57 research outputs found

    A critique of language policy and implementation strategies used in selected institutions of higher learning in South Africa

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    This thesis evaluated the language policy implementation strategies used in selected universities of South Africa. The Constitution of the Republic of South African (1996) recognises eleven official languages, namely: English, Afrikaans, isiNdebele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sesotho, Setswana, SiSwati, Sepedi, Tshivenda and Xitsonga. These official languages should enjoy the parity of esteem in all domains. The language practices are very important in the education of students at all levels of education but this study focuses on the language policy implementation in universities. Most universities of South Africa have their language policies but the dilemma is on the implementation of those language policies. The overarching aim of this study is to evaluate how university use language policy for access and success of the students and to assess the language policy implementation strategies, monitoring and evaluation. The language is central to the success of the students and this study further investigated to what extent are the universities use the linguistic repertoires of the students in their education. This study is rooted in orientations of language planning: Language as problem, language as right and language as resource (Ruiz, 1984). This thesis employed a mixed methods approach (qualitative and quantitative method) with convergent parallel design. The data was collected from eleven universities of South Africa and the participants in each university were the "Key informants" (experts and insiders) which comprised of member of Executive Management, a member of the Institutional Language Committee and a language lecturer; and a cohort of forty third year students. The Key informants participated in the qualitative data collection through the structured interviews. The forty third year students participated in the quantitative data collected through survey questionnaires. The language policy documents of the universities were also sampled to get a better understanding of the real language practices and the language policy. The thematic analysis was used to analyse transcripts that were developed from the interviews, data from the students was analysed through descriptive and inferential analyses with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) as a statistical test and document analysis was used to analyse the language policies; The findings show that universities have commitment to access of the students to institutions of Higher Education. The success of the students is being thwarted by the monolingual approach where most of the universities use English only as the medium of instruction. The monolingual approach negatively affects the academic success and excellent academic performance of the majority of students. The findings show that there is high demand from the students that the course materials should be provided in African languages. All selected universities have their language policy which is something positive but most of them are outdated because they need to be reviewed at least after five years. The findings demonstrate that most universities lack the language policy implementation plans. The nonexistence of the language policy implementation plan adversely affects the implementation of the language policy. The study recommends that universities should provide the learning resources in African languages to meet the demands of the students. To maximise the success, students should be examined in any official languages of the university. The language policy implementation plans should be developed urgently so as to improve language policy implementation in universities.Le thesisi iphonononge iindlela zokusetyenziswa komgaqo-nkqubo wolwimi kwiiyunivesithi ezichongiweyo zaseMzantsi Afrika. Umgaqo-siseko waseMzantsi Afrika (1996) athathela ingqalelo iilwimi ezisemthethweni ezilishumi elinanye, isiNgesi, isiBhulu, isiNdebele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sesotho, Setswana, Sepedi, SiSwati, Tshivenda neXitsonga. Ezi lwimi zisemthethweni zifanele ukuba zisetyenziswe ngokulinganayo kuzo zonke iinkalo. Ukusetyenziswa kweelwimi kubalulekile kakhulu kwimfundo yabantwana kuwo onke amanqanaba emfundo kodwa olu phando lugxile ekusetyenzisweni komgaqo-nkqubo wolwimi kwiiyunivesithi. Uninzi lweeyunivesithi zinayo imigaqo-nkqubo yolwimi kodwa ingxaki isekusetyenzisweni kwaloo migaqo-nkqubo yolwimi. Ezona njongo zolu phando kukuphonononga ukuba iiyunivesithi ziyisebenzisa njani na imigaqo-nkqubo yolwimi ukuze abafundi bafikelele kwaye baphumelele ezifundweni kwakhona nokugocagoca izicwangciso zokusetyenziswa komgaqo-nkqubo wolwimi nokuhlola ukusebenza kwezo zicwangciso. Ulwimi ngundoqo kwimpumelelo yabafundi kwaye umyinge wokusetyenziswa kweelwimi zabafundi ekufundeni kwabo kuthe kwaphandwa. Esi sifundo sisekelwe kwiindlela zocwangciso-lwimi: Ulwimi njengengxaki, ulwimi njengelungelo nolwimi njengesixhobo (Ruiz, 1984). Le thesisi esebenzise indlela yophando entlantlu-mbini (eyobunjani neyobungakanani) kunye noyilo lwendibaniso kokunxuseneyo. Idatha yathi yaqokelelwa kwiiyunivesithi ezilishumi elinanye eMzantsi Afrika kwaye abathabathi nxaxheba babandakanya ilungu lesigqeba solawulo, ilungu lekomiti yeelwimi eyunivesithi nomhlohli wolwimi; kunye nabafundi abakunyaka wesithathu kwizifundo zabo kwiyunivesithi nganye. Idatha yaqokelelwa kubadlulisi-lwazi abaphambili beeyunivesithi ngodliwano-ndlebe oluqingqiweyo. Abafundi abalishumi elinesine bathi bathabathi inxaxheba kuqokelelo lwedatha ngokuthi bagcwalise uludwe lwemibuzo eyayicwangcisiwe. Umaxwebhu omgaqo-nkqubo wolwimi athi achongwa ukuze kubekho ukuqondakala phakathi kokusetyenziswa kolwimi kunye nokumgaqo-nkqubo wolwimi. Uhlalutyo ngokomxholo lwathi lwasetyenziswa ukuhlalutya ulwazi olwabhalwayo luvela kudliwano-ndlebe olwashicilelwayo, idatha eyayisuka kubafundi yathi yahlalutywa ngokusebenzisa uhlalutyo ngokwenkcazelo nangokuthelekelela kunye neStatistical Pakage for Social Sciences (SPSS) njengesixhobo senkcukacha-manani kwaye uhlalutyo loxwebhu lwathi lwasetyenziswa ukuhlalutya imigaqo-nkqubo yolwimi. Iziphumo zibonakalisa ukuba iiyunivesithi zizibophelele ekufikelelekeni kwabafundi kumaziko emfundo ephakamileyo. Impumelelo yabafundi ithi ithityazwe kukusetyenziswa kolwimi olunye apho uninzi lweeyunivesithi zisebenzisa isiNgesi kuphela njengolwimi lokufunda nokufundisa. Ukusetyenziswa kolwimi olunye kuthi kuchaphazela gwenxa impumelelo yabafundi nokuqhuba ngcono ezifundweni. Iziphumo zibonakalisa ukuba kukho imfuno emmandla kubafundi yokuba izixhobo zokufunda nokufundisa zifumaneke nangeelwimi zesiNtu. Inyathelo elihle lelokuba zonke iiyunivesithi ezichongiweyo zinayo imigaqo-nkqubo yolwimi kodwa imigaqo-nkqubo yolwimi emininzi midala kuba ifanelwe ukuba iphononongwe emva kweminyaka emihlanu ubuncinane. Iziphumo zibonakalisa ukuba iiyunivesithi azinazo izicwangciso zokusetyenziswa kwemigaqo-nkqubo yolwimi. Ukungabikho kwesicwangciso sokusetyenziswa komgaqo-nkqubo wolwimi kuchaphazela gwenxa ukusetyenziswa kwawo. Olu phando lundulula ukuba iiyunivesithi zifanele ukuba zibonelele ngezixhobo zokufunda nokufundisa ezingeelwimi zesiNtu ukukhawulelana neemfuno zabafundi. Ukwandisa impumelelo, abafundi kufanele ukuba bavavanywe ngalo naluphi na ulwimi olusemthethweni lweyunivesithi. Izicwangciso zokusetyenziswa komgaqo-nkqubo wolwimi zifanele ukuba ziveliswe njengenyewe engxamisekileyo ukuze kuphuculwe ukusetyenziswa kwemigaqo- nkqubo yolwimi kwiiyunivesithi

    Yoga and Artificial Intelligence: A Review of The Potential Applications of AI in Yoga Research and Practice for Neurological Disorders

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    Yoga has become an integral component of many people's lives around the world in recent years. Yoga emphasizes physical, mental, and spiritual links and is a health-promoting exercise method. On the other hand, doing yoga incorrectly and spraining your muscles can lead to pain and other health complications. A broad spectrum of issues impacting the nervous system are designated as neurological disorders. These conditions can be minor, like migraines, or severe, like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. Due to their complexity, many illnesses can be difficult to diagnose and treat. The use of holistic methods, especially yoga, has demonstrated potential in recent years for symptom relief and enhancing the general health of those with neurological illnesses. In addition, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) has improved our comprehension of these illnesses and offered creative approaches to individualised therapy regimens. The goal of artificial intelligence is to simulate, create, apply, and study the theory, technique, application system, and technology involved in increasing human intelligence. This paper discusses the benefits, drawbacks, and future prospects of applying artificial intelligence to the field of mental illness in an effort to serve as a resource for the field's sustainable development and also gives a succinct synopsis of the utilization of AI for examining yoga's impacts on neurological health and the potential for personalized therapie

    The projection of gender based violence through characterisation and theme in Magqashela’s works, Isangxa siyawhuza, Umlindi and Amathaf’entandabuzo

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    This study focuses on literature. The dissertation seeks to explore how Magqashela’s works Isangxa siyawhuza (2006), Amathaf’entandabuzo (2006) and Umlindi (2015) represent her characters to reveal gender based violence and stereotypes. As we, South Africans enfranchised and given the Act 108, a South African Constitution with Bill of rights, but it seems as if women and children do not enjoy these privileges because of high rate of violence against them. Through observation it is clear that theoretically every South African is free but practically some humans particularly women and young girls and discrimination. The researcher decided to choose female writer assuming that she is addressing women challenges as male writers are less interested to excavate women’s issues in their literary works. The reseacher also wanted to find out whether our female writer is disseminating women’s predicaments. By means of textual analysis the study investigates how gender based violence violates survivors and victims’ rights in chapter 3, and chapter 4 explores how unfaithful partners cause violence. It also explores the intervention of traditional justice and formal justice system in violent behavior caused by anger, jealousy and acquaintance of violent environment. Chapter 5 projects a stereotypical character in three selected literary texts. The whole thesis brings the prominent picture of how Gender Based Violence bodily harm the survivors and victims psychologically, physically and economically. It reveals rural women and young girls as the most vulnerable people and men as the worst perpetrators of Gender Based Violence in these literary texts. The thesis explains that the perpetrators are known by the survivors and victims hence there is a culture of silence. They are afraid of multiple abuses. The thesis relates character depiction of violence and stereotypes with current societal incidents quoting from newspapers, articles, journals and SABC online news as to disclose the accuracy of the author’s projection. Character analysis reveals that women are still discriminated and oppressed by their counterparts. The discussions succinctly elucidate that the underestimation of women and children are rooted by cultural traditional norms and values as well as Christian religion .These societal factors are promoting patriarchal perception which says men are dominant and women are submissive. It says men are obliged to take control over women. African feminist theory; Feminism, Womanism and Stiwanism and Motherism are employed as a theoretical framework. These theories are against gender inequality, they are against African women and children maltreatment .The changes of the current society including women’s independency propels insecurity, unemployed, illiterate and underprivileged men to use violence as the way of taking back control over their intimate partners and the whole family. Relevant quotations from selected texts are employed to project character portrayal of gender based violence and stereotypes

    Assessment of molecular sieving across bacterial outer membrane of Pseudomonas

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    AbstractThe role of the permeability barrier of the outer membrane of Pseudomonas was re-evaluated based on the physical theory of molecular sieving in view of its intrinsic antibiotic resistance. We veveloped a set of analytical procedures based on parametric and non-parametric statistical tests to evaluate, validate and adopt the better among a set of competing non-linear movels of diffusion. The molecular mass vepenvence of uptake of non-electrolytes in bacteria yielved a quantitative measure to distinguish between sieving mechanisms and specific uptake/efflux mechanisms. The experimental data, supported by the physical movel of veAE-Sephavex and various analytical movels and extensive simulation of the errors, both in measurement and movels, yielved evivence consistent with the relaxation of the outer membrane matrix barrier in Pseudomonas

    TLR4 is one of the receptors for Chikungunya virus envelope protein E2 and regulates virus induced pro-inflammatory responses in host macrophages

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    Toll like receptor 4 (TLR4), a pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) receptor, is known to exert inflammation in various cases of microbial infection, cancer and autoimmune disorders. However, any such involvement of TLR4 in Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) infection is yet to be explored. Accordingly, the role of TLR4 was investigated towards CHIKV infection and modulation of host immune responses in the current study using mice macrophage cell line RAW264.7, primary macrophage cells of different origins and in vivo mice model. The findings suggest that TLR4 inhibition using TAK-242 (a specific pharmacological inhibitor) reduces viral copy number as well as reduces the CHIKV-E2 protein level significantly using p38 and JNK-MAPK pathways. Moreover, this led to reduced expression of macrophage activation markers like CD14, CD86, MHC-II and pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF, IL-6, MCP-1) significantly in both the mouse primary macrophages and RAW264.7 cell line, in vitro. Additionally, TAK-242-directed TLR4 inhibition demonstrated a significant reduction of percent E2-positive cells, viral titre and TNF expression in hPBMC-derived macrophages, in vitro. These observations were further validated in TLR4-knockout (KO) RAW cells. Furthermore, the interaction between CHIKV-E2 and TLR4 was demonstrated by immuno-precipitation studies, in vitro and supported by molecular docking analysis, in silico. TLR4-dependent viral entry was further validated by an anti-TLR4 antibody-mediated blocking experiment. It was noticed that TLR4 is necessary for the early events of viral infection, especially during the attachment and entry stages. Interestingly, it was also observed that TLR4 is not involved in the post-entry stages of CHIKV infection in host macrophages. The administration of TAK-242 decreased CHIKV infection significantly by reducing disease manifestations, improving survivability (around 75%) and reducing inflammation in mice model. Collectively, for the first time, this study reports TLR4 as one of the novel receptors to facilitate the attachment and entry of CHIKV in host macrophages, the TLR4-CHIKV-E2 interactions are essential for efficient viral entry and modulation of infection-induced pro-inflammatory responses in host macrophages, which might have translational implication for designing future therapeutics to regulate the CHIKV infection

    Lipids induce expression of serum-responsive transmembrane kinase EhTMKB1-9 in an early branching eukaryote Entamoeba histolytica

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    Mechanisms underlying the initiation of proliferative response are known only for a few organisms, and are not understood for the medically important organisms including Entamoeba histolytica. The trans membrane kinase EhTMKB1-9 of E. histolytica is one of the early indicators of proliferation and its' expression is regulated by serum, one of the components necessary for cellular proliferation in vitro. In this study we show that bovine serum albumin (BSA) can induce EhTMKB1-9 expression in place of serum, and that both follow the same mechanism. Both serum and BSA use the same promoter element and the activation process is initiated through a PI3 kinase-mediated pathway. We further show that BSA activates EhTMKB1-9 due to the lipids associated with it and that unsaturated fatty acids are responsible for activation. These results suggest that lipid molecules are ligand(s) for initiation of a signaling system that stimulates EhTMKB1-9 expression

    Examining the implementation of language policy for access and success of students in higher education in South AfricaThe multilingual nature of South African universities requires a multilingual approach towards both administration and academic practice

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    The multilingual nature of South African universities requires a multilingual approach towards both administration and academic practice for inclusivity and language equity. While almost all universities in South Africa have language policies, as required by the National Language Policy for Higher Education, a significant impediment to language inclusivity and equity is the implementation of these policies. The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of a language policy for students’ access and success, and the extent to which African languages are used as academic languages at one historically Afrikaans university (HAU). The study employed a mixed methods approach using probability and purposeful sampling. The findings show that the university’s promotion of monolingualism impedes students’ access to knowledge and limits their academic achievement. Various ways of improving students’ access to knowledge to promote their academic success are discussed. The results also show that African languages continue to be marginalised as academic languages at the HAU. The central recommendation is for a more multilingual approach at this university to increase students’ equitable access to content knowledge and academic success

    An analysis of account on marriage in isiXhosa

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    Thesis (MA (African Languages))--Stellenbosch University, 2008.This study deals with the analysis of accounts of marriages in isiXhosa. Gergen (1994) proposes the following aspects that such narratives should cover: structure of narrative account; narrative form; self-narrative: process; pragmatics of self-narrative, interknitting of narratives, and emotion. Each of the listed aspects has its own variants. The variants will be dealt with in Chapter four, where Gergen’s theory is being summarised. The proposals Gergen (1994) made are central and significant in this research, since the narratives that have been given by five Xhosa-speaking married persons will be analysed according to his theory on self-narratives. This research seeks to verify the validity of Gergen’s (1994) theory of narratives in the Xhosa context. The research has been conducted by involving five Xhosaspeaking married persons. Each person had to give his or her account of marriage in line with the topic of this research, namely, the analysis of accounts of marriage in Xhosa. After narratives had been collected, an analysis of each narrative has been done in Chapter five of this research. The analysis reveals how each narrative reflects the following: the structure of the narrative account, narrative form, selfnarrative: process, pragmatics of self-narrative, practices of self-narratives, and emotions, as suggested by Gergen (1994). Analyses vary from one narrative to another because an account of married life varies from one person to another. Bakhtin (1981) suggest that the words that narrators use are inter-individual. The understanding of social morals, values, norms, justice, and the history of the community by the narrators enables them to be intelligible in their narratives. It is therefore crucial that this study be pursued in the Xhosa language because narratives are socially embedded. The narratives in this study could assist people to think correctly about the marriages in the Xhosa context. The issue of marriage affects all people, despite language diversity, and it is therefore proper that this study be conducted in all languages. If this is not done, others may think that the findings from this research is applicable to the Xhosa-speaking community only. The analytic part of this research would help communication practitioners and language practitioners to analyse narratives in their languages in the same manner as they have been analysed from Xhosa narratives. This research analysis would assist developing communicators to grow into competent communicators

    A C2 domain protein kinase initiates phagocytosis in the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica

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    Phagocytosis is a process whereby particles are taken in by cells through mechanisms superficially similar to those for endocytosis. It serves a wide range of functions, from providing nutrition in unicellular organisms to initiation of both innate and adaptive immunity in vertebrates. In the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica, it has an essential role in survival and pathogenesis. In this study, we show that EhC2PK, a C2-domain-containing protein kinase, and the Ca2+ and actin-binding protein, EhCaBP1, are involved in the initiation of phagocytosis in E. histolytica. Conditional suppression of EhC2PK expression and overexpression of a mutant form reveals its role in the initiation of phagocytic cups. EhC2PK binds phosphatidylserine in the presence of Ca2+ and thereby recruits EhCaBP1 and actin to the membrane. Identification of these proteins in phagocytosis is an important step in amoebic biology and these molecules could be the important targets for developing novel therapies against amoebiasis
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