390 research outputs found

    Canonical decomposition of operators associated with the symmetrized polydisc

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    A tuple of commuting operators (S1,,Sn1,P)(S_1,\dots,S_{n-1},P) for which the closed symmetrized polydisc Γn\Gamma_n is a spectral set is called a Γn\Gamma_n-contraction. We show that every Γn\Gamma_n-contraction admits a decomposition into a Γn\Gamma_n-unitary and a completely non-unitary Γn\Gamma_n-contraction. This decomposition is an analogue to the canonical decomposition of a contraction into a unitary and a completely non-unitary contraction. We also find new characterizations for the set Γn\Gamma_n and Γn\Gamma_n-contractions.Comment: Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, Published online on August 28, 2017. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1610.0093

    Subvarieties of the tetrablock and von Neumann's inequality

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    We show an interplay between the complex geometry of the tetrablock E\mathbb E and the commuting triples of operators having E\overline{\mathbb E} as a spectral set. We prove that every distinguished variety in the tetrablock is one-dimensional and can be represented as \begin{equation}\label{eqn:1} \Omega=\{ (x_1,x_2,x_3)\in \mathbb E \,:\, (x_1,x_2) \in \sigma_T(A_1^*+x_3A_2\,,\, A_2^*+x_3A_1) \}, \end{equation} where A1,A2A_1,A_2 are commuting square matrices of the same order satisfying [A1,A1]=[A2,A2][A_1^*,A_1]=[A_2^*,A_2] and a norm condition. The converse also holds, i.e, a set of the form (\ref{eqn:1}) is always a distinguished variety in E\mathbb E. We show that for a triple of commuting operators Υ=(T1,T2,T3)\Upsilon = (T_1,T_2,T_3) having E\overline{\mathbb E} as a spectral set, there is a one-dimensional subvariety ΩΥ\Omega_{\Upsilon} of E\overline{\mathbb E} depending on Υ\Upsilon such that von-Neumann's inequality holds, i.e, f(T1,T2,T3)sup(x1,x2,x3)ΩΥf(x1,x2,x3), f(T_1,T_2,T_3)\leq \sup_{(x_1,x_2,x_3)\in\Omega_{\Upsilon}}\, |f(x_1,x_2,x_3)|, for any holomorphic polynomial ff in three variables, provided that T3n0T_3^n\rightarrow 0 strongly as nn\rightarrow \infty. The variety ΩΥ\Omega_\Upsilon has been shown to have representation like (\ref{eqn:1}), where A1,A2A_1,A_2 are the unique solutions of the operator equations \begin{gather*} T_1-T_2^*T_3=(I-T_3^*T_3)^{\frac{1}{2}}X_1(I-T_3^*T_3)^{\frac{1}{2}} \text{ and } \\ T_2-T_1^*T_3=(I-T_3^*T_3)^{\frac{1}{2}}X_2(I-T_3^*T_3)^{\frac{1}{2}}. \end{gather*} We also show that under certain condition, ΩΥ\Omega_{\Upsilon} is a distinguished variety in E\mathbb E. We produce an explicit dilation and a concrete functional model for such a triple (T1,T2,T3)(T_1,T_2,T_3) in which the unique operators A1,A2A_1,A_2 play the main role. Also, we describe a connection of this theory with the distinguished varieties in the bidisc and in the symmetrized bidisc.Comment: 28 pages, A new reference added, To appear in Indiana Univ. Math.

    Canonical decomposition of a tetrablock contraction and operator model

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    A triple of commuting operators for which the closed tetrablock E\overline{\mathbb E} is a spectral set is called a tetrablock contraction or an E\mathbb E-contraction. The set E\mathbb E is defined as E={(x1,x2,x3)C3:1zx1wx2+zwx30 whenever z1,w1}. \mathbb E = \{ (x_1,x_2,x_3)\in\mathbb C^3\,:\, 1-zx_1-wx_2+zwx_3\neq 0 \textup{ whenever } |z|\leq 1, |w|\leq 1 \}. We show that every E\mathbb E-contraction can be uniquely written as a direct sum of an E\mathbb E-unitary and a completely non-unitary E\mathbb E-contraction. It is analogous to the canonical decomposition of a contraction operator into a unitary and a completely non-unitary contraction. We produce a concrete operator model for such a triple satisfying some conditions.Comment: To appear in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application