with CALM that lacks a functional N-terminal, membrane-inserting, curvature-sensing/driving amphipathic helix, the existence and properties of which are demonstrated. CALM is thus a major factor in controlling CCV size and maturation and hence in determining the rates of endocytic cargo uptake.S.E.M. and D.J.O. are funded by a Wellcome Trust Fellowship (to D.J.O. no. 090909/Z). N.A.B. is funded by MRC grant MR/M010007/1, and S.H. is funded by a grant from the German Science Foundation (SFB 635, TP A3). D.S. and S.M. acknowledge financial support from the Lundbeck Foundation and the Danish Councils for Independent and Strategic Research. C.J.M. and F.P. were funded by the Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://www.cell.com/developmental-cell/fulltext/S1534-5807%2815%2900144-6

    Brachionus rotundiformis tschugunoff, 1921 from the brachionus plicatilis species complex (Rotifera: Monogononta): A new record from galápagos archipelago, Ecuador

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    The presence of the rotifer species Brachionus rotundiformis from the B. plicatilis species complex in Lake Arcturo, a saline lake in the Genovesa Island of the Galápagos Islands, is here reported. This is the first record of the species for the rotifer fauna of Ecuador as well as of the species complex to the Galápagos Islands. This finding is consistent with the idea of high dispersion capacity, and of cosmopolitan distribution of this species complex. Because Genovesa Island is uninhabited, passive transport by wind currents and zoochory by migrant birds seem to emerge as the most plausible factors in this process of colonization. Integrative studies on the morphological variations, genetic, molecular, and ecological aspects are still required to further understand the process of dispersion and the ecology of this member of the B. plicatilis species complex in this remote and isolated locality, and the exact taxonomical position of the island’s population to the other members of the complex.</p

    Ellipsoidal particles at fluid interfaces

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    For partially wetting, ellipsoidal colloids trapped at a fluid interface, their effective, interface--mediated interactions of capillary and fluctuation--induced type are analyzed. For contact angles different from 90o^o, static interface deformations arise which lead to anisotropic capillary forces that are substantial already for micrometer--sized particles. The capillary problem is solved using an efficient perturbative treatment which allows a fast determination of the capillary interaction for all distances between and orientations of two particles. Besides static capillary forces, fluctuation--induced forces caused by thermally excited capillary waves arise at fluid interfaces. For the specific choice of a spatially fixed three--phase contact line, the asymptotic behavior of the fluctuation--induced force is determined analytically for both the close--distance and the long--distance regime and compared to numerical solutions.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to EPJE (Special Issue Soft Matter Conference Aachen'07