10 research outputs found

    Probabilistic seismic hazard in terms of intensities for Bulgaria and Romania – updated hazard maps

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    Since 2007 Bulgaria and Romania are members of the European Union. All member states have to introduce the European earthquake building code EUROCODE 8 (EC 8) in the coming years. Therefore, new seismic hazard maps have to be calculated according to the recommendations in EC 8. Here the authors present a novel approach to compute such hazard maps. We prefer to use the macroseismic intensity as hazard parameter because of two reasons: <br><br> - The irregular azimuthal attenuation pattern of the Vrancea intermediate depth earthquakes can be advantageously taken into account by using detailed macroseismic maps. <br><br> - The intensity is directly related to the degree of damage and is the original information in the historical earthquake catalogues. <br><br> The main base of our probabilistic analysis is the earthquake catalogue for SE-Europe (Shebalin et al., 1998) in combination with national and regional catalogues. Fore- and aftershocks were removed. Seismic source zones inside an area of about 200 km around Romania and Bulgaria were defined based on seismicity, neotectonics and geological development. For each seismic source the intensity-frequency relation was calculated and a maximum possible earthquake as well as a seismogenic depth was estimated. An appropriate attenuation law was assumed. To cope with the irregular isoseismals of the Vrancea intermediate depth earthquakes, a factor Ω was included in the macroseismic attenuation law. <br><br> Using detailed macroseismic maps of three strong intermediate depth earthquakes, Ω was calculated for each observation. Strong local variations of Ω are avoided by averaging within grid cells of 0.5 degree in longitude and 0.25 degree in latitude. <br><br> The contributions of all seismic sources, the crustal normal depth source zones and the Vrancea intermediate depth zone, were summed up and the annual probability of exceedance was calculated. The contribution of the Vrancea intermediate depth zone to each grid point was computed with the corresponding representative Ω of this point; a seismogenic depth of 120 km has been assumed. <br><br> Each final seismic hazard map is a combination of two maps, the one for normal depth source zones and the one for the Vrancea intermediate depth zone. This is illustrated for a recurrence period of 475 years. Additional hazard maps were calculated for different recurrence periods

    Three month treatment of reactive arthritis with azithromycin: a EULAR double blind, placebo controlled study

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    Objective: To determine the efficacy of weekly treatment with oral azithromycin for 13 weeks on the severity and resolution of reactive arthritis (ReA). Methods: 186 patients from 12 countries were enrolled in a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial. Inclusion criteria were inflammatory arthritis of ⩽6 swollen joints, and disease duration of ⩽2 months. All patients received a single azithromycin dose (1 g) as conventional treatment for possible Chlamydia infection, and were then randomly allocated to receive weekly azithromycin or placebo. Clinical assessments were made at 4 week intervals for 24 weeks. Results: 152 patients were analysable (34 failed entry criteria), with a mean (SD) age of 33.8 (9.4) and duration of symptoms 30.7 (17.5) days. Mean C reactive protein (CRP) was 48 mg/l, and ∼50% of those typed were HLA-B27+, suggesting that the inclusion criteria successfully recruited patients with acute ReA. Treatment and placebo groups were well matched for baseline characteristics. There were no statistical differences for changes in any end point (swollen and tender joint count, joint pain, back pain, heel pain, physician and patient global assessments, and CRP) between the active treatment and placebo groups, analysed on an intention to treat basis or according to protocol completion. The time to resolution of arthritis and other symptoms or signs by life table analyses was also not significantly different. Adverse events were generally mild, but were more commonly reported in the azithromycin group. Conclusions: This large trial has demonstrated that prolonged treatment with azithromycin is ineffective in ReA