38 research outputs found

    Cardiomyopathie dilatee chez l’enfant (revu)

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    Cardiomiopatia dilatativă este o acrdiomiopatie primară caracterizată prin dilatarea ventriculară şi afectarea funcţiei sistolice. Prevalenţa ei în populaţia generală este de 5-8/100 000 pe an, la copii sunt raportate cifre estimative de 0.57 / 100000, cu mortalitate de până la 40% la sugari şi copiii simptomatici în primul an de stabilire a diagnosticului, în absenţa unui tratament medicamentos sau chirurgical. În pofi da succeselor medicinei contemporane, la circa 57% din copiii cu CMD etiologia este necunoscută. Prezentările clinice sunt variate, implică diferite grade de dilatare ventriculară şi disfuncţie sistolică. Ecocardiografi a Doppler este metoda de examinare de elecţie, cu condiţia că aceasta este completă şi pediatric corectă. În prezent, cercetările clinice se axează pe identifi carea genelor nucleare, care interferează cu genomul mitocondrial, permiţând de a dezvolta şi a testa strategii optime de tratament al formelor pediatrice de cardiomiopatie dilatativă

    Первичная дилятационная кардиомиопатия у детей. Клинический случай

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Departamentul Pediatrie, IMSP ICŞDOSMşiCDilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the most common primary cardiomyopathy seen in adults, and children. According to epidemiological studies in two different geographical regions, the incidence of CMD in children is contained within the 1.13 to 1.24 / 100,000 children. The etiology of DCM in children involves a heterogeneous variety of factors-genetic and non-genetic. In 20-40% cases DCM in children is a consequence of late acute viral myocarditis. The article presents a clinical case of a teenager, 16 years old, where the DCM etiology was postmyocarditis and the patient presented severe heart failure. Taking into account the serious condition and the rapidly progressive cardiac decompensation, palliative intervention was performed to implant a ventricular assist device. Patient's condition greatly improved with the mechanical implant, but this method is one of the interventional steps used to perform further surgical steps such as heart transplant (fi rst pediatric case reported in Republic of Moldova).Дилатационная кардиомиопатия (ДКМП) является наиболее распространенной среди первичных кардиомиопатий наблюдаемых у взрослых и детей. По данным эпидемиологических исследований в двух раз- ных географических регионах, ДКМП встречается с частотой от 1,13 до 1,24 / 100000 детей. Этиология ДКМП у детей включает в себя различные гетерогенные факторы, как генетические, так и не генети- ческие. В 20-40% случаев ДКМП у детей является следствием острого вирусного миокардита. В статье представлен клинический случай 16-летнего подростка, у которого была диагностирована ДКМП по- сле перенесенного острого вирусного миокардита, с тяжелой застойной сердечной недостаточностью. Учитывая тяжелое состояние ребенка и быстро прогрессирующую сердечную недостаточность, было проведенно паллиативное вмешательство с имплантированием механического желудочкового устрой- ства. Механический имплантат значительно улучшил состояние больного, но этот метод является од- ним из промежуточных этапов планового хирургического вмешательства по трансплантации сердца (первый описываемый случай у детей в Молдове)

    The impact of beta-blockers in the treatment of children with dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Nicolae Testimitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction. Incidence of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in children is 0.57/100,000 / year. The management of pediatric DCM is not similar to adults, the results of the combination of beta-blockers (BB) in the behavior of children with DCM is controversial. Purpose. The effects of beta-blockers (BB) in the clinicalhemodynamic evolution of children with DCM. Material and methods. The prospective analytical study included 48 children (age 3 months-18 years) with DCM, based on anamnestic criteria, clinical and imaging criteria, especially echocardiography (Echo) Depending on the treatment, the patients were divided into 2 groups: I -14 children, conventional and BB; II - 34 children - conventional treatment. Results. Most of the children were young (58%), with a predominance of boys (M F-30/18), with heart failure (HF) II-IV NYHA/Ross. Echo parameters with non-perforable predictive value: Tei index, associated with ejection fraction, size of left ventricle (LVEF, IVS thickness), PAPs and mitral regurgitation (grade of IVM). We have noticed an unfavorable evolution in 6 children, including 4 deaths, of which 3 (8.82%) cases in group II (without BB) (Table 1, fig 1). Conclusions. The Tei index is a predictor of death, depending on age and heart failure. The association of BB in the treatment of DCM in children in the early stages contributes to the clinical and functional improvement of the heart. Adverse effects are rare, requiring correct dose titration

    Impactul beta-blocantelor în tratamentul copiilor cu cardiomiopatie dilatativă

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    Background. Dilated cardiomyopathy (CMD) is the most common type of cardiomyopathy at any age. Incidence in children is 0.57-2.6 / 100,000 / year. The management of pediatric CMD is not similar to adults, the results of the combination of beta-blockers (BB) in the behavior of children with CMD is controversial. Objective of the study. The effects of beta-blockers in the clinical-hemodynamic evolution of children with CMD. Material and Method. The prospective analytical study included 48 children (age 3 months-18 years) with a clinical diagnosis of CMD. based on anamnestic criteria. clinical and imaging. Depending on the treatment, the patients were divided into 2 groups: I -14 children, conventional and BB; II - 34 children - conventional treatment. Statistical analysis through methods of variational, correlational and discriminant Results. Most of the children were young (58%), with a predominance of boys (M / F-30/18); 42 ptc (86%) presented ICC gr II-IV CF NYHA / Ross. Comparative analysis of EcoCg parameters determined marked cardiac dysfunction in both groups. Clinical evaluation and EcoCg of patients in group I improved in 1.5 months of surveillance. EcoCg parameters with non-perforable predictive value: Tei index, associated with LVEF, SIV thickness, PSAP and IVM grade. Unfavorable evolution in 6 children, including 4 deaths, of which 3 (8.82%) cases in group II. Adverse effects of BB - 1 case of hypotension and bradycardia. Conclusion. The Tei index is a predictor of death, depending on age and heart failure. The association of BB in the treatment of CMD in children in the early stages contributes to the clinical and functional improvement of the heart. Adverse effects are rare, requiring correct dose titration. Introducere. Cardiomiopatia dilatativă (CMD) este cel mai frecvent tip de cardiomiopatie la orice vârstă. Incidenţă la copii este de 0,57-2,6/100 000/an. Managementul CMD pediatrice nu este similar adulţilor, rezultatele asocierii beta-blocantelor (BB) în conduita copiilor cu CMD este controversată. Scopul lucrării. Efectele beta-blocantelor în evoluţia clinică hemodinamică a copiilor cu CMD. Material și Metode. Studiul prospectiv analitic a inclus 48 de copii (vârsta 3 luni-18 ani), cu diagnosticul clinic de CMD, în baza criteriilor anamnestice. clinice și imagistice. În funcție de tratament, pacienții au fost divizați în 2 loturi: I -14 copii, convențional și BB; II – 34 copii -tratament convențional. Analiza statistică prin metode de analiză variaţională, corelaţională şi discriminantă. Rezultate. Majoritatea copiilor au fost de vârstă mică (58%), cu predominarea băieților (M/F-30/18); 42 ptc (86%) s-au prezentat ICC gr II-IV CF NYHA/Ross. Analiza comparativă a parametrilor EcoCg a determinat o disfuncție cardiacă marcată în ambele loturi. La evaluarea clinică şi EcoCg a pacienților din lotul I s-a observat o ameliorare la 1,5 luni de supraveghere. Parametrii EcoCg, cu valoare predictivă nefavorabilă : Indice Tei, asociat cu FEVS grosimea SIV, PSAP şi gradul de IVM. Evoluţie nefavorabilă la 6 copii, inclusiv 4 decese, dintre care 3 (8,82%) cazuri în lotul II. Efecte adverse ale BB - 1 caz de hipotensiune şi bradicardie. Concluzii. Indicele Tei este un factor predictiv de deces, dependent de vârsta şi insuficienţa cardiacă. Asocierea BB în tratamentul CMD la copii, la etapele precoce, contribuie la ameliorarea clinică și funcțională cardiacă. Efectele adverse sunt rare, este necesară titrarea corectă a dozei

    Dileme şi perspective în extrasistolele ventriculare la copii pe cord structural normal

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    Paediatrics Department, Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPhBackground. Ventricular extrasystoles (VES) are present in around 40% of healthy children. Considered benign, they are often neglected. Although symptomatic VES are subject to specific treatment, data on the effectiveness of antiarrhythmic treatment in children is limited and still undefined. Objective of the study. Analysis and systematization of current data regarding the behavior of children with VES. Material and Methods. We analyzed the results of pediatric studies publications covering a period of 10 years (2012-2021), by accessing the databases PubMed, Scopus, HINARI using keywords. Results. The analysis of the data of the completed studies, based mainly on small series of patients, denotes the prevalence in healthy children of monomorphic VES, isolated, originating from the ejection tract of the right ventricle. Unlike adults, the behavior of children with VES is influenced by the laws of growth and development. The authors confirm the difficulties in using the usual methods of assessing ventricular dysfunction and the lack of unified clinical evaluation criteria, both of which being important in early therapeutic decisions. Additionally, different response to antiarrhythmic treatment was mentioned. Despite the proven efficacy of flecainide in children with VES, beta Conclusion. VESs are common arrhythmias in children. The behavior of children with VES remains unconcluded due to the lack of unified criteria for clinical and functional evaluation, which would allow an early initiation of an appropriate personalized treatment.Introducere. Extrasistolele ventriculare (ESV) sunt prezente la aproximativ ~ 40% dintre copiii sănătoși. Considerate benigne, sunt adesea neglijate. Deși ESV simptomatice sunt supuse tratamentului specific, datele privind eficacitatea tratamentului antiaritmic la copii sunt limitate. Scopul lucrării. Analiza şi sistematizarea datelor actuale, cu privire la conduita copiilor cu ESV. Material și metode. Am analizat rezultatele publicaţiilor studiilor pediatrice, pentru o perioadă de 10 ani (2012-2021), prin accesarea bazelor de date PubMed, Scopus, HINARI, cu utilizarea cuvintelor-cheie specifice temei. Rezultate. Analiza datelor studiilor finalizate, bazate preponderent pe serii mici de pacienţi, denotă prevalarea la copiii sănătoşi a ESV monomorfe, izolate, cu originea din tractul de ejecţie al ventriculului drept. Spre deosebire de adulţi, conduita copiilor cu ESV este influenţată de legităţile de creştere şi de dezvoltare. Autorii confirmă dificultăţile în utilizarea metodelor uzuale de apreciere a disfuncţiei ventriculare şi lipsa criteriilor unificate de evaluare clinică, importante în deciziile terapeutice timpurii. A fost menţionat şi răspunsul diferit la tratamentul antiaritmic. În pofida eficacităţii dovedite, la copii cu ESV a flecainidei, beta-blocantele rămân a fi cele mai indicate. Concluzii. ESV sunt aritmii frecvente la copii. Conduita copiilor cu ESV rămâne nedefinitivată, din motivul lipsei criteriilor unificate de evaluare clinică şi funcţională, care ar permite iniţierea precoce a tratamentului oportun personalizat

    Diagnosticul imunologic şi tratamentul antiviral în miocarditele acute virale la copii

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    Virusul Coxsackie B5 este un factor etiologic în miocarditele acute enterovirale la copii la rata de 52,94%. Evaluarea indicilor imunităţii celulare şi ai sistemului endogen de interferoni la copiii cu miocardită acută virală a determinat imunosupresie secundară. Terapia de scurtă durată cu Interferon α (Viferon) induce efectul de stimulare a imunităţii antivirale endogene mai precoce versus terapia tradiţională. Aplicarea tratamentului antiviral cu Viferon a contribuit la ameliorarea clinică şi a permis prevenirea complicaţiilor posibile

    Particularităţile electrocardiografice la copiii cu hipertensiune arterială esenţială

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    Problema hipertensiunii arteriale esenţiale la copii şi adolescenţi prezintă o direcţie actuală în cardiologia pediatrică, unde hipertrofi a ventriculară stângă este factor de risc cardiovascular independent. În acest studiu au fost încluşi 54 de pacienţi cu HTAE (42 băieţi şi 12 fete) cu vârsta cuprinsă între 10-17 ani (vârsta medie 16,3±0,12), şi un grup de control format din 22 de pacienţi normotensivi. Protocolul de studiu a inclus efectuarea ECG, EcoCG şi CIG după metode unificate recunoscute. Sensibilitatea metodei ECG de apreciere a HVS a constituit 38,9%, iar EcoCG-55,5%, specificitatea, respectiv, fiind de 35,3% (pentru ECG) şi 41,5% (pentru EcoCG), cu semnifi caţia diagnostică 52,0% (pentru ECG) şi 61,8% (pentru EcoCG), respectiv

    Ранние ЭКГ признаки гипертрофии левого желудочка у детей с эссенциальной артериальной гипертензией

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    USMF „NicolaeTestemiţanu”, Departamentul PediatriePurpose. We aimed to determine the diagnostic value of ECG criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy in children with EM. Materials and methods. This study included 54 patients with essential hipertension (42 boys and 12 girls) aged between 10 and 17 years (mean age 16.3 ± 0.12 years) previously not receiving any antihypertensive therapy and a control group consisting of 22 normotensive patients, hospitalized in the Cardiology Department of the Institute for Mother and Child, between February 2010 and March 2012. All patients performed standard ECG and transthoracic echocardiography (EchoCG). The diagnostic values of ECG and EchoCG for the signs of LVH were assessed according to the criteria of: sensitivity, specificity and “diagnostic efficacy” in the basic and control groups. Results. This study revealed that 21 cases (38.9%) showed signs of LVH, and 2 cases (3.7%) - signs of right ventricular hypertrophy. ECG data confirmed the presence of LVH in 38.9%, and EcoCG - in 55.5% of patients, respectively. ECG sensitivity in our study was 38.9%, specificity - 35.3%, the diagnostic value - 52.0%. Simultaneously, similar data were assessed for EcoCG: sensitivity - 55.5%, specifity - 41.5%, the diagnostic value - 61.8%, respectively. Conclusions. Our study determined that the most common ECG change in children with EM is LVH and this denotes that myocardium is the main target organ (in 38.9% of cases). ECG method has a high sensitivity for detection of early signs of LVH and early changes of the left ventricular structure and geometry, that are not always accompanied by increased left ventricular wall thickening.Цель исследования: Нашей целью было определить диагностическую ценность ЭКГ критериев гипертрофии левого желудочка у детей с ЭАГ. Материалы и методы. В исследование было включено 54 первичных больных с ЭАГ (42 мальчика и 12 девочек) в возрасте от 10 до 17 лет (средний возраст 16,3 ± 0,12 лет). Контрольная группа состояла из 22 нормотензивных пациентов, госпитализированных в кардиологическое отделение Института Mатери и Ребенка в период с февраля 2010 года по март 2012 года. У всех пациентов была выполнена стандартная ЭКГ и трансторакальная эхокардиография (ЭхоКГ). Диагностическое значение ЭКГ, ЭхоКГ для признаков ГЛЖ оценивали по критериям: чувствительность, специфичность и «диагностической эффективности» в основной и контрольной группе. Результаты. Это исследование показало, что у 21 ребенка (38,9%) были выявлены признаки ГЛЖ, у 2-х детей (3,7%) - признаки гипертрофии правого желудочка. Данные ЭКГ подтвердили наличие ГЛЖ в 38,9% случаев, а ЭхоКГ в 55,5% случаев, соответственно. Чувствительность ЭКГ в нашем исследовании составила 38,9%, специфичность-35,3%, диагностическая ценность - 52,0%. Одновременно аналогичным образом были оценены данные ЭхоКГ: чувствительность - 55,5%, специфичность - 41,5%, диагностическая - 61,8%. Выводы. В нашем исследованием было установлено, что наиболее распространенным измененем ЭКГ у детей с ЭАГ является ГЛЖ. Mетод ЭКГ обладает высокой чувствительностью для обнаружения ранних признаков ГЛЖ, изменений в структуре, геометрии левого желудочка, которые не всегда сопровождаются увеличением толщины стенок левого желудочка

    Variabilitatea ritmului cardiac la copii cu aritmii supraventriculare

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    State University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Nicolae Testemitanu”, Pediatrics Department, Institute of Mother and ChildThe following reasearch was made upon 50 children, age between 7 and 18 years, with supraventricular arrhythmias: the first group includes 30 children (average age 12,93±0,52 years) that have been administared bisoprolol with the average dose 1,25-2,5/mg/24 h and the second group, (average dose 13,55±0,60 years) that received placebo. The research results revealed that the arrhythmias has been associated with different symptoms as cardiac pains (90%) and palpitation (88%). The action of bisoprolol on the parameters of heart rate variability has been established by the decreased value of the statistics and spectral indexes that show the activity of the sympathetic vegetative nervous system. The bisoprolol can be recommended to children with symptomatic supraventricular premature beats while being a cardioselective drug with a high selectivity index (1:75).Studiul a fost efectuat pe un lot de 50 de copii, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 7 și 18 ani, cu aritmii supraventriculare: lotul I, de bază a inclus 30 copii (vârsta medie 12,93±0,52 ani), cărora li s-a administrat bisoprolol în doza uzuală 1,25-2,5/ mg/24 ore, și lotul II, martor – 20 de copii, (vârsta medie 13,55±0,60 ani), care au primit placebo. Rezultatele studiului au relevat asocierea aritmiilor supraventriculare cu diverse simptome clinice cu predominarea durerilor precordiale (90%) și a palpitaţiilor (88%). Acţiunea bisoprololului asupra parametrilor variabilităţii ritmului cardiac s-a exprimat prin micșorarea indicilor statistici și spectrali caracteristici pentru activitatea sistemului nervos vegetativ simpatic. Bisoprololul poate fi recomandat în schema de tratament la copii cu aritmii supraventriculare, fiind un preparat cardioselectiv cu indicele de selectivitate înalt (1:75)

    Dilemmas and perspectives in ventricular extrasystolis in children and normal structural cord

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    Departement of PediatricsIntroduction. Ventricular extrasystoles (VES) are present in around 40% of healthy children. Considered benign, they are often neglected. Although symptomatic VES are subject to specific treatment, data on the effectiveness of antiarrhythmic treatment in children is limited and still undefined. Material and methods. We analyzed the results of pediatric studies publications covering a period of 10 years (2012-2021), by accessing the databases PubMed, Scopus, HINARI using keywords.Results. The analysis of the data of the completed studies, based mainly on small series of patients, denotes the prevalence in healthy children of monomorphic VES, isolated, originating from the ejection tract of the right ventricle. Unlike adults, the behavior of children with VES is influenced by the laws of growth and development. Despite the proven efficacy of flecainide in children with VES, beta-blockers remain the most indicated. The transcatheter ablation, a recommended treatment of line 2 in children, has a high rate of complications in infants andConclusions. VESs are common arrhythmias in children. The behavior of children with VES remains unconcluded due to the lack of unified criteria for clinical and functional evaluation, which would allow an early initiation of an appropriate personalized treatment. young children and limited indications in older children. Purpose. Analysis and systematization of current data regarding the behavior of children with VES