1,056 research outputs found


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    Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Yield of Burley Tobacco

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    Relatively large amounts of nitrogen from fertilizers and manures commonly are used in burley tobacco production. Growers are currently estimated to apply between 150 and 400 pounds of actual N per acre. Fertilization of burley with nitrogen significantly affects the physical and chemical characteristics of cured leaf and produces changes in yield and value. On most soils, leaf yields usually are increased by applications of N fertilizer, but the amount of yield increase per unit of applied fertilizer N varies widely between soils. High rates of N applied preplant or at planting often retard early plant growth, delay maturity, and lower cured leaf quality, which may reduce average value of cured leaf. The purpose of this investigation was to study the influence of rate of fertilizer N on yield and value of burley tobacco in order that N fertilizer recommendations may be improved

    Toolbox for analyzing finite two-state trajectories

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    In many experiments, the aim is to deduce an underlying multi-substate on-off kinetic scheme (KS) from the statistical properties of a two-state trajectory. However, the mapping of a KS into a two-state trajectory leads to the loss of information about the KS, and so, in many cases, more than one KS can be associated with the data. We recently showed that the optimal way to solve this problem is to use canonical forms of reduced dimensions (RD). RD forms are on-off networks with connections only between substates of different states, where the connections can have non-exponential waiting time probability density functions (WT-PDFs). In theory, only a single RD form can be associated with the data. To utilize RD forms in the analysis of the data, a RD form should be associated with the data. Here, we give a toolbox for building a RD form from a finite two-state trajectory. The methods in the toolbox are based on known statistical methods in data analysis, combined with statistical methods and numerical algorithms designed specifically for the current problem. Our toolbox is self-contained - it builds a mechanism based only on the information it extracts from the data, and its implementation on the data is fast (analyzing a 10^6 cycle trajectory from a thirty-parameter mechanism takes a couple of hours on a PC with a 2.66 GHz processor). The toolbox is automated and is freely available for academic research upon electronic request

    Delamination growth in composite materials

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    The Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) and the End Notched Flexure (ENF) specimens are employed to characterize MODE I and MODE II interlaminar fracture resistance of graphite/epoxy (CYCOM 982) and graphite/PEEK (APC2) composites. Sizing of test specimen geometries to achieve crack growth in the linear elastic regime is presented. Data reduction schemes based upon beam theory are derived for the ENF specimen and include the effects of shear deformation and friction between crack surfaces on compliance, C, and strain energy release rate, G sub II. Finite element (FE) analyses of the ENF geometry including the contact problem with friction are presented to assess the accuracy of beam theory expressions for C and G sub II. Virtual crack closure techniques verify that the ENF specimen is a pure Mode II test. Beam theory expressions are shown to be conservative by 20 to 40 percent for typical unidirectional test specimen geometries. A FE parametric study investigating the influence of delamination length and depth, span, thickness and material properties on G sub II is presented. Mode I and II interlaminar fracture test results are presented. Important experimental parameters are isolated, such as precracking techniques, rate effects, and nonlinear load-deflection response. It is found that subcritical crack growth and inelastic materials behavior, responsible for the observed nonlinearities, are highly rate-dependent phenomena with high rates generally leading to linear elastic response

    Delamination growth in composite materials

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    Research related to growth of an imbedded through-width delamination (ITWD) in a compression loaded composite structural element is presented. Composites with widely different interlaminar fracture resistance were examined, viz., graphite/epoxy (CYCOM 982) and graphite/PEEK (APC-2). The initial part of the program consisted of characterizing the material in tension, compression and shear mainly to obtain consistent material properties for analysis, but also as a check of the processing method developed for the thermoplastic APC-2 material. The characterization of the delamination growth in the ITWD specimen, which for the unidirectional case is essentially a mixed Mode 1 and 2 geometry, requires verified mixed-mode growth criteria for the two materials involved. For this purpose the main emphasis during this part of the investigation was on Mode 1 and 2 fracture specimens, namely the Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) and End Notched Flexure (ENF) specimens

    Immunization of Alpacas (\u3cem\u3eLama pacos\u3c/em\u3e) with Protein Antigens and Production of Antigen-Specific Single Domain Antibodies

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    In this manuscript, a method for the immunization of alpaca and the use of molecular biology methods to produce antigen-specific single domain antibodies is described and demonstrated. Camelids, such as alpacas and llamas, have become a valuable resource for biomedical research since they produce a novel type of heavy chain-only antibody which can be used to produce single domain antibodies. Because the immune system is highly flexible, single domain antibodies can be made to many different protein antigens, and even different conformations of the antigen, with a very high degree of specificity. These features, among others, make single domain antibodies an invaluable tool for biomedical research. A method for the production of single domain antibodies from alpacas is reported. A protocol for immunization, blood collection, and B-cell isolation is described. The B-cells are used for the construction of an immunized library, which is used in the selection of specific single domain antibodies via panning. Putative specific single domain antibodies obtained via panning are confirmed by pull-down, ELISA, or gel-shift assays. The resulting single domain antibodies can then be used either directly or as a part of an engineered reagent. The uses of single domain antibody and single domain antibody-based regents include structural, biochemical, cellular, in vivo, and therapeutic applications. Single domain antibodies can be produced in large quantities as recombinant proteins in prokaryotic expression systems, purified, and used directly or can be engineered to contain specific markers or tags that can be used as reporters in cellular studies or in diagnostics

    Aristotle’s assertoric syllogistic and modern relevance logic

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    This paper sets out to evaluate the claim that Aristotle’s Assertoric Syllogistic is a relevance logic or shows significant similarities with it. I prepare the grounds for a meaningful comparison by extracting the notion of relevance employed in the most influential work on modern relevance logic, Anderson and Belnap’s Entailment. This notion is characterized by two conditions imposed on the concept of validity: first, that some meaning content is shared between the premises and the conclusion, and second, that the premises of a proof are actually used to derive the conclusion. Turning to Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, I argue that there is evidence that Aristotle’s Assertoric Syllogistic satisfies both conditions. Moreover, Aristotle at one point explicitly addresses the potential harmfulness of syllogisms with unused premises. Here, I argue that Aristotle’s analysis allows for a rejection of such syllogisms on formal grounds established in the foregoing parts of the Prior Analytics. In a final section I consider the view that Aristotle distinguished between validity on the one hand and syllogistic validity on the other. Following this line of reasoning, Aristotle’s logic might not be a relevance logic, since relevance is part of syllogistic validity and not, as modern relevance logic demands, of general validity. I argue that the reasons to reject this view are more compelling than the reasons to accept it and that we can, cautiously, uphold the result that Aristotle’s logic is a relevance logic