2 research outputs found

    Development and validation of new sHSS-GC-FID method fo determination of volatile compounds in dietary supplements used in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Upalne bolesti crijeva, Crohnova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis, su autoimune, idiopatske bolesti karakterizirane kroničnom upalom lociranom u gastrointestinalnom sustavu. Uz klasičnu farmakoterapiju koju čine aminosalicilati, kortikosteroidi i bioloÅ”ka terapija, u novije doba pacijenti sve viÅ”e pribjegavaju različitim dodacima prehrani kao adjuvantnoj terapiji. Kurkuma je svojim protuupalnim i imunosupresivnim svojstvima uvjerljivo etablirala svoje mjesto u plejadi tradicionalne farmakoterapije i pokazala obećavajuće rezultate u liječenju ove skupine bolesti. No u zadnjih dvadesetak godina tržiÅ”te je preplavljeno različitim formulacijama kako kurkume, tako i ostalih dodataka prehrani Å”to predstavlja problem zbog puno slabije zakonske regulative u razvoju i kontroli kakvoće ovih proizvoda. U svjetlu navedenih činjenica jasna je potreba za razvojem jedinstvene analitičke metode za simultano određivanje glavnih sastojaka i onečiŔćenja prisutnih u formulacijama dodataka prehrani. U ovom radu prikazan je razvoj i validacija sHSS-GC-FID metode za simultano određivanje etanola, metanola, acetona, izopropanola, n-propanola, t-butanola, izobutanola i n-butanola te njezine primjene u analizi tinkture kurkume. Uz primjenu unutarnjeg standarda dobiveni su pouzdani rezultati te je kvantifikacija uspjeÅ”no izvrÅ”ena i ispitivani uzorak je zadovoljio sve kriterije propisane ICH smjernicama Å”to ga čini sigurnim za upotrebu u terapijske svrhe.Inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohon's disease and ulcerative colitis, are autoimmune, idiopathic diseases characterized by chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Beside classical pharmacotherapy which consists of aminosalicylates, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants and biological therapy, in the modern era patients are keen to usage of different dietary supplements as adjuvant therapy. Curcuma longa with its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties has assured its position in the pleads of traditional pharmacotherapy and has promising properties in the future treatment of this type of diseases. In the last twenty years, the market has been flooded with variety of formulations of dietary supplements, which is considered a significant problem due to weaker legislation in their development and quality control. In the light of these facts, the need for development of unique analytical method for simultaneous determination of main ingredients and its impurities in the dietary supplements is needed. The aim of this research is to develop and validate a sHSS-GC-FID method for simultaneous determination of ethanol, methanol, acetone, isopropanol, n-propanol, t-butanol, isobutanol and n-butanol and to apply it in analysis of turmeric tincture. With the usage of internal standard, the applied method has proven its analytical value and quantification has been successfully achieved. The tested sample has satisfied all the criteria proposed by ICH guidelines and has proven to be safe for therapeutical purposes