60 research outputs found

    Role of Individual Disulfide Bonds in the Structural Maturation of a Low Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunit

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    Gliadins and glutenins are the major storage proteins that accumulate in wheat endosperm cells during seed development. Although gliadins are mainly monomeric, glutenins consist of very large disulfide-linked polymers made up of high molecular weight and low molecular weight subunits. These polymers are among the largest protein molecules known in nature and are the most important determinants of the viscoelastic properties of gluten. As a first step toward the elucidation of the folding and assembly pathways that lead to glutenin polymer formation, we have exploited an in vitro system composed of wheat germ extract and bean microsomes to examine the role of disulfide bonds in the structural maturation of a low molecular weight glutenin subunit. When conditions allowing the formation of disulfide bonds were established, the in vitro synthesized low molecular weight glutenin subunit was recovered in monomeric form containing intrachain disulfide bonds. Conversely, synthesis under conditions that did not favor the formation of disulfide bonds led to the production of large aggregates from which the polypeptides could not be rescued by the post-translational generation of a more oxidizing environment. These results indicate that disulfide bond formation is essential for the conformational maturation of the low molecular weight glutenin subunit and suggest that early folding steps may play an important role in this process, allowing the timely pairing of critical cysteine residues. To determine which cysteines were important to maintain the protein in monomeric form, we prepared a set of mutants containing selected cysteine to serine substitutions. Our results show that two conserved cysteine residues form a critical disulfide bond that is essential in preventing the exposure of adhesive domains and the consequent formation of aberrant aggregates

    A defective ABC transporter of the MRP family, responsible for the bean lpa1 mutation, affects the regulation of the phytic acid pathway, reduces seed myo-inositol and alters ABA sensitivity

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    We previously identified the lpa1 (low phytic acid) 280-10 line that carries a mutation conferring a 90% reduction in phytic acid (InsP6) content. In contrast to other lpa mutants, lpa1(280-10) does not display negative pleiotropic effects. In the present paper, we have identified the mutated gene and analysed its impact on the phytic acid pathway. Here, we mapped the lpa1(280-10) mutation by bulk analysis on a segregating F2 population, an then, by comparison with the soybean genome, we identified and sequenced a candidate gene. The InsP6 pathway was analysed by gene expression and quantification of metabolites. The mutated Pvmrp1(280-10) cosegregates with the lpa1(280-10) mutation, and the expression level of several genes of the InsP6 pathway are reduced in the lpa1(280-10) mutant as well as the inositol and raffinosaccharide content. PvMrp2, a very similar paralogue of PvMrp1 was also mapped and sequenced. The lpa1 mutation in beans is likely the result of a defective Mrp1 gene (orthologous to the lpa genes AtMRP5 and ZmMRP4), while its Mrp2 paralog is not able to complement the mutant phenotype in the seed. This mutation appears to down-regulate the InsP6 pathway at the transcriptional level, as well as altering inositol-related metabolism and affecting ABA sensitivity

    Plant Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology: Following Mariotti's Steps

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    This review is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Domenico Mariotti, who significantly contributed to establishing the Italian research community in Agricultural Genetics and carried out the first experiments of Agrobacterium-mediated plant genetic transformation and regeneration in Italy during the 1980s. Following his scientific interests as guiding principles, this review summarizes the recent advances obtained in plant biotechnology and fundamental research aiming to: (i) Exploit in vitro plant cell and tissue cultures to induce genetic variability and to produce useful metabolites; (ii) gain new insights into the biochemical function of Agrobacterium rhizogenes rol genes and their application to metabolite production, fruit tree transformation, and reverse genetics; (iii) improve genetic transformation in legume species, most of them recalcitrant to regeneration; (iv) untangle the potential of KNOTTED1-like homeobox (KNOX) transcription factors in plant morphogenesis as key regulators of hormonal homeostasis; and (v) elucidate the molecular mechanisms of the transition from juvenility to the adult phase in Prunus tree species

    Compost and Wildflowers for the Management of Urban Derelict Soils

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    The aim of this study was to verify whether the use of source-separated municipal waste compost could improve the physical quality of urban soils and create better conditions for their management when planted with herbaceous species. A sandy soil in traffic islands was tilled to a depth of 10 cm, and half of the surface was treated with compost (3 kg/m 2 ). A mixture of 25 herbaceous annuals was then sown in the entire area. Organic carbon content and physical characteristics were determined at different times in the soil treated and not treated with compost. The vegetation was monitored in terms of its growth and flowering. The composttreated soil showed an increase in organic carbon content. Total porosity increased with time in the compost-treated soil, due to a higher volume of transmission pores, which play a role in water movement. Soil aggregate stability also improved in the compost-treated soil. The duration of flowering of the individual species and the overall quantity of flowers were greater in the compost-treated soil

    Harvesting Plant and Microbial Biodiversity for Sustainably Enhanced Food Security

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    According to the United Nations, the World population will reach 9 billion by 2050, with the majority of this growth occurring in developing countries. More than half of global population growth is expected to occur in Africa. On the other hand, one in nine of the World’s population suffers from chronic hunger, the vast majority of which live in developing countries (FAO et al., 2015). We therefore need to find new and sustainable solutions to feed this increasing population and alleviate the predicted negative impact of global changes on crop production. This e-Book summarize current research to improve food security and livelihoods in rural communities, reduce vulnerability, increase resilience, and mitigate land degradation in developing countries..

    Development of a qPCR Strategy to Select Bean Genes Involved in Plant Defense Response and Regulated by the Trichoderma velutinum – Rhizoctonia solani Interaction

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    [EN] Bean production is affected by a wide diversity of fungal pathogens, among them Rhizoctonia solani is one of the most important. A strategy to control bean infectious diseases, mainly those caused by fungi, is based on the use of biocontrol agents (BCAs) that can reduce the negative effects of plant pathogens and also can promote positive responses in the plant. Trichoderma is a fungal genus that is able to induce the expression of genes involved in plant defense response and also to promote plant growth, root development and nutrient uptake. In this article, a strategy that combines in silico analysis and real time PCR to detect additional bean defense-related genes, regulated by the presence of Trichoderma velutinum and/or R. solani has been applied. Based in this strategy, from the 48 bean genes initially analyzed, 14 were selected, and only WRKY33, CH5b and hGS showed an up-regulatory response in the presence of T. velutinum. The other genes were or not affected (OSM34) or down-regulated by the presence of this fungus. R. solani infection resulted in a down-regulation of most of the genes analyzed, except PR1, OSM34 and CNGC2 that were not affected, and the presence of both, T. velutinum and R. solani, up-regulates hGS and down-regulates all the other genes analyzed, except CH5b which was not significantly affected. As conclusion, the strategy described in the present work has been shown to be effective to detect genes involved in plant defense, which respond to the presence of a BCA or to a pathogen and also to the presence of both. The selected genes show significant homology with previously described plant defense genes and they are expressed in bean leaves of plants treated with T. velutinum and/or infected with R. solani

    Development of a High Oleic Cardoon Cell Culture Platform by SAD Overexpression and RNAi-Mediated FAD2.2 Silencing

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    The development of effective tools for the sustainable supply of phyto-ingredients and natural substances with reduced environmental footprints can help mitigate the dramatic scenario of climate change. Plant cell cultures-based biorefineries can be a technological advancement to face this challenge and offer a potentially unlimited availability of natural substances, in a standardized composition and devoid of the seasonal variability of cultivated plants. Monounsaturated (MUFA) fatty acids are attracting considerable attention as supplements for biodegradable plastics, bio-additives for the cosmetic industry, and bio-lubricants. Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis) callus cultures accumulate fatty acids and polyphenols and are therefore suitable for large-scale production of biochemicals and valuable compounds, as well as biofuel precursors. With the aim of boosting their potential uses, we designed a biotechnological approach to increase oleic acid content through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated metabolic engineering. Bioinformatic data mining in the C. cardunculus transcriptome allowed the selection and molecular characterization of SAD (stearic acid desaturase) and FAD2.2 (fatty acid desaturase) genes, coding for key enzymes in oleic and linoleic acid formation, as targets for metabolic engineering. A total of 22 and 27 fast-growing independent CcSAD overexpressing (OE) and CcFAD2.2 RNAi knocked out (KO) transgenic lines were obtained. Further characterization of five independent transgenic lines for each construct demonstrated that, successfully, SAD overexpression increased linoleic acid content, e.g., to 42.5%, of the relative fatty acid content, in the CcSADOE6 line compared with 30.4% in the wild type (WT), whereas FAD2.2 silencing reduced linoleic acid in favor of the accumulation of its precursor, oleic acid, e.g., to almost 57% of the relative fatty acid content in the CcFAD2.2KO2 line with respect to 17.7% in the WT. Moreover, CcSADOE6 and CcFAD2.2KO2 were also characterized by a significant increase in total polyphenolic content up to about 4.7 and 4.1 mg/g DW as compared with 2.7 mg/g DW in the WT, mainly due to the accumulation of dicaffeoyl quinic and feruloyl quinic acids. These results pose the basis for the effective creation of an engineered cardoon cells-based biorefinery accumulating high levels of valuable compounds from primary and specialized metabolism to meet the industrial demand for renewable and sustainable sources of innovative bioproducts

    Antioxidant effect of a fermented powder of Lady Joy bean in primary rat hepatocytes

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    AbstractThe role and beneficial effects of plant and food extracts against various diseases induced by oxidative stress have received much attention in recent years. Legumes are rich in bioactive compounds, and some studies suggest a correlation between their consumption and a reduced incidence of diseases. Primary cultures of rat hepatocytes were used to investigate whether and how an extract obtained from a fermented powder of bean named Lady Joy (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is able to regulate antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes through the NRF2 pathway, inhibit NF-kB activation, and reduce

    Mucuna pruriens for Parkinson's disease: Low-cost preparation method, laboratory measures and pharmacokinetics profile

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    Abstract Background Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurological condition. Levodopa (LD) is the gold standard therapy for PD patients. Most PD patients in low-income areas cannot afford long-term daily Levodopa therapy. The aim of our study was to investigate if Mucuna pruriens (MP), a legume with high LD content that grows in tropical regions worldwide, might be potential alternative for poor PD patients. Methods We analyzed 25 samples of MP from Africa, Latin America and Asia. We measured the content in LD in various MP preparations (dried, roasted, boiled). LD pharmacokinetics and motor response were recorded in four PD patients, comparing MP vs. LD+Dopa-Decarboxylase Inhibitor (DDCI) formulations. Results Median LD concentration in dried MP seeds was 5.29%; similar results were obtained in roasted powder samples (5.3%), while boiling reduced LD content up to 70%. Compared to LD+DDCI, MP extract at similar LD dose provided less clinical benefit, with a 3.5-fold lower median AUC. Conclusion Considering the lack of a DDCI, MP therapy may provide clinical benefit only when content of LD is at least 3.5-fold the standard LD+DDCI. If long-term MP proves to be safe and effective in controlled clinical trials, it may be a sustainable alternative therapy for PD in low-income countries