577 research outputs found

    Avaliação da concentração de metais na água nos eixos de captação do projeto de integração do rio S. Francisco com bacias hidrográficas do nordeste setentrional

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    A análise de metais pesados é um aspecto bastante relevante na avaliação da qualidade da água destinada ao consumo humano, pois tais elementos, dependendo de sua concentração, causam graves problemas à saúde humana. Para minimizar o problema na demanda de água da região do semiárido nordestino, foi criado o Projeto de Integração do rio São Francisco com as Bacias Hidrográficas do Nordeste Setentrional, que constará de dois canais de transposição de água: eixos Norte e Leste. Nesta pesquisa foi analisada a concentração dos metais Cd, Pb, Ni, Zi, Cu e Fe nos pontos de captação dos referidos eixos durante os anos de 2012 a 2014 em amostras de superfície e fundo. Dentre os metais analisados, a grande maioria teve resultados abaixo dos limites da Resolução CONAMA 357/2005. Apenas o cobre apresentou valores de mediana superior ao limite da legislação no ponto de captação do Eixo Leste (reservatório de Itaparica) no período seco. Isto sugere novas pesquisas para identificar a causa dos aportes de cobre no reservatório de Itaparica,visando garantir a boa qualidade da água a ser transposta para outras regiões através do Canal Leste

    Marine Monitoring Program. Final report of JCU activities 2012/13: flood plumes and extreme weather monitoring for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

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    The Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program (MMP) undertaken in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon assesses the long-term effectiveness of the Australian and Queensland Government’s Reef Water Quality Protection Plan and the Australian Government Reef Rescue initiative. The MMP was established in 2005 to help assess the long-term status and health of Reef ecosystems and is a critical component in the assessment of regional water quality as land management practices are improved across Reef catchments. The program forms an integral part of the Reef Plan Paddock to Reef Integrated Monitoring, Modelling and Reporting Program supported through Reef Plan and Reef Rescue initiatives. This report details the sampling that has taken place under the Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program: Terrestrial discharge into the Great Barrier Reef for the 2012/13 sampling year.Report No. 15/5

    Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae, <i>Sphaenorhynchus botocudo</i> Caramaschi, Almeida and Gasparini, 2009: First state record and first record out of the type locality

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    This study presents the first record of the recently-described Lime Treefrog Sphaenorhynchus botocudoCaramaschi, Almeida, and Gasparini, 2009 in the state of Bahia, and the first record out of its type locality

    Electrodynamic Radiation Reaction and General Relativity

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    We argue that the well-known problem of the instabilities associated with the self-forces (radiation reaction forces) in classical electrodynamics are possibly stabilized by the introduction of gravitational forces via general relativity

    Cdk Activity Couples Epigenetic Centromere Inheritance to Cell Cycle Progression

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    Centromeres form the site of chromosome attachment to microtubules during mitosis. Identity of these loci is maintained epigenetically by nucleosomes containing the histone H3 variant CENP-A. Propagation of CENP-A chromatin is uncoupled from DNA replication initiating only during mitotic exit. We now demonstrate that inhibition of Cdk1 and Cdk2 activities is sufficient to trigger CENP-A assembly throughout the cell cycle in a manner dependent on the canonical CENP-A assembly machinery. We further show that the key CENP-A assembly factor Mis18BP1(HsKNL2) is phosphorylated in a cell cycle-dependent manner that controls its centromere localization during mitotic exit. These results strongly support a model in which the CENP-A assembly machinery is poised for activation throughout the cell cycle but kept in an inactive noncentromeric state by Cdk activity during S, G2, and M phases. Alleviation of this inhibition in G1 phase ensures tight coupling between DNA replication, cell division, and subsequent centromere maturation.FCT doctoral fellowship: (SFRH/BD/33219/2007); FCT grant: (BIA-BCM/100557/2008); Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian; European Commission FP7 programme; EMBO installation grant


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    A importância dos praguicidas como agente causal de intoxicações e óbitos é evidenciada pelo número de ocorrências registradas. No Brasil ocupam a terceira posição dentre os agentes responsáveis pelas intoxicações agudas. Foi realizado levantamento no Centro de Informações Toxicológicas do Paraná (CIT) e no Instituto Médico Legal do Paraná (IML-PR) das intoxicações por praguicidas no período de 10/2000 a 08/2003. Neste período o CIT recebeu 1904 notificações de intoxicações e 224 intoxicações com óbito, enquanto que o IML registrou 120 óbitos provocados por praguicidas. Nos registros do IML, foram identificadas várias classes de praguicidas, havendo incidência de carbamatos na ordem de 39,2% e entre eles o aldicarb, conhecido popularmente como chumbinho. Os resultados confirmam a situação crítica quanto ao uso inadequado de praguicidas no Estado do Paraná, indicando a necessidade de orientação ao consumidor e adequada vigilância sanitária quanto ao uso e comercialização dos mesmos. INCIDENCE OF PESTICIDE POISONING IN PARANA STATE Abstract The importance of the pesticide as causal agent of intoxication and deaths is clearly shown by the number of registered cases. In Brazyl the pesticide are the third more important group of substances responsible for acute intoxication. A search for pesticide poisoning was made in the Parana States Poisoning Information Center and in the Institute for Legal Medicine from October, 2000 through August, 2003. In this period the Poisoning Information Center received 1,904 poisoning notifications and 224 poisoning cases with death. In the same period, the Institute for Legal Medicine recorded 120 deaths caused by pesticides. In the Institute for Legal Medicines file records it was found that the carbamates pesticides contributed with 39,2% of those fatal cases, being the Aldicarb (popularly known in Brazil as bullets) the main toxicological agent. The situation in Parana State is a critical one if it is taken into consideration that the use of pesticides by the population at large is made in a indiscriminate way and without the appropriate vigilance by the sanitary authorities

    Effects of different dosages of caffeine administration on wrestling performance during a simulated tournament

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of different forms of caffeine administration on physical performance during a simulated wrestling tournament. In a double-blind and randomized experiment, twelve male freestyle wrestlers competed in a simulated wrestling tournament (5 wrestling matches consisting of 2×3-min wrestling rounds) following the ingestion of: a placebo, a high-dose of caffeine (10 mg/kg), a moderate-dose caffeine (4 mg/kg), a repeated-dose caffeine (2 mg/kg before each match to a total of 10 mg/kg) or a selective caffeine administration based on performance decrement previously measured (6.16±1.58 mg/kg). The Pittsburgh Wrestling Performance Test (PWPT) was measured before each match to assess physical performance. In comparison to the placebo, the high dose of caffeine only reduced PWPT time before the first match (56.8±2.0 vs. 52.9±1.8 s; p < 0.05). The moderate dose of caffeine did not affect PWPT performance during the tournament. Both, the repeated dose and the selective administration of caffeine reduced PWPT time with respect to the placebo in the third (66.7±1.8 vs. ~63.1±1.4 s; p < 0.05) and fourth matches (72.3±2.4 vs. ~65.9±1.3 s; p < 0.05). However, only the selective dose of caffeine reduced PWPT time before the fifth match (62.7±3.0 vs. 56.3±2.0; p < 0.05). The dosage and administration of caffeine affect the ergogenic effects obtained following the ingestion of this substance. An individualized protocol to provide caffeine when physical performance is expected to be reduced might improve wrestling performance during the latter stages of a tournament

    Stationary Cylindrical Anisotropic Fluid

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    We present the whole set of equations with regularity and matching conditions required for the description of physically meaningful stationary cylindrically symmmetric distributions of matter, smoothly matched to Lewis vacuum spacetime. A specific example is given. The electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor are calculated, and it is shown that purely electric solutions are necessarily static. Then, it is shown that no conformally flat stationary cylindrical fluid exits, satisfying regularity and matching conditions.Comment: 17 pages Latex. To appear in Gen.Rel.Gra