49 research outputs found

    The influence of the chelating/combustion agents on the structure and magnetic properties of zinc ferrite

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    AbstractThe present study is reporting the influence of the chelating/combustion agents on the magnetic properties of Zn ferrite. Six chelating/combustion agents, citric acid, egg white, tartaric acid, glycine, glucose and urea, were used to obtain monophase zinc nanoferrite via a sol-gel auto-combustion method. The samples were subjected to a comparative study of structural features and magnetic properties by means of infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy and vibrating sample magnetometry. Significant influence of fuel and combustion mode was observed in the magnetic behavior of as-obtained samples. Values of the structural parameters were discovered to vary as a function of fuel choice, and to obtain crystallite size between 38 and 62 nm, inversion degree between 0.239 and 0.807, lattice parameter between 8.4125 and 8.4432 Ă…. The optimization of sol-gel method synthesis of zinc ferrite nanoparticles by chosing the appropriate fuel is providing structural and magnetic properties of zinc nanoferrite as potential materials to be used in biomedical applications

    Some Considerations Concerning the Monitoring of the Non-Traditional Machining Processes

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    In the last decades, one of the trends emphasized in the field of manufacturing processes concerns the monitoring of the machining parameters. The specialty literature emphasizes certain solutions for monitoring of parameters specific to the conventional machining methods. The relative variety of the non-traditional machining methods makes more difficult the identifying of common solutions for monitoring of the machining parameters of these machining methods. The paper presents some authors considerations concerning the evolution of the possibilities for monitoring of some techniques belonging to the so-called non-traditional machining methods

    Construction of Patent Claims Using Axiomatic Design

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    Patent claims play an important role in every patent case and it is the core for evaluation of infringement, validity or originality. There are two main types of claims: the independent claims (stand on their own), and the dependent claims (depending on a single/several claim/claims). Axiomatic design is a design theory that is based on the axioms. The axiomatic design theory makes use of corollaries and theorems which guide/help designers mapping functional domain to physical domain. The relation between functional requirements and design parameters is assured by so called design matrix. In an ideal design the number of design parameters is equal to the number of functional requirements, and the functional requirements are always kept independent from each other. When there are more design parameters than functional requirements, the design is a redundant design. A coupled design can became decoupled by selecting different set of design parameters. The idea of construction of patent claims using Axiomatic Design is based on the assumption of independent claims as a part of an ideal design and dependent claims as a part of a decoupled design

    Construction of Patent Claims Using Axiomatic Design

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    Patent claims play an important role in every patent case and it is the core for evaluation of infringement, validity or originality. There are two main types of claims: the independent claims (stand on their own), and the dependent claims (depending on a single/several claim/claims). Axiomatic design is a design theory that is based on the axioms. The axiomatic design theory makes use of corollaries and theorems which guide/help designers mapping functional domain to physical domain. The relation between functional requirements and design parameters is assured by so called design matrix. In an ideal design the number of design parameters is equal to the number of functional requirements, and the functional requirements are always kept independent from each other. When there are more design parameters than functional requirements, the design is a redundant design. A coupled design can became decoupled by selecting different set of design parameters. The idea of construction of patent claims using Axiomatic Design is based on the assumption of independent claims as a part of an ideal design and dependent claims as a part of a decoupled design