19 research outputs found

    Appreciative seminars.Appreciative teaching of Appreciative Inquiry

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    The introduction of appreciative intervention methods at the organizational level as a discipline in the academic curriculum of the masters program “Supervision and Social Planning” is a starting point for the development of this methodology in various areas of social practice (Sandu, 2010). The experimental educational program “Appreciative Seminars” was implemented within the discipline Appreciative intervention methods at the organizational level in the program noted above. The initiative came from Mr. Dr. Antonio Sandu, of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences, “Al. I. Cuza” University in Iasi, who has supported in the academic year 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 the mentioned discipline in close collaboration with Mr. Assoc. Professor Ph. D. Stefan Cojocaru, head masters program and at the same time the one who introduced the appreciative methods in the academic curriculum from Romania.appreciative semminars, appreciative education, appreciative teaching, appreciative Inquiry.

    Assessment of Professional Competences. Constructive Dimension of Human Resources Management

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    The present article proposes a model of how to develop a plan for evaluate professional skills, applicable to people who want to certify skills acquired in non-formal ways and also in human resource departments, that want to evaluate professional skills of its own members, with the purpose to achieve a more efficient use of human resources, and also to derulate organizational development programs that includes professional training.training, evaluation, competences

    Appreciative Management – A Management based on Excellence

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    Appreciative management support organizations, especially in the process of development of the human resources. Appreciative management considered as a management based on excellence, is based on the filosophy of appreciative inquiry. Any organization can apply this model starting with the process of recruitment. The process of employment requires each time a new beginning for the organization. New employees should be introduced carefully in the organizational culture and also must be provided with an confortable environment. Appreciative management provide an innovative way of development of any organization. Is very important as well that the manager know how to apply amoung with this the process of peer education and also peer supervision.appreciative inquiry, peer education, peer supervision, appreciative management, management based on excellence, appreciative interview

    Modele de rezolvare a probei practice - Solving Model of Practice Test (Romanian version)

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    In this paper we will present two models for achieving accreditation files CNFPA (National Council for Adult Vocational Training) as specific to the regulations in Romania. Models presents in detail how to fill in Annexes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The Annexes presents the folowing: Annex. 1 Self Evaluation Sheet Annex. 2 Training Programme Annex. 3 Ways of evaluating the participants of a training program participants Annex. 4 Teaching projects Annex. 5 Request of authorisation Annex. 6 List of file from the Authorisation FileTraining, evaluation, teaching project, training programme

    Evaluation of Supervision Practice of the Social Services provided to Elderly in Home Care Centre (English version)

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    In this paper we propose to explore and analyze the social services offered to elderly in Home Care Centre. An important role is overseeing the proposal of the supervision process into the centre, for improving the quality of the services provided to beneficiaries. Attention will be placed also to a number of skills and qualities that a successful supervisor need to have. The main data from this research have been acquired by the application of qualitative research techniques such as: interview, focus group and “observer participant” tehnique. Also we will offer a series of recommendations for the supervisors that works along with social workers in providing quality services to elderly.supervision, elderly care services, Home Care Centre, supervision guide

    Appreciative Socialization Group. A Model of Personal Development (English version)

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    In this article we want to present o new of form of group, which we consider as being important for the process of personal development. Groups are a form of gathering more people united by a common purpose. We believe that through their group, members can develop new skills and also can obtain the change in the direction they want. Socialization is the process that we “share” along with others, by communicating and also by having close views towards different things in life. Appreciative socialization involves placing emphasis on those elements that have value to us, which are positive. We consider appreciative group socialization as a model of good practice that aims the development among group members and increases empowerment process.appreciative socialization group, socialization, group practice, appreciative inquiry, Coffee morning.

    Consilierea apreciativa. Cadre metodologice - Appreciative counselling. Methodological framework

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    Application of counseling as a strategy in social practice, is reffering to both indicative assessment function of potentialities and resources of the client, and the interventionist-systemic function for behavioral change through cognitive-behavioral changes. In this article, we focus on counseling techniques that remain an area of excellence in social practice, a fundamental methodological dimension. Whatever the chosen approach to counseling, the operational foundation of the counseling process is the traditional problem-solving process. We can see this as a congruency between human ego problems solving and facilitate the social networking functionality and social systems in which the individual belongs. At the social systems functionality level itself we can identify the area of appreciative counseling. We can bount the counseling process into five phases:It can delineate the counseling process into five phases: 1. Building a partnership relation between the counselor and the client 2. Deep exploration of the client’s success strategies. 3. Exploring alternatives in partnership between client and counselor through the process of appreciative visioning. 4. Identifying innovative ways to create the desired future for the client himself/ herself 5. Implementation of self-achievement strategy of the client. We present the main understandings and practical ways of operating in the intentional-nondirectiv appreciative interview. These forms are in full agreement with both the principles of Roger’s counseling and principles of appreciative inquiry and social constructionism adding an additional effectiveness to applied counseling techniques.counseling, appreciative counseling, apreciative inquiry, nondirectivity, neuro-linguistic programming

    Evaluarea competentelor profesionale. Instrument de dezvoltare in managementul resurselor umane - Evaluation of Professional Competencies. Development Tool in Human Resource Management (Romanian version)

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    The present article proposes a model of how to develop a plan for evaluate professional skills of the employees. Also, this process can be applicable to people that want to certify their skills acquired in non-formal ways, and also in human resource departments, where the managers want to evaluate professional skills of their members. Evaluation of professional competencies can be a useful instrument in the human resources departments especially when the main purpose is that of achieving a more efficient use of human resources. We consider this model can be used during internal trainings, in during the annually staff evaluations, or when the manager considers is necessary. Basic features of competencies evaluator are: 1. Planning and organization the evaluation. 2. Recording and reporting the evaluation results. 3. Making the evaluation. 4. Develop evaluation instruments. 5. Analyzing the data and taking a decision on the competence. 6. Checking internal evaluation processes. 7. Checking external evaluation processes.training, evaluation, competencies, human resources

    Protocol de aplicare a grupului de socializare apreciativ - Applied Protocol for Appreciative Group Socialization

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    In this paper we aim to outline a protocol for the implementation of favorable social group, aiming to highlight a number of specific factors such as number of persons, type of group, which features the most important steps such as introduction, conduct etc. group. It will also enhance the models and techniques for applying the basic methods appreciative of this group. To achieve this subchapter shall follow the defining characteristics of a group as they are presented in the literature. Besides theoretical directions emphasis will be placed on how to implement in practice by mixing methodological relizat appreciative group socialization.Appreciative inquiry, group, appreciative group socialization, appreciative counceling