12,091 research outputs found

    Copernicus observational searches for OH and H2O in diffuse clouds

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    An intensive search for OH and H2O in the directions of sigma Sco, alpha Cam, and micron Per was undertaken with the Copernicus satellite. Multiple scans were carried out over the wavelength region for the expected absorption features due to the OH D-X and H2O C-X transitions. The feature due to OH was detected marginally towards sigma Sco, and only an upper limit can be given towards alpha Cam. H2O was not detected in any of the stars at the signal level accumulated. The OH abundance towards sigma Sco and the respective lower limits for the OH/H2O ratios are discussed with regard to the extant models for the steady state abundances of OH and H2O, and shown not to be inconsistent with ion-molecule schemes

    Asteroseismic Signatures of Stellar Magnetic Activity Cycles

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    Observations of stellar activity cycles provide an opportunity to study magnetic dynamos under many different physical conditions. Space-based asteroseismology missions will soon yield useful constraints on the interior conditions that nurture such magnetic cycles, and will be sensitive enough to detect shifts in the oscillation frequencies due to the magnetic variations. We derive a method for predicting these shifts from changes in the Mg II activity index by scaling from solar data. We demonstrate this technique on the solar-type subgiant beta Hyi, using archival International Ultraviolet Explorer spectra and two epochs of ground-based asteroseismic observations. We find qualitative evidence of the expected frequency shifts and predict the optimal timing for future asteroseismic observations of this star.Comment: 5 pages including 3 figures and 1 table, MNRAS Letters accepte

    The rate of mass loss and variations in the wind from the Be star delta Centauri

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    Copernicus ultraviolet scans of the Be star delta Centauri obtained in 1976 and 1979, show a significant variation in the Si III lambda 1206 profile, The strong asymmetry that was present in 1976 had disappeared by 1979. The Si IV lambda 1400 doublet was also asymmetric in 1976, but was not observed in 1979. A quantitative fit of the line shapes to theoretical wind profiles shows that the mass-loss rate in 1976 was 2 x 10 to the minus 8th power/yr, and that the rate of mass loss in Si III was at least one order of magnitude less in 1979. It is not possible to determine whether the variation represented an overall change in the lass-loss rate, or whether it was due to a change in the ionization balance. The profile fitting procedure resulted in the adoption of assumed underlying photospheric Si III and Si IV profiles, and the equivalent widths measured from these profiles are most consistent with T sub eff between 30,000 and 35,000 K, somewhat hotter than implied by the spectral classification normally assigned to this star. The ultraviolet photospheric line widths, coupled wit published theoretical analyses of rotational gravitational darkening, imply an intrinsic equatorial velocity of about 310 km/sec and an angle of inclination of the rotational axis to the line of sight of i is less than or equal to 44 deg

    Slotted Rotatable Target Assembley and Systematic Error Analysis for a Search for Long Range Spin Dependent Interactions from Exotic Vector Boson Exchange Using Neutron Spin Rotation

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    We discuss the design and construction of a novel target array of nonmagnetic test masses used in a neutron polarimetry measurement made in search for new possible exotic spin dependent neutron–atominteractions of Nature at sub-mm length scales. This target was designed to accept and efficiently transmit a transversely polarized slow neutron beam through a series of long open parallel slots bounded by flat rectangular plates. These openings possessed equal atom density gradients normal to the slots from the flat test masses with dimensions optimized to achieve maximum sensitivity to an exotic spin-dependent interaction from vector boson exchanges with ranges in the mm - μm regime. The parallel slots were oriented differently in four quadrants that can be rotated about the neutron beam axis in discrete 90°increments using a Geneva drive. The spin rotation signals from the 4 quadrants were measured using a segmented neutron ion chamber to suppress possible systematic errors from stray magnetic fields in the target region. We discuss the per-neutron sensitivity of the target to the exotic interaction, the design constraints, the potential sources of systematic errors which could be present in this design, and our estimate of the achievable sensitivity using this method

    Interstellar Carbon in Translucent Sightlines

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    We report interstellar C II column densities or upper limits determined from weak absorption of the 2325.4029 A intersystem transition observed in six translucent sightlines with STIS. The sightlines sample a wide range of interstellar characteristics including total-to-selective extinction, R_{V} = 2.6 - 5.1; average hydrogen density along the sightline, = 3 - 14 cm^{-3}; and fraction of H in molecular form, 0 - 40%. Four of the sightlines, those toward HD 37021, HD 37061, HD 147888 and HD 207198, have interstellar gas-phase abundances that are consistent with the diffuse sightline ratio of 161 +/- 17 carbon atoms in the gas per million hydrogen nuclei. We note that while it has a gas-phase carbon abundance that is consistent with the other sightlines, a large fraction of the C II toward HD 37061 is in an excited state. The sightline toward HD 152590 has a measured interstellar gas-phase carbon abundance that is well above the diffuse sightline average; the column density of C in this sightline may be overestimated due to noise structure in the data. Toward HD 27778 we find a 3 sigma abundance upper limit of <108 C atoms in the gas per million H, a substantially enhanced depletion of C as compared to the diffuse sightline value. The interstellar characteristics toward HD 27778 are otherwise not extreme among the sample except for an unusually large abundance of CO molecules in the gas.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Precision determination of absolute neutron flux

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    A technique for establishing the total neutron rate of a highly-collimated monochromatic cold neutron beam was demonstrated using a method of an alpha-gamma counter. The method involves only the counting of measured rates and is independent of neutron cross sections, decay chain branching ratios, and neutron beam energy. For the measurement, a target of 10B-enriched boron carbide totally absorbed the neutrons in a monochromatic beam, and the rate of absorbed neutrons was determined by counting 478keV gamma rays from neutron capture on 10B with calibrated high-purity germanium detectors. A second measurement based on Bragg diffraction from a perfect silicon crystal was performed to determine the mean de Broglie wavelength of the beam to a precision of 0.024 %. With these measurements, the detection efficiency of a neutron monitor based on neutron absorption on 6Li was determined to an overall uncertainty of 0.058 %. We discuss the principle of the alpha-gamma method and present details of how the measurement was performed including the systematic effects. We also describe how this method may be used for applications in neutron dosimetry and metrology, fundamental neutron physics, and neutron cross section measurements.Comment: 44 page

    Search for antiproton decay at the Fermilab Antiproton Accumulator

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    A search for antiproton decay has been made at the Fermilab Antiproton Accumulator. Limits are placed on thirteen antiproton decay modes. The results include the first explicit experimental limits on the muonic decay modes of the antiproton, and the first limits on the decay modes e- gamma gamma, and e- omega. The most stringent limit is for the decay mode pbar-> e- gamma. At 90% C.L. we find that tau/B(pbar-> e- gamma) > 7 x 10^5 yr. The most stringent limit for decay modes with a muon in the final state is for the decay pbar-> mu- gamma. At 90% C.L. we find that tau/B(pbar-> mu- gamma) > 5 x 10^4 yr.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Final results on 13 channels (was 15) are presente

    FUSE Measurements of Far Ultraviolet Extinction. I. Galactic Sight Lines

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    We present extinction curves that include data down to far ultraviolet wavelengths (FUV; 1050 - 1200 A) for nine Galactic sight lines. The FUV extinction was measured using data from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. The sight lines were chosen for their unusual extinction properties in the infrared through the ultraviolet; that they probe a wide range of dust environments is evidenced by the large spread in their measured ratios of total-to-selective extinction, R_V = 2.43 - 3.81. We find that extrapolation of the Fitzpatrick & Massa relationship from the ultraviolet appears to be a good predictor of the FUV extinction behavior. We find that predictions of the FUV extinction based upon the Cardelli, Clayton & Mathis (CCM) dependence on R_V give mixed results. For the seven extinction curves well represented by CCM in the infrared through ultraviolet, the FUV extinction is well predicted in three sight lines, over-predicted in two sight lines, and under-predicted in 2 sight lines. A Maximum Entropy Method analysis using a simple three component grain model shows that seven of the nine sight lines in the study require a larger fraction of grain materials to be in dust when FUV extinction is included in the models. Most of the added grain material is in the form of small (radii < 200 A) grains.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 31 pages with 7 figure