3,485 research outputs found

    Gradients and anisotropies of high energy cosmic rays in the outer heliosphere

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    Previous studies at lower energies have shown that the cosmic ray density gradients vary in space and time, and many authors currently are suggesting that the radial gradient associated with solar cycle modulation is supported largely by narrow barriers which encircle the Sun and propagate outward with the solar wind. If so, the anisotropy is a desirable way to detect spatial gradients, because it can be associated with the local solar wind and magnetic field conditions. With this in mind, the anisotropy measurements made by the UCSD Cerenkov detectors on Pioneers 10 and 11 are studied. It is shown that the local anisotropy varies greatly, but that the long term average is consistent with the global radial gradient measured between two spacecraft over a baseline of many AU

    Gradients and anisotropies of high energy cosmic rays in the outer heliosphere

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    Two cosmic rays which pass through the same point going in opposite directions will, in the absence of scattering and inhomogeneities in the magnetic field, trace helices about adjacent flux tubes, whose centerlines are separated by one gyrodiameter. A directional anisotropy at the point suggests a difference in the number of cosmic rays loading the two flux tubes; that is, a density gradient over the baseline of a gyrodiameter. Previous studies at lower energies have shown that the cosmic ray density gradients vary in time and space. It is suggested that the radial gradient associated with solar cycle modulation is supported largely by narrow barriers which encircle the sun and propagate outward with the solar wind. If so, the anisotropy is a desirable way to detect spatial gradients, because it can be associated with the local solar wind and magnetic field conditions. Anisotropic measurements made by Cerenkov detectors on Pioneers 10 and 11 were studied. It was found that local anisotropy varies greatly, but that the long term average is consistent with the global radial gradient measured between two spacecraft over a baseline of many AU

    The African Lungfish (\u3cem\u3eProtopterus dolloi\u3c/em\u3e): Ionoregulation and Osmoregulation in a Fish out of Water

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    Although urea production and metabolism in lungish have been thoroughly studied, we have little knowledge of how internal osmotic and electrolyte balance are controlled during estivation or in water. We tested the hypothesis that, compared with the body surface of teleosts, the slender African lungfish (Protopterus dolloi) body surface was relatively impermeable to water, Na+ and Cl- due to its greatly reduced gills. Accordingly, we measured the tritiated water (3H-H2O) flux in P. dolloi in water and during air exposure. In water, 3H-H2O efflux was comparable with the lowest measurements reported in freshwater teleosts, with a rate constant (K) of 17.6% body water h-1. Unidirectional ion fluxes, measured using 22Na+ and 36Cl-, indicated that Na+ and Cl- influx was more than 90% lower than values reported in most freshwater teleosts. During air exposure, a cocoon formed within 1 wk that completely covered the dorsolateral body surface. However, there were no disturbances to blood osmotic or ion (Na+, Cl-) balance, despite seven- to eightfold increases in plasma urea after 20 wk. Up to 13-fold increases in muscle urea (on a dry-weight basis) were the likely explanation for the 56% increase in muscle water content observed after 20 wk of air exposure. The possibility that muscle acted as a “water reservoir” during air exposure was supported by the 20% decline in body mass observed during subsequent reimmersion in water. This decline in body mass was equivalent to 28 mL water in a 100-g animal and was very close to the calculated net water gain (approximately 32 mL) observed during the 20-wk period of air exposure. Tritiated water and unidirectional ion fluxes on air-exposed lungfish revealed that the majority of water and ion exchange was via the ventral body surface at rates that were initially similar to aquatic rates. The 3H-H2O flux declined over time but increased upon reimmersion. We conclude that the slender lungfish body surface, including the gills, has relatively low permeability to water and ions but that the ventral surface is an important site of osmoregulation and ionoregulation. We further propose that an amphibian-like combination of ventral skin water and ion permeability, plus internal urea accumulation during air exposure, allows P. dolloi to extract water from its surroundings and to store water in the muscle when the water supply becomes limited

    Brunner's gland adenoma: unusual cause of duodenal haemorrhage and obstruction

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    Edible crabs “Go West”: migrations and incubation cycle of Cancer pagurus revealed by electronic tags

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    Crustaceans are key components of marine ecosystems which, like other exploited marine taxa, show seasonable patterns of distribution and activity, with consequences for their availability to capture by targeted fisheries. Despite concerns over the sustainability of crab fisheries worldwide, difficulties in observing crabs’ behaviour over their annual cycles, and the timings and durations of reproduction, remain poorly understood. From the release of 128 mature female edible crabs tagged with electronic data storage tags (DSTs), we demonstrate predominantly westward migration in the English Channel. Eastern Channel crabs migrated further than western Channel crabs, while crabs released outside the Channel showed little or no migration. Individual migrations were punctuated by a 7-month hiatus, when crabs remained stationary, coincident with the main period of crab spawning and egg incubation. Incubation commenced earlier in the west, from late October onwards, and brooding locations, determined using tidal geolocation, occurred throughout the species range. With an overall return rate of 34%, our results demonstrate that previous reluctance to tag crabs with relatively high-cost DSTs for fear of loss following moulting is unfounded, and that DSTs can generate precise information with regards life-history metrics that would be unachievable using other conventional means

    Quantitative analysis of residual protein contamination of podiatry instruments reprocessed through local and central decontamination units

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    <p>Background: The cleaning stage of the instrument decontamination process has come under increased scrutiny due to the increasing complexity of surgical instruments and the adverse affects of residual protein contamination on surgical instruments. Instruments used in the podiatry field have a complex surface topography and are exposed to a wide range of biological contamination. Currently, podiatry instruments are reprocessed locally within surgeries while national strategies are favouring a move toward reprocessing in central facilities. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of local and central reprocessing on podiatry instruments by measuring residual protein contamination of instruments reprocessed by both methods. Methods</p> <p>The residual protein of 189 instruments reprocessed centrally and 189 instruments reprocessed locally was determined using a fluorescent assay based on the reaction of proteins with o-phthaldialdehyde/sodium 2-mercaptoethanesulfonate.</p> <p>Results: Residual protein was detected on 72% (n = 136) of instruments reprocessed centrally and 90% (n = 170) of instruments reprocessed locally. Significantly less protein (p < 0.001) was recovered from instruments reprocessed centrally (median 20.62 ÎŒg, range 0 - 5705 ÎŒg) than local reprocessing (median 111.9 ÎŒg, range 0 - 6344 ÎŒg).</p> <p>Conclusions: Overall, the results show the superiority of central reprocessing for complex podiatry instruments when protein contamination is considered, though no significant difference was found in residual protein between local decontamination unit and central decontamination unit processes for Blacks files. Further research is needed to undertake qualitative identification of protein contamination to identify any cross contamination risks and a standard for acceptable residual protein contamination applicable to different instruments and specialities should be considered as a matter of urgency.</p&gt

    Titan's Atomic and Molecular Nitrogen Tori

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    Shematovich et al. (2003) recently showed plasma induced sputtering in Titan's atmosphere is a source of neutral nitrogen in Saturn's magnetosphere comparable to the photo-dissociation source. These sources form a toroidal nitrogen cloud roughly centered at Titan's orbital radius but gravitationally bound to Saturn. Once ionized, these particles contribute to Saturn's plasma. When Titan is inside Saturn's magnetopause, newly formed ions can diffuse inward becoming inner magnetospheric energetic nitrogen where they can sputter and be implanted into icy satellite surfaces. Our 3-D simulation produces the first consistent Titan generated N and N2 neutral clouds; solar UV radiation and magnetospheric plasma subject these particles to dissociation and ionization. The cloud morphologies and associated nitrogen plasma source rates are predicted in anticipation of Cassini data. Since the amount of molecular nitrogen ejected from Titan by photo-dissociation is small, molecular nitrogen ions detection by Cassini will be an indicator of atmospheric sputtering.Comment: Accepted for Publication in Geophysical Research Letter

    The role of cardiac troponin T quantity and function in cardiac development and dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Hypertrophic (HCM) and dilated (DCM) cardiomyopathies results from sarcomeric protein mutations, including cardiac troponin T (cTnT, TNNT2). We determined whether TNNT2 mutations cause cardiomyopathies by altering cTnT function or quantity; whether the severity of DCM is related to the ratio of mutant to wildtype cTnT; whether Ca2+ desensitization occurs in DCM; and whether absence of cTnT impairs early embryonic cardiogenesis. Methods and Findings: We ablated Tnnt2 to produce heterozygous Tnnt2+/ mice, and crossbreeding produced homozygous null Tnnt2-/-embryos. We also generated transgenic mice overexpressing wildtype (TGWT) or DCM mutant (TGK210Δ) Tnnt2. Crossbreeding produced mice lacking one allele of Tnnt2, but carrying wildtype (Tnnt2+/-/TGWT) or mutant (Tnnt2+/-/TGK210Δ) transgenes. Tnnt2+/-mice relative to wildtype had significantly reduced transcript (0.82 ± 0.06 [SD] vs. 1.00 ± 0.12 arbitrary units; p = 0.025), but not protein (1.01 ± 0.20 vs. 1.00 ± 0.13 arbitrary units; p = 0.44). Tnnt2+/-mice had normal hearts (histology, mass, left ventricular end diastolic diameter [LVEDD], fractional shortening [FS]). Moreover, whereas Tnnt2+/-/ TGK210Δ mice had severe DCM, TGK210Δ mice had only mild DCM (FS 18 ± 4 vs. 29 ± 7%; p < 0.01). The difference in severity of DCM may be attributable to a greater ratio of mutant to wildtype Tnnt2 transcript in Tnnt2+/-/TGK210Δ relative to TGK210Δ mice (2.42±0.08, p = 0.03). Tnnt2+/-/TGK210Δ muscle showed Ca2+ desensitization (pCa50 = 5.34 ± 0.08 vs. 5.58 ± 0.03 at sarcomere length 1.9 ÎŒm. p<0.01), but no difference in maximum force generation. Day 9.5 Tnnt2-/-embryos had normally looped hearts, but thin ventricular walls, large pericardial effusions, noncontractile hearts, and severely disorganized sarcomeres. Conclusions: Absence of one Tnnt2 allele leads to a mild deficit in transcript but not protein, leading to a normal cardiac phenotype. DCM results from abnormal function of a mutant protein, which is associated with myocyte Ca2+ desensitization. The severity of DCM depends on the ratio of mutant to wildtype Tnnt2 transcript. cTnT is essential for sarcomere formation, but normal embryonic heart looping occurs without contractile activity. © 2008 Ahmad et al

    Extent of MGMT promoter methylation modifies the effect of temozolomide on overall survival in patients with glioblastoma: a regional cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: MGMT methylation in glioblastoma predicts response to temozolomide but dichotomizing methylation status may mask the true prognostic value of quantitative MGMT methylation. This study evaluated whether extent of MGMT methylation interacts with the effect of temozolomide on overall survival. METHODS: We included consecutive glioblastoma patients aged ≄16 years diagnosed (April 2012–May 2020) at a neuro-oncology center. All patients had quantitative MGMT methylation measured using pyrosequencing. Those with MGMT methylated tumors were stratified into high and low methylation groups based on a cut-off using Youden index on 2-year survival. Our accelerated failure time survival models included extent of MGMT methylation, age, postoperative Karnofsky performance score, extent of resection, temozolomide regimen, and radiotherapy. RESULTS: There were 414 patients. Optimal cut-off point using Youden index was 25.9% MGMT methylation. The number of patients in the unmethylated, low and high methylation groups was 223 (53.9%), 81 (19.6%), and 110 (26.6%), respectively. In the adjusted model, high (hazard ratio [HR] 0.60, 95% confidence intervals [CI] 0.46–0.79, P = 0.005) and low (HR 0.67, 95% CI 0.50–0.89, P < 0.001) methylation groups had better survival compared to unmethylated group. There was no evidence for interaction between MGMT methylation and completed temozolomide regimen (interaction term for low methylation P = 0.097; high methylation P = 0.071). This suggests no strong effect of MGMT status on survival in patients completing temozolomide regimen. In patients not completing the temozolomide regimen, higher MGMT methylation predicted better survival (interaction terms P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Quantitative MGMT methylation may provide additional prognostic value. This is important when assessing clinical and research therapies
