433 research outputs found

    Проложное Житие Александра Свирского: реконструкция ранних этапов истории текста

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    The paper addresses the problems of the attribution and the geographical and chronological origins of the synaxarion redaction of the Life of St. Alexander Svirsky; it relies on textological, codicological, and palaeographic analysis of the surviving manuscripts. The author draws some conclusions about the formation of the regional variants of this medieval hagiographic text. Alexander Svirsky was the only Christian saint who was honored by receiving a manifestation of the Holy Trinity; this occurred in 1508. He founded the monastery of the Holy Trinity and was its archpriest until his dormition in 1533. The Life of Alexander Svirsky was written in 1545 by Herodion Kochnev, one of the saint’s acolytes, at the directive of Metropolitan Macarius for the Great Menaion Reader. The Life of St. Alexander Svirsky survives in a large number of copies— about 200—from the 16th and 17th centuries. Only nine of these copies show the text variant that the author of this study calls “the synaxarion variant”; they appear in synaxaria from the second half of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries. Word-by-word text comparison allows one to conclude that these nine copies fall into three different redactions, each reflecting Herodion’s text. All three redactions originate from different areas, and they differ in subject matter and in the methods of elaboration of the Menaion text. On the one hand, this confirms that obviously there was a great need for this kind of text; on the other hand, it acknowledges the absence of a norm by means of which such texts might be compiled. The first, earliest, synaxarion redaction survives in seven copies, including one of the earliest copies of the Life, which dates back to 1549, according to a note by the scribe. It might have been created soon after Herodion’s text for the Great Menaion Reader to coincide with Alexander’s canonization in 1547. Despite the small number of surviving copies, this redaction was rather widespread and was known in Pskov and Novgorod, in the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, and probably in Romanov. The other two redactions were found in late, isolated copies. The second synaxarion redaction is known from the Vologda Synaxarion, and the third one—from the Synaxarion delivered from Moscow to Mozhaysk.Житие Александра Свирского (1545 г.) сохранилось в большом количестве списков; всего за полтора века бытования текста возникло как минимум десять редакций, некоторые известны лишь по одному списку. Одна из первых проложных редакций Жития возникает почти одновременно с появлением текста в Успенском комплекте Великих Миней четьих и содержит некоторые новые сведения. На материале кодикологического, палеографического и текстологического анализа рукописей в работе решаются проблемы атрибуции, локализации, времени создания проложных текстов Жития Александра; высказывается предположение о формировании региональных вариантов средневекового агиографического текста

    Discourse as the basis of pragmatic analysis

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    The article deals with the problems of discourse definition and its types. The authors analyse different views which concern the including of the term “dialogue” into “discourse” along with “monologue”. Special attention is paid to the description of a literary dialogue having its own features and special interest for pragmatic analysis as almost all utterances are performativeyesBelgorod State Universit

    Heat Treatment Effect on Magnetic Microstructure of Fe73.9Cu1Nb3Si13.2B8.9 Thin Films

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    Fe73.9Cu1Nb3Si13.2B8.9 (Finemet) thin films were deposited on the glass substrates by means of radio frequency sputtering. The films thickness was varied from 10 to 200 nm. Heat treatment at temperatures of 350, 400 and 450 °C were performed for 30 minutes in order to control thin film structural state. The X-ray powder diffractometry revealed that the crystallization of α-FeSi nanograins took place only at 450 °C whilst the other samples stayed in the amorphous state. Relation between the structure and magnetic properties of the films was discussed in the framework of random magnetic anisotropy model and the concept of stochastic magnetic domains. The latter was investigated using magnetic force microscopy (MFM). MFM data showed formation of such magnetic domains only in samples thermally treated at 450 °C. There was a tendency of the magnetic domain size reduction with the thickness decrease. © 2018 The Authors, published by EDP Sciences.The research was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Agreement no. 02.A03.21.0006 and project no. 3.6121.2017


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    The article discusses the relevance of developing methodological approaches to the beer and soft drinks accelerated aging method in the market. The controlled indicators selection principles, mainly affecting the quality of the finished product, and the basic equation describing the dependence of changes in indicators on the main temperature factor are given. Studies of the influence of various physical factors (temperatures in the range of 50–60 °C, UV-radiation), both individually and jointly, on the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of packaged water for various experimental versions did not show statistically significant changes in the normalized parameters of the basic salt and microelement composition investigated water during storage. The optimal mode of accelerated «aging» of packaged water at an elevated temperature (up to 60 °C) and UV-radiation was established. In the case of soft drinks, thermostating was used when changing the temperature regimes (heat 50 ± 2 °C / cold 6 ± 2 °C) at an exposure time of 30 days, which made it possible to observe a decrease in taste and aroma compared with the control, as well as a decrease in sweetness and the appearance of a slight plastic taste for non-carbonated drink. The influence a temperature regime change on brewing products, which cannot be estimated using the existing method due to the high turbidity, is shown.The article discusses the relevance of developing methodological approaches to the beer and soft drinks accelerated aging method in the market. The controlled indicators selection principles, mainly affecting the quality of the finished product, and the basic equation describing the dependence of changes in indicators on the main temperature factor are given. Studies of the influence of various physical factors (temperatures in the range of 50–60 °C, UV-radiation), both individually and jointly, on the physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics of packaged water for various experimental versions did not show statistically significant changes in the normalized parameters of the basic salt and microelement composition investigated water during storage. The optimal mode of accelerated «aging» of packaged water at an elevated temperature (up to 60 °C) and UV-radiation was established. In the case of soft drinks, thermostating was used when changing the temperature regimes (heat 50 ± 2 °C / cold 6 ± 2 °C) at an exposure time of 30 days, which made it possible to observe a decrease in taste and aroma compared with the control, as well as a decrease in sweetness and the appearance of a slight plastic taste for non-carbonated drink. The influence a temperature regime change on brewing products, which cannot be estimated using the existing method due to the high turbidity, is shown

    Ответы на вопросы «Койнона»

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    Received: 13.03.2020. Accepted: 25.03.2020.Рукопись поступила в редакцию: 13.03.2020. Принята к публикации: 25.03.2020

    Ответы на вопросы «Койнона»

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    Received: 13.03.2020. Accepted: 25.03.2020.Рукопись поступила в редакцию: 13.03.2020. Принята к публикации: 25.03.2020

    Genetic control of scald resistance in barley landraces

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    Scald (Rhynchosporium secalis (Oudem.) J.J. Davis pathogenic agent) is one of the most harmful barley diseases. A high variability of this fungi explains the occurrence of new aggressive pathotypes and, accordingly, loss of cultivar resistance. It was found that many recently selected varieties of barley and previously identified sources of resistance to R. secalis are now susceptible to the pathogen. There is only one gene, Rrs9, that maintains efficiency against pathogen populations in Russia. The aim of this study is to find donors of genes for effective resistance to scald with the ability to easily transfer this trait for hybridization. The inheritance of scald resistance in 33 barley landraces was studied. Analysis of the interaction between the pathogen test clones and the host plant revealed a difference between the alleles determining fungal resistance in 32 barley forms, the previously effective genes Rrs4, rrs6, rrs7, and currently effective Rrs9. It was found that 30 accessions are protected by new unidentified genes for scald resistance. Accessions k-18398 and k-16231 from China are likely to possess allelic genes for scald resistance, while the gene (or genes) of accession k-31075 from Nepal is allelic to the Rrs9 gene. It was demonstrated by hybridological analysis that accessions k-3307, k-15868, k-18989 and k-3481 are protected by effective genes for scald resistance, which differ from each other and which are not allelic to the Rrs4, rrs6, rrs7 or Rrs9 genes. Accessions k-15868 and k-3481 possess two complementary recessive genes for scald resistance, k-18989 has two recessive genes, and k-3307 carries one recessive gene for pathogen resistance. The resistance genes of these forms are manifested during all the stages of plant ontogenesis