134 research outputs found

    Reinforcement and Consolidation of Masonry Structures. Successful Cases Implemented: From the Study to the Execution Phase

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    Traditionally, reinforcement and consolidation of masonry structures has been done according to one of the following approaches, or a combination of them: By using materials with a very different nature and behaviour from the original ones in the reinforced structure or by increasing the section of those structures, increasing, therefore, their hardness. The first approach could unleash serious setbacks in the original structure. Using materials with high elastic modulus on more flexible elements might generate new tensions in the system, which previously did not exist, compromising the reinforcement intervention. The second approach implies increasing significantly the structural geometry and, therefore, its own global hardness. The modern approach, which reinforcement and consolidation of masonry structures pursue, is solving both, different nature of materials and sectional increasing. It is done by using compatible materials with the original structure, combining the elastic behavior of them and assuring the original breathability, and implementing low thickness interventions in order to do not modify the original hardness. The proposal of a reinforcement system compatible with the historic and architectonic nature of the structure, is based on a mineral matrix of hydraulic natural lime, GeoCalce F Antisismico, combined with basalt fiber fabrics (GeoSteel Grid) or galvanized steel unidirectional bands (GeoSteel HardwireTM). With this system typology, it is ensured an improvement in the mechanical resistances of the structure, based on a simple and low thickness application. The aim of the exposition is introducing a reinforcement and consolidation system for masonry structures developed by Kerakoll and showing several success cases, in Spain and Italy, reinforced with this system. Each case will be explained from the initial study phase to the execution of the intervention, including the calculations to determine the application to be done

    Treatment for Rising Damp and Natural Hydrodynamic Equilibrium in Masonry Walls

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    The water absorption, in the Historic Heritage Restoration, through porous materials of the different constructive elements, is certainly one of the factors that constitute the basis for most pathologies and degenerative phenomena on plastering and masonry walls. Particularly, the most critical humidity comes from the soil, because it contains salts (chlorides, sulphates, nitrates). Those salts impregnate the masonry and unleash humidity rises up to several meters. Humidity varies the physical and chemical behaviour of the wall, increasing the thermic conductivity and limiting the isolation power. In addition, due to surface crystallization of the salts, early disintegration of the building materials and rapid destruction of the wall are generated. A wall saturated with water diminishes its isolation power and favours the formation of mould and bacteria, worsening the healthiness of the environments and the well-being of the people who habit them. In nature, a natural hydrodynamic balance is established between the water absorbed by building materials through capillarity and osmosis, and the water transferred to the atmosphere through evaporation. The constant components within this equilibrium are the absorption of water through capillarity and osmosis of the building materials, and the chemical nature of the aqueous solution absorbed. The variable components are the temperature and relative humidity of the atmosphere. The evaporation surface, composed by masonry mortar, plastering, scraping and painting are the constructive elements on which we might make an intervention. The traditional constructive systems, exclusively based on using natural lime for the manufacture of masonry mortars and rendering, and on using lime paste for coatings and paints, used to create the natural effects of the breathable hydrodynamic balance of the masonry. The challenge is to reproduce today, on site, a range of natural lime products in order to carry out interventions completely comparable to the original construction techniques. The range of naturals products, ensures a natural balance between rising damp and surface humidity evacuation, exploits the natural qualities of microporosity and hygroscopicity of the NHL, and natural pozzolan. The lack of reaction with the salts ensures chemical stability of the rendering and the duration of the entire dehumidifying system. The aim of the paper is to present real cases

    Hi-Res activity recognition system based on EEG and WoT

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    Nowadays, the recognition of physical activity (PA) is a well-known problem with many solutions. Sev eral kind of algorithms, using MEMS sensors, al low determine the most likely activity. Indeed, these applications work well when physical activity is performed for long periods of time and steadily. However, indoors, these systems are not entirely suitable and have several problems. In this paper, thanks to the introduction of new context infor mation, such as EEG, and through communication between WoT based elements interface at home, it would be possible to perform a more accurate and low-level recognition. By using uPnP proto col and additional services, information from other smart housing elements with user device itself can be shared, enriching traditional systems based on ac-celerometry.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2009-14378-C02-01Junta de Andalucía TIC-805

    A new back-propagation algorithm with momentum coefficient for medical datasets

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    The standard backward propagation of errors algo rithm (abbreviated as back-propagation algorithm) is commonly used for decision making in medicine. Using the back-propagation algorithm in medical diagnosis is desirable since it avoids human sub jectivity and applies a large knowledge base, which makes this algorithm very reliable. However, it is generally believed that it is very slow if it does con verge, especially if the network size is not of suf ficient size compared to the problem at hand. A drawback of the back-propagation algorithm is that it has a constant learning rate coefficient, while dif ferent regions of the error surface may have differ ent characteristic gradients. Variation in the nature of the surface may require a dynamic change of learning rate coefficient. A new back-propagation algorithm with momentum has been developed in order to be used to speed up the learning pro cess, which accelerates the convergence of back propagation algorithm.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2009-14378-C02-01Junta de Andalucía TIC-805

    Does TikTok allow quality debate? A case study on poverty

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    This study analyses temporary employees’ perceptions and This article analyzes whether the features of TikTok allow for meaningful debates and how they are conducted. To do so, we used a case study approach: user conversations about socially excluded individuals in a context marked by the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent economic crisis, which have exacerbated hardships in developing countries. A total of 100 videos published in Spain since 2020 on this topic, along with 38,462 comments, are examined. We performed a content analysis of the videos, considering their thematic, technical, and stylistic characteristics. Additionally, we conducted a textual analysis of the comments taking into account the authorial and conversational dimensions. The study concludes that the structure of TikTok does not enable high-quality debates in this case study. The videos provide an episodic view of the topics, and on average users participate only once expressing opinions based on personal experiences or existing biases. Moreover, the debate is muddled in this specific topic due to intergenerational conflicts. Judgmental attitudes lead to messages that are both cruel in the form of advice and expressions of humor. The analysis reveals a strong sentiment of aporophobia in the opinions expressed on this platform. Therefore, it is advisable to recommend the inclusion of this marginalized group among the protected groups in the community guidelines.Este artículo analiza si las características de TikTok permiten debates significativos y cómo se realizan. Para ello se utiliza un caso de estudio: las conversaciones de los usuarios sobre las personas en riesgo de exclusión social en un contexto, el de la pandemia y la crisis económica, en el que se han incrementado las privaciones en los países en desarrollo. Se examinan 100 vídeos publicados en España y producidos desde 2020 con este tema, así como 38.462 comentarios. Se aplica un análisis de contenido a los vídeos que incluye características temáticas, técnicas y de estilo; y un análisis textual a los comentarios en el que se tiene en cuenta la dimensión autoral y conversacional. Se concluye que la estructura de TikTok no permite un debate de calidad en este caso de estudio, porque los vídeos ofrecen una visión episódica de los temas, porque los usuarios intervienen, de media, una vez y lo hacen para expresar una opinión basada en experiencias propias o en prejuicios existentes, y porque el debate se enturbia, en este tema concreto, por la existencia de un enfrentamiento generacional. El enjuiciamiento conduce a posturas que generan mensajes crueles, tanto en forma de consejos como en expresiones de humor. El análisis permite afirmar que, en la opinión evidenciada en esta plataforma, existe un fuerte sentimiento de aporofobia. Conviene por ello recomendar la inclusión de este colectivo entre los grupos protegidos en las normas de esta comunidad

    Resolviendo un asesinato: una experiencia con la Geología Forense como estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la Educación Secundaria

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    El trabajo se inspira en la Geología Forense como estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Geología para ESO y Bachillerato. Se pretende proveer al profesorado de un recurso u´til y estructurado, complementario para su tarea didáctica. Los objetivos generales se resumen en: 1) Fomentar la motivación hacia la Geología mostrándola como una ciencia capaz de resolver problemas que interesen al alumnado, en este caso por su similitud con series policiacas. 2) Incrementar la creatividad y el trabajo cooperativo de los estudiantes y su interés por el aprendizaje de la ciencia básica y sus métodos. El proyecto está centrado en el alumnado y aporta una metodología basada en la enseñanza de las ciencias centrada en la indagación. Además, persigue la adquisición de la competencia “interpretar datos y pruebas científicamente”, buscando indicios o evidencias mediante dinámicas de gamificación, todo ello aplicable a otros campos de la ciencia. Para ello se utilizan un conjunto de destrezas como la observación de muestras geológicas a diferentes escalas (visu y microscopía) y el manejo de la bru´jula. Es un modelo de experiencia sencillo de realizar, precisa de materiales de bajo coste, que se puede adaptar y aplicar en diferentes contextos académicos, cientí cos y sociales. Las características mencionadas han hecho a esta experiencia merecedora del Primer Premio del concurso “Ciencia en Acción” 2017 en la modalidad Laboratorio de Geología. La actividad se ha realizado, durante este curso académico, en diferentes centros de secundaria aragoneses, lo que permite recomendar el repaso de algunos contenidos previamente a su desarrollo en el aula. The project is inspired by Forensic Geology as a Geology teaching and learning strategy for students of Secondary School in Spain (E.S.O. and Bachillerato). It provides teachers in charge of these levels with a useful and well-structured resource as a complementary tool for their didactic tasks. The main objectives are: 1) Motivating students towards Geology by presenting it as a science able to give answers to problems students are interested in, in this case for its similarity with crime series. 2) Increasing students’ creativity and cooperative work and their interest in learning basic Science and its methods. We present a student-centred project; its methodology is based on Earth Sciences teaching, mainly focused on inquiry. One of the main objectives of the proposed activity is the acquisition of the skill “scienti c interpretation of data and evidence“ by searching for clues and evidence through gami cation dynamics, all of which is applicable to other elds of Science. For these purposes skills such as the study of geological samples at different scales, or orientation and compass navigation are put to use. This experience is easy to put into practice, the materials needed are affordable and present in any school. It can be adapted to different scienti c, social and academic contexts. By virtue of the above- mentioned characteristics this contribution deserved the First Prize in the Spanish state competition “Ciencia en Accio´n 2017” (Science in Action) in the Geology Lab section. This activity has been carried out, during this academic year, in different secondary schools in Aragon so we can recommend a revision of some contents prior to their implementation in the classroom

    Salmonella spp. en cama de aves

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    La cama es uno de los principales residuos generados en la producción intensiva de aves. Aunque el mismo ha sido aplicado durante siglos a las tierras para aumentar la producción de cultivos, la aplicación de cama directamente en el campo puede dar lugar a potenciales problemas de salud ambiental y humana como fuentes de residuos químicos (productos farmacéuticos veterinarios), y microbiológicos (parásitos, virus y bacterias). Salmonella sp. es un género de bacterias distribuido en la naturaleza, que es responsable de una variedad de enfermedades agudas y crónicas en las aves, causando significativas pérdidas económicas en diferentes países. Además, constituye una de las causas más importantes de enfermedades de transmisión alimentaria (ETAs) al humano a nivel mundial, debido su ubiquidad y habilidad de adaptación sobre cualquier huésped. La cama es un reservorio de Salmonella sp., cuyo origen pueden ser las mismas aves o los vectores que permanecen en la instalación durante el período de vacío sanitario. La población de Salmonella sp. en la cama está correlacionada positivamente con la población de esta bacteria en heces de aves, lo que demuestra que el muestreo de la cama es un buen indicador del estado microbiológico de las heces. La prevalencia de Salmonella sp. en la cama es variable, dependiendo de diversos factores, pero los datos existentes en Argentina en pollos parrilleros indican una prevalencia cercana al 45%. Se pueden tomar dos tipos de muestras para evaluar la presencia de Salmonella sp. en cama de aves, ya sea material de cama directamente, o bien un hisopado de la misma. Ambos tipos de muestreos pueden ser realizados durante el alojamiento de las aves o al tiempo del vacío sanitario, previo a decidir sobre su reutilización. El éxito en la detección de Salmonella sp. en el laboratorio depende de la elección de un procedimiento de muestreo representativo y del método de detección utilizado. Existen diversos métodos para la detección de Salmonella sp. en la cama, los métodos rápidos (por ej. ELISA, separación inmunomagnética o reacción en cadena de la polimerasa ?PCR-) y los de aislamiento tradicionales. Aunque estos últimos métodos son los más utilizados, para el aislamiento de este género bacteriano en estudios de monitoreos se requieren 5 etapas. Las serovariedades de Salmonella sp. comprometidas en la cama tienen variaciones en la frecuencia de presentación de un país a otro, con importancia en áreas que no han alcanzado las condiciones de saneamiento e higiene adecuados y no cuentan con medidas de salud pública óptimas. Aunque la serotipificación representa un componente importante de salud pública para caracterizar la salmonelosis, esta técnica tiene limitaciones en muchos países. Algunos informan un número limitado de serovariedades, siendo muy poco frecuente la caracterización y serotipificación definitiva de las cepas aisladas.Fil: Bueno, Dante Javier. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Entre Ríos. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concepción del Uruguay; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Soria, M.A.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Entre Ríos. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concepción del Uruguay; ArgentinaFil: Genta, Guillermo. No especifíca;Fil: Procura, Francisco. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Entre Ríos. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concepción del Uruguay; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rodríguez, Francisco Isabelino. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Entre Ríos. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concepción del Uruguay; Argentin

    Modeling the Radio and X-ray Emission of SN 1993J and SN 2002ap

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    Modeling of radio and X-ray observations of supernovae interacting with their circumstellar media are discussed, with special application to SN 1993J and SN 2002ap. We emphasize the importance of including all relevant physical mechanisms, especially for the modeling of the radio light curves. The different conclusions for the absorption mechanism (free-free or synchrotron self-absorption), as well as departures from an ρr2\rho \propto r^{-2} CSM, as inferred by some authors, are discussed in detail. We conclude that the evidence for a variation in the mass loss rate with time is very weak. The results regarding the efficiencies of magnetic field generation and relativistic particle acceleration are summarized.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Uses svmult.cls. To appear in proceedings of IAU Colloquium 192 "Supernovae (10 years of SN 1993J)", April 2003, Valencia, Spain, eds. J. M. Marcaide and K. W. Weile

    Illness Beliefs Predict Mortality in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers

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    Background - Patients’ illness beliefs have been associated with glycaemic control in diabetes and survival in other conditions. Objective - We examined whether illness beliefs independently predicted survival in patients with diabetes and foot ulceration. Methods - Patients (n = 169) were recruited between 2002 and 2007. Data on illness beliefs were collected at baseline. Data on survival were extracted on 1st November 2011. Number of days survived reflected the number of days from date of recruitment to 1st November 2011. Results - Cox regressions examined the predictors of time to death and identified ischemia and identity beliefs (beliefs regarding symptoms associated with foot ulceration) as significant predictors of time to death. Conclusions - Our data indicate that illness beliefs have a significant independent effect on survival in patients with diabetes and foot ulceration. These findings suggest that illness beliefs could improve our understanding of mortality risk in this patient group and could also be the basis for future therapeutic interventions to improve survival