2 research outputs found

    Late Holocene relative sea levels near Palmer Station, northern Antarctic Peninsula, strongly controlled by late Holocene ice-mass changes

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    Many studies of Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) changes across Antarctica assume that their reconstructions record uplift from glacial isostatic adjustment caused by the demise of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice sheets. However, recent analysis of GPS observations suggests that mantle viscosity beneath the Antarctic Peninsula is weaker than previously thought, which would imply that solid Earth motion is not controlled by post-LGM ice-sheet retreat but instead by late Holocene ice-mass changes. If this hypothesis is correct, one might expect to find Holocene RSL records that do not reflect a monotonic decrease in the rate of RSL fall but show variations in the rate of RSL change through the Holocene. We present a new record of late Holocene RSL change from Torgersen Island near Palmer Station in the western Antarctic Peninsula that shows an increase in the rate of relative sea-level fall from 3.0 ± 1.2 mm/yr to 5.1 ± 1.8 mm/yr during the late Holocene. Independent studies of the glacial history of the region provide evidence of ice-sheet changes over similar time scales that may be driving this change. When our RSL records are corrected for sea-surface height changes associated with glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA), the rate of post-0.79 ka land uplift at Torgersen Island, 5.3 ± 1.8 mm/yr, is much higher than the rate of uplift recorded at a nearby GPS site at Palmer Station prior to the Larsen B breakup in 2002 AD (1998-2002 AD; <0.1 mm/yr), but similar to the rates observed after 2002 AD (2002-2013 AD; 6–9 mm/yr). This substantial variation in uplift rates further supports the hypothesis that Holocene RSL rates of change are recording responses to late Holocene and recent changes in local ice loading rather than a post-LGM signal across portions of the Antarctic Peninsula. Thus middle-to-late Holocene RSL data may not be an effective tool for constraining the size of the LGM ice sheet across portions of the Antarctic Peninsula underlain by weaker mantle. In addition, current global-scale GIA models are unable to predict our observed changes in late Holocene RSL. Complexities in Earth structure and neoglacial history need to be taken into consideration in GIA models used for correcting modern satellite-based observations of ice-mass loss

    Sedimentary Signatures of Persistent Subglacial Meltwater Drainage From Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica

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    Subglacial meltwater drainage can enhance localized melting along grounding zones and beneath the ice shelves of marine-terminating glaciers. Efforts to constrain the evolution of subglacial hydrology and the resulting influence on ice stability in space and on decadal to millennial timescales are lacking. Here, we apply sedimentological, geochemical, and statistical methods to analyze sediment cores recovered offshore Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica to reconstruct meltwater drainage activity through the pre-satellite era. We find evidence for a long-lived subglacial hydrologic system beneath Thwaites Glacier and indications that meltwater plumes are the primary mechanism of sedimentation seaward of the glacier today. Detailed core stratigraphy revealed through computed tomography scanning captures variability in drainage styles and suggests greater magnitudes of sediment-laden meltwater have been delivered to the ocean in recent centuries compared to the past several thousand years. Fundamental similarities between meltwater plume deposits offshore Thwaites Glacier and those described in association with other Antarctic glacial systems imply widespread and similar subglacial hydrologic processes that occur independently of subglacial geology. In the context of Holocene changes to the Thwaites Glacier margin, it is likely that subglacial drainage enhanced submarine melt along the grounding zone and amplified ice-shelf melt driven by oceanic processes, consistent with observations of other West Antarctic glaciers today. This study highlights the necessity of accounting for the influence of subglacial hydrology on grounding-zone and ice-shelf melt in projections of future behavior of the Thwaites Glacier ice margin and marine-based glaciers around the Antarctic continent