32 research outputs found

    The new functional products inclusion in the complex rehabilitation and preventive programs in athletes with musculoskeletal disorders

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    The review presents an urgent problem of modern sports medicine — the development and inclusion of new nutritive and metabolic food products in the treatment of athletes with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The analysis of the main etiological factors of the musculoskeletal disorders in athletes is presented. The study of the anatomical, histological and functional features of the bone-cartilaginous structures in athletes made it possible to establish the priority macro- and micronutrients, which should be the basis in modern specialized and functional food products. Brief composition characteristics of the new canned food “Enmit-beef” and dry protein concentrate “Ostov” (for the drink preparation) are presented. The preliminary results of the use of these functional meat-based products indicate their effectiveness in rehabilitation and treatment of athletes with musculoskeletal disorders

    Prevention of traumatic brain injury complications in sports

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    The aim of the review is to inform doctors and trainers of sports teams about technologies that prevent complications of sport brain injuries (SBI). Low levels of visibility of clinical manifestations, specific characteristics of individual reactions to injury, anti-aggravation behavior among sportsmen, absence of unbiased methods of diagnostics of SBI are the main reasons behind underestimation of the severity of trauma. Treatment and rehabilitation procedures of mild SBI do not currently consider specific characteristics of trauma, associated with the increase in body and brain temperature and reduced cerebral perfusion during the traumatizing intervention. Injury of the brain causes an increase in cerebral temperature, which, in turn, can aggravate the consequences of traumatization. The control of the temperature of the brain can be achieved with non-invasive method of microwave radiometry, while the technology of craniocerebral hypothermia (CCH), which has evident neuroprotective properties, can aid in the prevention of complications of SBI

    Developing One Health surveillance systems

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    The health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the environment are inter-dependent. Global anthropogenic change is a key driver of disease emergence and spread and leads to biodiversity loss and ecosystem function degradation, which are themselves drivers of disease emergence. Pathogen spill-over events and subsequent disease outbreaks, including pandemics, in humans, animals and plants may arise when factors driving disease emergence and spread converge. One Health is an integrated approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize human, animal and ecosystem health. Conventional disease surveillance has been siloed by sectors, with separate systems addressing the health of humans, domestic animals, cultivated plants, wildlife and the environment. One Health surveillance should include integrated surveillance for known and unknown pathogens, but combined with this more traditional disease-based surveillance, it also must include surveillance of drivers of disease emergence to improve prevention and mitigation of spill-over events. Here, we outline such an approach, including the characteristics and components required to overcome barriers and to optimize an integrated One Health surveillance system.</p

    Developing One Health surveillance systems

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    The health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the environment are inter-dependent. Global anthropogenic change is a key driver of disease emergence and spread and leads to biodiversity loss and ecosystem function degradation, which are themselves drivers of disease emergence. Pathogen spill-over events and subsequent disease outbreaks, including pandemics, in humans, animals and plants may arise when factors driving disease emergence and spread converge. One Health is an integrated approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize human, animal and ecosystem health. Conventional disease surveillance has been siloed by sectors, with separate systems addressing the health of humans, domestic animals, cultivated plants, wildlife and the environment. One Health surveillance should include integrated surveillance for known and unknown pathogens, but combined with this more traditional disease-based surveillance, it also must include surveillance of drivers of disease emergence to improve prevention and mitigation of spill-over events. Here, we outline such an approach, including the characteristics and components required to overcome barriers and to optimize an integrated One Health surveillance system

    Developing One Health surveillance systems

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : No data was used for the research described in the article.The health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the environment are inter-dependent. Global anthropogenic change is a key driver of disease emergence and spread and leads to biodiversity loss and ecosystem function degradation, which are themselves drivers of disease emergence. Pathogen spill-over events and subsequent disease outbreaks, including pandemics, in humans, animals and plants may arise when factors driving disease emergence and spread converge. One Health is an integrated approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize human, animal and ecosystem health. Conventional disease surveillance has been siloed by sectors, with separate systems addressing the health of humans, domestic animals, cultivated plants, wildlife and the environment. One Health surveillance should include integrated surveillance for known and unknown pathogens, but combined with this more traditional disease-based surveillance, it also must include surveillance of drivers of disease emergence to improve prevention and mitigation of spill-over events. Here, we outline such an approach, including the characteristics and components required to overcome barriers and to optimize an integrated One Health surveillance system.https://www.elsevier.com/locate/onehlthj2024Medical VirologySDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein

    Prevention of zoonotic spillover : from relying on response to reducing the risk at source

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    BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT : The devastating impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on human health globally has prompted extensive discussions on how to better prepare for and safeguard against the next pandemic. Zoonotic spillover of pathogens from animals to humans is recognized as the predominant cause of emerging infectious diseases and as the primary cause of recent pandemics. This spillover risk is increased by a range of factors (called drivers) that impact the nature, frequency, and intensity of contact between humans and wild animals. Many of these drivers are related to human impact, for example, deforestation and changes in land use and agricultural practices. While it is clear that the triad of prevention-preparedness-response (P-P-R) is highly relevant, there is much discussion on which of these 3 strategic activities in the field of emerging infectious disease should be prioritized and how to optimally target resources. For this, it is important to understand the scope of the respective activity and the consequences of prioritization. Already, the World Bank Pandemic Fund and forthcoming global Pandemic instrument negotiated by the World Health Organization (WHO) appear primarily focused on the early detection, and reaction to the appearance of human illnesses, often with explicit focus only on action to be taken once pathogen spillover and spread have occurred. Strategies to reduce the probability of spillover events are under-prioritized and underutilized, as highlighted by recent infectious disease crises such as Ebola and Mpox epidemics, and have been lost in overall preparedness discussions and recovery financing. This “more of the same” focus suggests that it is politically more expedient to allocate financial resources to deal with a problem once it has arisen, rather than taking the steps necessary to reduce the risk of it occurring in the first place. It is often claimed that allocating resources to prevent something from happening is politically difficult as the value of prevention is largely “invisible” (prevention paradox) or it will take a long time to show effects. However, there are now several communications highlighting the economic benefits of prevention of spillover. If taken, actions to prevent spillover are estimated at 10to31billionperyearglobally,asacumulativeinvestmentfrompreventiveactionsachievablebyspecificindustries.However,addressingthedriversofpathogenspilloverthroughaOneHealthapproachhassignificantsubsequenteconomiccobenefits;forexample,reducingdeforestationisestimatedtocreate10 to 31 billion per year globally, as a cumulative investment from preventive actions achievable by specific industries. However, addressing the drivers of pathogen spillover through a One Health approach has significant subsequent economic co-benefits; for example, reducing deforestation is estimated to create 4 billion per year in social benefits from reduced greenhouse gas emissions. COVID-19 has demonstrated the immense burden of a pandemic, including significant mortality resulting in economic recession, with the global economy contracting by 4.4 percent in 2020. The expected economic losses from this pandemic are estimated at nearly 14trillionupto2024.Theselossesparallelthoseincurredbyotherinfectiousdiseaseemergencies,includingthe2003SARSpandemicwithanestimatedeconomiclossof14 trillion up to 2024. These losses parallel those incurred by other infectious disease emergencies, including the 2003 SARS pandemic with an estimated economic loss of 52 billion; the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa in 2014 to 2016 with a GDP loss of 2.8to32.6billionandthecomprehensiveeconomicandsocialburdenestimatedtobe2.8 to 32.6 billion and the comprehensive economic and social burden estimated to be 53.19 billion; and the 2015 to 2016 Zika virus disease outbreak with an estimated loss in the United States, Caribbean, and Latin America of $20 billion. If invested in, prevention strategies would reduce the likelihood of another pandemic substantially and likely generate sufficient return on investment over time while also having the potential to generate substantial co-benefits. Prevention is already valued in other sectors: policymakers and industries have led on prevention in other areas, such as expenditure on counter-terrorism, driving laws and insurance incentives to reduce the frequency of traffic accidents, on the nuclear deterrent, and in some cases on flood prevention and other water management measures, exemplifying a political willingness to spend vast sums of money to preempt a harmful event in certain areas or circumstances, but not on pandemic prevention.https://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/am2024Medical VirologySDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein